Xi'www L I I 1 ni-f-W .- WHm.1 w.tii..i.,u.n,.)ni'.in.H'"i jwal -jy-ww" KID CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF COSTA RICAN PRESIDENT AND HIS FAMILY THE LABILITY ACT PLANS TO ENLARGE A8HLAND RIFLE RANGE. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL re You Suffering FromO Auto-Intoxication . ( ,r '.-I i i the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substancei produced within the body." This Is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of the body falling to throw off the poisons. More than 50 of adults arc suffering from this trouble. This Is probably why you are suffering from nervousness, headaches, loss of appetite, lack of ambition, and many other symptoms produced by Auto-Intoxication, Your whole system needs stirring up. DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY fVA S iir ir 7 The dictionary I sflPei LHH Says that Auto iBfw lL M MWTmk JBm Intoxication u MWWm. aWB mmt saalM sVaaV aa BaaBBBr. - sa bb? v r Bt.a:.1 aBBr bbbbw. sbbbbbj .anii mmmm bit vtr si'Li ' fBY ' '.i-Wni0, BS)BBBBM sBBWv y '!' ' i; Vvt" . caBBMs m umF"tM . -i H -$:- SI; a mUmmtBr- mmr.TmmLimmmk & ft-- v V u rt r t 1 a V i r i& f Will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminate Its own poisons without any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer In medicine will supply you, or you mty send 50c for a sample package oi tablets by malL Address Dr.ICV.Plerce, Butfalo,N.Y. Watch Your Colts ror Cotight. Coldi and .Distemper, and at the flret Mmptoms of any ch nllmciit. bItb uiaU dusca of that wonderful remedy, now the tuotl nted In eilUcnco, 81'OIIVS DIHTKMl'Kll COMPOUND M renta nnd II n bolllo! 14 and 110 th dpten of any druggist, barnaai dealer, or dellYcred hr Hl-OllX MKtMOAI, '0., ., C'tioiulsta ud Ilacterlulogiata, Uosheu, Intl., U. 8. A. Succinct. Representative Simeon D. Fcbs of Ohio believes In looking for the brightest Bldo of Ufo; ho la "strong" tor optimism. Hla distinction between ap optimist and a pessimist Is appar ent In tho following definition which lie sometimes gives: "A pessimist," Bays Representative Pess, "asks 'Ib there any milk In that pitcher?' But tho optimist says, 'PaBS the cream.' " WM'a Ceouaon BtnM flKMV .' ti-tTlZiBl3m. sBBBBV WVii 4. 'giBBiB telaeTTyYlrTH4 PBhdL' J , -W IBB f $ 1 rx" it' lLaLaLaLaLaH (MuntfrMtoyoaityoa aiHf ikaaBMkt"" v ifaVk. t- j will remit et of wrap- IHa tkkkHMiiBBWa1lBBK V IflBCulrCSlBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB piDfendmathnc-iiom IH nllB'7laaaaWBr V Muliv AtaBHPK bIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH nnw.uutraio.M.Y. LvLLLHA';;itLLLLHVHa, VtaVlBi l . " BV .BHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIVi . .UiBBBM IStiBBBK - jFaE-rj; kiBBBK.. iiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. mmmmWmmmWmWmmMmWMmmii Ho Softy. "He remarked to nor that men are ut clay." "Bright" "And she asked him If that applied -to her." "And then?" "Ho replied that it applied to all. And now his name is mud." "She threw cold water on him, oh?" Houston Post A Double Misfortune. "So Jlgglns had hlB head cut oft idth tho now management How did -that happen?" "I think It was bacauso ho lost hla -head at a critical moment." The Right Ejaculation. "Don't you think we had better sus pend Judgment In this case?" "Oh, hang itl" Women havo been thinking of Easter millinery. Such thinking costs money: A Poignant Anecdote. "The great fault of American serv ants Is familiarity. To bo familiar Is