BSMMmHHKC!"1 fc!Jl NEBRASKA, CHIEF BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP 1" vV V v .y- v yt HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Dollys ?.Vf.VViViVVWfV.'.V.V.Vi i .. I Fake your oranni to J. 0 i'i . '1 .Al. Spires was In Blue 11 .P V . n J. A. Toiullmou 1 liiimi frimi Chicago. Mm. Chits Stelt'en was a Gulden flU visitor e'rlday. ' Jack Wullcr of Cowles was n Suti "day visitor In tovn. Mlies Lulu uud Oman gallon were In Hustings M uuloy Miss llraoo Sherer loft Sunday fr. her school west of Inuviile. .J. K. Chancy and wife spent Sunday In jMipc-ilurvls'tlinr bis son. Frank Sim r autoed to l.obuti- u. KmiiK, iiu busuuas Saturday. Uoy Satthy and fumtly visited at Not lb Hrimcli. K'wi as, Sunday. Mrn. O. C.'IVol and daughter, Pay, wore Hastings visitor Thursday. Mrs Lloyd I'ogg of 'towlea visited bin- parents, Mr and Mrs. Al. Spires. Saturday i Vernon Taylor left Sunday for Puublo. Colo., whore be 1ms nccepUd a position. - 0-onr Sattley and wife leftSaturday ! auto for a visit with relatives at fAwtu'o City ' Hoivuul Koe is home from Mbvirlduti, Wyo , whore bo has beou spending tho past few months. Miss KathryiL-lSiirUo airivod in town Fiiday. from Wuliuit, Iowa, to take up lier school d title. Miss Gertrude Hind arilvod Satur day ftotu Cowles. to take up her duties at the Lincoln school. 3,r-t- C U Mtne returned home Thursday fioni ft two weeks stay at Vr ranch mw Tr.-nto'i. Mi--. A. W llradshaw of Blooming ton visited her parents. Al. llurring tjn aud wife over Sunday Mist Pearl Sherer left Friday for Uos-moafc where fthi. Is, one of tho in structor lo tVe high school. f 1 .y C. tlartt-u and wife arc homo t. in Smith Center, isiinsns, wiwre the? visited thdr dfOgbter Chat W K'doy and Dow Kalcy ro- turned Satuiday froiiR two-weeks , outiM? at Colorado Springs ' -p. D. IJedg. B. B. MoFarlnnd. liar- 'vey lUikerson and ARron Hodge wen' Campbell vlsltois Thursday. Mrs. John Storey ami daughter, " II ulen, of Oklahoma, aie viMtlug at the Paul Storey home this weeh. Mrs. Roy Uwrber and diitiKhter, Mar Kile retto, of Hubbol, are visit ini,' wit" John Or.rber and family this week Mrs, Nellie West Castor and daugh ter left Friday for Blackfoot, Id.ibo, where she has a position teaching. Marion Meteer is in Lincoln this week playing with tho Nelson Concert Hand, one of the Mtuto fair attractions. Mrs K V. Coplon and son, Harold, rot.irned home from their three months vibit at Chicago, the of tbo week. Warren Longtin and family return ed to their homo lr Has'.hijjs Saturday ..fter vWtlnjj lelatives for the piist 'seek. Mibs Hiuel Robinson returned home from Clay Center, Friday, where hhe visited her brother, Urueo, for the pabt tWO WOOkS. John Frobncn, who has been dolus nmson work at the court house, li'tt lk-.t week-for Sioux City, la..- whers he , hn accepted a position. , aeoriro Ihirden, 'who has visited lilt ' nujU, Jay. A. Warden,- for the p,ut tlpe weeks, left tbo Hist of the week fu.- his home at KansisCity.M.. ', ' Mr lleore 13 Shute who has Ue-n -v'.sltiu'j; lolativeh at' Host9ti, Mnv . ' JttrIlnton, Iowa, for the pai tl. i " nuon'.U'.'returned lioineTbursdu Mi nn.V Mis QeOrSfP ' i reli nr ' MusUiBMo Smith left bom Lincoln vhero tboy will visi' L ttadtb and wifo and attend (.lie fill Mr Wariou will also tr bnatuefc- iu Oinnha in fba ' f bil .nt" 'at ' - ne or I" l'enee, and theatre gn assured of some exceedingly Inti r fct ing photo plays foi Hie cmitng months Stanser Aiuauk, on ot Gcoi'iie Amuck whlluhepl,Ku"l,ol,H;, make a cciuout walk, Friday