if "t RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF if v. r i 1 I 'frt i, . vn ? ft .... i jt & r- ft' hi i I' I Sj I I t t ft IP .. VI. 'DE' t - "Vt 1 1 CREAM Bafflii poimr Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the safe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made from Cream of Tartar. some (,'00(1 woik-'onftFlfth Annuo this week. This slteet Ims been waded up itiul It ircsuits u much butter appeal nnce. One by one our sheets nro bolnj,' built up In a poittiatient iniuitioi and soonllhe entire city will be in ex celloiitcotulltloii.i'hlt. Jwill deci-unse tlio cost of strict work and in ii shoit time llii.s appropriation will nut amount to much. The dinner's telephone bullditiK is bu-liiK raplilly built. Tliu bilolt uoik is nil completed. and the building will mjoii be ready fur occupancy. When completed this will bo olio of tlio best buildings ot its kind tn I lib statu. Tlieiu will bo lattfo comodlou-s rooms and oilico well lighted and well ui tiu.gcd for iruiibuetiiu a bu-duca of till kind. Tiie entile cost of the bothlitiK will bo paid lor from tin? net earnings and no assessment on the stoe&holdeih will be made. This Is au excellent .showing for the immune ment of lliisconcein und the Fai uiuio aiu to be coiirnluUU'i mi whtit they have tii'coinplished. NOTEGE. To Hoi'i.ur ji.maji iloi-m.Ni, Nii.v- III MOUNT Dl-M.-CliANT: You arc hereby 7iotlilet thnt on tlio IMtli clay of January lullMitrnh A. Itopklin nioJ n petition nvaliiHtyou In the district court of y ulster County. N'eliraaka, the ohject ami nrnyirot which ate to obtain all orco Irom you ir tlio ground that joit have willfully Abandoned ninl descried tho plntnyil'ultlinut Jut lataio'lur the term ot two year last past ou tire rwiutrcd to Answer said petition on or before Monday, tlioildni' o( July mil. li.ited this May 'J3, 1011. Haiiui a. Hopkins, plaintiff. Ily Ii. 11. 1llavlilcdc, herattoituy. Nottccappiovcd, Harry 8. DunRan fudge of tlio I'lstrlct Court. Ill ill Ml II. HI. IW.M. WPWWWWM1WWIMimW ES Don't Say Underwear, Say Mur.oingwcar tf.fF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nobrnoktv A'UBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAY wintered In tlio 1'ontolIIre nt Kill ( loud, Neb. as Wtcoiid Class Matter rA. B. MuAKTllUR 'L'lll.lSllHU JTUB ONLY IIKMOCUATIC l'AI'I'K IS WKHSTKK COUNTY Political Announcements o unity subject tothe wi'lnf the Demo cratic voter- at. I lie primary elect! in August IS, KHI. ALHJ5UT . DUCK Eli YllM nramimtt Are Run Under This t ly Paying the Sum of Five Dol- i Which Mat Be Cash in Advance. 9ar Celumna Are Open For Any Ltl vtkMU Advertising and We Welcome Announcements Regardless of Party , Affiliations. FOR SHERIFF I hereby Rntioimce myself a can rslldate for the ofllco of Sheriff ot Web- ;ter County, subject to the will ot the evoteru of the Democratic party at the primary election to bo held August 18, .1814. " HunioN. 1 hereby announce myself a cnui1id 4tc for the ofllco of Sheriff of Webster couuty, bubject to the will of tlio AOteraof the Denioeratiu party at tlie prinutry election to be hold August 18, 1011. GRANT CIlRlt-TV. I hereby ainioiine' in'iolf n cat. '! date for County Clot It of Webi-r counly snbjocl l the M11 of ttie l)ninociatli' voteis lit the prliuny election to bo hold August 16,1011. W. T. M01TNTF011D FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I We're by announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner of Com mimlouer District No, lsubject to the will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary elcctfoVto beheld August 18, 1014. A. n. BRIGHT Work on the eouit house is pio grossing lapidly. The conereto l'ounda tlons are nearly all in, the steel