v t, W.M40. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A ECst3tatiafrc3i-iAii3?siwimier r lr k - M .', 3P- ft?1 5.M :?. &-' yr ft fe$ m a !' a' y -4 r i' i ,? ft ft ' ' No Substitutes RETURN, to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak " ing Powder There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub-, stitutes are made from alum. theso.frietids of Mr. Weestier feci that ho ought to saciHlen some of Ills time front his business and accept tills posi-lion. There Is a general demand for h drinking fountain either In tho cental of the Btieet or else on oiie of th busy corners. Mnny visitors to our city find II hard to secure ft drink of water, Tills should bo provided for especially since wo have- the best drinking water In tho state. This water conies iresn Ji oni the Mauror springs and should be available to our fr'unds and custc- iTHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska. TOl.lfcHKI) KVFRY THURSDAY totered In tho roMolHcc nt Itcd Cloud, Neb. & Hcconil C'laM Matter .A. B. MuARTIlUR VllM.tBHKH tkW DEM0UHAT10 J'Al'KH IS tfEfJSTEK COUNTY date-for tl.e nomination of County Commissioner of Commissioner District No.,1, subject to the will of tho voters of the Dc'mocratkTp'arty at tho primary elcctlu'h'-'tu be held August IS, l'.lll. A. H. BRIGHT. mors. I hereby announce myself as a candl date for County Commissioner" for dis trict i, subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the prlmury.electtat to" bo hold Aug. 18 1Q14-. ''' . ,---- '' ,1. A. MoAltTllUii. Political Announcements ii im i Aaaouncementa Are Run Under Thla Head By Paying the Sum of Five Dol- Jars JVhlch Muat Be Caah In Advance. 0r Columns Are Open For Any Legl .tlmate Advertising and We Welcome Announcements Regardless ol Party Altlllstlons. Ml - ' " FOR SHERIFF J hereby ' announce myself a can- ildato for the oillco of Shorlir of Web ,tcr County, subject to tho will of the motors of tho Democratic party at the '.primary election to lie held AuruhI 18, tgl4. Bus Hudson. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a candi date for State Representative for tho 40th district subject to tho will of the Ropnbllcan voters at the primary ideo tlon August 18th - I trust I merit your support. A. F. IlAimvKi.L. I hereby announce myself n candi date for Representative of the ttith District subject to the will of tho Democratic voters at the primary elec tion August IS, 11)11. F. S. KING. Isn't It about time that our city kaguc was being formed? Wo ought to arrango for two ball teams for the cntlro season, have games regularly, Invito our friends and charge no ad mission. This could be a feature of every bargain day. This would pro vide recreation for the players nnd amusement for everyone else. Let's get Into the game nnd have some fun this summer. I hereby announce myself a candid ate for the ptllco of Sheriff of Webster county, subject; to tho will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary eloollou to bo ho.d August 13, ,9l4. GRANT CHRISTY, "I hereby aunnuneu myself a candl ;dato.for tho nomination of Sheriff of .Webster County subject to tho will of "tLe.yoters of the Democratic party at Jbo Primary election to beheld August 18, 1011. Cius. J. RmiDON. The national holiday will be observ ed in Guide Rock on the Fourth of July. Tills is wclcomo hews for the people of this city because they al ways have u basket of fun aud enjoy- Imentwhen they go to Guide Rock. The eltlzons of that prosperous town have the happy faculty of making everyone feel at home aud they are all Hue en tortuiucts. Hore's to Guide Rock and muy her celebration bo h grand sue oess. 1 hereby announce myself n candid ate for Representative of the tlt.li District subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at the primary election August 18, 101 1. A. W. Cox. SOMEftfi'NG'Tb SAY FOR MULE Traveling Tobacco Man Made a Study of 8panlsh With a Distinct Ob ject In View. "Doforo returning from my flrat trip to Cuba I Improved my Spanish by diligent study in order to inform n nuilc in his own language just what I thought of him without any confus ing equivocation," said a traveling toj bacco man. "This mulo was ono that I rode on a tour of some tobacco plantations. Tho people from whom I borrowed the mulo said that It was an animal of tireless