The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1914, Image 2

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armaria Occupying Much Belgian
Territory British Force Cap
tura Chief Town In Ger
man Africa.
Western Newspaper Union News ScrVlc
London. Advlcos received horo
Saturday from Berlin say that tho
German foreign offlco has Issued a
statement claiming that Llcgo was
captured by assault by tho German
army In a night attack.
Thoro is no confirmation of this re
port hero according to tho British of
ficials, but it is admitted that com
munications with Llcgo from Brussels
was interrupted about midnight, al
though 'tho Belgian officials claimed
that tho city was still Intact How
ever it has been accepted hero that by
heer force of numbers tho Gormans
eventually would tnko tho city, and
tho chief Bolglan-Fronch-Brltlsh de
fence was to ho massed at Namur.
Tho Rotterdam correspondent of
tho Star wires that tho German shell
flro destroyed tho roof of tho Llcgo
cathedral of St, Paul. Tho cathedral
of St. Paul Is tho most famous in Eu
rope. British 8elze Port Lomo.
London Tho British colonial forces
en tho Gold coast, on the west coast
of Africa, have seized Port Lomo, tho
chief town in German Togoland, ana
now hold It, according to official cables
recolvcd. At tho snme time British
expeditions Bclzed all of South Togo
land, to a point extending 120 kilo
meters north from tho coast It is
stated that tho German colonial forces
made no resistance. Tho Gold const
Is tho nnmo given to tho southern
part of Ashanti, tho British posses
sion in West Africa. A military con
stabulary forco of about 1,000 men is
maintained thoro, and it is believed
that theso forces took tho aggressive.
French In Alsace-Lorraine.
Paris. Tho war offlco has Issued a
bulletin saying that tho French nrmy
operating in Alsncc-Lorraino has
entered tho fortified city of Mulhau
sen, Tho announcement carried no
details. If truo it moans that tho
French hnvo won a great victory, as
Mulhnuson's fortressc wero consid
ered of the best nnd formed an Impor
tant link in tho German frontier de
fenses. French soldiers nro pressing
forwnrd In AIsnro-Lorralno. The town
of Altklrch has been taken by tho
French, who aro advancing In forco
from Bolfort
Germans Invade Russia.
Copenhagen. According to advices
received hero tho Gormnn invasion of
Russia nro landing 40,000 mon from
transports at Ekcnns. This expedi
tionary forco, said to have boon con
voyed by tho German Baltic fleet, Is
reported marching on Holslngfors, tho
capital of Flnlnnd. Tho movement Is
believed to mean that Germany plans
an offensive movement directly
against St. Petersburg.
Will Resist Raise In Prices.
London. Tho authorities aro taking
all possible steps to allay public anx
iety in regard to food supplies and
prevent unjustlflablo attempt to arti
ficially raise prices. Tho homo office
has issued nn official statement that
in addition to tho four months' supply
of whoat actually in tho country, or bo
i lng harvested thoro were largo con
signments now on tho way hero, much
of which was already near British
Crown Prince Reported Attacked.
London. Tho Standard says It has
aeard fropi n rollnblo source that tho
Gorman crown prince has beon Fori
ously Injured by nn unidentified assail
nnt, who, nftor Inflicting gravo wounds,
escaped. The C.crmnn authorities. In
their efforts to trnco tho assassin, in
flicted groat Indignities on several
Englishmen, nccordlng to tho samo re
port. Lisbon. Parliament hns adopted n
resolution announcing It to bo Portu
gal's intention to Btnnd by England In
the presept war. Whether that sup
port is to take tho form of openly d
clnrlng wnr on Oormany or whether It
will bo to throw Portuguese ports opon
to British warships for tholr use Is
till to bo determined, Tho premier
afterward Introduced a resolution ten.
derlng tho support of Portugal to Eng
land without condition. The resolu
tion was responsjblo for a demonstra
tion from evory section of tho cham
ber in honor of England and France.