mot v 1th a soiiotis accident. Ho wiu. empting cement into the coment, when ho slipped and fell Into the mixer, his foot and ankle being badly broken and crushed. Hopes of saving his foot are not very favoiable, but at this wrltiug bo is getting along as well as could b expeoted A.O Ilosmnr, tlie veteran cditoi ot the Republican valley, and who als bears the distinction of bolng the onij editor, (to oar knowledge) of having s illlolent money at one time, to be Hblo to stop work for nearly three weeks, Is again at tho helm of the Corn-Ad., lotuiniug Monday from Cluremote, Oklahoma. We are pleased tonoUtho great improvement in A. C. and hope bo is fully recovered from his ailments. CMii' Wnrf n lcft fox ( niil siili ilny u i-olt iificr uu-miis-. air .u - Miss I'.ora nuto left S..i, h-j for ViIill-(t when nV will teach school. Mis. Neiiie .Mck hire of T.iijIii Is visiting Mis Ailn-n Vobnrt UiU week. ' Amy Cluir.e A loa Is visiting ' r aunt Mrs. K. h Qnrber, tbL' wek. LlnyJ Grime of Lincoln spent ovr .-"induy with hla bfotbor, E U Orltn. A D. Uiubeu and .iH'wntM- of f,.lie HHi wer Kd ChiUO" vlitor. S.inday, Mi. John Boe'.lr. who Tlit-U hr loolher at Fairtleh' last wk t home Mr. Wm. West i hume frou1. if day vWl al NApofre' wlfb hef son. Will Mm Ohrts. Suimit. nod sbildien art boaie fi-ouiK vmi iib Hertoofhor at Uladeu. FoSVLECllKAf:-A' HarUy n.nvid. ( n tnoloreyoie it, oou sntpe.-.Mrs. Wi.i. Wolfe Tin. M.'Intosh sblpprtd ar of cattle 't U'nUia, City Suur7 ' "accotu, p,iuied theitt. I have the best rate In the untniy ou farm loans. See tlie aud bt cuuvlneed My motto -prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkr. llls Louisa Sebumacbor of Orleans ai rived the llral of tbo week to resume her duties as tender of the first (xrade in the Hud Cloud chools Miss t'ecilo Thornton arrived the llit.1 of tbo week from Lincoln to re sume her duties as Domestic Science teacher in the liih school. Mis. Miles IJnyle, who has been visit in,t with her son, .las Doyle and family ltft for Amherst. Monday to take care :i hor son. Matt D.iyle, wlio is slclc. Ft oil Pharos went to Lincoln the lust of the week where he will iittend t lie stato university this winter. Fred is troine; to study to become a foie-ter. James Gilbert, Wycth Ftule, liver ett Stroup, Cliet Slieeley and Fiank Hllitifjor autoed up to Doweeso Sun ilny and spent the day on the lilue river. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Avery and son, niid Miss Greta Turiitiro drovo do-vn from Red Cloud jostorday' and wer quests tit the M W, and . W. Vool soy hojiios. Monday's Superior Ls- pi ess. f Art. Robinson, who has boon work-J ing for J. L. Clirtstiau this hiuniner, luia resigned his position on the lai m, and has movod baek to town. He has accepted a position with the Standard Oil Compnny Wlro Chief llradford of tbo Indopond .nt Telephone Co.. Ihiuovinjr bis family into the new ttlcphone building this week He Ik also busy chnlij?lni; the w lies mid cable over so us -o tomn tb Hwilcbbottrd Into tlw new bui'. tiujr The reason tickets-for tlmKed Cmnd li uture course are uow on s tto and can he bad by phoning "r enllinir li. V. Stewart who lr putting on the lecture course this winter. The piograui is composed of live exceptional iood numbers. The Odd Fellows lodgo M.jndity evening elected tho followh,;' dele gates to attend the graud lodge which meets ntUiand Isltmd next mouth: F n. Mauror and ye editor, A. U. Mc- Artlutr. Cbas. Koigle niid hi! Amaclt were elected as alternate delegates. ( Rev. WVigbt, pastor of the M. E. church, will clov his year's work next Sunday and will move to Ltiiv r sity Place, where bis oldest sons will enter college. He- was o (re red the position some time ago of dWtrUt evan gelist of Hie Ilsstlngs district and has accepted 'ho seme The people of Ued Cloud w.U bu -iry to havo Kev Wiilit aim ti.fl j n. v from among our mldpt us i l.a-i ii.coniplied much eood licit the i .! 