TtttSTimw W RED OLOUD, NEBRAIKA, CHIEF 3 1 H CONGRESS LONQE8T 8E8SION EVER HELD COMES TO END. WAR REVENUE LAW IN FORCE Government Preparing to Collect War v Revenue Tax Cornhuskers Vic torious Over Michigan Agglea 24 to 0. WfMcrn Nanspnpcr Union News Service. Washington. After nearly nineteen monthi) of continuous session, the iongest over known, tho sixty-third congress adjourned Its second ses sion Saturday after tho collapso of prolonged efforts to procuro cotton groworu relief legislation. Leaders In this movement ugrced to adjourn, liowovor, only on tho condition that ponding cotton relief measures would anvo tho right of way when congress reconvenes December 7. Not more than fifty membora of tho houso and less than a quorum of tho sonato woro In nttendnnco whon the gavels fell on adjournment. The end was accomplished through tho' pass ago of a concurrent resolution end ing tho session nt 4 o'clock In the nftcrnoou, but the clocks wcro turned ahead, actual adjournment of tho houso occurring at 3:22 and tho son ato at 3:27. Michigan Loses to Nebraska 24 to 0. Lincoln, Nob. Tho Cornhuskers were Invlnclblo Saturday and, In a gruelling gridiron combat on Nebras ka field, smothered tho powerful Mich igan Aggies 24 to 0. Six thousand en thusiasts woro In tho stands and wit nessed a contest which, for thrilling situations and spectacular achieve ment, seldom hns beon equaled in the annals of tho gamo In tho Nebraska camp. Tho Agglos played tho game with stunning aggressiveness and rare courage, but they wore soundly beaten by a superior foo. WAR REVENUE LAW IN FORCE. No Time Lost by Government In Pre paring to Collect. Washington. No tlmo was lost by (ho government In preparing to collect the taxes Imposed under the war rev enue law. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Osborno Bent tho following telegram to all collectors. "Doglnnlng with Friday tax accrues tm all wlno sold, 2 cents a quart on still wines; 20 cents a quart on cham pagne; other sparkling nnd artificially carbonated wines, G cents a quart on liquors, cordials nnd similar com pounds, nnd proportionate rates for thor quantities. Until stnmps nro furnished, liquor dealers who soil to consumers to keep account of sales on nnd after this dato.". Suppressed Revolutionary Outbreak. Lisbon, Portugal. A revolutionary outbreak In tho cities of Drnganzn and Mafra, under tho leadership of Adrl ano Beca, a former colonel, hns ben phomptly put down, according to an official announcement Been has been arrested. A bnnd of revolutionaries from Mafra nro being pursued by the troops. Beyond tho cutting of tole grnph wires and tho stopping of trains, nothing scorns to have beon accom plished. Father of Twenty.flve. Washington. President Wilson has Congratulated J. F. Duckworth, a North Carolina mountaineer, on hav ing been tho father of twenty-five chil dren and having voted tho democratic ticket for sixty-five years. Mr. Duck worth, who had never seen a presi dent before, was introduced by Sena tor Overman. Ho told tho president ho bad nineteen domocratlo votes in Ills family. To Colonize Pacific Coast. San Francisco, Cai. Belgian colo nization on tho Pacific coast, probably under stato aid will bo attempted by bankers, capitalists, railroad mag nates and merchants who formed themselves into n committee here to that ond. Tho mooting was under the auspIccB of tho California de velopment board. Are Eating Horseflesh. Vienna. Demands of tho army" for cattle nro so groat in Budapest that the consumption of horse flesh is rap idly increasing, whllo tho number of boof animals slaughtered has moro than triplod. A dispatch states that the force of laborers nt tho stock yards Is so depleted that cattlo often go-unwatered from thrco to five days and many dlo In tho pens. Since the beginning of tho war 85,000 cattlo bare been killed in Budnpost, as com .pared with 25,000 for tho samo period in 1913. Berlin. Immediately nftor the ro rival of tho Iron Cross at tho begin ning of tho wnr, not loss than 150,000 of theso decorations wcro ordored, and about 40,000 of thorn hnve already been conforred. A Borlln firm, which makes a specialty of manufacturing orders, keeps twenty men omployod all tho time making theso crosson. They nro mado of cast iron, lacquered In black nnd bordorcd with silver; the first class, in addition to this, has ijho revorso sido in silver. Tho Iron Cross was Instituted in 181 a. during the Napoleonic wars. HAMPERING THE GERMAN OPERATIONS This Is tho way tho Belgians destroyed the railway which was the Qer man lino of communication between tho army in Franco and Brussels. 