1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF K 1 )ef Mqmtional SllNMfSOIOOl Lesson 'By . O. SULLRRS, Acting Director or Sunday School Course.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 27 Jesus, the world's savior and KINQ. (Review.) nEADINQ LB8SON-II Cor. 6:tl-2t, GOI.DKN TKXT-Fur bo It from me to Rlory, suvo In tho cross of our Iord Jrsus Chrlst-OnJ. C:M It. V. With the exception of tho temper lance lesson, all tho lessons of tho quar jtor havo to do with tho death and res urrection of our Lord. In tho first "quarter wo considered Jesus no the jrcat Teacher; in tho second, he la presented chiefly as tho Booking Savior; in Uio third, we observed him is ho acted in Judgment upon Israel uid sin; In this last, ho 1b seen In his supremo ofllco as Savior and kins. Tho dng of lovo, ho is also tho world's Savior. Deny him his kingship, retuso to becomo a subject of that kingdom lot which ho Is tho head and wo bring (upon oursclvos tho condemnation of a (righteous Judgment. .This past quar ter particularly reveals him In that final ministry which resulted in tho (Initiation of tho now enterprise- of pro. (claiming his gospel, to tho end that his kingdom shall bo established. Wo phall consider tho lessons under fout neadlngs: 8tory of Love. I. Thoie of Preparation for His Pas. Ion. Theso embrace tho first three lessons. (1) In the first, wo have the beautiful story of tho lovo which anointed him for burial, which he ac cented and immortalized. This was not becauso of tho greatness of tho act, but becauso of tho appreciation of himself and of bis words. (2) Hero wo observe him presiding over and in stitutlng that lasting momorlai, tho symbolic feast, wherein tho old passes away nnd tho now dispensation Is ushered In. (3) In the third lesson we viow" with nwo tho agony of tho gar den wherein ho dedicated himself ta tho coming suffering, "Not as I will, but as thou wilt" absolute surrender and delight in tho Father's will. II. Thoso That Preceded Hie Pas sion. Theso next fivo lessons lead us through thoso dark shadows, yea, through a darkness which is yet unfathomable- and which ended in the total darkness of Calvary. (4) In this lesson Judas is presented, tho Incarna tion of ovil, and tho agent of Satan, who betrayed his Lord and "Friend" by a kiss. Hero we see tho utter ruin of a soul which choso private ambition instead of fellowship with Jesus. (5) This is a presentation of the greatest nnd most appalling travesty of justice tho world has ovor seen. Humanity never descended to any lower depths, jet ho is sercno, calm, dignified and strong. (6) The Temperanco Lesson. (7) This lesson considers tho heart breaking rashness of Peter. (8) This Is tho story of tho ignoble falluro of a weak, vacillating, time-server. Story of the Cross. III. His Passion. (9) This brings us to tho story of the cross itself, as considered in this Boquenco of lessons. Beforo that awe-lnsplrlng, wonder creating ovent wo stand with bured head. Hero sin was unmasked and did its utmost. Her also wo behold graco unveiled and active. IV. The Post-Passion Lessons. Wo aro now in a now atmosphere and light, a now glory Is to bo seen. (10) In this lesson wo behold tho cmply tomb, for "Ho could not bo holden of death." Wo slrnro with them tho glori ous, tho Joyful consciousness that ho whom wo havo just Been die in Ig nominy and sbamo and suffering is now alive and "over llveth" to bo our advocate and over-present friend. This is a glorious fact, that of tho literal, bodily resurrection of Christ from among the dead. Hallelujah! (11) In lesson eleven this samo thought is again emphasized and with tho sugges tion of its accompanying obligation, in that "wo aro witnesses of theso things." In "Tarbell'8 Teachers' Guide" Is a good suggestion for revlow Sunday, viz., that a series of elliptical phrases be written upon a board or chart, that will fix tho chief Idea or servo to re call tho lessons, as follows: (1) Lot her alono ... (2) For ye havo tho poor ... (3) Whero soovor this gospol shall be preached ... (4) Verily I say unto you, Ono . . . (C) For the Son of Man gooth ... (6) This is my blood ... (7) Toko ye . . . (8) My eoul is . . . (0) Father, all things . . (10) Watch and . . . (11) My God, my . . . (12 Why seek ye . . . (13) Yo shall bo my . . . Theso phrases may be written upon cards or slips of paper and distributed to classes or individuals, the entire ' sentence to bo recited when called for. It would also be well to make men tion of tho two yeare' work in tho (Synoptic Gospels. Define what the igospol is (I Cor. 15:1-4), what the word synoptic moans, and wherein , theso Gospels dlffor from tho Fourth Gospel. Drill the school In giving book and 'chapter of the following: Tho Lord's Prayer, tho parablo of tho good Samar itan, tho mustard seed, the leaven, 'tho prodigal son, tho great command jment, the last supper, Gethsemane, tho trial of Jesus, the crucifixion, the ' resurrection, the treat commission the ascension. . GUARDING B-iSP'''--' i fifW ..in I i l ,,,tmiiri0tft1mttmrt gfcn' SW fc" " V. fm TfaVw..,. L -'' wimm i iin...rt.Wwmttit ' nxwKWmi ISW'-w'S--""'TpJBg---"'ilr 9JL .Wi MeVH - rr i . in.. . i iiiiiiiiiiiliHiiiiiHHHlBHiiiiiiiiiiiiBQilKr?