The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1914, Image 8

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mmmmnt xyflwwaKMQwWWWW
IflWtMI'lMg'WWHJ !"Vi
r-Hy bkWUKA
Gotrcady to fight this terrible dustuictlvo dlseaso wblcli nmy
strike your herd of hogs without warning" and cause n terrific loss.
Prep ire jour hogs to combat this dread disease by the Use of
It will strengthen their systems and help thorn to wan! off this
death dealing scourge. Hundreds of farmers toMlfy Unit It has
saved their hogs and inado dig money far them. Three month's
free tihil oiler. Its liberality will surpriso you. See tho bo.iutl
fill 111 piece set of dishes that I will glvo you
Absolutely Free
i r v- .
! ' V
li. Getting
The Druggist
333 AND &
International Harvester Oil
and Gas Engines
MMtn, KiHn
Httdtn, Mowirt
RtkH, SUckm
l!r Locdn
Hr PrMiu
PImLii, Pitlr
K-tdw, Crltiratars
Eulltft Cttr
SktUtrt. SkrcdJtrt
Pf. Sp.lni.Tsolh,
tad Diik Harrow
Oil Traclert
Mtn.r. Sprct d,r
CrMn Ctt4ftr
Firm Wfu
Motor Tnki
Cnl Drill.
F4 Crlittn
Knifo Grinders
SUCCESSFUL farmers are no longer
asking, "Shall I buy an engine?"
They have passed that point and now in
quire, "Which engine shall I buy?"
A littlo careful observation will show that Inter
national Harvester engines are the most satisfactory.
No doubt is loft when features like the following are
.studied: Detachable valvo guides, offset cylinder
head, fuel pump,- split-hub fly-wheels, extra largo
iutako and exhaust valves, etc.
Ask tho men who have used I H C engines. That
is tho best test. They will explain the excellence of
1 H C construction, simplicity, strength and durability.
Study tho engines yourself at tho nearest dealer's
whero International Harvester engines are sold.
They are made in all styles, and range in size from
1 to 50-H. P. They operate on low and high grade
Write for our interesting and instructive catalogues,
and when wo stnd them wo will tell you whero tho
cugiues way bo seen. A postal will do.
v t...iu...i.n t a
ISfcv EnieraauuuM Harvester lompsmjOI Amend
fn r? luwnwauaj
A heavy frost ocouned Tuesday
nlirlit. " ,
Mr B. Thompson uutoeil
to Hastings Friday.
James MeBrido was in lied Cloud
Tuesday on business.
Clms. Norris threshed some cum
heo I for Chus Jackson Wednesday.
llai;ry Dedrlok of lied Cloud Is In
I'owles this week plasteilug Mrw
Anglo's home.
Wo understand Hint Shi ilpi-acher U
the possessor of a new Koul Noa
look ont glrlsl
Mr. and Mr1 Morgan Davis spent
Sumlny in lied iloud visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Mir. MeCuiie.
A ii ilte n number of Base- Bull fans
Wiiu lo Hastings Tuesday to the open
ing game of the season.
Hubert Adainson has been on the
sick list lately, but wo nro glad to
learn ho Is slowly Improving.
F. A. Good, our Industcrous Lumber
mini, Is having his house reshlnglcd
and a few other minor improvements
Mert Adamson and wife. Miss Cloo
Fullor and Mabel Fuller went to lied
Cloud Wednesday. They journeyed
in Mr. Fuller's auto.
Boyd Vance and Fred Vance took the
auto routo to Hastings Tuesdny to sen
the ball game. Their brother, Arthur,
pitched the opening gamo for Hasting.".
T. J Chaplin is having ii number of
unmeiit culverts put in out east of
Cowles. Murphy Bios , Win. Motter,
John Abbey and Fred Hind are doing
the work.
Tho School Hoard are having som -walks
put In front of tho new bchool
house. It greatly improves tne up
pearauce of tho place. Kills Bros., un
doing the work.
