&ks SWMWWSnMtlWBiBWWMtwBVw RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ' tr' ' & r V I 'J 4 JwiW If H Vifc world yearn styles demand when Milady 6tep3 the curb H "This Hence, her hosiery becomes a fashion essential. Hosiery fashion is but-another name for ' Black, See the later! i bl&cm E3 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11'iiiiiiiii'iiiii'iimii'HiinmiiH'HH'iiiinni iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F. C. TURNURE & SON WMVUWAVW.WAWW : : S HONE NEWS Bulletin ot The Week's Doings Trade lit home U our motto. Heavy Oil .'Mc :i gallou.-C. F. Wnlllu. George Ovoring wos in Rivet ton Tuesday. Will Si'ilvner went to Hastings Sun day evening. Tliu UonrJ of Equalization is in ses sion this week Aaron Hedge spot tSimdny hi Jnniatii with a ft lend (?) Will Wright wont to Cuaud Island S.ituiday morning. Hoy Teel left Sunday night for Los Angles, California. Chal Oellatley wpent Sunday in Lincoln with ft lends. Miss Ileiuloe Wist i- visiting ft lends in Niiponee this week. Ilnlpli Heal of AuroiM-spent Sunday hore with his parents. Wairen ljongtln was down fioni Hastings FihUy night. Frank Starr shipped a ear of houes to U rii ml Is'uud Saturday. All of the farmers ate busy in the corn Holds at this wiitiug. ,M - Mr and MrYRoy'int rfntl fifiiilly of McCook stient Sunday lieie with' hor mother, Mis. Conover. Ittihsel Amuck an i veil home Satuiday frooi Lincoln where ho has been at tending the State tfniverisity. Earl Crnbill of Denver arrived in the city Saturday for a vlE.it with his par ents, Mrs. and Mr. L. M. Urabill. D.C.Bell aud wife of IlBppyvllle, Colo,, arrived In tho city Satuiday morning to visit relatives bouth of town. Miss Elslo Tuber, who has been visit ing her btothcr Wesley at Deweese, at rived in the eity Satuiday evening. Miss Iternioo lleldman of FiHUklln spent Sunday evening in this city with friends She left Monday for Kearney. Rev. Hummel was in Bladen Sunday whole he preached the Memorial ser mon for the 1. O O. l', lodge of that place Piof. J. II. Kellogg and tsimily arriv o 1 in tho eity the last of the we-.k to visit Ids patents, Mr. and Mi. John Kellogg Otis Fr.ului .ind family returned to Edgar S.ttut day morning after a visit with his brother who resides near tho state lit.'. Prr. Morlt. and taiully lett Sunday via auto for Galveston, Texas wheie they will bpend souiotlmo looking ovei the countiy. Ed. Cook utid family of Nouule, Okla., anived in tho city tho last of the week to visit at tho homo of his Ittthor, Dr. Homy Cook. Kay Srtiindeis and Chatles Sheior arrived homo tho last of tho week from Lincoln jyhoro they have been "at tending tho State Unlveislty. Miss Ruth Johnstou was a passenger to Alma Sunday evening. Miss John stou is ono of tho instructors of tho Normal school which opened there Monday, Marshut Christy broke up a quiet pitch game" which was going on not very fur from Main street Sunday afterucon. Wc undoistaud there was sevetal of our oltlzeub prosent. Thecal pouters ai lived lu the city Monday and began work on tLo Inde pendent Phono Co.'s new building, the uriisii cumiiiiii". - - b't lek woi k tlio latter part of the week. Tho Young Women's Sonioty of the Congregational church will servo re freshments on tho church lawn on Monday oi'ejilng.'June 1.1th. We will seive home "made Ice eiciim or sherbet and cako, Price l.l cents per plate. A special examination l County Certificate suhjeots will bo given Frl- day,.Tiino lOthnudSaturdoy, June 20th., in Red Cloud only. GeiitiiudcL. Conx, County Superintendent. oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiU Paris Savs- And that city sets the 's fashions that the .dress be lifted or stair or enters her car. Cat Hose Q European hotierv ttvlea at Swat tho "millers!" Tuke your cream to J. O. Caldwell. Standard Twine cash price 10c, Oct. 1 104 It ordered this week.