1 I & y A $ JPjwIhjMiB&pBBKyCa . viy M(- WSEMBBMBr l!flp?''ifr'""--Ji t'WMTll"MSSyP"5lrT'" 5b.3laaBSSSSSjbSSSBvv A BHPMflKtKB9IIIBl9laBHHK9BEll8Hf Jd0E A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far 11.50 VOLUME 4U RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 30, 11U4. NUMBER 3i IIMTIiOTitll lllliipllll! lll'l "PIBIIIMIIIIII'lll,! wsssmem If You Desire VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund !fc,J WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL 825.000 s B. mn iinf ' t tifiiiH i tiitittiti mti '!ili!i1ii4!iii,i!ii!lki',Ili!llii MR. FARMER- Have you provided your self with a proper place to keep your corn? t Are your Grain Bins in good condition? Do you know that we ' ojlfer. for ' sale the " best Crib and Bin Material orf the market.. " -"jsarow PncencrTRikiit''' 'r i kt'j-'V THE MALONE-AVERY CO, "Talk With Us About Your Wants" Your Watch Ideal Many people have learned to consider such, and such a watch as an ideal time piece. When they buy they want that particular watch. We don't blame them be cause we have watch ideals too and ideal watches. They are the South Bend and the Hamilton and the Howard and one or two others. These we have learn ed to depend upon these we buy and sell each year in greater quantities. And be fore you make a watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these move ments. May we? E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler. Board of Equalization Red Cloud, Nebr., Aug. 11, 1014. County Hoard of Equalization con vened as per adjournment. Members all present, viz: Storey, Ohmstedc, But ler, Uolfnian, McCall aud Chapllu cbairmau of board. Iu the matter of fixing the county levy for 1014, it was moved and seconded that the levies be and are fixed as follows: - General fund levy "including all levies except tire bridge, road and speclul court house levies" 4 mills liridgc Fund Lew 4 mills Road Fund Levy .' I) mills Spechtl court house levy 4 mills Total county levy 15 mills Stato levy 7.8 niillb Auto Display Nebraska has moie automobiles per capita than ally other state 111 the Uulon, From preseut indications the automobile display at the stnte fair September 7-11 will be tho largest and best ever hold In the West All the, leading iiutomobilo dealers are prepar ing immense exhibits, showing up-to-d te cars which will enable stite fair patrons to Intelligently select the very LH car for their ue. Total State and County levy 23 8 mills. . In the matter of tho several sohool district levies for 1014, they were fixed as follows: No. Mills No. Mills No. Mills 2 27 3 0 4 20 0 18 0 10 8 8 0 12 10 1C 11 Is 12 8 13 14 14 18 15 15 10 11 - 'l7 10 18 13 20 0 21 15 22 11 23' 13 25 0 20 11 27 33 28 4 20 11 30 0 31 35 U2 2 U 12 't34 18 35 0 30 35 37 10 38 0 . 30, 3.1 40 10 41 13 42' 0 43 15 45 10 10 27 47 13 48 5 10 21 50 0 51 11 53 17 53 7 54 10 05 15 CO 10 58 8 50 20 GO 18 01 15 02 '23 03 7 01 12 05' 15 CO 10, 08 11 00 48 ' 70 8' 71 20 72 '12 74 25 75 0. ' 77 0 78 7 80 12 81 20 83 25 83 12 81 10 85 14 87 30 ( 8!) 1G lloaid adjourned, " ' ' C'.lOU Primary Election Held Tuesday Tho 1011 Primary Day has gqtic down into hliiory and tho pcnplt' have bpol.t ii t pon tli- w In ile tliuuwusn ill lit ( 1 ilyor li.tfi est nliowu lli.tll vu exp.uid. None of the ciiinllil.'Uth won.' i), t.oiuistlc enough id iiiuUu tin propicillin lief oil- nUclU'ii In Iiut evei.ui.io i-, "iip in tliu uli" alnco tliei m hb no w.iy to llml nut ulnjjli wa ilie wind w.1-, blowing.", Tliu oille. 111 cum will lie iii.u.u to mul i'ii .t, mill until after thi- is dnho tio iibt.iiiiiu collect figure-, in e obtain abh, bui tin,1 resitlia indicated by (ho retui u no fur in Iu as follows: ' Di'in.Ki'.u Ticket - ; Cuuti'y Cltiu- r'l.mlt Wtviickii Tt'ttiis.iiur-Uuii. V. liiiie She rut -Jui. Hubtilku " Supei inU-nduut lit)! mi Iu j At oriu-y - b .1. Muiui iy C01.11.u1 uenry Cook. ltupubllcau TieUt'l Comity C101U J. J. UurOcr Tlminiiiur U. 1) Koblnsull Sli nlt-U. L. Hodge Umi iy AUciiu-y -II. iV biuAtut' Sui'vojui lieu, il, Uteilug Cui oner - liil. .iinacU, UMcinin- .Murelluiul will IOU1I (lie licliti oy u large tuajurlty over jbia opponents. A. C. Shallenberger will catry the county over l'ete Shea and liuyard H. Pulne, by a large vote. Supreme Judge Itcese, tlplleubeuk and 1'almer leading; two to MLuoinj uuteu on nohpartLuu ticket. Lieutcuunt Governor Democratic, Q. V, i'olts; republican, V. V. Hoag laud.. Secretary of State Democratic, C W. Pool; republican, Adlsou Wait. Auditor Democratic, V. II. Smith; republican, W. L. Minor; progressive, J. F. Hanson. Treasurer