Hear Guns on Maine Coast.
Portland, Me. The firing of heavy
guns off tho Maine coast was hoard
early Wednesday. Eight or ton shots
within two minutes woro hoard short
ly beforo 7 o'clock by the keeper of
the Portland observatory, Tho sound
seomod to como from a point twenty
flro or thirty miles southeast of Port
land and probably in tho vicinity of
Keguln island. The flhots also wero
heard at tho hnrhor forts and at points
between here nnd Bath. Seguln Is a
small Island off tho mouth of tho Kon
iiebeo river, a few miles below Bath.
RENDING. Washington. Mrs.. Woodrow Wil
son, wlfo of tho president of tho United
States, died at tho White house at 6
o'clock Thursday aftornoon. Death
camo nftor a bravo struggle of months
agaliiBt Bright's dlseaso with compli
cations. Tho president was complcto
ly unnorved by tho shock and his
grlof was heartrending. Ho bore up
well under tho strain, however, and
devoted himself to Ills daughters.
Both houses of congress adjourned
when Mrs. Wilson's death was an
nounced and for a brief tlmo the
wheels of tho government practically
stopped, while everyone paid respect
to tho loss of tho president.
Brussels. Tho Bolglan war offlco,
in an official statement Issued Friday,
says tho Germans nt Llcgo admit tholr
losses total 2G.000.
It Is officially announced that tho
Gcrmnns havo asked for nn armistice
at Llrge. It is believed they want to
gather their wounded and bury tholr
Germany has already lost 25,000
men in killed and woundod at Llego.
Tho Belgian defense is unwoakened
and tho forts untnken.
This is tho startling news sent to
King Albert by tho Belgian com
mander and mado public at tho war
offlco. So serious is tho German loss
that the army board hero docs not
believo there will bo another general
assault until tho Gorman artillery has
mado n holo in tho fortifications or
Bolglum abandons them to fall back
upon tho second lino of defenses nt
Namur. The Gorman dead includo
somo of tho fighting units of tho
kaiser's army- Not less than three
entire regiments of Uhlans, tho finest
cavalry in tho world, havo been com
pletely destroyed. Two crack rogl
monts of tho Tenth army corps wero
practically blown to pieces , when
mines planted under tho roadway
leading to tho forts wero dotonnted.
Ono great Zeppelin waB shot to pieces.
Throo tlmos tho Gorman hosts wero
hurled against tho Belgian defenders.
Massed In closo formation, the Gcrmnn
Infantry charged across tho opon coun
try In a vain nttempt to carry tho
fortifications by storm. Their wonder
ful courage was usoloss and thoy final
ly wero driven back shattered.
Cruiser Bombards Algerian Town.
Paris. It Is officially confirmed
that tho Gorman crulsor Broslau bom
barded Bona, a fortified seaport town
In Algorla. Tho cruiser fired sixty
shots, to which tho port batteries re
plied. Details of tho fight aro lacking.
Later tho Br6slau sailed in tho direc
tion of Glbrnltar and Is supposed to
have been captured by tho British flcot
which Is guarding tho straits. It Is
reported from Cnlals that Fronch tor
pedo boat destroyers captured two
lnrgo Gorman sailing ships.
Have Received President's Offer.
Washington. Receipts of President
Wilson's offer of good offices havo
beon acknowledged by some of tho
warring nations In Europe, but nono
of tho rosponses constitute anything
in the naturo of a roply. Ofllclnis oo
not know whether It has beon received
in Germnny. Tho responso from the
Russian forolgn offlco said the pro
posal had not been brought to tho at
tention of Emperor Nicholas, becnuso
ho was moving about tho country di
recting preparations. What others
had acknowledged was not disclosed.
Americans Suffering Inconvenience.
London. Upwards of 15,000 Amer
icans, aro expected to Bail for home
within the next week or ton days.
They continued to pour into London
from tho continent. More than 2,000
havo arrived within tho last twonty
four hours and others nro on tho way.