energy, tenacious disposition, and marvelous spoed. "I had no sooner mounted tho beast than It showed n disposition to can ter far In advance of my party ovor hills and through fields until I real ized suddenly that I had practically lost tho others, "I spoke sharply to tho mulo and tried to rein It in. Instead of slack ing paco tho animal went faster. "I spoko more sharply still and reined harder. Same result. ''Faster and faster went the mule. It galloped on through forests, open country and startled villages, I might ihave been galloping yet, a kind of permanent John Gilpin, had I not ut tered, wholly by chance, a word of Spanish profanity that tho mulo 'might understand. "What I yelled wa3 tho Spanish for "Whoa!" It stopped tho mulo like magic. Throughout tho trip I had been yelling Glt up' without knowing it, while sawing at the reins. "Hut that mulo heard a lot of tin intelllglblo Spanish from mo before I loft Cuba." , .v.;k 111 nwr iTfn ii "V It I I FOR COl'NTY SlTrr.Ri:;rKXDIi.NT I nimoutipo myself as a candldiite for the nomination on tho Democratic and Peoples Independent ticket, at. the primary election to be held August IStli', for tho ollice of county .superin tendent of Webster county. , UBRTRHUB L. COON. 1 hereby announce mysulf as a candi date for tho ollice of Sheriff of Webster -county, subjoct to the will of the voters jol ilio Democratic party at tho primary flection to bo hold August IS, 191 1. J AH. Hl'llATKA. 1 tulte .this method of auuouuclng yself as a candidate for the oillco of ;8beriff of Webster county, subject to Ithe will of the progressive voters tobo -.-ftiprcssed at tho primary August 18th T. W. WltJTK. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I hereby announce mysalf a candi date for County Attorney ,of Webitec county, subject to the action of the Democratic party al'tlie primary elec tion, August 18, 1011. E. G. Caldwell. I hereby announce myself as a eandl The Chautauqua datns have been ll.xed for the week of August 2nd to Olh. There will be an especially good program this year consisting of in stinctive lectin e, musical programs of every description and entertain ments. It will be a week of enjoyment h'ooil lellowbhlp aud profit fur young and old. Largo crowds nro expected every day on account of the excellency of tho program Plan to attend. Come early" and stay late. NOTES A MYSTERY OF MONEY A young man was out driving the oth'ir ovenlug with his best girl. The conversation drifted to fortune telling; he asked her if sho believed In paluu ,Istry. She looked up demurely ,aud naively said: "Well, I don't know but 'I think I could fortell more pleasure if I saw the lines in one of your hands," The young man who was slow to comprehend her mcanlnir, sat with bowed head and wrinkled brow until (HUB ior mo uice oi luiuiir Aiioinev. subject to the will of the voters of the at least two miles had beou traveled, Republican Party at tho primaries to be held on August IStli, 191 1. HllANSON W STKWAIIT. .FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself Nah a candi date for tho ollice of Treasurer of -Webster County, subject to tho will of thc voters of the Democratic party at. 5tho primary election to bo held Aug-J awst 18, mil. Geo. W. Think. .1 dike this method of announcing my candidacy for tho ollice of County ';Tvcasurur, subject to the decision "of Jthe republican voters at the primary .jngust 18th. C. 13. RoniNsON. Jiiina candidate for the ollice of 'Treasurer of Webster county, No binska, subject to the wish of the Progressive voteis at the primary cjeJectlon, Aligust IS, 10H -.J. F.GRIMES I heieby announce myself as a can dhliito for t lie nomination of county, attorney, subject to the Democratic votors of Webster county nt the pri mary election August 18, 1011. Your vote will bo appreciated. FRANK.). M UN DAY. X heieby announce myself aa a can .jHduto for the ofllcc ol County Treas jjrer of Webster county subject to tho rjvillof the Domoeratlo votors at the lyftiuinrv election, August 18, 101 1. 