' rwcMra'tvtmumawmviimuumfminti awiwinwwiwm iwmwiimiwiiui'wi FARMERS' INSTITUTE Red Cloud, Nebraska. November 10-13, 1914 EXKCUTIVE COMMITTEE G. V. Hummel, President. Joe Gurney, Vlcc-Prctitlent. Harry GIHinm, Secretary. J. W. Auld, Treasurer. HOARD OF DIRECTORS Kobt. Dnmerell, Red Cloud. Henry Gllhnm, Red Cloud. Fred Arnold, Iimvnle. F. W. Cowden, Red Cloud. Joe Crow, Red Cloud Township. T. V. White, Garfield. ChnH. Gurney, Jr., Red Cloud. Lyman EshIk, Red Cloud. Ed I'nyne, Cathcrton. C. H. Steward, Line. W. J. Llppcncolt, Garfield. Henry Johnson, Pleasant Hill. Frank Frisble, Lester. J. II. Elllntfer, Lester. LADIES AUXILIARY Irene Miner, Chairman. Gertrude Coon, Supt. Educational Department. Assistants to Ladies Auxiliary Department: - Mrs. Laurn Frisble, Mrs. M. A. Allirlglit, Mrs. G. W. Hummel, Mrs. L. Essl, Mrs. W. J. Llppcncott, MrH. V. A. Sherwood, Mrs. A. Arnold, Mrs. W. II. Thomas, Mrs. Win. Wolfe, Mrs. Lorn Whitnker, Mrs. Alf McCall, Mrs. T. W. White, Mrs. Max Mizer, Miss Mollie Ferris, Miss Ella Stonebrealter. All unlrii'H iimnt tic ninth! hy 1 n. in., November lO, IOM, except bulling, unci that cliHuHiitiKinn. November lttli. All nrllclea entered for competition niimlboliiplaecljyUii.iii., November II 111, except linklnK. All entrlcH shall be m.nle nt Hie Secretary' office nt tbeSlnte Bank except Woninn'H tlepnrlmcnt. Kntry fees lire lnu lit tlma of entry. 1'rcinliiiii list lis publirtlictl will be tttrlctly ndlicreil In. Public School, civic mid Hlock piiriule nt 1! p. in., I'rliluy, lUlli of November. Kntrlcs mny be m:ilo at uny tlmv prior to the opcnlnu date of the Iivitltute. In case of no competition the lai premium will be awarded second money. Premium f-r No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 5 No. 0 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. Hi No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 ' HORSES CLASS A J OK CROW, Supt. .V stall foo of 50c for each unliunl flittered Lot 1. Lot 1 Draft. lat. Lest Btnirou $ C.00 Jli.t'o or folding 1 yearn old or over 3.00 Mnre or gelding :i yourn old or under 4 ;!.00 Maro or fielding 2 yearn old mid under 3 II, 00 Colt 1 year old and under 2 3.00 Colt under 1 year 3 00 Lot 2. Roadster and Coach, same as Draft. Lot 3. Jacks and Mules, same as Draft. Host team farm marcs 3.00 Hunt team geldings 3.00 Dust team mules 3.00 HcHt Shetland ponies 2.00 Best carriage team 3.00 Dust single driver 3.00 Oet of stallion not less than five colts under two ycitra old 10.00 Host ten in farm hornet) to bo shown in harness, to bo judged CO per cent for Individual merit, 40 per cent for appointment and do- . ' portmont 5.00 Heat team mules to he shown In harness, to bo Judged (50 per cent for Individual merit, 40 per cent for appolntmont and deport ment 5.00 2nd. S 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 W No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. No. No. No. No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 i .1 Dull Hull Bull Dull Cow Cow Cow Cow Dest Dest DCBt Dest Dest Dest CATTLE CLASS B LYMAN ESSIG, Supt. A stall foo of 50c per head. Lot 1. Beef Breeds. 1st. 2nd. 3 yenrs old and over $ 3.00 $ 2.00 2 years old and under 3 3.00 2.00 1 year old and under 2 3.00 2.00 unilor 1 year 2.00 2.00 3 years old and ovor 3.00 2.00 2 years old and under 3 3.00 2.00 1 year old and tinder 2 3.00 2.00 under 1 yenr old 3 00 2.00 Lot 2. Dairy Breeds, same as Beef Breeds. bull, any age, beef breed 2.00 cow, any ago, beef breed 2.00 in mdse. herd, beef breed, 1 bull and 3 females.... 