It Is estimated that there aro 7.C00
Americans in London at tho present
tlmo. All aro suffering tho greatest
lncovenlenco, duo to tho loss of tholr
baggage and lack of funds.
Prepare for Woundad.
Hull, England. Tho hospital author
ities hero havo received orders to pro
paro to receive 2."0 men wounded In a
North sea engagement. Shipping firms
havo beon Informed that tho cast
coast Is now clear from Hull to Lon
don. Coastwlso services havo been
resumod and lighting vossols aro frco
to proceed to Iceland.
French Score a Victory.
Paris, French arms havo scored
rlctory in n sharp nnd bloody engage
ment at Potlt Croix. A corps of
Uhlans attacked the French forcos on
trenched Just beyond tho town. Tho
defenders rcpllod with machine guns
and mowed down tho ndvnnco guard
or the Germans. Tho Uhlans chargod
Bovernl times, but were unablo to
withstand tho withering fire of tho do
fendors and finally retired In disorder,
leaving a number of doad on tho field.
Among tho wounded wero some of
ficers. Nicholas Issues Manifesto.
St Petersburg. Emperor Nicholas
has Issued a manf.'csto In which his
majesty outllnos tho events leading
up to tho declaration of war by Ger
many and then says that "Russians
will rise Hko ono man and will ropulso
tho Insolont attack of tho enemy."
Makes War Appropriation.
Borlln. A bill has boon Introduced
into tho German Imperial parliament
providing for tho appropriation of
11,250,000,000 to meet tho expenses of
tho war.
Financiers Will Check Flow of Ameri
can Gold to Foreign Shores
Women Asked, to Savo
Western Newspnpor Union News Service.
New York. Tho first notable flurry
in tho harbor since the naval guard
was Btatloncd down tho bay to watch
against violations of tho neutrality
IawB occurred Saturday night The
Clyde steamer Pawnee, which runa
between this port nnd Philadelphia,
was chnsed by n torpedo dostroyer
nftor falling to respond to signals as
sho was passing out and was brought
back insldo tho narrows. Later she
was allowed to proceed. A shot flrod
from tho locality where tho battleship
Florida and torpodo destroyor Dray
ton were moored near Tompkinsville,
had failed to halt the outgoing
steamer. Tho incident appeared to
bo duo to tho Pawnee's failure to ob
Borvo tho new port regulations estab
lished by a neutrality safoguarJ.
To Check Raid on Gold.
Now York. Tho flnanclnl commu
nity was occupied all week devising
methods of mooting tho emergency of
tho war. Satisfaction with progress
mado Ir provod by the calmness nnd
confidence manifest In tho flnanclnl
world, In contrast with tho nlarm nt
tho week's opening. Agreement on I
ino necessity or ciiecuing tno raid on
American gold supplies followed the
perception that all Europe was press
ing for immediate cash payments for
credits and sales nt tho samo t!mo(
that a universal moratorium went into'
effect on debts and purchases.
Aid for Red Cro6s.
Washington. Mrs. Whltclaw Roid,
widow of tile former Amcrlcnn ambas
sador to Great Britain, has notified tho
Amorlcnn Rod Cross that sho will de
fray tho expenses of twelve Red Cross
nurses for Groat Britain for one
month. Mrs. Reld has sent $1,000 to
tho British Red Cross. Improvements
in the condition of Americans through
out tho war zono woro reported at the
first meeting of tho board of relief,
created by President Wilson to deal
with tho problem. It was said no moro
navnl vessels will bo dispatched to
Europo for tho prcsont.
Women Asked to Save Harvest.