Democratic, G. E. Hall; republican, F. C. Hamer. Superintendent Democratic, uu decided; republican, H. I. Elliott. Attorney Ueuoral Demociatic, Wil lis E Heed; republican, (J. W. Sears. Laud Commissioner Democratic, undecided; republican, Fred lieck maun. Kallway Commissioner Democratic, undecided; republican, Thomas L.llall University Regents Democratic, J. E. Miller add C. M. Sidles; republican, K. P. llroiMi aud Ucurgu Coupland, As soon as the figures of the otllcial count are obtaiuublu The Chief intends topriutthe same iu tabulated fotiu, on cards. This table will also appear iu our next issuo. If you do not le celve a card, aud wish for one. you can obtain the same by abkiug. W. N. Richardson Is Laid At Rest biirlil from ulug, by the Graduating Exercises To Be Held August 29th The twelfth annual graduating exer cises of the Webster County Public Schools will be held in Red Cloud, Saturday morning, Aug. 29th, at 10 o'clock at the Washington school park. This is the largest class of pupils that have ever graduated from the eighth grade iu the public schools of Webster County. Following is tltc program: March Grace Coombs Invocation Itev. W, II. Wright Reading Merua Spenco Song, "Fair Nebraska"... Class of 1011 Heading Clarence Ranks Address, "Life Dulldiug" J. E Morgan Presentation of Diplomas Song, "America1' Class of 1014 W. X. Richardson wtts IiIm hniiif, Tiii's lny iu. ii MhMIiIB Mr. Hiuliiii'dsDii c.tme 'to Kid Cioud Iu iiny 1371, A I that tililu llu-io -ttas no bull. ling in the puiei-. Tlic village iuid liu. lifjii plutied into lots mid hi i emi Ik-ic Mr. Toph un iimv lives llieiv whi a little stockade. A log iiuiiie was building dowi. wlieio .Mr. Montgomery stops. Another oiiu 'wis o,i I u hoi o Mr. I'iei'ce hn his Inline, ulule one was built wlictu tieortfe Clou iti.v u-sidea. Au eager sent ell In tin- nidus of tlio hills iiuglii hum ie veuled a scoie of dug outs iu thu vicinity. Settlor-, weiecululng ai.d Mr Rich' uiiNon made his uritiugeiueiils for a lei m tiijht. ifiideiiuu In me new ci lutry. It rtu-5 tut long bufoie hl icitdluehS to grafp opiiirtituitiui li.ui imr play, and liu ronii i-st.tbilalieil Uiiu uli us, the builuer.s um.i ot tliu new Luinm.udly. lie iiiii.o 1 iwth the (Jai'bcu-;,, bimucl uu I biia-, in il.0 Hist iiiuriMiulie es tablishment o( Hie Reiiiitiltcan Viuloy. ilu tniiil the lit tt friinu rtSidt-iiee lit Ihu MIIukc. He imported the tlrst safe for the deposit of money into tho couuty. lie became the first depositary and loaner of money. yjj, Such of the strungers who cuineto the country with means gave it to him for safe keeplug, or investment. Men who wanted to borrow went to ' him for loans. He gave everybody fair treatment. His integrity, fair dealing aud his gcueral credit Wore never once called in question. He Utst establish ed a price for couuty warrants, which remained constant through all the years in which the railroad company, the only lauded taxpayer, paid no taxes. Ile helped to found the first paper of the valley, The Chief. He also en couraged A. J. Keuuey to establish tho Argus, and ho was one of the founders of the Republican, which subsequently became merged iu The Chief. He made tho tlrst general market for the produce of the farms, especially cattle and bogs. These ho purchased aud drove or hauled to Hastings. In 1877 he built the first bank build ing uud procured Smith Hi others of Beatiice to come and manage it. From the time of his artival here antil he quit business, theic was never a momtut when his financial credit was not sufficient for the needs of the community, and there was no time when this credit was not avuilable to those who showed themselves deserv-' injr. In 1874 when the grasshopper raid prostrated all busiuess, he shipped iu seed corn, and sold it out, taking notes payable wheuthe crops should be harvested in the fall. He exerted himself to bring about a settlement between the railroad com pany uud the couuty in tho matter of the taxes, aud put the county lluauces on a cash busts. lie was instrumental in procuring the building ot the first rallwuy Into the county. He promoted the first incdrpoiatlon ot the village. Wlteu the railway entered the county he became tho principal ship per of stock for uli western Nebraska and northern Kansas. Moro than anyone else ho stood for business integtity, commercial fair dealing, muklug his word good. 1 3 Lots of Suits -LOT 1 AT 50 DISCOUNT r-LOT 2- AT DISCOUNT EVERY SUIT IN STOCK LOT 3 AT 20 DISCOUNT '50 w Straw Hats Except ' Panamas at - Oxtords in 95.00, $4.50, $4.00 Grades go at - ' " -' '-' EXCEPT