BBBaBaBaBaBaaaaaaaaaBBaBBBBa .. ,, -. (Ar. .i;W.,'iv MrijU- .1)5 Bi--M.Ad E5 4JK.X 'asaVJw -, A . )-S-JK 4sw-sj- """V-- 34WWil)M'lIMMWWlli'WWMtJ1yti,liii.1Mi -, , IED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF S? WJ "FOOL-PROOF" AEROPLANE FOR THE GOVERNMENT MONTHLY REPORT OF TREASURER m $i SURRENDER OF CONTROL WILL HAMPER THE ROAD. a c k aBaBaBaBBBBi r 1 ""yvvS r'" I -A"tV,'rP(l:""r :r 1 --W f n., 4HH "i4HiHHH.- sBaBaBPffPnBSBBK&ajpsa M I s . IiSF Hftkj'"'" BBBBBaf' -r-- - lr&SESSmLZ2Lt$IlMf JIT aBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBB-' eBaBaa. -.. w.,.vrNiwhiiiiWBMHBMWMf''i t i-M't QefaaaBaHr' BBaBBa"av-.''L:. ,;$., y ivfc y umirMTW aBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaVX . eBWaSK-i Mifc,,'ajP-.'1tL'- at t1&Ai m ''' &"'?''- ''jPJUWBj J t Side vlow of one of tho novel biplanes which are being hurried to completion In tho Durgeaa factory for the Sse of tho United States army and navy. It Is called "fool-proof" because the V-shapcd construction and tho bal nee make It impossible to capsize. MRS. HENRY F. DIMOCK Mrs. Dlmock, who heads the George Washington Memorial association, which is to erect a great convention hall In Washington as a memorial Co the first, president, Is prominent in society and is a sister of the late Wil liam C. Whitney. WILSON OFFERS TROPHY fc-.. ij niii yfcTBS One of the most desirable trophies to be given at the Panama-Pacific In ternational exposition at San Fran cisco will be the President's Trophy, (given by President Woodrow Wilson 'to the winner of the 12-meter yacht jrace under international rules. The (trophy Is valued at S600 as a Jeweler's (work of art. It Is designed as a rep- Jlca of the" Hanap, a tall drinking ves el of the fourteenth century. The cup Is 28 inches high, including the red (wood burl pedestal. The top of the bowl measures 10 Va Inches. Two pan els of the cup will bear Inscriptions land the names of the winner and crew. The other two panels will bear Scenes of the exposition etched Into the silver. Ths Army of Mexico. The least impressive army I have jieen anywhere, writes Fritz Arno von tie Ellen in Harper's Weokly, Is that supporting the federal government. Officers with slight knowledge of even the most elementary tactics are placed n command of green men who scarce ly know how to handle the modern equipment with which they are sup plied. I had an opportunity to study puerta's forces at their best, for the pick of the troops in Mexico City was drilled before the motion-picture Kmera, the idea being to Impress the talde world with the power behind the federal cause. But it takes more than uniforms and guns to make knodera army. It Is second nature for the trained soldier to obey; but the Mexican is without' that second na ture. He generally obeys because he p afraid that be will be stood up talnst a wau ana snoi. An oraer to isport troops brings confusion, ow- ig to a woeful lack of system, and Mexican company In camp would be astounding spectacle to a foreign leer. f vvvxLVv . . r " j bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb VJh K v Jo v. .i H Lul jSHkLE! S,v T BaYaBBBBBBBBBBBBBr v i- v-; -""J jv JPvbbbbbbbbbbbbV t " .- lO? X-- ? HIJSSefM sr y If BS 1 V m. J JfciJlSJSjSJB"; ??wtv rf ' COLONEL ROOSEVELT IN THE JUNGLE 1 " I in i m i i aagyMpcpagaaK JMi im j jllBMffsaBWfry ibsblIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK llBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBr kwE LIYLILILILILILILILILILIHibbbbbbbbbbbbbbE1 IsBBBBSr X "I'-N i:-r-V si, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI SSBBBBHskiSBBB isBBBBK "I '- v vbWbbbbbbbbPIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiS9PV1bbbbbbbssbbbbbbb1 MitV Vs ? vflLBSBBBBBFrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlHByH BSlBSBBBBBBBBBBn ffBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH nLBsySBflpHIPHH HSSBBBBBBBBBBBBsRkKSHiiKKsH ?riSBpBBBBBBBBJB9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBftBBnBBB'BJBHHBBBJBB liSBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBPZ'ISrlSBBBBBSBT "f "T-f I ISBBBBBBBBBBsHKBBBBOlBlBSBBBBBBBBBtMHEI 'tl 1 lSJBBBBBBBBBBBSBjBSJSSBBBBSiSBJSBBBBEaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfelBBBJSSSBJPM. B 1 i ''PbbbbbbbbSbbjbbbbbbbbbWbhbISbbbbbbbbbbbV.'bbbbbbbbbbb: ''' m i WiSiSIT'"jBJBBBT'4 'W'BBZdBBmBBB''v V WlV BBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS,u.'uj mil Mir i -""""' ,rl ' T? ' "T ,'W.nMv7ffSBSJBBBgfMaMHBBBBjfgSBBJ(SVaf MMPHsVHsVBHBnSSBIBMsV'Mfr J4iHBBIIHBIIBIIBBMBBBBdBlBBBBBkBlU Colonel Roosevelt and a companion photographed In the wilds of South America during the remarkable exploring expedition, recently ended. FOUR BEAUTIES FROM MEXICO tJI s'tre'pBsHa. BBBBBBBSW JIHPk bbbbbbbbbbbbbm jts' 4 v' '", bbbbbbbbbbbbv -'bsbsv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 4b'bbbbbbbbk 'bbbbbV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH V' ''dJt" SBBBBBBBBBlP 'i'-':5?BsV SBBBBBBPPBBBBBBBBBBBBk tK:''- HRilSMiJBBBB m W9wmm9mK bbbbbbfy.bbbbbbbbV' StrvT m 1 BViKBBkBBBBBKr I SB'J: i ' r -JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV.7:; ' BBBBBBBBBfe;'''- f ';'. " R li'V'? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTr1BBBBBBBBtf 1! I IIbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbV!SbbbbbHAbbbbbbbbb1bb Bb BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr VP&fz -BBBBBBiBBBBBBBBRRnSRMBBBBBSW BBBW M LBBBBV'r"BBBBBBBBBBF'i''x."BBB3'.J"BBB IA'' :"''BBBBBBBBr i: 'BBBWl(jtMraySSii ' WHb3 hSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlV 'f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr sSBBt ''' cElBBIVBBBBBBBB? BBBBBBVzL V l?V5i lKHnBSaavl til ttUSlHlflSPSBBBK SBBBBBBBBBBBBBi'''v.BBBbP '' ----- SBBBBBCBBBBBMiitl'iPfcf SSBBBBBBBBBBBB'' BBBBbV' x- ' '"'" SBBBBBBSBBBBilKK.?vSfJalii!iiai?ii. K'gSMi'jv88jtta r " ..d.Jta-. . . .. ., -"g' -HnrA-"J--iiMftitgrslariffrT --fc The four beautiful daughters of Senor Rabasa, head of the Mexican dele gation at Niagara Falls, Ont, have attracted much attention. In the photo graph, left to right, they .are Senorltas Ruth, Isabel, Merceded and Con cepcion. ROLLS THREE MILES TO WIN WAGER SESSBBBW W&'' ' && -" W iwjVMiwiwwiiiigBnBgM frjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSv BQ ' fE&f BV VflVBBBBV MBfc JcMflfcyiJl. aBBBfc. v tO' s HRHtsjIlBBlBBBBBBBBBBBAii' rSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBe'w1 '''BBv( iT?s'Vf' ' :-'mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs9Hbbbbb To win a wager of $5,750, Hal Parr, rolled three miles In sixteen hours. He and cap and his knees and elbows were Tree In Grave Danger, If present conditions that favor the spread of the chestnut bark disease persist, Dr. Graves of the Yale for estry school says In the Popular Sci ence Monthly that this noble North American tree will become virtually extinct. Continued forest fires, re peated coppicing, change of soil con ditions from cutting over large areas, and so on, add to the disease, in hasten ing the process. But the Japanese and Chinese chestnuts are largely re tt33W3 well - known society man of Baltimore, wore khaki knickerbockers, sweater well padded. sistant to the blight, and by crossing these with American types a cblnqua-pln-Aslatlq hybrid has been produced that yields nuts of decidedly superior quality, and Is highly resistant to the disease. This hybridizing, Prof. Graves thinks, may eventually prove to be the "only means of continuing the existence In our land of a greatly esteemed tree." And philanthropy usually achieves Its best work In the limelight. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from R liable Sources and Preienttd In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Western Newspaper Union News Servlee. Tho monthly report of Stnto Treas urer George shows that tho bnlanco on hand Increased during tho month from $677,684.18 to $758,626.59. Of that amount, $5,112.56 la ensh on hand and tho balanco Is on deposit In stato do posttory banks. Tho treasurer's ro port this month Is accomplished by a port this month Is accompanied by a Hat of depository banks and tho nmount on deposit In each. DurlnK tho month tho treasurer received $n90.03'!.06 and paid out $509,089.65. Tho trust funds Invested nt this time nggrcgato $9,595,083.88. Of this amount, $9,208,588.22 Is Invested in SMaiiMmiMNHttiBiaiaiiMiKiiiaiiM'iaiaiMoaM, NEBRASKANS IN