Paris. Premier Vlvlana in ,an of
ficial proclamation has nsked French
women to savo tho harvest The proc
lamation says: "The wheat stands un
renped nnd tho time of vintage ap
proaches. I appeal to your hardihood
and to that of your chlldron whoso
ngo nlone, not their courage, with
holds them from tho fighting line. I
ask you to maintain the lives of our
fields, to finish this year's hnrvest and
preparo for that or next year. You
cannot rendor greater service to your
Toklo. The Jnpaneso foreign ofP.ce
has issued a statement that If tho wnr
extends to the Far East nnd England
Is Involved In It, Japan may find it
necessary to partlclpato In fulfillment
or tho Anglo Japan nlllanco.
Forced to Remain In Port.
Bar Harbor. Mo. Tho troasuro shtp
Kronprlnzessln Cocillo will bo forced
to remain In port hero until tho end of
tho war. Tho United Statos torpedo
dostroyer Warrington nnd tho revenue
cuttor Ondroscoggln are anchored off
Bnr Harbor and havo tho North Ger
man Lloyd liner bottlod up In accord
ance with tho noutrnllty orders Issued
by Prcsldont Wilson. Captain Pollack
had no sailing ordors as tho Kronprln
zessln Is a part of tho Gorman naval
reserves expected to be hold nt Bar
Many Want to Fight.
New York. In New York nro 12,000
ablo-bodlod mon seeking transporta
tion to Europe for Bervlco In tho
nrmies of tho warring powers. An
other nrmy of C.000 mon Is registered
on tho ho.oks of tho genoral consulates
of tho nntlons Involved In tho war nnd
still othor thousnnds hnvo signified by
telegram nnd letter their Intention to
fight whenevor called nn. or nt ruMi
tlrno nR transportation is furnished
tho mto Europo. Tho majority of tho
I rose rvlsta nnd volunteers from out of
. towE aro without funds
Presldent Has Signed the Bill Appro
priating $2,500,000 for Financial
Assistance of Americans.
Western Noweuaper Union News Service.
In Aid of Americans Abroad.
Washington. President Wilson has
signed tho bill appropriating $2,500,
000 for tho financial' assistance of
Americans abroad. Tho gold will be
takon from tho sub-treasury in Now
York to tho armored cruiser Tennes
sco, which sails for the principal ports
of Europe to distribute it Negotia
tions woro begun for the chartoring of
Bovoral big Italian steamships, which,
together with thirty-nluo American
vessels ordinarily used in tho coast
wlso trade, will provido facilities for
as many thousands as care to come
Thinks War Means End of World.
'Pmaha, Neb. Tho general European
war signifies tho near approach of tho
end of tho world, according to Sovoflth
Day Advcntlsts of Omaha. Ono of tho
signs forecasted to point to tho com
ing destruction of tho world, nccord
lng to tho beliefs of tho Advcntlsts, is
a general war of unprecedented de
struction. ,
"Many Omaha Advcntlsts believe
that tho present war Is to bo that for
which wo havo long been looking,"
said L. B. Johnson, former city
councilman and Advontist "Already
it has engulfed tho major part of
Europo, colonies scattered throughout
other continents and It may yet In
volvo still othor nations."
Americans Besiege Copenhagen.
Copenhagen. Tho American lega
tion horo is practically in a state of
siege. Nearly 1,000 American citizens
havo reached this city from Hamburg,
whonco they intended sailing for
America on tho Imporator nnd other
liners. Most of thorn loft tholr bag
gage In Germany. Somo of tho Amer
icans will endeavor to reach America
by way of England, while others will
sail on the Danish llnor United States
Are Being Provided For.
London. Tho wants of most of tho
Americans In London now havo beon
temporarily provided. Thoso holding
notes and checks have bocn able to
got small sums of currency to carry
them on, whilo tho hotels aro not
pressing thorn for tholr bills for dally
noeds. Others without funds of any
kind aro being taken caro of by com
mittees and by loans from individual
Auto Stopped on the Crossing.
Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Den
ham, Edward Wnndcrluss and W. P.