11. C WRIGHT. FOR COUNTY CLERK ;1 hereby announce myself a candl .c'gate for the ollice of Comity Clerk of jKWebster County, subject to the will of ftlbe voters erf tho Democratic party at fAoprimitry election to be 'held August ;i38,ioi4. Frank Vavhicka. ll hereby iinnounce myself n candl xate for the ollice of County Clerk of 'JlWebster county, subject to the decision ja:OT the. voters of tho Republican party Kt tho primary to be hold August 18th, jZ39U, , Ciiah. C. Uennktt. tI heroby announce mysolf a candl w.kfl or County Clerk of Webstar s-OPunty subject to the will of the Demo .fcratlc votors ut the primary eleutioli jjlugtisl 18, 1011. ALBERT V. DUC1CER. FOR. COU.NTY JUDGE Having Hied my petition aa icqjilrod by law, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ollice of County Judge of Webster county on tho Non' Piirtlsan Judicial ticket at the primary election to beheld on August IS, 1011, bubject to the will of the qutilllied eleetoiH of said county. A. D. RANNEY. then a great .light broke upon hi:n, nud a smile llluiniualed hU features He took tho Hues in one hand and grasped the situation:. Wymoro y-moreau. Difference In Unit of Values Between Belgium and Holland Vk a Puzzle to tho Traveler. Thero oro a good many mysteries of money nnd tariffs, and tho wayfarer through Hfo la often puzzled. Vv"hy 13 it that In tho little step from Belgium to Holland your whole financial out look on Hfo is altered? They llvo close together, the Dutch and tho Belgians. But In coinage they arc far apart. Bel glum thinks in francs. Holland thinks in florins. And when you step from tho ono little country to the other you find they ore thinklnstho same thing. Goods In terms of money. You have but to cross tho frontier between thesa small countries to llnd tho difference: Belgium lives on francs, Holland reckons In florins, and tho amazing thing is that every ono ncross the frontier will pay about twico as much for tho more luxury of taking the florin as a unit Instead of n franc. Now I should like to know what is the economical reason of this, says a, writer in tho London Chronicle. For Belgians and Hollanders appear equally prosperous. And the Hollnndor lives' on the llorln, while tho Belgian lives on tho franc. Tho Englishman who crosses tho frontier finds tho ex traordinary difference when ho changes his sovereign. "A Woman is as Young as Her Figure" Never was this saying so true as today. The newest gowns depend entirely upon the lines of the natural figure to give them style. So cvejy woman must "be so cleverly corseted that she looks as though she vo:e no corset at all. pARISlANA (OR SETS Marvels of Skill These new models will mold the form, correct defects, and at the same time give the desired corsetiess look. Though soft, and elastic tho new Parisianas maintain their shape so well that thej' require very few bones. Their secret lies in the way they are cut. There is so wide a range of styles that every woman will find the model which will bring out the best points of her figure, give her the correct fashionable lines. These new Parisiana corsets are most reasonable in price, $5.00 to $1.00. These Corsets are sold in Red Cloud only by The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" FOR SPATE SENATOR 1 desire to announce to my friends that I will bo a candidate for State Senator from the SOlh District, subject to the decision of the Republican voters et the primaries August 18th GEO. W. HUMMEL. 3Jjlieroby announce myself a candl- crill0 f" County Clerk of Webster ..,2Sounty subject to the will of the Cpjtemocratlo voters nt the primary C3decUon to bo held August 18,1011. W. T. MOUNTFORD, yr. JFOU COUNTY COMMISSIONER JlJUercby announce myself a candl- Ron, A. C. Shelleuborger has filed for ' tho nomination of congressman from the Fifth district. Mr. Shallon be,rger is a man of considerable ability knows the needn and wants of this dis trict, Is thoroly familiar with the (Reals, of our peoplo and he would make us a good representative. . The question of university removal is one of prime importance to the future of this state.' In the opinion of the Chief this question should be considered from the stand point of permanency. We have been having make shifts long.noiigli. In the ilist place the center of a business district is a poor location for a school. Theie are a thousand and one things to (lis- tract, the attention of tho students Too imieh going on to keep to the busi ness of studying. The University after till is for the students and It should be plucfcd, regardless of cost, where the students may do their best work The state has ample room