'zssmmmmtes. ratww ac a' " '' f- .tt.V.- if.iKAlgjtfcfiCES .V.,h..3M!JBJ9 '3 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF It awowmnHtpim wa. wmmmmwti iiwuimnaaainmim' wattminiMnnamfiminiiiimniii y 2" - ?v & fte .., te C V, I '. V' JNtr, 2' HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week' Doings Frank Covdeu sw In Bytou Tliiu". luy. Mih. Al)t Delph whs In Hastings on Friday. Dr. Pace wiib tit fiotn Giiidn Roe'.' Friday Hoy Robinson was down from Mc Cook Sunday. 0 C. Ltinib of Guldo Itii'li was in town Thursday. Arthur Gilbert has bcou on tho sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McFurliititl spent Friday in Hastings. Now hhoes for the Indies just re ceived ut Miner Bros. Co. Slieriir llodiro and Rev. Hnmniel were in Blue Hill Sunday. J. F. Grimes returned to his home at Blue Hill Friday morning L. M. Rust and wife went to Nor man Friday to vlhitrelatlvet? George Holt and Jas. Molkide of Cjwles were in town Siturday Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shccley canie down from Hastings Monday evening Col. Jake Ellinger and Alt" McCall returned home Filday from Bird City, Kansas. Tho Hed Cloud band. is in Bladen to-d-iy furnishing the uuslo for the county fair. "TheShepard's Cull" at tho opera house Friday night, October 2, 11)14. Popular prices. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guild and child ren of Blue Hill spent Sunday here with relatives. Jim Moranvllle of Amhorstspcnt tho last of the week here with his father Dr. .1. W. Moranvllle. Mr. and Mrs James Sllvey of Ina vale speut Sunday here with her par ents, A. D. Wonderly and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McCall ara the p -oud parents of a baby which was bam on Wednesday of last week. Adolph Goth and Marlon Mercar were In 13 hide ti Wednesday playing t with the Coivles band at th count fair. Mesdames A T. Walker and l L. Smith returned homo Friday from Hastings where they attended the state meeting of the W. C. T. U. Come to lied Cloud and do your trading as our met chants give J on more and better goods for your money than any other town in the county. Lester Mercer came down from Alma Saturday and visited with his brother, M iriou Mercer mid family. Ho left Monday morning for Gibbon to visit relatives. Miss Mabel Bailey ol' tho Commercial Advertiser olllce Is visiting her brother Grant Italley In Omaha this week Paul Phatei is workimr in the olllce during her nbsence. Paul Storey returned home Monday morning from Atlantio City, N. J where ho attended the meeting of the SDverign Grand Lodge of OddFellowb, Ho reports as having a good time. Win. Provost and family of Lebanon Kansas, have moved to this oity. Mr. Prevost is selling tho Oakland auto mobile. Head his advertisement which appears on another page in this Issue. A. T. Walker and this editor. A. It. McArthur, were in Hastings Friday. Mr. Walker dmvo u new llulcl: home and we cm say that this auto is cer tainly u beaut" and an easy ildlng car. Thedatfs for the Fiirmoi'b institute n-e November 10, 11 12 and 1.1th Plan 'to exhibit and also to attend all the uwsfnii4 as it will no doubt bo the best Institute in the groat Republican valley Uds winter. Mr. Dolon and wife of Creston, I 111 nols, Mr. Detour nnd wife of Clifton, Illinois and Paul Durand and wlfo of Cherryvllle, Kansas, are visltfng with Lee Detour and -wife at Guide Rock, They were in town Thursday visiting with friends One of Red Cloud's boys, Russel Atnack, who is attending tho State University at Lincoln, is receiving considerable mention in the state papers as ho Is considered by the foot 'ball critics as being fa cable timber for tho milv.rsity team. The Chief along with all of our citizens, trusts thatyou "make good" on the teum, Russel, as this city is deserving of being represented on tho gridiron nt the stato university On last Friday night at 12 o'clock our citizens wero aroused from their slumber by tho tiro bell and whistle, the Royal Burlier shop being discover ed on .lire. The lire department re sponded promptly, and tho 'fire was soon .extinguished, but did consider able damage to tho building, which is . owned by Pope Bros., an 1 to tho ntock of Implements which was kept in the back room, as woll us considerable damaging tho barber shop fixtures which were owned by Mr. Layton. Both;, Mr. Layton and Pope Bros, carried Insurance. , I. It C'olvln wan up ft .tin Guide Rock I'lii'Mlny. For your now shoes go to Miner Itios Co Father Ft'eraM spent Sunday In Superior Is mi' Shephcid-oii of Riveiton was In town Monti ty. FOR RENT good o-ronm house Hu'chlson ,v .Saliiduti. adv Hi nest Motanvllle of Hebron visited his father over Sunday A S3 irold fountain pan for only oOc by Mailing 2 oOcash at Henry 'Cook's. Miss Pearl Sherer was home from Roseinontover Siturday mid Sunday. Henry Crow, Walter Brown and Will Strong of II istlngs were In town Titos day. For Sii.uCllKir: A Hurley David son motorcycle ii good shapo.