10R0US ATTACK ON GERMAN LINES WITHOUT RESULT Allies Admit the Invaders Have Gained Ground During the Recent Battles. BRITISH WARSHIPS IN FIGHT. Effective Aid to the Allies' Land Forces Dykee of the Yier Cut and Country Inundated Portugal Joint Coalition Against Kaiser Invasion of England Planned General News of the War. Copenhagen, Oct. 24. Dispatches recolvod hero from Berlin say It is rumored there that tho German at tack on Belfort Is euccoedlng nnd that tho southern forts hnvo surrendered. Paris, Oct. 24. Tho French today recaptured Altklrch, upper Alsace, at tho point of tho bayonet. (Altklrch hns been taken and ro taken several times by tho opposing forces slnco tho war began. Tho last report said tho French wero in pos session. Apparently tho Germans hnve held tho city for some tltno without making tho fact known nnd the fore going (lit) patch Indicates a new victory for tho French.) Allies Yield Ground. On tho Battle Front, via The Hague, Oct. 24. Tho allies' vigorous attack on tho German lines beforo Lillo has failed. The French nnd Brit Ish nro being driven fltondlly to tho westward. , Tho principal gnlns of tho Germans during tho day wero mado in tho vi cinity off Ln Bnsseo. Tho Germans made a Bortio und fell on tho allies' lines, which rotired in somo confu sion. Tho Germans' gain at La 3aBseo was greater than at any other portion of tho line, but tho day saw largo acces sions to tho torrltory occupied by tho Teuton armies all nlong tho battle front. Two French Forts Taken. Tho Gorman attack on Belfort, by which routo it is hoped to hurl tho katsor's urmics again toward Paris, is proceeding. Two French forts to the south of tho main fortress have capitu lated to tho Germans, tho garrisonH withdrawing to tho greater stronghold. Tho development nt Belfort, coming closo upon successful operations at Verdun nnd tho holding of St. Mlhlol agnlnst tromendous odds, Is boltoved hero to presngo tho final breaking of the republic's lino of defenses. French gunnors destroyed threo German battories in an artillery en gagement of hugo proportions north of tho Atsno. Tho French army has captured Alt klrch, Uppor Alsaco, at tho point 'of tho bayonet. Tho ferocity of tho encounters whero tho British and French have como In contact with tho invndors around Aims (La Bnsseo and Armen tiercs), incident to tho allied nrmles' advanco upon Lillo, Is unpnrullclod In tho history of wnr. Tho carnago has bocn frightful, French Retreat Admitted, Tho not rosult of tho day'n lighting In this region has been gains nt coi sldorablo cost for tho allies nt points to Uio east of Armontiores, whllo nbout La Bnsseo tho French nnd British hnvo boon forced to rotrcnt ut somo placos in tho fnco of tho despcrnto uosnults directed by tho Germans. Tho gains by ono side have been offset by thoso,of tho other and the effect on tho situation has boon insignificant Belgians on Offensive. Tho Germans, heavily supported by their mammoth howitzers, are still on tho offensive against tho Belgians, led by their, king and supported by French troops, with British and French wnr vessels on tho sea, and British moni tors in tho canals, lending tho aid of their long range gun fire, whllo air scouts direct their range. Tho battlo has resolved itself Into a duel of big guns. Tho allies, by reason of their long range guns, have had tho advantage up to now. Although pushed back at several points, tho kaiser's forces appear to bo holding their line between the sea and La Bassee, tho etxent of the front In this distinct engagoment. German Point of View. Washington, Oct. 24. Tho Gorman embassy announced receipt of the fol lowing ofTlclal wireless from Berlin: "Official headquarters report of Oc tober 22 nays lighting on tho Yser canal is continuing, that eleven Brit ish war vessels are supporting the hos tile artillery, and that the enemy was repulsed east of Dlxmunde. Our troops also have successfully advanced In tho direction of Ypres. "Tliero is stubborn fighting west and northwest of Lille. The enemy slowly retreated nlong the whole front. The fierce attacks from tho di rection of Toul ngnlnst tho helghtB south of Thlnucourt wero repulsed un der heaviest losses for tho French." Holland Hears of Alliea'virtnru Kottenlnm, Oct. 23. Tho Intensity of the fighting In Belgium is so great that tho peoplo In Holland can hear distinctly the nolso of it. Flushing contlnunlly heard tho thunder of guns nnd tho windows there rattled with tho concussion. Tho Amstordnm Nieuwo Van don Dag reports that tho burgomaster of Wenduyno hns telegraphed tho fol lowing: ' "Tho victory Is to tho allies. Thoy havo tnken a largo number or pris oners between Chalons