Barring wore killed instnntly and two
women Injured when tho automobllo
in which thoy wero riding was struck
by a fast passenger train near Lako
Forest. Tho automobllo cnglno stalled
Just ns tho car reached tho crossing
nnd tho locomotlvo struck tho mnchlno
beforo tho chauffeur could dismount tc
crank tho onglno.
Asked to Watch the Prices.
Washington. Tho National House
wives' lenguo has sent this notido to
members throughout tho United
"Call a meeting to consider tho
prices of foodstuffs in your city. In
vestignto from ovory anglo. Honest
4he present wnr crisis to adyanco
prices, but wo must havo the subject
woll in hand to protect the customer
from any unwarranted rise. Watch
prices and report any advance to the
national executive committee."
Yellowstone Park Bandit Captured,
Helena, Mont Ono of tho bandits
who robbod tho stage conches in tho
Yollowstono national park last week
has been captured in tho wilds of
Idaho by Jimmy McBrlde, a noted
Yol vstono park scout, nccordlng to
a mossago received hore.
'Red Cross Tenders Services.
Washington. Tho Amorlcnn Red
Cross society has decided to formally
tendei Us services to all tho nations
Involve In the European war.
...I. a
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union News Scrvlcu.
State Levy Same as Last Lear.
The stato board of assessment, with
all members prcsont, mado hasto to
equalize tho nssesscd valuation of
counties and after marking proposco
changes in tho land values in sixteen
counties, llxcd tho stato levy tho same
ns last year, 7.80 mills on the dollur
As tho levy for tho goueral fund It
now 5 mills nnd cannot be Increased
under tho law, nnd as tho other levies
aro fixed by law and cannot bo raised
or lowored by law, tho board could
not possibly have Increased tho levy
unless it had decided to levy 1 mill or
a fraction thereof under the Sheldot
law for tho rodcinptlon of outstnm.
ing general fund warrants.
After years of waiting (seven, ol
them, to bo exact), during which
period thoro has boen extended re
search, investigation, conference and
litigation, the stato railway commis
sion has announced a new class
freight rato schedule. It reduces class
rates on intrastate traffic approxi
mately 19 per cont n saving that will
aggregate upward of $611,000 annuSlly.
In addition there will bo a substantial
reduction in Interstate rates by reason
of tho new schedule.
Tho schedulo promulgated with the
order is a distance tariff. Tho Job
bing centers of tho stato aro placed
upon an equalized basis. Tho pur
pose of the commission In so doing Is
to presorvo present commercial con
ditions without continuing nny or tho
old abuses and inequalities. The
rntes apply to all trafllc moving under
tho classification nnd cover In all
about 10,000 Items. Affected nre Im
plements, merchnndlso, groceries and
an nbundanco or manufactured pro
ducts. About 15 per cent of the gross
freight tonnage of Nebraska roads Is
affected, or about SO per cent of tho
gross intrastnto freight earnings.
Public Ownership In Nebraska.
Vast amounts of information on inn
hlclpal affairs aro included in a work
Just Issued which has boen prepared
and printed by tho stato legislative
reference bureau. Included in it nro
facts as to public ownership operation
of utilities In towns and villages of tho
state as well as Lincoln und Omaha,
bonded dobts df.all towns, facts on tho
liquor problems, table showing popula
tion growths nnd othor mnttors of in
terest to all taxpayers. Two or tho
three cltie3 of the stato of from 25,000
to 125,000 population own their own
wator plants ono does not. Gas
plants in nil three cities nro privately
owned. Six of tho ton cities of from
5,000 to 25,000 roportod to tho buronu
and of this number four own their
water plants and two do not. Ono
hundred and sixteen towns or from 200
to 1,500 own water works' and four
do not. Twenty-eight own electric
plants and six own gas plants.
Must Stick to Own Parties.
Republicans cannot enter demo
cratic primaries and obtain party
nominations and then expect to go
through tho general election cam
paign as tho candidates of that party.
Neithor can democrats do the same
thing in tho republican party's affairs.