THE PUBLIC EYE ', iwaiaiiaiaiaiiaiaiaiiMiiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiiJ &. X. jJ!! ' t fs M y -? MRS. DRAPER SMITH of Omaha President Nebraika Woman Suffrage, association, former president Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubi, and of Omaha Women's club. Mrs. Smith has for years been a leading spirit In uplift ing work of various kinds. bonds, $130,041.17 In stato university warrants, $149,927.90 in normal school warrants, and $106,256.59 in general fund warranto. The general fund warrants were taken up with cash de rived from a tax of of 1 mill for university buildings. There Is now $25,999.87 In tho genoral fund and war rants on this fund are still being reg istered on account of lack of funds and are Bold at a discount. There is $364,384 In the temporary school fund, but thla will soon be apportioned among the different counties for thf support of public schools. Will Be Bad for the Road. Surrender of the Union Pacific con rrol of tho St. Joseph & Grand Island road to the minority stockholders may result In business failure of the line. That view Is hold by a group c state officials familiar with most of tho troubles of the line, but who decline, to become connected with tho control Yersy. Thoy say that tho Union Pa cific can divert from $1,200 to $1,80(1 worth of freight traffic dally which' thoy have been giving to tho Grand. Island line and send It south over, their own more roundabout line's. The loss of this rovenuo would put the Grand Island road back In tho red, and would Instantly stop the operations of the past olght months, which, for the first time in years, has promised to put the road on tho right aide of tho ledger as far as Nebraska activity is concerned. 8llo Days Advocated. A day for the study of silos Is being, encouraged by tho Nebraska collcgo of agriculture. Tho plan is for a group offarmers, large or small In number, to make a tour over their" own county, where silos are being used. At each place visited the owner or user of the Bllo tolls of his export ence and explains the construction. When the tour is made by automobile enough territory may be covered to visit tho silos constructed of ovcry material to be found In a county. Horticultural Society Officers. The board of directors of tho Ne braska State Horticultural society, who were elected at the annual meet ing of the society last January, havo assumed chargo of their offices. Thoy are: President, J, A. Yagor, Fremont; first vice-president, 3. M. Pollard, No hawka; second vice president, Jacob Hess, Omaha; treasurer, Peter Young era, Jr., Geneva; directors, W. A. Har rison, York; G. A. Marshall, Arling ton; Val Keysor, Nobraska City.. Fight the Weeds. Alfalfa growers In Nebraska should remembor that their most deadly en emy Is the weed. .Before you sow al falfa clean your land of weeds. In experlenced'farmers presume that the alfalfa needs about the same treat ment as clover. This Is a mistake. Bocauso they are In the habit of seed ing clover with a nurse crop thoy try tho same plan with the alfalfa. They should make up their minds to loss the use of their land for a part of the season and make war on all sortB of weeds, select excellent eeed0 V vIIIbbbI Bv BBBBBBBBBBBBB sIb afWIH a mB YmbBB m WMiMHir- V -.' " i"Brw; - ' T jiWiWrf' -iW We do not ask you to do our experimenting During the twonty-ono years in which we havo beem building motor cars, we havo nrvtr ashed tho publlo to do our oxperlmcntlncr. Every uult of tho Ilaynen ear Is designed, checked and thoroughly tested before receiving Its final O.K. The American Slmms Dual High Tension Magneto Is positively tho most simple dual Ignition ever devised. It was recommended by tho Haynes englneors after careful speed and compression tests proved beyond doubt that It was unusually efficient and absolutely dependable. The Leeco-Nevllle Starting and Lighting Separate Unit Systom was chosen In 910 bocauso of Us high effi ciency and has been used on the Haynes car ever tinee, although numerous other starting and lighting systems have been tested in our laboratories from time to time. This system Is dust-proof and has proven itsolf 100 effi cient In every 