2.00 bull, nny ago, dairy breed 2.00 cow. any ago, dairy breed 2.00 in mdae. herd, dairy breed, 1 bull and 3 fomnlcs... 2.00 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 0 No. 7 No. 10 No, 20 No. 21 No. 22 . HOGS CLASS C. L. P. JOHNSON, Supt. Pen fee of 50c for each pen. Lot 1. Poland Chinas. 1st. Best boar, 2 years old and ovor $ 2.00 DfBt hoar, 1 year old and under 2 2.00 Host hoar over (! months and under 1 year 2.00 Heat hoar under tl months 2.00 Best bow 2 years old and over 2.00 Host sow ovor 0 months and under 1 year 2.00 Dest sow under 0 months 2.00 Lot 2. Duroc Jerseys, same as Poland Chinas. Lot 3. Berkshircs, same as Poland Chinas. Host boar, tiny ngo or brood 2 00 Dest sow, nny ago or brood 2.00 Best pair, any age or brood 2 00 Dost sow nml litter of not less than live pigs under 4 months old 2.00 2nd. $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 in melee. in indue. in milrtc. 1.00 FIFTH ANNUAL POULTRY SHOW OF WEBSTER COUNTY J. O. DUTLUlt, Superintendent. GEORGE THINK, HAHltY CRAMER, Committee on Poultry. There will bo two premiums to all standard varieties of poultry, a trio to constitute a pen: Iht, $1.50; 2nd, $.75, Dnntnms, entered In pairs, 1st prize, $1.00; 2ml prlzo, 50c. Cnpons, any breed, 1st, $1.50; 2nd, 75c. Tho following will be entered in pairs, 1st prize, $1.50; 2nd, 75c: Turkoys, Whito. Turkeys, Dronzo or Colored. Ducks, Whito. Ducks, Colored. Geeso, White. Gecso, Colored. Any bird not listed will bo accepted as abovo. Entry foe, 25c per pen. Hogulntlon coops will bo furnished by tho Institute. Entry blanks will ho mailed on application to tho sccrotary on poultry. No charges for blanks, log bands, etc. All entries must ho inndo and birds in show room boforo 1 p. m November 10, 1914, and must not ho removed until 4 p. m. Novorabor 13, 1914. Any bird showing symptoms of dlscaso when recolved or during the exhibition will bo removed at once. In addition to tho abovo premiums, wo will glvo a sweepstako to tho highest scoring tho of pure bred chlcketiB. Swoopstnkes for tho highest scoring malo Whito Wyandotto cockerel. Sweepstakes for tho highest scoring female Barred Plymouth RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Hock cockerel Hub's ol tie mnncu Poultry Association will bo followed. Hiuhest scoring turkey, 1 pair Indian Hunncr ducks. Highest scoring duck, Hhode Island cockerel. FARM PRODUCTS CLASS F. HEN PEGG, Supt. All products must have been grown by tho exhibitor In tho season of 1914. Lot 1. Corn. 1st. Dest 10 ears yellow corn $ 2.00 Host 10 ears white corn 2.00 Host 10 ears red or bloody butcher 2.00 Dest 10 enrs calico 2.00 Dest 1 0 cars, any color 2,00 Dest single car, any color 2.00 Best collection of corn 2.0o Dost lo ears yellow corn raised by boy under 1 6 years old 2 00 Host 10 ears white corn raised by boy under Hi years old Host 10 oars sweet corn Dost 10 cars pop corn Dost peck of wheat Dest peck of oats Dost peck of ryo Ilest peck of Kafllr corn Dest pock enno seed 1,00 Dest pock millet seed 1.00 Host pock of Early Ohio potntoes 2.00 Dest peck of nny other variety 2.00 Dest pock of sweet potatoes 1.00 Dost peck onions ,.. .50 Dost peck turnips 50 Dest peck table beets 50 Dost six pnrsnlps r0 Dest six carrots 50 Dest throe mangle beets 50 Host quart poppers 50 Host quart poppers 50 Dost two pumpkins 50 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 0 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 1 1 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 