Mr. and Mrs.Fawcetthft for Exetr ., last Thim-day upon the call oi
the Illness of Mr. Nash, Mrs. Fuwcott'a
father. Mr. Nash Is very low but I
stlll alive at this writing. Mr. an 1
Mrs. Clias. Bennett are attending to
the switch board in their absence.
The J. L. Fuller boy who left home
Tuesday evening of last week and vn-
looked for by a good many people for
a number of days was found near Guide
Hock working for Win. Burdlck. He
left home with a rllle in tho .evening
supposedly going after the mljch'cows,
but as he did not return tho people bi
oumo uneasy and .started a search.
Cowel visited Mr. mid Mr. O IVruk
Goorgc lluudfell, W. Novaek, Tom
Sons and .Tett Q ilggjo nutoed to
Hewntri la-t Holiday and rclurnel
Monday morning
A mil prise Milhilny dinni'.' tiiiiglvpn
on W 11. Shlrlay Siindny A number
of frieuds niid.ithtlvos gathiMcd at hlx
home with well filled bnshols and ell
joyed a big dinner.
wviimwuM'iiMaawiiw imm
m mwvwuM wjm rrr-wai
Vegetable Plants For Sale'
Chiuspicj During
7 For Youfa
Summer Dress
Nothing is handsomer or more useful
than an embroidery dress. Have the
full skirt length or the double flounce
length or if you would rather have the
new ruffel in shadow laces. We have a
nice line of shadow laces from 20c to 40c
in 8 and 10 inches. Come in and look
my line over before buying. ..
Agent For American Beauty and Warner
Bros. Corsets And Butterlck Patterns
Charles I'luhler was homo ovor Sun
day. '
Hoy llutledge commenced working
for Roo Reukel this weak.
Oliver Hedge and family visited at
0. 1. Harvey's on Sunday.
Oorthy Potter of Red Cloud was
visiting I vu llutledge over Sunday.
Joo Heed of KaUhas City, Mo., wa
vlslting his son ir few days last week.
Roe Rcnkel is quite a frequent caller
at N. E. Harvey's on Sunday evenings.
Mr. Holt and George Hutchison, the
Florida laud agents, were in luavale
Saturday on business.
Georgo Hastings boasts of being tl it
best looking man in luavale since hav
ing his mustachu amputated.
J. T. llutledge went to Lincoln
on Thursday of last week to attend tho
state convention of Baker salesmen
The dance at William Moore's on
Saturday evening was quite well at-,
tended and all report a splendid time.
The patrons of Inuvule school dis
trict held a special cleettou on Satur
day for tho purposo of voting $5000.00
bonds to build u new school house but
were not successful iu getting them
Mrs. Joo Bent is on the sick list.'
Geo. Hand felt sold lib? Ford car to
Olaus Rose Jr.
Battle Robinson was a passenger to
Lawrence Fi Iday.
Miss Verna Wright visited friends at
Lawrence, Sunday,
Mrs, A. F. Krauso was a passenger
to Lawrence Tuesday.
Miss Lena Boon is staying with beg
mother Mrs. Bargman.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Schultz went to
John Flclck's sale Monday.
Pernio Krause is visiting Irmtt
Howard near Guide Rock this week.
Miss Fern Kent of noar Lawrence
visited last week with her sister, Mrs.
Lee Crawford.
Bewaro Girls) A. Mosteller has
purchased the Model F. ltujek of J. O
Rose of Blue Hill
Lena Lampman daughter of I).
Lampinau, visitod last week wlthhor
grandparents, Aug. Lampman and
Arthur Shirley, Volla Wright, Iltilliu
Roblusou, Ethel Wright and Anna
It All Depends
The political situation in Nebraska
Is peculiar. With three tickets In tlio
fielddemocratic, republican and pro
gros'slvo the democrats will elect nil
lntu and congressional candidates, and
(111 in si nil the county mlleos
But uho cut say that tho two
branches of thu republican party will
nominate bep irate tickets? They may
'.'got together,'' Juj,t llku wu pops and
democrats used to. do in tho old days.