'at i-t -7 & m&9sma33css SEtsasaffiO No Gannv.ble ntwnt.aainiiw.'ifi You can act a dollar's worth of merchandise in our store for one dollar. We don't force you to take a chance on a hoiibeand lot, nor an automobile, neither do you tfet tradiim stamps and when you get three million of them you may get something. Neither do we give you tickets good for trashy crockery. In fact, there is no chance when you" trade with us. You are sure of what you get. B. E. JHef acland mil Jh A'iWw timn mmm Kfi- Ci i"v r Tom Auhl of Omalia was In town t s week. Lloyd Crow was iu Orleans last Thursday. Paul St irey was on tho sick list the liist of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Klmor Vaughn moved to Superior this week. , Clml (lelltitly spent Sunday In Heaur City with a fileud'.' Onr at'hnoN opciod Monday nioiti i'tft with k good ationdsiuco. kirtnk Cowden wns a passenger lo 1'rtiisade Sunday on business. 13 S Harber and Tom Auld wcie In Uulde Hook Monday afternoon. IW. Piatt wont to Lincoln Saint-day morning to a'ternl tbo state fair A S2 gold fountain pen for only o'.lc by trading b't W cash at Henry Cook's. Mr and Mi"J Will Patten lire In Lin coln this week attending the stato fair. Will Starko of Milwaukee is visiting ills brothers, who io?ldoat Auiboy. this wera. On lust Thursday D M. Abel re signed bis position as flight agent al the lioyot. Rev. Wright will prouch his closing ei'inoii4 nl ttcd Cloud and Ash CioeU nest Sunday. 'Connie Sturke Is In iik'fthoiti'i this week buying cattle for Starko Urua. to feed tb-s winter. Mrs Slinous left Saturday Tor V il ivr, lodiniia, to viit with a brother whom she had not seen In seventy years. A H. Carpenter returned home Sun day from Kausas where he hud beou ' looking lifter file farms the past two w ooks. W. T. Perry of Harvard, who has been visiting his son, Frank Perry and lamily returned to Ida home Tuoday morning. W. M. MoKluiuioy returned Monday evening from the noith west part of the state where bo spent a fow daya visiting with relatives. NORTH INAVALE T. F. Jones is taking in the State F.iir thi woeU. . The now school house at Inavale la just about completed. PaiuPitnev has jfoue to Lincoln to attend the 'state Fair. (3uy Dunbar has commenced hie third lot ni of school in disttiot 11. (Jnlto a number took in tha races and street fair at Campbell last week. W. It. Wonder' y and family wcio visiting W. 12. Reanund fumtly on Sun day. A. L. (hosuiun and family were pleasant callers at V. E. R.arPs on Sunday. Mrs. C U. Tuber has just rottmnui from an extended visit In lowit and northern Ne-braska. fj. 11. MIcIiohIh has returned from uil'lt'ini, N'obr., wl.ero he has been visiting tor a lew dayi.. George Morrow -"cut to lllid City, Kau..i.s, on s.uu'lav u look after bis t-al estate Mifrfs ar that place. , Cbarlfi Nelson if C-mnboll li-iished the stuck thicttdiv ' 'his m Ighbor hood tiiis -.veek and - uow nulling stumps for.Charlos Juttroy. Hit' Methodist Sunday scttool had a p.culc nt Mr Arnold'' jnive on Tltura- day of last wosk which whs well t (ei)ded and a ploasunt timo reported F U. Copley Just returnod from Ah innd, Nebr., where ho