1 (i No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 2'i No. 27 No. 28 No. 29 No. 30 No. 31 No. 32 No. 33 No. 31 No. 35 No. 30 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2nd. $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 5 Jo No. nest two squashes 50 Dost two cashaws 50 Host collection of apples 3,00 Dest collection tame grasses 1.00 Dest halo wild hay 1.00 Dost halo alfnlfa hay l.oo Host Mtniplo of not loss than three of 1914 cut ting of nlfalfa 1.00 Alfalfa seed 1.00 0 .2 .25 .25 .25 .25 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. To De Held In Turnurc c Hr.lt. RULES. All articles entered must have been made bv exhibitor. 2. Any article having received first premium at Farmers' lust! tuto heretofore cannot ho entered for a premium. 3. Any article tutored In a display cannot be entered for a slnglu premium also. 4. Articles entered for premium may bo told by exhibitor, but cannot bo removed from hall until close ol Institute. 5. Articles entered for premium must bo finished. Every person bring their own spoon to domestic demonstra- Ench broad exhibitor can enter for but one brand of flour! MUS. I.. ESSIG, AIRS. Wll. THOMAS, Superintendents,. Butter. tlons. 7, 1st. .$ 3 00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .30 .75 .75 .75 ;b Dest butter , Bread. Dost graham broad Best corn bread Host Boston brown oread. .' . Best six tniscd biscuit Best cinnamon rolls Cakes and Pies. Host nngel rood cake Best white layer cake Best dark layer cake Best nut loaf cake Best fruit cako 75 Sweepstakes. Best cake .'. Centerpiece Host Jolly roll 50 Best six 'sugar cookies '59 Best six ginger cookies . . '. '.50 Best six fruit cookies '. 50 Best six oatmeal cookies .'. '59 Best six doughnuts '. 59 Best six cream puffs ', jjn Best fruit pie ,'50 Best pumpkin pie .,.', '50 Best mince pio J50 Best any one crust pie .', J60 Dest four cakes In one display 300 Canned Fruit. Best canned pears '50 Bost canned peaches , "59 Best canned cherries , " "59 Dost canned plums ,' j J50 Dest canned strawberries .,,', nn Dest canned raspberries '50 Dest canned apples !!!!!!! .50 Dest canned npricots 59 Dest canned gooseberries '.'.'.'.'. 60 Best canned grapes '.!!!"" 50 Jelly. Best apple jelly 59 Bost crab applo Jelly ' "59 Best plum Jelly '50 Best grapo jolly 59 Best currant Jelly '.'"." 50 Bost cherry jolly 50 Best gooseberry Jelly ";;; ;G0 Best chokecherry jelly 59 , Pickles. Best sour cucumber 59 Best sweet cucumber 59 Bost beet 59 Bost green tomato .'.'.' !.'.'.'.' .' 50 Best watermelon 59 Bost mixed pickles !!'.'.'.!'.'.'.!" '50 Bost peach pickles ',', 59 Bost tomato catsup , .'.'.!'..'. 50 Special on bread, If nny offered by mills.' Needlework. Superintendents, MRS. LIPPINCOTT. MRS. SHERWOOD Dost piece eyolot embroidery r)0 Best piece Ft onch embroidery (59 Best piece punch work 59 Best piece cross stitch r,0 Best piece hardangor ' ' 59 Dost nieco colored embroidery .'. rn Boat piece battonburg r.O Best piece braid laro r0 Best embroidered towel V.q Best embroidered waist ',', 59 Dost Miibrolderod pillow enso '. no 2nd. $2.00 uosc embroidered corset cover nest embroidered apron Boat tatting .50 .50 .50 . , . Knitting. Dost silk knit arttclo no Beht woolen knit article ', rn Host cotton knit nrtlclo r.n Best cotton or llnou knit laco '.'.', fin Bost knit bedspread ; !!!!!!!.'! iso . ... , Crocheting. Bost silk crocheted nrtlclo r.9 Best woolen crocheted nrtlclo r,0 Best cotton crochotcd nrtlclo 59 Bost cotton or llnon crochotcd laco '59 Best crocheted bedspread 59 Bost piece Irish crochot go Bost crochotod bag '.!!.".!"