to bo Inefficient A familiar cook Is as Inefficient as a pessimistic doctor." Tho Bpcaker, Mrs. Uc-ardman Harri man, Is perhaps the moat brilliant con versationalist In Now York a fact which renders moro poignant thlB an- enrioto. "I had a cook," she continued, "whom I tried to break of her ovor-fa- mlllarlty. What was tho result? This cook, discussing mo In tho servants' hall, said: "'I don't any she's a bad mistress, but sho'o u woman of only ono Idea. Why, I can't never get her to talk of a single think but eating.' " Rattled by Court Proceedings. An elderly mnn-of the farming type was called as a witness In tho Belfast summons court, and tho clerk, proceed ing to administer tho oath, told him to repeat "I swear by Almighty God that tho ovldonco," etc. Tho old fellow waa a llttlo excited, however, by being in court, and instead of following tho words of tho clerk, lmcnn nmiri lnurl lnuchter to ropeat tho wordB of tho well-known hymn, "O God, our help in ages paBt" .,ni tioainU i,nU imvn nloctGil tireBldoiit of tho republic of Costa Illca. ouiiui- tjvu .,. ""-.-----;,.,.., , ,,,...r lively children, hero shown, groupoa bbuui muu iun ". Is tho father of tea TORTURING TWINGES Mnrri ao-eallad rheumatism is caused by weakened kidneys. When the kid neys fall to ciear tno oiooa oiuric acta, toe acta xorms into crystals mkq uii of broken glass in the muscles, joints and on tho nerve casings. Torturing pains dart through the affected part whenever it is moved. By crlng the kidneys, Doan's Kidney Pills have eased thousands of rheumatic cases, lumbago, sciatica, gravel, neuralgia and urinary disorders. AN INDIANA CASE ' M. C. -Walker, MS Grand Are., Con noravtlla. Ind., aaya: "For ten yeara X had muicular rheu matlam. X waa laid up tn bed and couldn't mora a limb, tlaitera and h n t annllcatlona failed. Tho firat box of Doan'a Kidney Pllla helped ma and two mora boxes per manently cured me," Gat DcWa t Aay Stat.M Boa DOAN'SVitV FOSTOUULBURN CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. f IttrffWrt GftAj ItUiiSlaV jt5 f JU alMawViS' l'a vv vTr "'V Yfrf Cynicism. Richard Crokcr, nearly ovarybody knows, has a cvnical wit. Mr. Crokor aired this wit In a recent letter to a member of Tammany hall apropos of a millionaire's charities. "To be canonized In American jmb Ho opinion," he wrote, "give publicly and steal privately." 8olace. "Aren't you worried about thes public questions?" "Yes," replied Farmer CorntosseL "But I'm tankful fur this much. ThArn'n enoueh of 'em bo that when iron trnt Hrnrt nf TCOrTVln' abOUt OnO you can reit your mind thlnkln' about another." Natural Mistake. "I was only whispering sweet noth ings In Mabel'B ear," Bald the young man aa Aunt Miriam entered tho par lor In search of her glasses. "Strango you should havo mistaken her mouth for her ear," retorted tha aunt as she left the room. Reason for Acquittal. Juror Wo acquitted him out vmtiftthv. Friend For his aged mother? Juror Oh, no; for having such a lawyer. And somo men refuse to quarrel with their wives because it costs them too much to make up. READERSg&E' aotamna ahou'.d Inatat upon baring- what they aak for, ref ualng all aubatltutaa or Imitation. FOR SORE IWEAI EYE8I H1L71 Nebraska Directory SMOKESTACKS Writs us lor pneas. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.. Omaha DEFIANCE STARCH it constantly growing in favor because It Does Not Stick to the Iron and It will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 or. packsge 10c 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska auTi.unn CHOLERA SERUM Don let your hota dts wlln tha Coolers wben you can Bravest It by lmmunlnj lesLvlth oomrom. Wnea tbem.vlth put leram. When ordering gire aa the num ber andwelf bt and we will know bow much to lead. Writ lor rrea uookiot. iiaaiau aaaca coarin tea, tin Baker Liquid Fiber Stops Punctures and slow leaks. Will not harden, gum or stick to your tires. Is not affected by beat or cold. Preserves rather than injures rubber. Will not evaporate or deteriorate. Call on your dealer today for full infor mation or if no dealer in your town write us. AGENTS WANTED. UKERUQUIDFIIER COMPANY 301 Si. Ilth St. URHlRiNik. Smiles Usually show up with Pott Toasties. And why not, when flavor begins opera tions! There i a deal of skill required in cooking and toasting these thin bits of corn so that every one of thePmillions of crinkly flakes has the delicious Toasties taste that invites one to call for more. Poat Toaafie come in sealed packages fresh, crisp and appetizing Ready to eat with cream or good milk, and a sprinkling of sugar if you Post Toasties sold by Grocers, lively children, hero shown groupoa bduui muu iuu - ...... ON A TEN-THOUSAND-MILE HIKE riiiHBBIBaJlljBiHkk PPBaMMMMB A' fMm VsrnisillllHB MksHsVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVav tSHssVaVaWKaKsVar KaVaB ,A.S7 KsfBlJW JHsKsVsVaVsVa pZy&Wmmik I Mm Ammm. jZmTmMl mWWWm A i W,y - ?yk s;13WMt B. . a a a TsTsKsMuS bKsBVbKsB RsKsKsKbsB I liC, f. ". Jm a"1lT ' II HlMsPMill mmWmmmmtMmT sPaPaPaPM M 'sPaPaPaPaPaasPaPaPjMal w ':'-'" TmmmWmMmmwmmflmmWBfflmmmmmmmmm Bf v. , .BSSSSSSSSSBBBVBBSBBBBBSBBBBBBaTBBBBBBBBBCSBBBBB WVBj B BBBBBBBBBBBBBB1B1 BnB IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSFBBBBBBBneBBBBBl SB BBTSBBBBBBBSiSBBBBBBBBBBaSBI BB1 ' sBsKsHAbsKsKsBIb&bKsHBBBbV1 IVBmHBmM sfsssHsLlsssKisHlsssHsHMsll sPQssKsfKsKslw fajki -Til J-iJkifTifiJJJJfiJJJJMifilM iHWRJBBWBswsWsKsWKy &fftffi''&,':ni nlm n i ir"fflrnff1 m&a?riM-M-i?5tir MII'i7niff1lUgirntniawuJic " William .Moo,.. asd tw-at,.: Eh... O. , J w " Sffi, . mlS M combined capital jvhen tney sianuu . . JOHN JACOB ROGERS Wfflw 'JKflPV9ffvnBH km I' Am BSSSSSSSSKsKsK ABsBsSF '"' tSsSsBsBsV 83mmwimmM$mwl HssSsBsV f SaBalPBTB avJsl'ffaa NEW CHIEFS OF UNITED STATES ARMY Hf-laV ff JI I Sa r aal.l.lHHSBfe. jfx$?m?w I lsBsBsBsBsKWSrfBaBa Mfyf't'lL .SBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBft'vlv JKaSaHi m ,",' Y"i ? 1 .ABsBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHi.'BsBBBBHlC; " 'JfcM I swSswSswSswSswSswSswSswSsd. ' . '9BswBswV '" -' llkel ' V-IH v&KWMiMM&MiW' .taU; -'T71 .TmBsWsWsWBsWBsWBI ML:mmzr;, mjj:i l mMmmmmm Wtwmmm$mmmF''t l .mmmmmmmnM I B'iW'MmM'" H mmmmmmmWiCmk. iTWfc ' nr "BsTsTsTsTsf 'VlsSl ll mPiS--;:i IKsBsBsi49MHi WmmmmwLL umJmMm s'affaffaffaffaffaffM'PMtl MUmKVtmAWkXMM MsfMsfMsfMTssfMsfMsfMsfafc. '.JJL: f .M:!' PfaMlZiaVrwESJBs'l asKsBBsKsKsVlirlsiMMviHrwH E9mmmmmmmm&t'W'& WmmSw?m VysSsffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasffasMi"Asffm 'JJs7WsV 4awsksSsffasffasnNssSstSsffasffasffasffa W.mmmmmmmmmmiPmMm3mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmrma mmWmWWWWmmWWWmWmwrluwm) TBmKmum BMSMSMSMSMSlBKsMSMSMSMSKsMSMSMSBMSMSMa.'y; V .yAWmBKz''' )VBBBBsSBflBBl KKmyMmmmmfMjSS!rm On' April 22 Maj. Qen. William W. Wothorspoon (right) becomes chiet of staff of the United StateB army, succeeding Major General Wood. At tna same tlmo Brig. Gen. Hugh L. Scott (left), at present commanding ho second brigado of