and Longwy and havo captured 300 guns and 31 tlacs." Uofugeo3 from Ostend say that westcnuo is being bombarded nnd that many trains filled with wounded nro coming into Bruges. Tho correspondent of the Nieuwo Rotterdamscho Courant at Ghent snya that big troop movements aro taking place. Tho German staff left the town Wednesday for either Wetterln or Grnmmont. It is seml-offlclally reported in Pe trograd that the number of German troops sent to tho Eastern and West ern theaters of tho war since tho mid dle of September Is 1,000,000. On tho western Belglnn coast there is being fought n battlo which, for display of advanco military and naval Bclenco, for spectncular effect, for ferocity of action nnd nppallng losses, Is a realization of the most fantastic drenm plcturo of tho "war of tho futuro" over put on paper or canvas. Tho Germans, heavily ro-enforced by fresh land troops nnd by a naval brigade of 10,000 men, havo extended their baso from Ostend to Mnrla klrko nnd Mlddloklrke, halfway be tweon Ostend nnd Nleuport, and from thoso positions aro shelling tho Bel gian lino, which extends from Nleu port Bouth nlong tho River Yser, a dlBtnnco of 18 miles, with their left flank resting on tho conBt. Tho Belgians nro bolng aided by tho French land forces, tho British, wnrshlps on tho sea and tho British monitors and smnll gunboats in tho cannls nnd rivers. When not directing tho flro of their hugo 17-Inch guns agnlnst tho Belglnn position, tho Germans aro replying to tho cannonading of tho British dread nuughts, which added their strength to tho British fleet. The flro or tho British guns is di rected and corrected constantly by ob servers. Tho flying machines circle low about tho German position, risk ing death nt overy swoop, in ordor to bo within effective- observation dlB tnnqp. Gorman submarines, with deadly torpedoes charged for their destrue- tlvo thrust resting rendy in their tubes, nro constantly menacing tho hulls of the great fighting ships. Tho dykes of the Yser havo been cut and the banks for considerable distances havo been flooded: while stretching away in the direction of tho attacking German front at high tide, tho laiyj Is so inundated as ef fectively to precludo tho possibility of any advanco in force. The ferocity of tho three-cornered bombardment continues undiminished. In tho British naval bombardment tho town of Slype, which wns held In forco by tho Germans, was utterly destroyed, and tho houso occupied by the German headquarters tttaff was blown to bits. One of the British balloontsts, whllo signaling tho range to the ships, was killed by tho flro from tho Gorman guns. A wireless dispatch from Berlin clnlms that tho German artillery dis abled ono of the British destroyers. PLAN INVASION OF ENGLAND. Tho Hague, Oct. 21. Germany, ac cording to Information received here from Berlin, is preparing to deal Great Britain a decisive blow. Tho scheme is to disembark several army corps somewhere In tho south of Eng land, while the grand licet Is occu pied with fighting the Genu an licet in tho North sea. German experts believe the plan will bo entirely successful. According to this information, as soon as tho Inst resistance of tho Bel gian army is disposed of there will bo u great movement of landsturm troops from central Germany to Os tend and Zccbrugge, whero they will await an opportunity to cross to the English shoro and mnrch on London, whero Zeppelina and Taubcs will have caused havoc and demoralized the population. Plant Great Sea Fight While this is taking placo Admiral von Ingenohl's fleot, now confined at WilhelmBhaven, will steam out into tho North sea for tho great light Theso Gorman calculations rest on tho hypothesis that the south coast of England will bo left absolutely with out protection, all of Admiral Sir John Jelllcoo's ships being engaged in tho great North sea battle. The German newspapers, by way of preparing public opinion for this great stroke, publish extravagant dispatches dilating on British nervousness and tho fear of unavoidable destruction by Germany. Germane Are Impatient. Tho German fleot is described as awaiting with passionate impatience tho moment when it can make a dash at tho enemy. Prince Henry of Prussia is actively engaged, it 1b an nounced, in the work of inspecting the fleet, and ho Is continually keeping tho men on tho run by surprise calls. Tho prince Is reported to bo in Bel glum to take command of tho general operations against England. On theso operations, by meaua of which tho wnr will speedily bo brought to an end, tho public opinion of Germany is now focused. Should thoy fall, tho disappointment engen dered