! iso ., . ... . , Sofa Pillows. Best silk pieced co Dest hardangor ' 50 Dest embroidored cotton, silk or wool. ...'.'.'.'. go Dost novelty pillow "59 Articles Made by Ladles Over 70 Years of Age. MISS MOLLIE FEHH1S, Supt. nest plcco eyelet embroidery 75 Dest piece hardangor '.'.!!!'.'.", 75 Dcet pleco drawn work !.'!!".!"."' '75 Dest pleco battonburg 75 Dest pleco tnttlng "!!!!.'!! " 75 Dest crocheted nrtlclo !!!.!!!!.! 75 25 .25 25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 2.00 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .26 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ' .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .60 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 'Hi' )J"J U1 "UVJriilUJ L 'I1HJM . I o iC .73 .75 .75 .75 .75 50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 B i.1 kn't crt'iV' J'.. ;". U.nt Iii.'.U ,.j "f Dest Unit btoel:lng' of leggings Beat log ennir. quilt Oldest quilt, made durlnij exhibitor's lifetime Best nnndmndo article made by lady over eighty Best fancy needlework by lndy ovor eighty GIRLS' DEPARTMENT. MRS. M. T. WHITE, Supt. Girls entering baking must Lo under 1G. Best angel food cal.o Best dark cake Best lislit cake Best cake hy girl under 10 Best cako by ulrl under 12 Best cuks by girl under 14 Best two crust pie Bos.onc crtMt pie Bost M b irl under 12 Bet hand mado garment 59 nest, macnino made garment Bost pin cushion, hand mado Best ploco embroidery Best crocheting Best patched j;..; mutt 59 Bost piece embroidery, girl under 10 50 Best dressed doll, girl under 11 59 Bost free hand sketch 50 ART AND LOAN EXHIBIT. MItS. HUMMEL, Supt. Best piece hand painted china, conventional design, by nny person who lias painted less than two years. $ 1.00 Boat plcco of hand painted china, naturalistic design, by any person who has painted Iles than two vears 1.00 Institute wishes to have a loan exhibit of articles either old or rare or unusual In any way. Special care will bo taken of these articles, and wo hope to have a large display. Discretionary. Any article not listed above mny bo entered in this department and judges will award preip'ttms on merit. A premium of ?5.00 cash will bo paid to tho lady making the larg est number ol entries, Including utiles in the ladles' departments and poultry department. .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 .50 .25 .60 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 ,25 .50 .2.-. .60 .25 .60 .25 .50 .50 Lot 1 Lot Lot 2nd. Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 75 $ .50 75 .50 75 .50 75 .50 75 .50 75 .50 75 .60 75 .50 .50 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. County Contest. GEKTHUUE L. COON, Lender. MHS. ALFRED McCWLL, Supt. of General Work. MRS. MABEL Will FAKER. Supt. of (.tils' Club Work. II. C. I IAN? FN, Supt of Dfiys Club Work. Entry Day, Tuesday, November 10. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Each exhibit shall be marked with tho name, ngo, address, and school district number in thj order kIvui, of tho boy or girl entering tho work. It shall also state the class and Lot for whlc.i tho work Is ontoretl. All work must have boon done since the hint Fanners Ir.stituto. GENEnAL VOP.K CLAC3 A. (Open tu any boy cr girl la the county.) 