for' the llooib ami joht.s aie on the ground. As far as wo etu 1-ni u the work so fai completed is Hist class in every ie speet. ,'llie contiactor sliows eveij evideueu of knowing bib business com jiletoly and the county is assured of a good building. Till:, will be u lire proof building in every sense of the luiui. The lloors tue to be reiufoiced concrete aud all tlio partitions are to be tile so thore will be no danger of lire at any time In ihiJoittity Court of Webster CJotmly Ntlirnskn, MTATnorNTiiJUAHIvA, I . WelMter ( ounty, f ' Is the nuttier ot tlio mtatoof Antoulc W. sjiiitliek dteeawd. UUKIUTUItSofriald citato will take notlco, that tlio time HinttLil toi pnscntattnu and t'llliu ot I'lalniK njulnit tlio name Is Ucetuu ber ll)th A. I). IsUI; and (or the payment ot dt'hlH IsMny 1st. IHIj, tluit 1 will sit at the county court room In ald county on the Mist day ot member, lull, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to receive, uNaiutnc, hear, allow, or mljiiit nil elaliiiH and objccllons duly tiled. Iiatid thin -V.M da) ot May, A. 1 101 1 a. i). ranni:y, (i'.i.) county .lu,l:c. 1'rctl Maurcr, Attorney . , Beyond Compare Munsing Wear i Always Perfect Fitting & m SB "" "" ' wiwMrl lF 1 R E MUNSING' UNION SUITS FINE IN QUALITY - - -- N0N-1RKITATING' In Every Way Satisfactory The Miner Bros. Co. GENERAL MERCHANTS j. MeaeaaeKi' KJ bbbbKK' VssVaaan'BBIalBsSllBBlBV V I '..cral y announce r.".7"lf asn'cit di dato for County Commissioner for dls trict 4, subject to the will of the demo cratic voteis at the primary election to bo.huld Aug. 18, 11)14. .1. A. McAimiun. FOR KEPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a n candi datu for State Repiesontutive for the 4Gth district subject tu the will of the RepubllcHii voters at the primary elco lion August Isth 1 trust 1 merit your bupport. A. F. H.USTwei.l. I hereby announce myself a cundi date for Repiesontativ of tlio H'.th , D.stiict Miliject to the will of tho , 1 horeby aiinomico nijHolf a enndl. lL.muci.nt,B vutMH nt tu. nrinuw-y elec 'thilo for the nomination' of Sheriff of on il,KU!l jgi j ( Wol'Stor County subject to the will of I '' F. SlflN0. '.the voters of Hip Democratic party at ' 11 L tlm I'rlmnry oleetiiui t.o be held August J j0u COUNTY SUTKRINTHNDKNT 3B, ion. CHAS .). llKIUHIN. 1 lioioby nunonnpo myself as n enndl adato for the olllco of Sheriff of Wobstdr toounty, subject to the will of tlievotuis yot thu Democratic purlj at tlio primary idectton to be held August li, 1014. J.s Ilt'tlA'lKA. ,1 tnUo this method of announcing jlUTSolf as a candidate for the olllelt of iSherlff or Webster counly, subject to Cthe will ot thu piogio-slvo votus I oho jexpiessed at th piimary August IStli T. W. Willi i:. 1 announce mybo.lf as a candid.ilo for tliu noiuiuatioU on the Democratic mid Peoples Iuilepeiident ticlcot. at the primary election to bo held August IStli, lor tlio olllcc of county superin- tondeiit of Webster county. (JERTRl'Di: L. COON. FOR COUNTY TRHASUUER 1 hereby nnnouncc myself as acandl -3late for tliu olllco of Tieasuier of Webater County, hiibjecl. to the will of tthe voters of the Democratic pally at the piiiimry eleution to be hold Aug cust 18, nil 1. Geo. W. 