may havo incalculable conse quences. PORTUGAL JOINS WAR. Now York, Oct. 22. Lisbon news papers of October C and 7, received at tho Portuguese consulate today, as sert that moro than twenty-flvo thou sand Portuguese troops aro aiding tho French and British forces in tho bat tlo lino in Belgium and France. Tho position of the troopu Is kept from tho papers by tho censorship. RUS8 WIN OVER GERMANS. . London, Oct 24. Tho Russians are reported In dispatches from Petrograd to havo taken Przemysl and turned tho Germans and Austrlans back In dis orderly rout in tho ten-day battle which has been raging along tho line of the Vistula, with 5,000,000 men engaged. Tho German army alone Is said to have lost 200,000 men in tho fighting in Poland. Tho report of tho capture of Przemysl has not been confirmed. Tho Austrian army also has won successes against tho Russians who Invaded tho crown land of Bukowina, according to a statement by tho gen eral staff given out in Vienna, which says Czernowlcz, capital of Bukowina, lias been retaken by tho Austrlans. BELGIAN AMBULANCE Petrograd dispatches fay the plan to capture Warsaw and possess both banks of tho Vistula during the win ter campaign Is snld to have been wrecked, as the retreat of ..he left wing will cause the Teuton forces op erating around Ivangorod and San domlr to retreat also. GENERAL NEWS OF THE WAR German Cruller Emden Continues to Capture and 8lnk British Ships Lille Destroyed. 8lnks and Captures British Shlpe. London, Oct. 22. A Lloyd dlsputch from Cochin says that tho British Bteamer Exford has been captured by tho German cruised Emden off the Malabar coaet Another Lloyd dispatch reports tho sinking of the British Bteamer Chll katno, Trolllles, Benmohr nnd Clan Grant, nB well ns n dredger off tho Colombo coast. Tho German cruiser Emden has to her credit tho sinking of 15 British steamers and tho capture of three other vessels flying the union Jack. Allies Destroy Fort Near Cattaro. Rome, Oct. 22. A Ccttlnjo dispatch to tho MeBsngero says that tho British and French war fleets In tho Adriatic havo destroyed Castelnueve fortress Just outside of the gulf of .Cnttaro and north of the ontranco. Tho Austrian lleet is reported to have tnken refugo In thi- gulf of Cnttaro, having lost n submarine and a torpedo-boat de stroyer. An engagement between Ger man torpedo boats and hoBtile sub marine In tho Baltic near Rugen is lnnd, off the Prussian coast, is report ed from Stockholm. Germans Command Turkish Army. Milan, Oct. 21. The special corre spondent in Constantinople of the Secolo telegraphs that to all Intents nnd purposes Turkey has becomo a German colony. The grand vizier fol lows orders from Berlin. About six hundred German officers havo arrived In Turkey since tho war started and brought Blege guns, Held gunB and am munition with them. Tho German colonel, Weber Pasha, haB taken com mand of the Dardanelles forts and big German guns are being mounted in them. Say Lille It Destroyed. London, Oct. 22. Lille, the principal city of northern France, practically has been destroyed by German can non. The most beautiful building! havo been shot to pieces. Flames have laid waste the principal streets. The detallB of tho bombardment were received from an oyewitnesB by a correspondent of tb Dillv Mall in tho north of France. Germans Lose 11,500 More. Berlin, Oct. 22. A German casualty list issued today contains the names of about 11,500 killed, wounded and missing. Dljet Grants Big War Credit Berlin, Oct. 22. Tho Prussian diet met today and passed war bills, in cluding ono granting a credit of ?375, 000,000. Belgium Being Germanized. London. Oct 24. All Belgium is bo ing "Germanized" ns rapidly as pos sible, says a correspondent. "A fort night ago," says this writer, "hundreds of Belgian postal clcrka went on strike, refusing to work under German regu lations. Hundreds of Oermana nro being Imported to tnko tho places of tho strikers. Tho grounds at tho pal aco of Laeken, ono of tho summer residences of King Albert, have been turned into n camp. Gennnn officers occupied tho king's palace for Beveral dayB." Barges to Invade England. Copenhagen, Oct. 25 (via London). Two shlpyardB nt Kiel tho Ger mania nnd the Howard aro building 30 armored lighters, capable of carry ing 500 men each and traveling nt tho rate of nlno miles nn hour, to proceed to tho River Scheldt should events permit tho lnndlng of German troops on the coast of England. Further more, it Is asserted that threo of these lighters aro completed and already on their way to Scheldt Tho GermanB aro building an airship shod In Schles wig for two largo Zeppelins. Germans Have Enough 8oldlere. Borlln, Oct 24. Tho general In com-mand-.of the Gorman Seventh i army corps, It waa stated officially in Ber lin, has declared that tho calling of the landsturm is unnecessary, as enor mous numbers of tho landwehr aro still available Nor haB it yet been necessary to call out volunteers. CORPS AT THE FRONT FARMER JNSTITUTES CLAIMS LOSS N BLADEN ELE. VATOR FAILURE. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What la Going On Hero and There ' That It of Interest to the Read rt Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Western Newspaper Union New Service. COMING EVENTS Meeting of dolegatca of Men- nonlto church nt Beutrice, Octo- bcr 28. Democratic barbecuo at Hast- ings October 30. Nebraska stuto election, No- vember 3. State association of Nebraska teachers at Omuha, November 4, 5 nnd 0. Coursing events nnd dog races at Tulmnge, November 5, C, nnd 7. Coursing meet at lleatrlco No- vanber 10, ll and 12. Nebraska Manufacturers' nsso- elation annuul meeting nt Omaha, November 18 nnd 10. Central 'Nebraska Poultry asso- elation ut Kcnchuw, November 30 to December 5. Farmers' congress at Omaha, December 8 to 10. ft Beatrice. Preliminary plans havo been made for farmers' Institutes to be held at Beatrice, Union Hall, Vir ginia, Lewlston and Cortland this winter. The program which tho local committee wishes to be adopted at tho Institutes includes discussion of' tho following subjects: Horsee, bIIos, injurious insects, gas engines, labor saving devices, hog cholera, co-operative trading, alfalfa and sweet clover. It will be up to the department of the state university which furnishes in structors for the institutes to decide how much of this program can b given. Farmert Want Wheat or Money. Hastings. Fifty-six Webster county farmers appeared in United States district court hero demanding pay for a total of moro than 40,000 bushels of wheat which they had stored in the Bladon elevator of William Rundborg, now a bankrupt. Thoy allego tbe wheat wns stored with tho under standing they would give shipping orders as soon ns the European war had pushed the price sufficiently high. When Rundberg wont into voluntary bankruptcy thoy called to see nbout the sale of their wheat. Thoy allege there remained but 15,000 bushels. Almost Human Intelligence. Omaha. "Whlttey." a big gray white tomcat belonging to Mrs. W. R. Hunter, Thirtieth nnd Ames avenue, was found dead in tho oven of the gas stoVo with gas pouring from nn open burner. According to Mrs. Hunter, tho big cat climbed Into tho oven, Inten tionally turned the vnlvo with his padded paw and lay down to await death. He was seven years? old. Will Visit State Farm. Beatrice. Novomber C Is Gago, county day at the state farm and Farm Demonstrator Llcbers Is making plan'B to havo n largo representation from Gago county ut the farm on that "date. About four hundred residents of this county visited tho state collcgo last year. Death of Octogenarian, Auburn. William F. Paris, 89 years old, a resident of this county or fifty-, two years, is dead at his home here.. Ho located -on a farm near Brownvllle-1 whero he resided for thirty-eight years, taking up his residence in Au burn in 1890. Coursing Meet at Beatrice. Beatrice. At tho coursing meot to bo held In this city November 10, 11 and 12, there will bo a C0-dog raco and, a consolation race. Prizes amounting to about 900 will go to tho winning dogs. Tho biennial convention of the De gree of Honor, tho ladies' auxiliary to the A. O. U. W., will meet in Lin coln in 1916, according to the decision of the convention nt Fremont i Cholera and Hessian Fly. Weeping Water. Hog cholera and the Hessian fly aro doing untold dam age in the yards and fields of CasB county farmers. Tho damago that will bo dono by tho pests in tho wheat fields may not be extensive if weather conditions romnln unchanged, enabling the grain 'to maintain a growth that wll overcome the o?qts of tho fly, but It is certain that many of tho fields aro thoroughly Infested, tho volunteer growths and tho early sowings as well. The cholera nmong tho hogs Iiub al ready practically wiped out an uppal ling number of herds, hut most of tho farmers aro now aroused to take steps to check tho disease. Vacclnntlon If dono in timo has proved a success. Body Sent to Medical College, Hastings. Tho body of Charlefc Crawford, tho ox-convict of tho Mis souri pcnltcntlnry who committed sulcldo here, hns been shipped to Lin coln, whero it will bo turned over to a medical collcgo in compliance with the action of the last legislature. immr?7Trrr--rrtw'--v - w v- ""frfc-W 2"221Z!!2ri!! . -,ftw'.gK rszsxssmmmmmmimiS!.?