-s &s 'nn. I aBBBBISBIBBIBBBBBBBBHHiiaT'4tt(KTw!vw K-T i.. Jtakt I .JBiiiiiiiiiiBBB.iBP,,5''' 'i" jhELj"-, -. ' ajj"" - j aaaaMaiaaH-aaaH-a-aaMBJBJBJHCr. . -. - AJF" '' 'krkMqHHMMiMMBIBjBjBHBHBlBBBH At tho frontier Btntlons and ulong pedestrian, vehicular and boat tralllc. rATATlTTATAVATATXVATATXT A " V r- , -d-M(J.i .I.,., .. .ij-ii i i.-T-t.rn inn " Tlie Cicrmun battlusliip Von dor Tunn, whlcli Is said to liavo nroken through the blockudu eHtublished In tho North sea by tho British ileot, and Btnrted across tlie Atlantic to Join tho cruiser Karlsruhe. HELPING THE BELGIANS NV t i.4sA' Miss Mary Cnnfleld, a society girl )f New York, wrapping up goods In 'Little Uelglum," a novelty shop es tablished on Fifth avenue for tho pur pose or raising funds for tho destituto Belgians. FRITZ KREISLER O- 7 9 I " I .'; ijt, ,' "'- V,' Fritz Krelslcr, the fumoua violinist nho served In tho Austrian army sarly In tho war nnd, having boon wounded, has come to Amorlca. Encouragement. "I haven't had much chanco to talk o my constituents." "And you nro worried?"' "I don't know, whethor to worry or not. 1 havo Just received a totter from a friend, who tays my silence uiuv lie u crcat help to mc."--i',rv' i. ..... - . V. M - J . AU- V. ' is i rr f t i Y " i i i li i f" K Tf' THE NEUTRALITY OF 4in w,l ,,'- "i.' the Scheldt the Dutch authorities uro Such scenes as hero pictured nro of - ZZL v J- GERMAN BATTLESHIP BREAKS THE GERMAN SYMPATHY FOR BELGIANS , j&V mCMnM.' Bk. KffV ,hH KWlaWaLaaMK fa',''TaaaBaW L Two little llelgiun wur wnlfB, orpluined uud homeless, being fed by two sympathetic wairlors of the German army at un outpost near Antwerp. ONE OF JAPAN'S WARSHIPS fJWi '' " " t i V " i h .' . . . wt&ski, -1 ' ' nsvjWM--. . . y' -mw. f . ,'- - lllllga! ..,3 WK , $K$Saw &fir"- iiV V sk&F t fT TrH,v&. if ' 5 "' 1 TIiIh iu tho .lupuuusu buttleshlp illzun, onu of tho best In tho mlluuioH navy, which, ltli olliora, iu bearchlng lor Ueinian cruisers that havo been destroying mm chant Hlilps In tho l'acflc, Tho Hlzon carries four 12-Inch guns, VI six-Inch guns, 20 thiee-pounders nnd six onu-poundurs, besides threo torpedo tubes. HOLLAND exuiciHiug a ery strict guard ovor nil everyday occurrence BLOCKADE , ,.il4Lfe m HUNTER SHOOTS A DEER WITH OPIUM Adirondack Guide Puts Big Buck to Sleep and Captures It Alive. Homo, N. Y. An Adirondack guldo dropped Into lloonvlllo, north of this city, tho other day to lay In his wlntor Biipply of provisions, traps, ammuni tion and clothing, nnd told of hla in genious capture, allvo, of a big buck. A ninn who owns a largo deer park In tho southern part of tho Adiron dack had scon an unusually largo buck that ho was very anxious to so ctiro for his preserve, nnd ho offorod $100 for It, allvo and crated, ready for RhipnicnL All tho guides In that sec- Sent Contents of Both Barrels Into Its Side. tion knew of tho big door and made ef forts to get It alive John llenhnm went to tho nearest vlllago and had tho druggist make BOino pellets of gluo, Hour, pasto and opium a trlflo larger than buckshot Then ho loaded sovoral shells with them. Tho next time ho saw tho big buck on tho runwny ho sent tho contonts of both barrels Into Its sldo. It ran and ho followed it, coming up to it about two hours later. Tho buck was in n clump of evergreens fast asleep. As soon as tho hardened mixture so heavily loaded with opium entered tho deer's body it had begun to dlBsolvo, and soon tho animal was overcome by sleep. Benham said tho deer had run in a circle and was only a few rods from bis camp when it dropped asleep. It was carried to camp and boxed for shipment, tho antlers and hoofs bolng tied to tho sides and bottom of tho crate. When tho buck nwoko It waB well on Its way to tho privato park. Benham got a check for $100 the next day. SAVED FROM LIVING TOMB Held for Forty-Eight Hours In Quick sand Barrel Is Improvised Diver's Helmet Ware, Mass. After 48 hours' im prisonment In quicksand, 25 foot below tho surfaco of.tho earth, Maurlco Allen was rescued by a gang of GO firemen, policemen and citizens, who had dug a ditch 50 feet long and 30 feet deep to reach him. Allon was conscious when rescued, but very weak. He said ho bad