- Mrs. Win Wolfe adv .Tas. A. Burden mid Roscoe Wecsiier wet e. In Rlverton and Fhn'liu Tues day via auto. For tho latest styles In fll and winter millinery go to .Mrs. Barrett's millinery store. adv John Buikoss came houiu l'ridiy from David City, where he has been thopastsninmor. J. I'., ltutler and wlfo atrlved homo the Hist; of the week from a short visit in eastern cities. 01ns. Hill and wlfo of Hastings visited Mrs Hill's niotlio". Mi. R. lltissiiiger over Sunday. Now coats just received at. Miner ,Bros. Co., where they have received new line, in all depaitmunts. District Judge Dungan and Court Reporter Baird of Hastings are in town this w-)ek holding court. Geno Butler and wlfo of Smith Con tor, Kansas, spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Leirgett. J. K. Chancy and wife arrived home Fiiday from Nelson and Superior where they visited relatives and friends tho past week. There was a large crowd In town Saturday afternoon and our merchants claim that trade is beginning to pick up again. Most of them have got in their fall and winter merchandise, which is no doubt the best in the county. City Marsh.il'Gnint Christy Is grow ing n mustache. Grant ssys that winter is coming and the arrc&tiug business being very dull, he his decided to cut down the high cost of living. However, Grant looks hand somer than ever before. We uiiderntiud that one of our popular young men who is employed on -Ith avenue, has routed a housn and intends, to cut out. the bachelor life in the near future, when he will lad one of Nebraska's fair maidens to the man luge altar How about It, "Tiny?" The Red Cloud Chief is very chesty over the fact that their tiro depait ment is in the center of town and they have an automobile ready to respond to tho call of lire, at any moment. Something to brag about, all right Red Cloud is making some strides, all right. Hero's looking at you. Superior Dxpress Jt looks to us very much as though our school board will be compelled to look for some new teacher's in the neHr future, as wo notice two of our young men, who heretofore have novel exhibited any signs of being Intel eted lirthe fairer ex, have been working overtime eiitcrtuliiiuar a couple of tho most handsome teacher As it special Inducement for the young men to get. busy mill secure results, we will give tho llrst couplo the Chief for one jour, who ventnies to snil oh I ho matrimonial sea beioie tho snow Hies, and those.i Is frozen over. Got busy at once, boys! Mis day Pope N on the sick Itsf IM HtiiT of Guide 1! el; was in town this week. Lew White returned fioiu llns lugs Wednesday. "Ponce Sunday." Ovtobor Ith at the EpUcopal church. Mr. and Mrs Fled Burden nnd baby caine down from Bloomtngton Wed nesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Essig. Tho plristotors began plastering the new court hono this ,eek, and when it Is completed It will be. the llnest building In tho gic.it Republican valley. Rev. J M. Bates will leave Monday morning for Minneapolis and St, Vaul, visiting his family ut Lincoln on tho way. October H-III he will attend as delegate the meetings of the Synod of the Sixth Missionary Province of the Bplscopal church, being absent eight or nine dus. Mr. Arthur R. Lavrlek of Bladen, son of Mr and Mrs. Ii. Lartick of this city anil MKs Frances Householder of Bladen; were grautel a license to wed In Lincoln Tuesday, ( This young co"p'c are well known in this county and have a host of friends who unite in wishing them much joy nnd happiness When you buy a rjuart of milk, djdl you ever stop to think what It is wot Hi? 