--C. F. Wallin' bupciior Is going to have another election on the wet and dry question. Mrs. L. II lllnckledgc returned home from Bloomlngton Saturday morning Some of our young folks enjoyed a picnic on Crooked Creek Fiidny even ing. The Rod Cloud Chautnuqua will be hold August and to oth. Plan to attend. Will and Tom Auld welu in Hastngs Sunday whera the lattoi took tho train for Omaha. Miss Vernon Storey left for Chicago Monday whom she will attend college this summer. Mr. nml Mn Cla.'oncj S'ln of Su pji'ior spent Hiw ly with Fiank Cow dtn and family Four ot live automobile loads of out base ball fans took in tho b.ill game at superior snmiay. Mis. Cillahaii and childien of Fro moiit are visiting her paienls, Mr. and Mrs .T4 IC. Clianoy. Mrs. James loft Sunday moriihig to visit with Del Turuure aud family in Pot Hand, Oiegon. C. H. Potter is having u new walk built on the north sldo of the Tepee pool hall this week, .,, " " X i I Children's Day. will' l5e observed Inl the Lougregntlonal chuich next Snu day morning, June llth, at 11 o'clock. There will be nppioprlate exercises, .sougs nnd tecltatlons. The subject of tho evening sermon will' be "Ciiiupitig by the Spi Ings " The pastor w 111 give another leotiue on the bible at the mid-week service Wednesday evening. Come and biing your bible. V Tho Eighth Big Hnrgalu Day was held jesteulay, and the bargains oitoi ed by our meiohnntt-, for this event, wms tiketi advantage of by moie peo ple than the previous onei. The day was an ideal one, and the faimoisand toivn people nto fast awakening to the fact that our ineichunts are odrrlng birgaius of such a nature n-. to merit their patronage. HeioV hoping that the Ninth Hig It u gain D.iy may lie the banner one ot all. it is a good th'iu, if pioperly pushe I, Hh it convinces the farmer that the i n.id loading to lied Cloud loads to tho place where he etui socuie the, most for his dollar, thus helping him, the mci chant nnd the community. Again do we lopeat Iliir ffaln Diy Is u goid thing, and trust to s.'o it becomo a poinmnent oocmionce. Farm Loans Lowest i ates, beM option, ("all tor me at State Bank O. F C, riinn. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS In this day and age if we did not take advantage of that mo.lern necessity to ,ileasiiro and business, wo would not really be up to the iniiiutV. Telephone your oidets; wo KdaiauteO di lively and satisfaction 1'rices as reasonlilile ns if jou I'ome'tn thoMoie;ouibclt, .B. E. IHepariand All the Phones Is yo if ilcr.ptlon past diuV Wnltei Dav 1 1 home fr)in(unbi Idgo FOR SALE Mower cycles S2 ench. C F WnMln. FOR lU'.N'l' cool ,in'ii h nuo llu'clilsoii V Sa1a''ti. Howard Foe u' rlvod homo (lie Mist f tho week from Lincoln. i; UlorKdson and wife ret n-nod Tiiw cit'iilng from Oi.ind Island ltusc HaM Ht Superior Columbus lime 12: Not folk, June 13-1L1.. Chlldteufi Dny ci vices at the Mcth wdl't church at 11 A. M. Sun lay. FOR SALK A Miijestlo range in Vo I conrlltloit. Inquire at thli olllce Everton Foe of Slterldan, Wyoming Is in tho city visiting his pments, .Mr. nml Mrs. Sam Foo Mis. Gleii-i Walker Is home fmm David City whete she hul been visit ing her parouts. Mrs. Oregartand ehlldern of Obotlin. Ran. are visiting her slstor, Mrs. II. Neuorberg this week. ' Sunday llasc Ball? Yes. Where'.' At Superior. Who? Norfolk vs. Superior. When? Sunday, June 14. I have the best rate in tho county on farm loan?. See me and be convinced. My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkii. Mr and Mrs Hariy Cramer and wife went up to Bladen Wednesday to spend a few days with Claude Cramer and wife. The'toplo at 8 P. M at the Methodist Church will be: "Where are the Dead?" The subject Is used by request and all who aio Inclined to thodoctrlnoof soul sleeping should hear this seimon. Always a double header on Sundays at Supei lor Norfolk vs. Superior and Couitland vs. Superior Flro Depait meut. Doc admits you to both games Grandstand I. lo on Sunday, Juno 11 Licence lo wed was gi anted toJCarrol W. Nobloennd Elverda M. Hunsicker, both of Inavnlo. Tho eeiemony wm preformed by Rov. W. E Gilmes of Inaviile. Thebildo is a daughter of hi. R L. Hunsicker. Grand Uepiesontatlvo Paul Storej ot the I. O. O. K. lodge and this cditoi were in Upland Wednesday attending the Odd Follows plculc nnd dedication eeietuoiiies. Mr. Story dedicated the new hall theie in the afternoon. There was about aooJ people piesent. Uraud Master Walling of tho A O. U. W lodge aud Hon. John G. Malier wer( tho speakers os tho day Mrs. Emily Clark, nged 70 years, died Thursday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Strong