rh RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloxul, NobrriBhtx jazSH PUBLISHED KVERY THURSDAY Entered In tho Pimtoillcti nt IWI ( li'tiil, Nefo. nil Hecomt Clans Mutter A. 11. MoAUTllUK I'imi-1'I.ii THE ONIW lIRMOCUAIir 1'AITIl IN WUIISTKU COUNTY BsssKSSaSisifteH r JBBJPPJBPBPJBBHBWBqWMBlWIMBWrofflByjftpJ'qMaWgWwTOMWMiM gT-fcWBMEWHM EXTRA! Political Announcements FOR SIIBUIIW I hereby announce myself a can didate for tltu olllco of Shorllf of Web Btcr Coiititr, subject to tho will of llio voters of llic Democratic putty at tlio primary clcolion to 'bo bold August 18, 1914, Ilr.x Hudson. I hereby announce mysSlf a eotidld Bto for tho olllco of SherltY of Webster county, subject to Hie will of the ToterHof the Democratic party nt the primary election to lie hold August 18, tltll. OltANl' CllttlSTV. I hereby announce myself n eandi date for the nomination of Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the voters of the Democratic party at tho Primary election to beheld August 18, inH. CitAS. .1. Ukmio.v. I hereby nnnoiince mysolf in a candi date for tho olllceof Shurlirof Webster oounty. subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at tho primary election to be held August 18, Mil. Jam. HniATKA. I tako this method of announcing mysolf as a candidate for the olllco of Sheriff of Webster county, snbjtjct to tho will of the progressive voters to be expressed at tho primary August iSth 1 T. W. Win 1 1:. I hereby announce myself n candid ate for Sheriff of Webster County sub ject to tho will of the Democratic voters nt tho Primary Election, August 18, 1014. WM. KlBKl'ATIIIUK. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself ns acaudl date for tho ofllco of Treasurer of Webstor County, subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary election to bo held Aug nst 18, 1014. Oeo. W. Trine. I take this method of announcing my candidacy for the olllce of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary August 18th. C. D. Romnhon. I am ii candidate for the ntllce of Treasurer of Webster county, Ne braska, subject to the wish of the Progressive voters at the primary election, August 18, 1014. J. V. GRIMES. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho olllce of County Treas arer of Webster county subject to the will of tlio Donioerittio voters at the Primary election, August 18, 101 1 II. C. WIUOIIT. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce myself a candi date for the olllce of County Cleric of Webster County, subject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary election to bo held August 18, 1014. FltA.NK Vaviik ka. I hereby announce myself n candi date for the olllce of" County Clerk of Webster county, subject to the decision of the voters of the Republican party at tho primary to bo hold August 18th, 1014. Ciias. C. 13cNNr.iT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County OIoilc of Webster county subject to the will of the Demo cratic voters at the primary election August 18,1011. ALBERT V. DUCKBR. 1 1. I tinrnlir niitinuiwo miself a enndl date for County Clerk of Webster ' oounty subject to tiiu win or the Democratic votets at tln primary election to be held August 18, Mill. W. T. MOl'NTKORD. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby nnuounco myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No. 1, subject to the will of tho voters of the Democratic party at the piinmry election to be held August 18. Mil 1. A. II. BRIGHT. 1 hereby announce mysolf asocandl date for County Commissioner for dis trict 4, subject to tho will of the demo cratic voters at the primary election to bo held Aug. 18, Mill. .). A, McAuTiiru. I hcroby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner for District No. 4, subject to tho will of tho Democratic and roopies title pendent voters at the Primary Elec tion, August 18,1011. . Joe Foii:i.. I hereby niinouncu mysolf as a can dldato for County Commissioner for District Four, subject to the will of tho Republican voters at the primary .election to bo held August 18. 1011 i. u. u.M.nwr.i.L. 1 hereby nnuounco myself u eandi date for Countv Commissioner of Dis trict No. r subject to tho will of the Democratic vo'tcis nt tho Primary Elec tion August 18, 1011. IjKC Duroru. FOR KEI'RESENTATIVE I bereby announce myself as a candi date for State Repiesentatlve for the HJth district subject to the will of tho ltopubllcHti voters t thu primary eleo tiou August 18th I trust I mm it your support. A. F. IlAiiTwr.i.r.. 1 hereby announce myself a candid ate for Roprebontathu of the 10th District subject to tho will of tho Democratic voteix at tho primary election August 18, 1011. A. W. Cox. I hereby anuuuuco myself a eandi date for Representative of the Kith District, subject to tho will of Demo cratic and Peoples Independent voters at the primary election August 18, 1014, Geo. W. Linusey. Terrific Massacre of lO r On high grade and dependable merchandise. The stupendous Unloading Sale of Miner Bros. Co. stock will soon end. The green tags will soon disappear and then this most successful sale will pass into history. IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE THE FINAL WIND UP i Friday and Saturday the Last Days TWO BANNER BARGAIN DAYS The purchasing power of the Mighty Dollar reaches the highest mark Dress Ginghams Aiiorted Lot Dress Ginghams in check and plaids 12 ftlfec Ladies9 Vests Jersey ribbed vests; taped neck and sleeves in. 30c