's a matter of fact, It is woith as much as II cents worth ol dried beef, :i: cents worth of manges, or'il cents worth of beef. On tho other bund, milk costs more than rice, dates, corn meal, cheese, prunes and wheat bread The Democrat voters of Oarllold precinct hold a eauous on Monday evening of last week and nominated the following township otllcors: Ah scssor, Chas. Alios; road overseer, Bert King; Justice of the Peace, Joe Muild; Constable, George Smith. Tills U a very strong ticket and is deserving the stippoit of every voter In Oarllold township. Rev. Bayne closed a successful pastorate of three years Sunday even ing In the Congregational church. During his residence horo hp has Attorney Mc.N'eiiy an,l wife wo.y In Hastings Titesdiy. J. R'isetiornus of Belvldeic, Illinois-, is visiting friends mid relatives heie t his week. Will Crnhlll, who hud been visiting at his old home in Viiglnla, letumed home Saturday. Mr. Sachet t of Heat lice, ivho Is a candldat.i for governor on the Pio gresslvti ticket, spoko to the vol on on tho street A'olnesday evening. TheW. C.T. l will hohf a union meeting at the home of Mis. F. L Smith on Wednesday, October 7th. at 2 p. m. A good program will bo given, rerresiiiniMits are to bo served for which tho small sum of Lie will be chaiged. The entire proceeds aro to bcgiion to the Red Cross Society. High School Foot Ball Schedule a Good One The high school foot bill eleven have been practicing lend daily for the p ist three weeks, and will bo In lino shape for thrlr llrst game here on October (ith. with Supeiior. Althohgh the Boo up has not been lU'll'iitelj settled a strong team will be assured" The complete ncIiciIuIo Is as follows; Get. It -Supeiior II. S ut lied Cloud Oct. Ill Hastings . i Oct.'J.I -Oxfoi d . . Oct. IK) -Chester Nov. (! -Superior ' ' 'Superior Nov. n- Beaver City II. S. at Heaver City. Nov. '11 Franklin Ac.ileuiy at Rod Cloud. Nov 'JO-()rleans II S. at Rod Cloud. Lot us all be boostsrs this year and help tho boys win tho Republican Valley championship. VsVV0 r''igjggyr 0 To The Public ! Wc Ask This Consideration When you are ready to buy your Men's and Boys' Clothing for Fall and Winter we most respectfully urge you to come and see what we can do tor before you buy .elsewhere. On account of close limes and a general feeling of unrest we have seen the necessity of making special efforts lo buy our goods as cheaply as possible and feel confident that we are in a position to save the clothing buyers of this country a d nice sum of money on their fall purchases. I you proven himself a scholar of no mean ability and ho has been pleasant nnd agreeable to all. Ho has removed to Omaha where ho will remain until ho decides on u poimanent location, hav Iiil' several nliicas in view. Wo wish him success wliet ever his now Hold of labor. Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Newhouso re turned from tho oast, on Wedncsdii evening. Mr. New-houo had been in attendance at a meeting of tho Sover igu Grand Lodge of Odd Follo-is, going as a representative of tho Nebraska Grand Diicainpment, which wrs held In Atlantic City, N. .1. Mr. New-house also visited some of tho large jewelry mimtifacturerH, wheio ho purchased some of tho latest novelties in this art for his extensive holiday trade. COWrEs" 40-fe IfEJJHt? Km "UKAi mT7 IfcJnH ' in 'll'-P LM 2 J S J I fmmm--mm jJJ Reliability Every housewife knows the annoyance that comes from reaching for something on the shelf, in the course of preparing a meal, to find that owing to it being of poor quality it has spoiled. You save this annoy ance when you deal with us. We stand back of our goods. i McFarland's Sanitary Grocery The Cowles Band wont to tho Bladen Fair Wednesday. Fuller Adamson shipped In a car of feeders Saturday. Thomas.t Foe shipped a carol cattle to St. Joe Wednesday. Clare Cox will have n sale of his household goods Saturday at Cowles. Miss Macy Sprachor spout Sunday at. homo. Sho Is teaching school nt Blue Hill. C. E, Put'iatn, Kdd Kills and C C. Ili'iinelt was tiansacting business in Rod Cloud Tuesday. Tho nnnual meeting for this disttict of tho Gleiiwood Tolophouo Co , will be held Tuesday, Oct. !th. ( Roy Hihlreth, who is traveling to the Intcruatiniirtl Harvester Co, was in Cowles Tuesday between trains. Will and Guh Fuller and Henry Anderson have arrived heme from tho west where they have been working in