1st. Best collection cf hand work (four pieces mounted on card board) by any primary pupu in graded tcnooi $ Same, by any pupil In rural school Bost aiticlo ol manual training by any pupil In graded school Same, by any pupil of ruial school Bost piece ot sewing (hand work) by nny pupil in graded school Same, by any pupil In rural school Bost plan ol model farm, showing location of buildings, Holds, etc Bost collection of seeds, labeled Best composition on tho "Repair and Keeping up ot i-MTUi itoads" Note: Get your information from tail nig with people (road over seers, parents, teachers), from bulletins, i. igazinos, etc. Do not give tho information gained In this way in tho vwds of tho persons to whom you have talked nor of the articles you haj read. Express tho ideas you have gained In your own lnnguage. Lot 10 Best composition in booklet form w.th Illustra tions, "How 1 Raised My Garden" Best display of vegetables, raised by boy or girl Dest ten ears of yellow corn, raised .) boy.... Best ten ears of white corn, raised by boy Best twelve potatoes, raised by hoi Note: Girls who wish to make entries t.ot listed here, see entries listed under the Girls' Department. BOYS' CLUB WORK CLASS B. A Club Pin Will Be Given to Each Uo.v Making nn Entry. 1st. Best ten ears of yellow corn ,..$ .75 Dest ten ears white corn 75 Dest ten ears of other than yellow corn 75 CLASS C. Bost twelve potatoes 75 Largest potato 75 CLASS D. Composition In booklet form, with illustrations, "History of My Acre of Corn" 75 Composition in booklet form, with illustrations, "History or aiy uarden" 75 GIRLS' CLUB WORX. Each girl making a creditable entry will receive a Club Pin. CLASS F, 1st. Best hand mado dusting cap $ .75 Best hand made sewing apron 75 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lotl Lot 2 Lot3 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lotl Lot 2 .50 ,75 .50 ,75 .50 ,75 .50 ,75 .50 2nd. Lotl Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 LotO Lotl Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot5 Lot C Lot 7 Lotl Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot5 Lot (i Lot 7 2nd. Dest cross stitch towel. Best hemstitching Best machine mado corset cover. Best buttonholes CLASS G. Best canned peaches Best canned gooseberries Best canned plums Best canned cherries Best grape Jelly 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 .75 Dest applo jelly '.75 Dest plum Jelly CLASS H (Spe uosi canned pears Dest canned grapes Best canned apples Best canned bluu plums Best pickled chen les Dest tamo gooseberry jolly Dest cranberry jolly CLASS I (Special) al). .10 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 Dest ploco of hand sowing CLASS J -(Special). .Premium, Sliver Thlmblo 1st. Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot5 Lot 0 Club members under 10 years (associate members). 2nd. Dost quilt patches Best hand mado dusting cap Bost hand mado sowing apron Best cross stitch towel , Bost hemstitching Dost machine mado corset cover, .10 .75 .76 .75 .75 .75 Special Premiums Special by Henry Johnston, l't. 2nd. $10 00 31. $5 00 For colts sired l.y his horse $15.00 Special. Bust bread Fuir ehocp, first and second Spvclnl by Ncbrntika Shorthorn Breeders' Association. Best Shorthorn bull Ribbon Best Shorthorn cow Ribbon Dr. Nicholson DENTIST OFFIOK OVKH AI.lllttailT'S STOBK IN RtVKRTO.V OX MONDAY Red CUud, Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURQEON Graduate Chicago Voteriuury College TWELVK YIIAIIS KXl'lIHtKNCE AT BAILEY'S TIE BARN Rod Cloud -;. Nebrahs II u v e& H W3?.:S Jtojf)tj i!I: iSma .-,- "IRnw")"'! ;rfj MMNMMJI lAriwM lTIM iW BrW-l tw.ycgiiwsMiiM, v-. , Httjhf, JTJbiiaiai