value ' Children's Rompers Large line oC Children's rompers sold up QQ to GOc. special.. OC7C Ladies' Shirtwaists Special lot shirt- QQn waists sold to S3. vJOC Shirtwaists sold A Q up to 51.50 at... C Table Oil Cloth Assorted colors and -i e white 20c kind.... -IOC Wash Fabrics Fancy wash dress fabrics, sold to 50c loc THIS IS A CASH SALE Bankable Notes and Miner Bros. Trade Checks Accepted as Cash. Wonderful . Half Price Selling Many Things Less Than Half Price Ladies9 Suits and Coats Muslin Underwear Special Lot Lace Curtains Ladies9 Lingerie Dresses Ladies9 Shirt Waists Short Lengths Wool Dress Goods Broken Lots Ladies9 Corsets Remnants of all Descriptions Men's and Ladies9 Oxfords At Less Than Cost NOTHING RESERVED $2.50 OXFORDS $1.68 $3.00 OXFORDS $2.00 $3.50 OXFORDS $2.38 Children's Shoes Special Lot Sold up to $1.50 n per pair - - U7L Ladies' Shoes Special lot Ladies1 Shoes, sold up to $4, M 40 per pair - - "F11"0 Bring In Your Produce Its As Good As Cash. $3.75 OXFORDS $2.50 $4.00 OXFORDS $2.69 $4.50 OXFORDS 3.00 Calico -:- Calico Best American prints as sorted colors, Qia. 8 yards for.. OOC Ladies9 Corsets Special assorted lines lad ies' corsets sold ri 1Q up to S3.00 VLIW Special lot, sold uptoS1.50. 79c Colonial Draperies Large line o f colonial draperies good patterns sold up to 25c 1 ej per yard IOC Drapery Goods Assorted lot drapery scrim floral designs ai. 15c kind y2C China Silk Colored china silks QQ regular 50c value.. iC Taffeta Silks Sold up to S'1.00 on. special lot OtJC Ladies9 Hose Lace hose, tan 25c value 12c Owing to the ridicu lously low prices we accept only our own chips as cash. .'. , Miner Bros. Co. VSJSSS' MERCHANTS NATIONAL SERVICE CO. IN CHARGE mi? nniTvrv si'PRiMvrp.Knr.N'T I announce myself us u cnndidnte j for the nomination on tlio Democratic i.t.l D.ii.tl... 1...1. ...... 1. 1.n.t l.i1.. nt fli.il llllll l L'UIUQ l IIIH'lllUllli IIUIVUI III' I III' primary election to bo livid August i iStu, for tlio olllco of county supeiin tondont of Webster county Or.UTIM'DK L. COON vote will be appreciated. FRANK .7. Ml'NDAY. KOH COUNTY ATTOKNBY j 1 hereby announce mysolf a eandi- 1 dato for County Attorney df Webster! county, subject to tlio action of tlio I I'omooratjo party at tins primary elec-1 lion, August 18, 11)11, V.. (5. Caldwixi.. . r 1 hereby announce liiVMilf us ncauili- ditto for tli olllco of County Attornoy, hubjoct to tho will of tlio votors of tlio llcpubliuan I'arty at tlio primaries to bo hold on August lStli, 1011 UllANSON W Stmvaht. FOU COUNTY .IUDUB Having Hied my petltlou as reipiired by law, I lioreby luinonnco myhclf iisu oandlduto for tlio otlli-o. of Co.nrd' Jiido of Webster ooiVnty on tlio Non I'nrtlhim Judicial tldhet at tlio primary election to bo held on August 18, 1911, subject to the will of tlio qtialllled olectots ol sain county. A D. RANNBY. I hereby nnuounco mjholf its a can dldato for the nomination of county attorney, htibject to tlio Democratic voters of Webster county nt tho pri mary election August 18, 1914. Your L'OK SI ATE SBNATOU I desiiii to nnuounco to my friends Unit I will bo a oandidato for Stato Senator from the 20th Dlhtrlct, subject to x tho decision of tho Itepuliltimn voters ct the primaries AiiHiibt 18th. OKO. W.HUMMBL. The sympathy of the entire nation goos out to President Wilson in this his groat hour of trial. Mrs. Wilson was beloved by nil who know hor, and she wits of great aid to hor husdiuid, who will miss hor companionship and counsel. Coming at this time when tho president is besot with grava prob lems on every hand it Is especially ) hard. 1 hereby announce mysolf as n can didate forStuto Senator from the 120th District, subject to tho will of tho Deinoeratlo voters at the primary elec tion to bo held August 18,11)11. Wm. L. Weksnkk. "It is not itblllty to frame up tcchni- 1 cnlitlcs, uor ability to denl in long legal phrases, that tho pcoplo wuut most in a railway commissioner," says Will Maupin, candidate for tho demo cratlo nomination for railway commiss ioner. "Tho possession of ordinary horse sense and itblllty aud willing ness to use it, qualify a man to fill the job." Maupin snys that If ho is nomi nated and eleotcd he will decide ques tions according to the evidence, sub mitted, and will not depend upon moldy precedont. 1 - . 'Automobile-drivers are getting too reckless in driving thru the streots pf tho city sometimes going ns fast is thirty or forty miles au hour which is exceedingly dangerous. Unless drivors voluntary comply with the law they may have some unpleasant oxpor loncos Tho speed craze seems to grow and unless someone calls a halt .wo may have some disastrous acci dents. Ten miles an hour within ths city limits is fast enough for iinyono, and all drivers should be held to the limit. Next Tuesday is primary election. Tho campaign lor ho nomination of the various olllcos has boon brisk but on the whole very pleasant Each candidate has been making tlio race solely on his own merits nnd there has been scarcoly any dlspargomont of opponents. Those. seeking nomination on tho Democratic ticket are all nio'n deserving careful consideration. The Chief has not selected any favorites, roali?.lng It is hotter for the party to mnko its selection of candidates with out interference ,, ., Glant3 ' Other Daya. Wh lo oxcaVating tho ruina of St PIran's oratory, Cornwall, England, many skeletons have bqcn dug lift several of thorn of human beings uor en feet In heleht 1 A V