out on the st'tte farm and this is an Ideal hpot for a great university. Wo are for removal Ceremonial Bath. , Considerable pomp used to attond tho entranco Into the water of the Duchetra do BerrI, who, close on a hun dred years ago, first made sea bathing fanhlonablo In France. When tho duchess went bathing nt Dieppe her arrival on tho beach was hailed with a salvo of artillery. The holder of tho then newly created post of "Inspector dos bains" had to bo thero to receive her, attired In a resplendent uniform, cocked hat and white gloves. This functionary led her royal highness Into tho sen until the wnter reached her knees, when ho retired with three profound reverences. Tho duchess, who was an expert swimmer, then pro ceeded to enjoy horself. Now that the city is to build a num ber 6f cross walks the council should see that the ordinance regarding side walkb should.be compiled with. There are many places whore side-walks are absolutely necessary but the owners have been neglecting to build them. The city should seo tin many of these are put in tills year, Mnny of the members of the rank aud llle of the Democratic party ate vtry anxious that Mr. Win. Weesner should Illo for the nomination of Stit Senator. Ills previous work In the legislature appeals to every fair mjntl ed voter, ami If this body la to be mode up of men of (rood common sense An editor up in tho northeastern part of the state Is in bad on account of the wrlteup of a wedding. Tho bride groom was named Guiin, sou of A brum Qunn. The girl's name was Smith. The editor turned in his copy to his otllco boy tho latest thing before going to press, then hurrlod to the train to bo gone two days. When the paper was printed the article was headed, "Gun-Smith" and went on to say that the bride was arrayed in a dress of "whit mule" Instead of white mull aud she carried a laige "nose." The editor wrote thut the groom was a well likul sou of A. Uutiti, the boy set It up, "(he groom was a wall eyed son of a gun.'' Tho editor has never bt-oTi able to square It with the (hums and Smiths, and nil of them quit taking tho paper, N-Ray DemoofAt. Character Actors Pawing. Character actors, according to pro ducers, nro becoming ncarcc. Not, howovcr, In tho senso of "character" acting an It Is known today, for all comedlun3 nnd near comedians have listed theirudvos under tho head of "character" people. But tho real old timers, who could change grcaso paint with costumes nnd do "Brutus" ono net and "Undo Tom" the next, aro disappearing. This condition is duo, actors say, to tho managers Insisting that mon and women specialize Iv ono lino of acting. It has resulted in thousands of "At Liberty" ads be ing published every season. Warm Weather Giants of Other Dayt. While excavating tho ruins of St Plrnn'3 orntory, Cornwall, England, many skeletons have been dug up. several of them ot human beings sev en feet in heleht Frederick the Great. Frederick tho Great was a freema son. Ho joined tho order In May, 1738, very much against tho wishes of his father, Frederick William, who, It seems, bad no love for the craft. When Frederick William died, In May, 1740, Frederick celebrated his freedom by holding a great Masonic meeting. The young king appears to have taken great Interest in the order, and tho stimulus given Freemasonry by tho great sovereign and soldier Is still felt by tho order throughout tho Germanic countries. IS HERE Why not buy that Porch Swing-that you have been talking about, or that Sanitary Couch for the Sleeping Porch so "you can keep cool. How about that Canvas Cot for the tent or for outings. They fold up so they are easily carried. Call in and see them atr i ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. IO mmmtmmmm SSS9MMS3 69MMesS9 Turkey Gobbler. It was tho day boforo Thanksgiving and tho' teacher was readlug nn ap propriate story to her cIobs of small children. Sle paused, "Now, chil dren," she asked, "who has over seen a turkey gobbler7" There was a thoughtful silence, Then a little girl In the third row of scats raised her hand. "Well, Mary 7" Red with embarrassment, Mary Etammered: "My brother. WUUfl." I s FOR SALE DeLaval a.rvd Beatrice Cream Separators Qvieen Incubators Hour and Feed of All Kind Geo. W. Trine Both Phones -i 1 l A v N $&.hk' .... . .ivvvw..-?v -; ,.r v r'. ..'..,; k M .