In a three-corneieil light tho republic
aus always whipped us ultli ensi', but
when democrats: and pops got "'togeth
er" we peeked some of the plums. And
tliat'rt what tho republicans and pin
gressives will do this your, if thoy can
bring about a plan of fusion.
Some days there appear no hopes
for a luslou between lepubllcms and
progressives, the progressive leaders
swearing that they are just as miieli
opposed to ivpubliiMiiH us to demo
crats. A little later the papers are
tilled with reports of an almost ac
complished plan for fusion.. The fact
Is that at the present time no man
can safely say just what the republicans
and progie'slves will do in the matter
of fusion.
Speaking in the Interest of the demo
cratic The Telegram advises
democrats to refrain from banking too
much on a'split in the republican ranks,
the split may never come, and if it
should not collie, then the democratic
state and congressional nominees may
expect to have a fight on their hands
Nebraska is not a democratic state.
True, wo carried the state for Wilson
by a line plurality, but that was be
o.iuse of tho Roosevelt opposition to
the tegular lepublieau ticket. Tuft
and Roosevelt u unbilled polled about
twenty thousand more otes in Nebras
ka than the demoeiats could muster.
If these two factiona should get to
gether this year well, in than event
democrats will be compelled to fight
some, and indeed no democratic candi
date for a slato oillce could hone to
win as against a harmonious fusion of
lepublicuus and progressives. Such a
fusion cannot, be entirely harmonious,
because some of the strongest progress
ive leaders huvp openly proclaimed
thai they would prefer the success of u
moss-back democrat to the success of a
L'aft lepubllcan, and some of the Taft
republicans have openly sworn that
they would vote always'for democratic
candidates, rather than take chances
on a mooser winning an ofllce. The
4-best hope of Nebraska democrats lies
in the hope tlmt the democratic stnto
nominees willbe men who nro known
Xo be In full sympathy with the na
tional adinluisUatlon. A ticket com
posed of such men would wiu a sympa
thetic support from' free republicans
and free progressives, no matter if the
republicans and progressives should
ell'cet a fusion. Thore Hie many re
publicans and progressives who would
feci it a duty to endorse the Wilson
administration In Nebraska, and they
would vote to endorse it, If they could
be sure that the democratic nominees
were loyal supporters of President
And so we appeal to Nebraska demo
crats to quit worrying about the re
publicans and progressives getting to
gether on a stale ticket. The bettor
way will be to phlu for the nomination
of a democratic state ticket so strong
In Us personality, and so strong in Its
allegiance to the Wilson administra
tion, that it will wiu fhcvntesof those
republicans and progressives who will
regard the Nebraska election as an
endorsemout or a repudiation of the
president, and who will feel iu duly
bound to stand by tho president In his
fight against evil iuteiosts within and.
without the democratic party lines.
Columbus Telegram.
Watch For Announcement Later
JSfs. Henry Diecierie
rrnrrrmnwr iiih'iiiwihmii kiiui.wu jjii
m u w if irwr,jjci laxsKxcanamcwmtJZMmM
( yvri"Nrv'v,v"w T:' vT,vVs -v vrsr 'v(
Public Safe Mammoth Jacks
and Big Stallions
HIS nation hits been forced to lake n stoo In coniiprtinn wtili
Mexico which it cannot u-trace. As there is no responsible
head to the Mexican nation it. mnltPH Mm sttiintim, n ,nm,..,u
that it would be impossible to withdraw until tho wholo of Mexico
has been subdued. This will undoubtedly require from ten to thirty
years. Our Government with its nrniv inviulliif? n fnmlni ..,, ..,,.',.