'I rtixi:. J take this methudol uunoiinolngniy candidacy for tlio olllee or County 'IVeasiirer, hiibjset to lht decision f ;the republican voteis at the piimary August 18th C. D. HoiilNVOX J uui n candidate for the olllco of -Treasurer of Wobstvr county, Ne jjiraska, subject, to tho wish of the "fyxogrebslvo volein jit the primary select Ion, August 18, UUI .1. F. GUI MRS FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I heieliy announce myself a enndl. date.l'or County Attorney of WebHoi' county, subject to the action of tho Donmcratic party at tho primary elec tion, August 18, 1011. K G. Cauwi;li,. I hereby iiiiuoiiuuo myself asaeaiidl date for tho oillce of County Attorney, subject to the will or the voteis of the Republican Party at lie pilntnrios to ho hold on August ISth,, 1!)H HllANSON W STr.WAltT. I' hereby announce mybelf as a can didate for tlie nomination of county attoiney, subject to tlie Democratic votois (if Webster county at the pii mary election August 18, 1011. Your vote will be appreciated. FRANK J. M UN DAY. Crop Prospects Look Very Good Never before in the history of this country have tho crops been so promis ing as this year. We have had an abundance of rain, the pastures are the best over, tlie tirst crop of alfalfa is a bumper, wheat Is rated at u 10n percent plus, tho corn is making a rapid growth. Wit'iout another drop of ruin the wheat will mature aud the yield will be large. While every Held of wheat tills year is exceptionally sood, one can see hero and there a Hold that is far better than tlie aver ago. This is because the soil was properly piopared. tho seed pioperly put in aud thcio tlchk show tho effects of bolter ear They will 'yield more and thus puv for the extin attention but tlie diifeioneo would bo inoie maiked if tho scuton bail been uu fti vol able, Tlio potatoes are gt owing latgo aud thrifty anil Iheio Will bo au earlj harvest The gardens are supplying the tables extiavagently ahd we are living in the gatdou spot of the earth ... Christian Emlcnvor Con vim ion At Nelson tlio ChrWttnn.Ktnlcivoiers of District Nino will hold a big con vontinn Juno 10, 11 and 12 with lodg lug and hrcnkfni five to those coining from other towns. A society may send anj number of delegate. Tho regis tration lec is 25 cunts. Tho Ninth Dls trict includes the counties of Kearney, Adams, Clay, Webster and Nuckolls. Tho Christian "Endcavoiors of thl district won the, liannor at the State convention last year. Tho banner will go to tho ijpcloty whose delegates travel the gieatest aggregate number of mile, to tho autiuul convention of dUtrict nine at Nelson. A tine progiaui ha- been nrrnng"d aud all Rndouvorcrs shoiild attend. THE ALARM is a dreadful thine OF" FIFOS for tlio man without insurnnce. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If the tire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. - THE COBT OF" is so small that it INBUI9ANCK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Warm Weath er BMBiBMaraiw-BMaaManajtavM I "WAft.'p.i mlMMk4kt D 1SI Btri.iHMiKMtxumac-jarmm'tDlOlOOIlK'MeAilCu iS J horeby announce myself, as n can cilidato for tlio olllco of County Tieas Ujrer of Webster county subject to the awillof the Democratic voteis at tho t3!rimary oltutiou, August 18, 101 i 11. C WRIGHT. FOR COUNTY .IU DDE Having tiled my petiton .is rcuuired iy law, I heieby aniiounco myself as a candidate for tho olllee of County .luilgo of Webster county on tho Noti l'arllsiiii Judicial Itohct at the primary election to bo hold on August IS,- lOll, Nubjeet to thu will of tho qualitlrd electots ot said county. A. D. RANNEY, Ve Ave Looking For ' The Man Who has soiled hi. i-lo lies so brtdly that they aid not lit to wear. No mutter how dirty or gieasy the suit may lie we me Kpil)pcd with tho most modem mauhluery and have skilled workmen who know how to Clean, Repair and Press T Clothes G. Bassingep Cleaner and Dyer Doth Phones IS HERE Whjr not buy that Porch Swing that you "have been talking about, or that Sanitary Couch for the Sleeping Porch so you can keep cool.' How about that Canvas Cot for the tent or for outings. They fold up so they are easily carried. Call in and see them at-s-- wintwtiu - 1 irii r Wf-JIWMWftMfW!iwt ROY SATTLEY j Licensed Embalmcr and Furniture Dealer. &o essiiiftois zzmzzzm sssss I AiH5fJfWr3'l The White Diamond De-Horning Pencil For sate at J. E. YOST'S Moat Market Every pencil will de-norn llfly calves from 011,0 day to one year old, for. . . . 