hty, beer; attend itig the National Ouard Encampment and reports having hd e kp'endid Urn'- NORTH BRANCH Jntuos Sllaby. U digging ft silo Loch auUshiaoD now drives v Ford. "tiling ilo Is tue order of the day. ' i zed Mrs. Ruby B05 oe sneut Suu A'ts iiuannb Jtorris hMtao'ed bark I-anbury, Nsbr P'i mltb, has reui.ed the L. L Hoti lik it (arm tor the uoxt seesou, Mis t,tx Mayme aud Jonnua Uiul tinij'ti MyiUe.lloikiuB and Vera Molt ouiiiall sujyt lMf Sului-day In Mud- i ate 'i'tic yuii'luy wbool convention os bold at tnis place last Wednesday, riueo itTvy liitorestlOjf kesslous 'Vb'C Hold. J. P. il-idle,' and wliu left the last of the week for Wichita whuioMr. Had ley will attend tbo Uutvaritlty this your. I'ciry expeois to do soma post work Tho Mltfhus Ida Lamb, Roxle Harris, I lsle lutbuwG, and Mrs- Stella Uoboru and Thomas Mathiws loft lot Paoula, Colo., Friday nlglti wbote they will pack hull tho next two moiijhs. The Rev. John Baldwin and wifo, the uow pastor and wifo of the Friend's church, arrived last Saturday from Wichita. He delivered a very able ad dress on Sunday. Wo welcome these good people to our community. lit r joi t Stunloy,mother, and brother and sUtcr have moved hero from Man kato, Herbert was recently appointed as i iiral mail carrier on the North Branch route, L. W Craven Is still substitute carrier, L M. Rust was In St. ,Iuo thr lirst of the week. Attorney MoNony returned fiom a buslnosstrlp to Almii Wednesday. Miss Margiiret Stevens returned home lat Friday from Lebanon ami Smith Center, Kansas, where sliu had been visiting for n week. Mrs. Alf MeCall and daughter, Ml-s (, left Tuesday for Santa H.irharn Isle of Pines, West Indies, when Miss MeCall has a position iu tl" s,bo.iIs n' that pin-. Mr MoCall is n pioi .'BMotis to Join tliem ic a t mplo of u ititijs, iuteuMti,? to sr "' the wlntet months COWLBS C. W. Filler and son Lewi, left for Lincoln Motidav , Aitlutr Sterns left e liu-lav n -rn lug for Lincoln tnlooV over the fair a few days. M. R Adeiuson aini J I) I-iiller eoiitpletod tilling their lar.. silo Ued ui'sday. Ciltrord Saunders left for York Wed nesday whoie be expects i sj end aiuitber year In school. James Mclltldn bought the built o.rned by (. G. Holt and had it moved to bis lots iu the south part of thevill ll0 George Wells, Ward MoTttgirut hik Wm Fuller was passengers to Lincoln Monday to spend a day or two at the fair. C. C. Dennett and family cimie in from eastern Kansas last week in their unto. They wero accompanied home by Mr Bunnell's sister, Mrs B"ir. of Ballyville, Kansas School commenced Monday with an enrollment of 133. Tiof. Wolfe is very iiiuoh please 1 with the prospect of a good school aud an increase in the en lollineut later on lu the season Mlse tiaorgla fccott was t.ikm to Hastings the fot o part of the week whero she whs operated on for aypendi- eitla. We understand slip it gcltltig along as well as could be e eitcd. Mr. aud Mrs. Ellis had the ory sad misfortune to loose their little girl Thurs lay evening. Slio was Isid U st in the Cowles oenu-tery on Satur day morning The bereaved family haa tho heartfelt sympathy of the en tire neighborhood School Board Met Monday Red Cloud, N'ubr , Sept. ?, '11 Regular meeting of tho Ixnud, llcmy Gilliam president, presiding. Members present -Coon, Civlglitott, Black ledge, Weesncr, Orerlng Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved us read. Superintendent rej-. net R5 enroll nieiit iu high school ami about GO in kimiergarten Movo'lttnd seconded that tl boa ' employ u cadet