nfler lingering illness ot several months. Mrsi Clark .has rosided In this city for the past live yeius with her daughter Sho Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. E. Strong of this city, and ,Mis. Virglula Stons, who resides iri Eng land. The funeral set vices were held Friday evening, Uev. Hummel ofllolat lntr. The leiuaius was taktn to Bur ton.JOhio. for burial, accompanied by C. E. Stiong. T5he TEPEE Monday and Tuesday JUNE 15 and Hi The Adventures W EiatSilyn The Garden Of Brides In Two Reels Umball.ih, having paid the musom to tlio brigands takes lnthl.n's father Imek to Allaha, it listing that the hungry tiger will tlnish tho heioluc aud her fi lend Bi uco, who ate bound to its ftitll cage. Kate, however, wills dlll'eiently tor Knthlyn and Bruce have outwitted the btigauds and escaped fromtho tiger, follow Umballah, Tlioj ariivc in tho city happily unobserved during the o.Ncltcmcutot' the Coiona tlon ceiemonies. Col. Hare is chained to the thione coiupolled to do the bid ding of the ntoh-vlllalii. Kathlyn dis guises hcisolf like ono fiom The Oar don of Bmles, and thus gets into com munication with nor father, the un willing occupant of the throne. The artful suggestion of Ramabal, that lie be made to select a royal consort, Klvcs Kathlyn tlio freedom of tlio throne j oom. The OLD OAR'S SKOItKT.-Drama. BEAUTY tho EDUCATED HORSE. Educutlonal. HIRAM'S HOTEL.-Come ly. Wednesday and Thursday JUNE 17 and 18 Dlt. FOLLEV. At wo-reol comedy In which a nervous young man while ohablug a ghost capturcB u very enter taining personage. AN AFFAIR of DRESS.-Comcdy. The It ACE for a MINE Drama. Friday and Saturday JUNE lt nnd 'J0 The FU5HTINU BLOOD. A two-reel drama of Naval and At my life. PAT HE-WEEKLY.- World n o w s and pictures. NEVER SHRINK -Comedy. WIFE'S VISIT HOME.-Comedy. Chango in Hours Doors open at '8:00 o'clock. Flist show ut 8;!J0, Saturday Matinee at 3:50. What Uojic Will l)o In n Print Ini Office A pi Inter who had liublhod too freely o the cup that both cheers and In ebriates was glu'ti tho neemttit of i swell we hlliig to ct Into tjpo. Near by the innnnscrlpt which bote the so ciety editor's best droit lay a shoot of piper which contained copy for an auction talo bill. Tho result of the Invplied pi Inter-, excillotn ran n follow-. "John William Jones, oldest son of Mr. and Mis. Samuel Jones, was dls PoumI of at public miction lo Laura Adams, uf my farm iluec miles enst of Mehoseat 10 o'oluck sharp, in the picsenee of i evenly gu'-ds, including the following, to-wll: Seven mule1', twehu l.ciil of cattle. Tho nuptial knot was tied by tho Rev. Joslah Andeison, weighing ovor l,'20t) pounds. The beautiful home of the bildo was tnstefully decointcdwilh 1 Dcero plow , I sulky rake, one set double harness Just before tho ceremony, Mendel ssohn's wedding march was aitlstical ly tendered by u iiiuley caw, 1 Jersey cow coining fiesh in April, carrying a bouquet of the biide's and wearing a gown of 500 shocks of corn, three sacks of oats nnd other feed stuffs Congratulations followed the cere mony aud there was a free lunch at noon. After tho wedding feast was served the happy couplo was driven In a thiec-lnch wide tiro wagon to tho lallway station, wheie thoy took the train for tho city to spend a week visiting l datives among whom are tlnee calves; and six colts. They will then letum to their home lu the ham' some lesidenee recently puichasod for them by tho bride's father at 10 per cent oil' for cash, or onc'year's time on bankable paper at 8 per cent. The bride's going away gown was of blue serge, with hat to match, dimmed with ten bales of hay and other articles too numerous to mention. Mr. aud Mis. Jones wcio recipients of miiiij beautiful gifts, among which were one sot silverware, two sets silver spoons, tin eo sets knives aud foiku, 1 tlucsli ing machine, 1 McCoimlck nclf bind"), one "-owing machine, ono washing ma chine, ono baby carriage. Tho groom is a young man of good chai actor r.nd standing in sooioty with 1'2 Beikshiie pigs and 1 geese. Tho brido is the handsome uud accomplished tcachci of a lino hcid of sheep including one pedigieed ram. Tho wedding was a recherche n If nil Tho only out of town guests were