1 Call and Get One SI atuuiixL2ZZLytJBnKiax3C3emMZ3Xi&zti.ii ilch i mm mm . i. -mcv die of bowel trouble more . than sny o'.bcr 1 - - .. I. la estimated that o( vrv innathltLfiiK hatched eichn year less than 400 teach marVetame size, uermo- innaiiim nli. usiullv. 90 of ChlCk tiatChtJ. Germozone keeps the bowels re.ular. It prevents diarrhoea from ovtrdrlnklnn ot water: from eatln. musty or spoiled fooJ, etc. It shouU be given In drlnklne water twice a vcck from the day they are hitched. ttMwsihelosa. Lvery chick that d!e cul. Udlr Inlo tbe rrellt from th reit. ttrf cUcx torni wlUp.r UincmtoUboltlo of G'nnoictic. One Uo oclr, CO cents, atdetlci'aof rxctptld. FOR SUE BY I!. E. Cl.ICEDP.UG CO ML ML HA jhk yBJa aSfek u tn S3SfeQSSS352S3 S3 3 FOR SALE BeLaval nd Beatrice Cream Separators 8 I Qieen IncubaLtors Hour and Feed o? All Kind m Geo. W. Trine Both Phones 8' S3g3gMWMiS3 3 iijt FOR COUNiY CI.BRK .1 horeby announce myself u ouudW dato for tho oillce of County Cinrlc of Webster County, subject to tlio will of t.ilio voters of the Democratic party at itho primary election to bo held August 36, 1014. FlIANK V.WlllCKA. J hereby announce myself a caudi &dUs for tho ofllce of County Cleric of "iWtjbster county, subject to tho decision erf the voters of the Ropubli can party est tbe primary to be hold August I8tli, jja4. CllAS. C. Bennktt. J hereby announce myself n candi- ijaatU for County Clerk of Webster FOR h PATE SENATOR I desire to announce to my friends that 1 will bo a candidate for State Senator from flic 20lh District, subject to the decision of the Republican voters et the primaries August lSth, UKO. W. HU.MMKI.. ".Mi.sGortrudeCooii WobstoijeountyVi present superintendent of schools has tiled her candidacy for le-olection on tho democratic ticket. Miss Coon has made good and will bu re-elected be yond doubt, as she deserroi to be. Adams County Democrat. Tl e city council has been doing CAMP THE Ci.IiEGPZAGT0& Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North of I. 0. O. F. Hall -O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free' (' -o Pkm ImI.212 Dr. J. Caldwell PKySIGiAW ft SURGEON Callo Answered Doy or Nltfht uillceTtlplionesr llell.W; I ml, ICO. Ken. Tilcphmics: llcll, Hnl'jrj, liul.lW. 0?f"icfi Okt M. A. AlbrlftUl's Store Rcdloud, -i Nebraska Dr. Nicholson OFKIOK OVKB AUIlirOHT'S STORK 1 IN MVERTON ON MONDAY Dairy Farming Is Increasing The Value of Western Farms 10,000 ACRDS OF WYOMING -SCHOOL LANDS near Cheyenne, the Cn.ltal of tlio Stale, will bo sold at public nuc'io i June 17th to 21st, in traots of from 100 to 0)0 acres, one-tonth down, balance eighteen annual payments ' f-Uihoil, -smooth surface, Wniis covered, well suited to dairy nnd mixed fitrmlue;. Write S. G. Hopklim, HUte Laud Cominlioiior, Cheyvuiio, for plii'ta aud infotmatlon. v i ! -trs iir?n Ait t vt mimthi ...in.. - . i,.i mu i-u. uu in iuubu wiin owner.-, or largo area', who are seltlnjrut low p.lce., on attractive ternw, to actual ssttlori, and otherwise aiding them, Dairy ftirmliiK, by SILO methods, i rovolutlonUlcir Westorn farm conditions. A number o Mondoll ,T2o Aore Tracts of splondid land yet available for liometo.idltr for dairy furminir. Write mo. I am employed to helo Kot you oitnbllsliod on lands adj iceiu to tho Rurlimjtoti. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent 1004 Fmrnmm St., Omaha, Nebratha taCltM. NebrMkt HllfflaH N , ;. i- 'mbg ( t,a i ,& v. wAn4x . ('J. V -, rw iFarxs fcrXw1ajy. nvmvmiam