T 1111 nirprillir 4nla C
strongly bred in the Cuslcr. Bourbon, Panijonr Starllftht and Falcoii
lamtles. These nueks ale tired to nrodneii Ma-nmsf. i,.j,mi1.i,., C
that can bo grown, I also have a nice lino of finely fiuishd. lone- S
iii oe onngeii to pureu.ise lliousainls of mules for military enuin
uient. iioou mules wero never so sea roo and imvoi- inn. nnnnni,ri,..!
such high prices as ut tlie piesent time, mid if there are not more.
uuiie.s mown ny our people our government will bo obliged to go to
foreign countries for a poiliuii of Its rquipmont. We should not
iiiiiko i nis necessary, mr. us raise more nitres
c - ..-......b.. ..v......., i.n ujmi.ii,.! jm i,B) siini uyjuuKs imparled
7 from hpnin These jacln arc making tho licit cross for heavy dralt S
p marcs that can be hud. Uonm and buy a jack. Mule raising will be S
f"l. Itin.f r,.(.II.1.1.. I iifl.icit .... tlw.t .. r ...... 1. .. .. r
v . .. w..i.w.t iiiuiijuj iii.ibii. im mur ui MIUCK. IUUI1 ran lOIIOWIOl'
tho next 10 or 20 joars. I will ,ell a car load of these jacks and a car
load ot big stallions at Columbia, Neb. on June 1th All who antici
pate niienning mis su'e Kindly write. me lor salo catalogues at once,
l'lensu wnw a day liefoio thcale sons to, look the stock all over and
got thoroughly acquainted with it. Will also be making daily sales
at my farm. ,
W. L. DeCLOV, Cedar Rapids, la.
-SSSS-v -mm- -v33-
There's Nothing Better
Junior Week at University
One of the most successful short
courses ot the Boys' aud Girls' clubs
evor held at tho Nebraska Col logo -A
Agriculture closed Friday, May 1st.
The young people from a largo number
of counties came to make their first
visit and to receive elementary Instruc
tion concerning seeds, soils, dairying,
animal husbandry, farm machinery,
and home economics, Tho lessons were
so a'dapted to the students that the
"hard parts" were eliminated. Aside
from the Instruction, illustrated lec
tures were provided and trips were
ma'de to the state institutions and
other points of interest in Lincoln. .
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You will find us able and
willing to supply your wants in a very
satisfactory manner at all times, and our
chief endeavor is to please. Now, with
these inducements and incenlives to give
us a trial order, why not do so today.
A Trial Will
Cottvlnco You
Where Shall You Go
Masterfulness Checked.
'Tyo a good mind to go and Jump In
to tho river," Bald N. Peck, at tho ond
of a little domestic discussion, as ho
picked up his hat and started out,
"You come back here," said hlB wife
"If you intend any such trldc as that,
just march upstairs mid put on your
c-Jd clothes before you stait."
This Summer ?
Ti f HE EAST! Early announcement will be made of a very liberal arrange
ment of variable Summer tours to Eastern resorts and the Atlantlo Coast
All publications now on press, ' !
AND THMU6H THE WESTl Indications point to a large volume ot Summer
travel this year on the low-rates to Colorado resorts, especially EstCS Park
. just north of Denver, to Hat SprlRftS and other Black Hills resorts, to tho
Blft HUH MWHtalR reaches about Sheridan, to YelltW StMC Park, tilacler
Nattaal Park, nud for the circuit tour of Urn Scenlo Rockies, through Col
orado, Salt Lake and Yellowstone Park, Thermopolis Hot Springs, In the
Owl Creok Mountains, has wonderful possibilities as a sanitarium for the
cuic of all rheumatic diseases.
You owe It to yourself to take u vacation trip. You should "See America
. . First" and with the favorable fares, luxurious trains, splendid hotels, your
tour Is one of rest and diversion. Let me securo publications for any kind
ot a summer tour you have in mind.
fit. C. FOE, Ticket Agent.
L,W. WAKELEY, General Pa&'tojigor Agt.
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