as long us nev.esnary ut tho same salary ) last yenr S:.'f ihv mouth. Tito lollovviug bills wore j-n. sun'tot John Wolfo l 60 Webb Pub. Co ' i", 0J II. W DioUriisb : ou J. O. CalUvell l.i!2 00 Beach Bobertsuu 'i, Oluy Wuttver j oi U . K. Urico Drug Co t in 7': Mh.onu Aveiy Co r; 70 J. C Sloas lio Chief. .7 oi C. L, Colling Ji '20 Wbi'taker ifcUucWos. - t:, K. Legg'JW n DO Cbas. yenaett . . . , i Oo U.S.OnrlHg ,. i ;,o Ce Uwrott , 1 00 i uo curt j;vaih ..i , a B.Suswsqa ' O.C.TM ,., W Ai sibf i-wood , . . . ... Ai, W Carter ...'. Ofnn ACu Ke'aouASott '. Mllwankaci J). UtnM Co fata MoBeyootdr. M.'MillauCo University oC Npbraska Moved aud si-coudwi that the bill bo allowed! Moved aud seconded thr.t tne uhiu kf- for luatltuto ieu Uo llxed at Si'- W Motion carried. Moved nud seconded that a dtipotdi to the full value of all books leaned a t vacation time bo required Said do wall to be retui nod when books tiro lurretidered Motion carriid Movod uud seconded that Board join tho Stato Assoaiatlou of School Hoarda and pay the fee of 36.00 Aye Blrtcklfidge, Coon Crlgbton, (illham, Weeiiner, Overing. Nays none. Rids, on sidewalks Wiire opened and Were as follows; 0. C. Bonilott $ii0 20 Malonc-Avory Co VM CO Wm. Bohrer HO 00 A W. Sherman MO 00 Movod by Ulncklodge and Hccrnded by Weesncr tha bid of A. W Sher man for sidewalks, same to comply with plans uud specifications adopted, bo accepted. Ayes Bliickledgo, Coon, Ciolghton, Oilhum, Wcesnor, Oveiing. Xnys none. Motion curried. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. E, J. Oviini.Nu Jii., Secrctury. vy - $ uar mm m - i r trim vv Arc Here and Wo Want You to Sco Our Lino Before You Buy Elsewhere. rzZZ ' New Shoes - New Hats New Furnishings Come Early and Get Hie First Pick Kupproheimer and Clothcraf t Suits and Overcoats In the New 1914 Models and Fabrics be Qoaiden-Kaley Ited Cloud's Foremost Clothiers s W- !M(E22ip v.f 'tv -3m- 'V 1Ptf uifflono The Fiom? With the Quality BSG PREMIUM OFFER We have mode arrangements with theS. L,& Geo. H. Rogers Company, whereby our customers may obtain any of the Simeon L. & Geo. H. Rogers Co.'s genuine standard. A.-1 Plale sil.verwtre at a very low cost. This silverware is positively guaranteed and is now on dis play in the Bon "Jon Bakery window. Each 48-lb sack or'Diamond.P.rar.d Flour" contains one full certificate. Each 24-lb sack of said Hour contains one-half certificate, Three full ceitificates tojether with a small cash pay ment, entitles the holder to any one of the various premiums offered. See large display cards. m 1'Zi Si The Diamond pilling Go. lied Cloud. ',!, f -ff, rrfxasafifi-i; 1.7 - TSuiiCiwt t-J3 iv n l '131 IiP ii M.M M,A JL . I wil! od't r iiu i lie "ti tho t" If llu t farm 2 miles oast nnd.T'i mile- loi H f I. I'lnvi, and " ad cs west and 12'.. tnlle south of C j'il.-s, on 3m n Thursday, September 17th, 1914 GOnnMieNCIhSC AT 12 O'CLOCK SHARP Jn r 43 Head of Stock 13 Head of Horses and Mules S . 23 Head of Hogs " . 7" Head of Cattle w f ann Machinery, Household Goods, Chickens, Feed, Etc. LuMGh on the Grounds Terms--12 monlhs time'at 10 per cent Lloyd FL Rust, Owner n Col. J. II. Klllnger, A net. TJvmMim-iMEnrmrvtxymtiimmf SESSBy v,.a's i ana wiDtejp i W- - :'&b-VmvV-VvA ,S3 i r ? 5KEaaEESK2 Nebraska B- tJ i1' ti 'l ' l' Si Overcoats Clothing Qo. isn -dQ 7av Krano ? r mmmm i,&3&miS ji ITT1 11 y Tx'n W. A. Sherwood, Clerk 14 a t jua m a yi m s . ikJf JEra. M,aQLJI ' ci -v u, Wl Tl .1 a' ii n 14 H nil -il i ti II I- 1 id 8 V vwi m v rrrrvn"rfttv iHi .,? . y. nwminnmicfif