been unable to help himself, as his feet wore held firmly by a piece of plank ing. A bit nnd saw, which were low erod to him, enabled him to work ono of his feet freo, but anothor cave-in burled the tools and left him as help less as before. An improvised diver's helmet made from a barrel was lowered Into tho nolo Just after midnight and Allen was supplied with air by a pump. AUTO RUNS OVER BLACK BEAR Bruin, Amazed at New Kind of Enemy) Breaks Speed Records Getting Away From There. Lowlston, Pa. William Boyer nnd Willis RIdon, whllo taking a spin In an auto on Stato roafl, In tho Lowlston Narrows, ran across a black bear that was ambling across tho road Just as they shot around a sharp turn at Ryan's camp. Bruin promptly gathered himself to gether and cut the dust for the tall timber, and' tho boys hurrlod here to tell their Btory. Moro than ono hundred hunters took tho trail with guns, hunters' liconsos and visions of bear Btoak for tho fam ily menu. COW ON TRESTLE HALTS ALL Falls Between Sills and Owner Cau tions the Trackmen to Handle Her Carefully. Hozloton, To. Transportation on the Jeddo branch of the Hazloton & 'Mahanoy division of tho Lehigh rail road was tied up for half a day Dy a cow which In ralklng across tho tres tlo near Drlfton fell down between the sills. Hor ownor would 'not pormlt her to jbo handled roughly and tho railroaders oad thoir hands fuU to got hor out m IS ME IN ILL Pennsylvania Farmer Imprisoned Under Arch of Tons of Earth and Stone. DIRECTS OWN RESCUE Strain of Spending 18 Hours Under 31 Feet of. Fallen Wall Prove Too Great for Chapman and His Heart Falls. Whcatshcaf, Pa. Imprisonment fta 18 hours under tonB of earth In an old 32-foot well bo sorlously affected Wil liam Chapman of Whcatshcaf that he died a few minutes beforo ho was dug out, after directing tho efforts of res cuers for several hours. Physicians worked for an hour with a pulmotor nnd oxygen, but failed to revlvo Mr. Chapman. It is believed his heart failed when ho felt tho hand of tho first rescuer to reach him and that death followed Instantly. Mr. Chapman wan a farmer and wau also employed aa onglneer in the workings of tho Ponn Sand & Gravel company of Tullytown. Ho was a sturdy man of middle ngo, In excellent health. Well Caves In. Because of recent rains, Mr. Chap man was unable to work in tho Ponn quarries and determined to make some repairs in the well on the farm ho had ronted. Ho was descending tho slip pery wall whon two largo stones slipped from thoir places in tho wall of tho well and precipitated him to tho bottom, following which tho sides caved in on him. Mrs. Chapman, who was In tho houso, hoard the crash and rushed to the well. It is believed that whon tho wall of tho we'.l collapsed tho stones formed an arch, thus saving Mr. Chapman from lnstnnt death. 'In his narrow prison ho obtained air through crovicos In tho rocks and was ablo to mako such Bounds that his rolatlvos and friends know ho was allvo. Men Worked Frantically for Hours. For 18 hours men worked in relays of four hours each removing earth and stones from tho well.' Sovoral times Precipitated Htm to the Bottom. they were driven from their task by cave-ins caused by heavy rains. Finally they were within a few foot of Mr. Chapman. Ho directed their efforts, took nourishment through a tubo, spoke words of comfort to his wife and appeared to be both rational and sound. Soon tho workmen reached the lust layor of stone. Some worked at the stone whllo others ellpped their bands through crovlccB and supported Chap man. Even then ho appeared to be ablo to help himself, but when the last rocks were removed and Chapman was taken from the well he was doad, having succumbed just as assurances of safety reached him. HAIR CUT OFF AS SHE SLEPT Girl Awakes to Find Her Tresses, that Family's Pride, Gone Act of Revenge. Orange, N. J. When Mary Carnova, tho thirteen-year-old daughter of An tonio Carnova of 12 Forest street, Orango, awoko ono morning recently she found that hor long black hair, which was of exceptional beauty and Jho pride of the family, had been cut' off. She did not know how or when pho had been despoiled. The police arrested Polo Crlpsy, aged firty-one, a boarder at the Car- fiova homo, but Carnova would not be love Crlpsy was guilty, and the charge against him wsb dismissed. Chief of Police Drabell believes that tho hair was cut off for revengo by feomo enemy of the girl's father. Wife Killed Babies and Herself. Thayer, Kan. Mrs. Leo Moore, who had been deserted by her hus pand,, killed her two small children and then committed suicide. The bodies of all three were found in a BURIED , v l Ul 11 . .itl i ;?ji 'it m m $j5i$WWHiasH tMOH'MKBWuravuxtt'