1 n stance. There Is no apparatus, however, on the Amtrita't First Car that has been subjected to a more severe test than the Vulcan Electric Gear Shift. This device is even a greater improvement than the starting and lighting system, because it not only sim plifies the control but positively prevents stripping of gears. While the electric gear shift Is a great Invention, It la not radically new, being Just a natural development of the electro-magnet, which has been in use since 1820. The same principle Is used by steel companies to lift tons and tons of metal; the electrlo railways adopted it long ago to shift switches automatically, and the little hammer that strikes the bell In your telephone Is actuated by the la pulse of a similar magnet The Haynes oar Is not an ixperlment. It represents the height of refinement, convenience and reliability la motor car design. It's the year-ahead car. Tk Rijsm "for." 48 ajsua-ttr IstsBsssr. 118 is iAislsM...$17SliBltlM TW HtrMt "Six," 65 .resrf Itmtw, 130-boi wMUss....$2SNsi$27N 1st Hum "Sk," 65 iiummdm Imsm. 1 bd tttet...$2SKiei$27S. "The Complete Motorist" by Elwood Haynes, Father of the American Automobile Industry, fully describing the Vulcan Electric Gear Shift, will be mailed upon receipt of ten cents In stamps. Write to THE HAYNES AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 35 Mala Street, Kokeato, lasVaaa BmUdtn of America's fTrsf Cm The Hajnra car Is handled tr ths Hayaaa Mstor Sales Oa, toil Faroam St., Omaha, Neb., Tha Missouri Harass Motor Car Co.. 170S Orand Ave., Kansas City. Mo,, and by dsalsra throucnout Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa. nafra Tn H7s Mils rsadlty because of lta mecnanloal iCMNi, features. Vou may ba In open territory send for catalog- and four pases of detailed spec lO at Ions, cMb ever MS Items which comprise the Bayes. Write a right awwi THE HAYNES AUTOMOBILE CO., 38 MslnSt.,Kokomo.lDd. Enclosed find 1 0 cent la stamps. Plssss send ma Elwood rUroes' Book, "Tba Complete Motorist." fufflOee whm eeeeeeseesesee a) Addrvu. ....... I expect to boy car about. REDWOOD 3smtit'S . i iv. WESTERN CANADA NOW Tha nnnnrftmltv nf aacurlnor fraa ' hnVnuixHa nf ie ifres aich. andi tha Inw nrlrtarl lands of Manitoba. 1 Saskatchewan and Alberta, will' soon have passsd. Canada offers hearty welcome tn (ha RftftUr. In tha men with a family lookinar for a home: to the farmer's son, to the renter, to all who wish to live under better conditions. ?,! OTJn arUM In 113 la the talk of the world. Luxuriant dresses bits cheap fodder for large herds; cost of raising and fattening for market is a trifle. The sum realized for Beef. Butter, Milk and Cheese will pay fifty per i ceat oa tne investment. Write for literature and partic ulars as to reduced railway rates to supenntenaenc of Immigration, Ottawa, I uanada,or to W.V.BKNNITT ee Building, Omaha, Nee, It answers every bcrersge , requirement vim, rigor, re freshment, wholetomenetc. will satisfy you. Dronn4 lb ttrraiM by tall nine Nlcknlmti cnrourif MtatKudoa. The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, oa; twHtt tee :;?plVni tanks LAST A LIFETIME CANT RUIT OR ROT-NO KNOTS We manufacture the celebrated Cali fornia Itodwood tanks. They neither shrink nor swell and cannot rot. Our tanks are held In perfect ahape by a patented appliance; not found In any other tank made. Redwood tanks have been known to stand sg years without decay. Cost no more than others. Bend for prlca lift and men tion size of tank wanted. . ATLAI Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON Booms from II M up aTatTe, 76 HOTEL Omaha. Mean ikmska PLM loubla, EUROPEAN ud aiaa-ie. to ceota up oo CAsTK VaXICCS XtXASONABUB Lincoln Sanitarlnm "aBSBBBBesSBaWallBaWa' Sulpho Saline Springs Leoated es ear ews srialiii aai seta la Ike Natural Mineral Water yaraEathS Rheumatism VMWee vtvMaVwPit tUtHvaV MS UVvr IHNaaw BOBKRATI CHAaa, ADMfM OR. O. W. BVERETT, Mar. I40S M Street Unoeln, Maa. W. N. U., LINOOLN, NO. 24-1114. m 1 If V su m -t kaS " m ii M i 1 ,BFY A XV It Hj KM tl I'll K2 " m A t J-TS , ,' 4 rvm r 'i - am M,H v f t- it "jm ' f .ftltti v , . .o r- ,aT.g ." T fr, 'ZJaT a ' vif, Mm7. -. Sr A1 yWityitfbt i s-fcW..