BLACKS AND BLUES OFF $2,00 &j This Is Your Chanem Tdg Savo Nlonmy TERMS CASH "It's Dp To You" PAIL STOREY The Clothier - He delighted to share with others, to spend and bo spent ou a large soale. Mr Richardson was twice married. His first wife, Charlotte Chapman died luthc early "eighties," leaving htm two children, Winifred, who married Seward Garber, Lloyd who died In early manhood. His second wife, for merly Miss liesslc Tatigye, survives him with two daughters, Norma, Mrs, Uarber, nnd Marguerite. During his business career, there was no man iu the city so well, Co widely, so favorably known as Mr. Richardson, and there are few, If any, to whom Red Cloud and the country tributary to this city is more Indebted. Mr. Richardson was born in Now York statu on May 25, 1830, and was therefore aged 75 years, S mouths and '21 days at the time ot his death. Red Cloud Girl Receives High Honors Friends aud enemies never doubted Fo. all tho news read The Chief Roy Robinson of McCook was In town Tuesday. Mr. Astin, who recently bought E, R. Sluwfcou's ice business, put chased Jas. Peterson'b led business this wtok. Notjck: Having secured tho Enter- ju nun hock asiaiiu repairs irom tuu ters of doubt or question. He bore kocj uouil uuw. Co,, 1 will now con- success well. He boru failure hotter, lliiue to keep a stock of thoso repairs' He hud more than his sharo of suffer, on huud.-C. F. Wallin t.ng and disappointment, lie endured Mis. Roy Jones aud daughter re- b -lively. There was nothing small turned to thoir homo at Clay Center, about him. Ile tiitd to live largely. Monday momlug after a visit of II j was big minded, big hearted. Too i several weeks hero with her parents, much so to be saving and accutnula Mr. aud Mis. John Grllfeth. tivo. Ile lived generously, liberally. The following clipping from the World-Herald under duto of Monday, August 17th, will be read with Interest by the many fi lends of Miss Grace McCall, daughter of Mr. uud Mrs. Alt McCall of this city: "La Forte, Iud., Aug In Miss Grace McCall of Red Cloud, Nobr., who graduated today from Valparaiso, Iud , university, will leave lu a few days for the Islo ot fines, where she will be come superintendent of the public his assertions, never distrusted his school system The Nebraska woman, promises, no was a tueu's man. Mb It Is said, is thu first womttu of the judgment, prudence, courage, enter- United States to enjoy this dis- nrlsu and roilabtlitv were novor mat. , tlliction." Any farmer intorostcd in the hand ling ot silage should send at once for the new bulletin of the Nobtaska Ex periment Stutlon on "Handling Sllngo.1' Tho most economical means ot cuttiug, tho best adapted machinery, methods of hoisting ftom pit silos, etc., are In cluded in tho dlaoussioii. Teachers' Institute To Be Held Next Week Tho Webster Couuty Touchers' In stitute will bo held In the Washington school building August 24-20. The in structors and lecturers are as follows: C. A. Fulmer, Huldah Peterson, John W. Uoehrund Rert W. Harris. Miss Ueitrude L. Coon, the able county supetiuteudent, will give an informal reception ou Monday even ing to the teachers. At this reception plays and games will be shown the teachers by Miss Peterson, the object belug that these plays aud games may be taught to tho pupils during the school term. Among other special features which are ou the program this year, is the lecture by John W. Uoehr on "Weeds," after which the teachers will indulge lu a "tramp" to tho agricultural farm, at which place Mr. Uoehr will deliver another lecture on, "Soil."., The institute program also carries with it this year several musical nuuj- bers, chief among which will 'be a Viotrola musicule, etc. A large number ot teachers arc ex pected to be in attendance, uud tho institute this year bids fair to being up to the usual high standard which has been established heretofore by our ublo County Superintendent, Miss Ueitrude L. Coou. i Live StockExhibits The horse, cattle, nndswlue displays at the Nebraska State Fair, September 7-11, will bo the largest lu tho history of the state, accordiug to preseut Indi cations, The sauto is true of the ugrl cultttial and horticultural exhibits. Tho maximum of tho luttcr was 884 en tries lu one day, Ou August 12 Secre tary Mcltur received 140 cattle entries lu a single day, -5JS 7 IC" r . i A n :4 fi r .-X M JLt- :! '1 m m mi I m tJ f - t9 m 1 :m a.i dS 4ft I'JU 4 m I t :o 1 M .i w. M M v A w m ti'i AVi. vS- ' A.! Sf,tM a ixhi t ; T tlv - Mr . ij J?.? WK. 11.6.." J M WWfti y imv v- mmmmmmmmmmtimimiiKmatmmmammam v I -'T!W