F. E Minnot'o, auctioneer and A F. Strebel, cleik. Exchange $10,000 Gift to Nebraska Several mote specialists on dllforent agricultural subjects will bo added, temporarily at least, to tho Agricul tural Extension Servlco of tho Ne brnka College of Agriculture on ac count of tho passage of tho Lever bill bj congiess. Nobtuska will receive Sj,000 uext July 1 and an additional 35,000 uext January I. Additional eon tiibutlous will bo granted if the Ne biuska legislature will appiopim.c an equal amount. Tho money is to bi used for agticultuiul domoustiatious and lectin es only uud Is intended pai ticulaiiy for peison't not haling an op put Utility to study agriculture in the schools and colleges. Nono ot the' money may bo used for tho purehuse or tho upkeep of agricultural school buildings. If the Nebrnsk-.t legisla ture makes it posslblo for the addition al tcdnrnl cotiliibutlons to "be received, a much more generous amount ot agii cultural inloi matiou may be sent dliectly to the people than Is u Hot (led at present. Raise Feeders at Home Raise feeders at home, was the ad vice of Dean E. A. Burnett at the re cent Beef I'toducers' Day meeting at the Ncbiaska College of Agilculturo to the 4 r.li cattle men in attendance. The statement was olfeied us the only solution for the scaicity of baby boot. Even tho the present day laud values are hUli, it was urgued that if tho best use is made of all roughago and if other good business management Is ouclsed. beef may bo grown at a proiiton high pi iced laud. Prepare for the Fair If you have an idoa of being ati-ex-hlbltor ut tho county or stato fair this fall, commence now to prepare. If it is in the lino of crops, do not loso time In getting a good start. If is in live stock, the animals to be shown must bo lu tho very best of condition, and this cannot be acquired through tho hot days of summer when tho flies are a pest ami auoyanco Fix up now; do not wait. Tlio fleshy animal is the demand In tho pTeSuiiiiTiHy'show ting. Remember this. Twentieth Century Former. The White Diamond De-Horning Pencil For .sale at J. E. YOST'S Meat Market Every pencil willde-norn tlfty calveh from ono dy to ono year old, for Call aud Get One. SI $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 This Is Not An Auction We jusl want to impress you with the fact that you can pick out one of the nobbiest shirts you ever saw and at the price you want to pay. We are here to serve you, not with a $2.00 shirt if you want one at $1.00, but with the best value ever shown at $1.00, if that is what you want to payor $1.50 or $2. Glance at the new tics at 50c, 75c and up. They are great. Yes, and take just a few minutes to look over the new Spring Styles in Clothcraft Clothes at $10 to $20 the clothes that arc making other makers think about prices. he Qomden-Katey G'in9 G- L Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers AAN4flH W- I OUR PNUPHTS -! S ! r- 1 U e Our Prices Are Reasonable OVERIflG BROS. & GO. tmtmmammmmmmmmmmtnmmmmaBmwmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmammcmmmammmmmmmmmmmm $ggS363'v Tlfere's Settling Setter OMMAUVVMlUt' p. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY E. S. Grber Heal Estate, Fnim Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS " DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud a a a Nebraska AV( "What Do You Want To Pay" Ay" aVM Are Nade Right Well Lettered And Carefully Erected COME IN A NO BKE -mm $&&m Than bur complete line of Gro ceries, Queensware, Cigars, Candies, Tobacco. You will find us able and wiling to supply yourwants in a very satisfactory manner at all times, and our chief endeavor is to please. Now, with these inducements and incentives to give us a trial order, why not do so today. ' A Trial Will 'Convince You . . C )i DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY BURGEON Graduate Chicago Votorinary Collego TWKLVR TKAIIS nXPKRIhre AT IJAI LEY'S TIE BABN w - - ., Rtd Clou mi- NTMir ft !"r rjT i 1 "i m a ' n i j i WW WA 1,'il I VJl m 1 il I'l ML J Vfl sM 1 JL. " ? Hs Il h m : 1 1 VM m m M i m I m " I -Ki Utl M 'yn fl ifi'r-1 ti V, ! iil rtn . k Ti . , -&-)' i.V ' J''V rS- , BTiiinnr.ri i-rriiiiTt - 1. f 1!i VSlSfiulA f.-i'JA&Jj&a.l I'Mw'j . ?x