the harvest. David Paul and sou Edd came in Monday evening from Omaha whore thoy had been visiting Ross 'Paul who formerly lived horo. Emery Waller loaves with his numer ous dogs for Wymoro Monday where ho has six entered in tho racing course. Good luck to you Jack Miss Koou who tcBches one of our rooms in the High school has loft for homo on account of illness Miss Mabel Fuller is teiching In her nbsence. Wlnflold Scott is on the sick list this week. He is Improving at the present willing. Horace Mor.'o is running the IlBrnessShop during Mr. Scott's ab sence. James Saunders, Boyd Vance, A J Guy and R. B. Thompson who went to the sand hills last week for an otiUng lotnrnod Monday night reporting a good time. W. W. Rltcliey, Roo Honor and John Mallick are storing tholroropof onions In the old school house preparatory to shipping them.' The yield Is fairly good considering tho year. Jud White and wife and Ed W'nlto and famllj left for Norton, Kaunas, Saturday in an auto Kil White has a quarter section of land near Norton, Thoy expect to bo gone n week or ten days. County "Dads" Net , The First of the Week (Continued from page 1) J B Cnrr 6 03 EJ Pulsipher GOO 0 M Abel 4 80 Ira Wnlfe 4 80 H;GDiedrich 4 80 Ruhcoo WecBner 4 80 A B Pierce 4 35 0 E Rttiney 4 3o J WCrow 4 35 G C Mann 4 35 A B Crabill G 55 B E Harrington ., . 3 110 S W Friable 3 90 W M Lain 3 80 G I) L.iw 0 55J W C Cux ;t U0 Fcd Wehnu 9 40 0 E Stoirregcii 5 10 Otto Mnler ! 5 10 P J Akr on 5 10 II VuiiB'wiiiui: 5 10 W P K'.ehn ,' 90 L'ti Wi mot 3 90 1 T Ainmk 11 10 J M Steward ! . . . . 3 90 A'fX Bentley 3 90 Cl'iren o Hit.' 3 90 Fred Glebe 3 90 A G Wheat 3 90 C W Fulton 8 50 G B Puttcrson 3 90 FL Oatman ' 4 50 WAUooley 4 50 S VanBoening 8 7o J R Lsird 4 5t. A F Krauae 4 70 GN Btaukeubaker 3 GO II F.iMih;un... 3 G) Frank Sihei t 3 GO Ffid Arnold G 30 . Anyhow, come in and let us talk it over and see what you can see. Fair dealing and courteous treatment assured all and an iron clad guarantee back of everything we sell you. Jhe Goiaden-Jaley Clothing (Jo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers V fA'jr" -j'WvnavvaA9 AT THE OPERA HOUSE October 8th, 1914 l FJ .nun F CJoliiHon L'luiu Bjugert... 0 mo Muentti.... CD Kirthel J De Bnt L G G tiureux.... John St ecu II W Ijimurt'Cht Otto Sijelver.... S E Johnson.. .. P ti Caldwell.... John Frey lmmmammwrwm PRESENT KUSiC Of PAST AGE 3 GO 4 Otl 1 00 8 10 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 0. 4 00 7 70 4 00 4 00 ESCox 4 00 Miriuu Moranvllle 4 00 J W Hamilton 7 20 W G Huffman.. .' 4 20 Vdncil Z.jic 4 20 W II Reynolds '4 20 Alex Buckles 4 20 Prank Strobl 7 10 D O Bennett 4 05 J K Horn 8 25 J P Ellington 4 05 SMHttl' 405 PABoom 4 05 J B Watson 4 20 O It Buyce 4 20 E VPdUl 7 50 JB Franco 4 20 Harry Codway 4 20 GG Holt 8 GO WScott a GO WR Fcott G70 M H D-ivis 3 GO T II Doukin '. 3 GO Frank Alios ; 4 50 W II Fi-dier 4 50 CG Barnes '.... 7 10 E EShlpmrn 4 50 Floyd Christian 4 50 C J Pitnoy 5 10 J W Garner '. 5 10 H II Petty ..... 7 90 W E Bean 5 lo Prank Cochrane . . . , 5 10 II F Cooper 8 GO F W Barley 5 40 Jas P Vait 5 4 J II Crary 5 40 Van Dunbar 5 40 twl & lz SEw-un '""- t - 2VW A WtBM9imtl j J HAMPTON COURT SINGERS D URINO tho past few seasons thoro has been an almost universal attempt on tho part of all mixed quartet Lyceum companies to sing and act a great deal of grand opera, cither by producing an act from woll known operas, or building 0 program largoly from such solcctlons. Tho ro suit has been tho loss to tho platform of much gocd music other than oper atic select ons. Tho Hampton Court Singers, a unlquo company of five singers, soon to bo hoard here, v;a organized to present a new type ol program, In that It will contain font if any, operatic numbers. On the con trary, tho company will present music of tho Elizabethan period, dressed in costumes of tho ttmo of Queen Elis nbeth hence tho name: Tho Hamp ton Court Singers. The personnel hat been curofully chosen, and a quartet, of entirely capablo singers, with an accompanist of ability, will prcBont a program of- unusual charm. s s FUR.NITURJE 433AND&&S- UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONE9 s 8 NEWHOUMt: MLK ft 'l SS89HHiiMSSipM-SS6S i 1 .1 ir H g && nnuHtfm -1.1, , nr.rdMrAft.fraiflir1! V'.M .,' ,.,:- , si'. Mi MMrrrrr1. ..' . txizjxu'VX