So says the attorney general In an
opinion Just handed down. The some
what perplexing problem came up in
westorn Nobraska, where a republican
candidate for county clerk wanted to
become a "wrltten-In" candidate for
tho samo offlco on tho democratic
ticket nnd where tho domocratlc can
dldato for tho offlco wanted to Jump
similarly into tho republican fray.
Stato Food Commissioner Harmnn
has announced that tho various de
partments under his control received
$13,432.37 In fees during the month of
Application of tho stato lco croam
manufacturers' association for curtail
ment of oxprcss rates on return con
tainers has boen denied by tho stato
railway commission. Tho present
rates of 10 cents on flvc-gallon cans
and 15 cents on cans above that ca
pacity will thoreforo coutinuo in force.
The treasury department has ruled
that Nobraska state banks may de
duct from their gross Income the
amounts they pay as an assessment
for tho bank guarantee fund In their
corporation tax roturns.
Inrllan Mlilanm at ftta Call-
Undo Sam has given his consent for
an Indian vlllago at tho Nobraskn
tato fair. Word has been received
by Secretary W. R. Mellor to this ef
fect C. L. Eason of Chndron wrltos
that tho federal authorities will per
mit the braves to mako the Jaunt and
thoy will pitch their tepees at tho fair
grounds a couplo of days before the
fair. The Indians will not indulge In
a wild wost demonstration. Instead
they will attempt to portray Indian
life as it existed beforo tho coming of
the white man to Nebraska. The cob
You Cannot
the question of a Sick
Stomach, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Head
ache, Indigestion, or
Constipation. It is a
far better plan to help
Nature restore these or
gans to a healthy condi
tion with the aid of
Big Stone Bounded Off irishman, But
Killed Polander, Who "Couldn't
Stand Much."
Representative Michael E. Conry of
New York used to bo employed In the
coal mines of Pennsylvania. One
morning as ho was going to work he
met another Irishman all fixed up In
his Sunday clothes.
"What's wrong?" naked Conry.
"Nothin' wrong," answered tho other
"But what's happened?"
"Nothin's happoned. A man's got to
show somo respect for tho dead."
"What dead?"
"Oh, that Polander I worked with
died yesterday."
"What did ho die of?"
"A rock fell and hit him."
'You don't say! How big a rock wu
It?" '
"Oh, three or four tons, maybe.
Thorn Polandcrs enn't stand much. I
purty near got hurt myself yester
day." "How wns that?"
"Tho rock that killed tho Polander
hit mo first, but luckily it bouncod off."
St. Joseph Nows-Press.
Very Effective.
At an English provincial theater not
long sinco tho curtain roso on an
empty stugo In tho second act of a
play, and by and by a raeok-looklng
young man with ti dust-coat slung ovor
his arm camo on and loudly called,
"Uncle undo!"
According to tho book of the play
ho should hnvo received no answer to
his call, and after an appropriate pause
should havo gono on with a mono
logue. But n gracelcsB "god" in the
gallery took upon himself to answer
tho actor.
"All right, I'm coming In a moment
How much do you want on it?" he
Tho effect on tho audience may be
Fortune Hunter.
"So Jack's married. Did ho marry
for beauty?"
"No, booty."
"Monoy talks," quoted tho Sage.
"Yes, and it stops talk," added the
Fool. Cincinnati Enquirer.
"Is a ton of coal very much, pat"
"It depends on whether you are
shoveling it or burning it"
It's almost impossible to discourage
the man who thinks he can tell a
tunny story.
We Do
the Cooking
You avoid fussing over a
hot stove
Save time and energy
Have a dish that will please
the home folks!
A package of
hd some cream or good milk
sometimes with berries or
A breakfast, lunch or
Fit for a King!
Toasties are sweet, crisp
bits of Indian corn perfectly
cooked and toasted
Ready to eat from the
by Grocers.
ntVtaM m.. ...Ufca) .! . ,
- 44, 4,
jH-v-'HiMr .- X
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