cavalry at El Paso, Tex., will be called to Washington to be Gen- eral Wotherspoon'a assistant. Items of Interest Gathered from Rs liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Western Newspaper Union News Scrvloa. Tho ballot tltlo prepnred by Attor ncy General Mnrtln for tho submis sion of the employer liability nml workmen's compensation law, nn act of tho legislature which Is to bo suli mlttcd under tho reforendum to n yoto of tho doctors of tho state for tlreir approval or rejection, la ns follows: "Tho purpoeo of this net 1h to pro Hcrlbo the llnblllty of employers, to establish nn elective schedule of com pensation for Injurlca received uy cm ployos In tho courso of their employ ment, to modify common law and stat utory defeiiBcB and remedies In Btich ensos, to rcRiilnto the procedure for determining such llnblllty nnd to pro vide tho methods for paying compen sation thoreundor. When employer and employo elect to embrnco Its pro vision this act applies to cvory em ployer employing Ave or moro persons, Including tho stato nnd Its govern mental nBcnclos, except employers of hotiHchold servants, farm innorors arm railroad companlcfl, subject to con. grosnloiial regulation." Strict Campaign of Sanitation. Fees of tho puro food commlBsloa during tho month of March amounted to ?4,94a. Inspections niado numbered, 1,034. Of thlB number, 419 woro gro cery and general merchandise stores, 18'J were hotels and cufcB, and 170 wero meat murkets nnd slaughter houses. In tho proccBB 210 sanitary nniF, urnro written nnd ouly seven- teen complalntB woro tiled. Commis sioner Harmnn has announceu muk particular attention would bo given during tho coming warm months to tho enforcement of tho sanitary food law. This" means that tho campaign against dirt In food, keeping food In unsanitary places aud other violations of tho Btatutos will ho looked Into closely. More Land for Rifle Range. Instead of buying only COO acres for the natlonul guard rifle range at Ash land, Adjutant General Halt now plana to purchaso about 900 acres In that vicinity, which will lncrcnao the out lay from I1G.000 to S25.000. Ho haB put tho proposition up to tho war de partment, and a letter received in re- 1 frlvna tnntnttvA aDDTOVal to the plan. Ap army engineer will be sent to Nebraska to lpok over the land and report on It. The war department will furnish tho money to buy tho rifle rangs, and It may bo used not only for target practlco by the na tional guard of Nebraska, but also for regular army troops stationed at Omaha. Tho government already haa ono rifle raugo at Plattsmouth. Hog Mortality Great Last Year. Tho rather startling statistics com piled by tho department of ngrlcultura showing tho ravages of hog cholera during tho past yenr cannot bo ex plained by tho hog serum department of tho state farm. It is ndmlttcd that v. flfnirnn nm undoubtedly accurate, but it is not explained why tho disease, should he bo much worso ono year than another. Tho flgures embodied In tho crop report published by the weather bureau show that 65 per 1,000 moro awlne died from the effects of, cholera In tho year ending April 1, 1914, than In the preceding year, and that "ill per 1,000 moro than the teiv year average. A number of student at the state nnlverslty have organized a commer cial club, which will play the same part to the university students as the city commercial n:lub plays to tho city, according to plans, it win boobi am movements which will advertise the university and squelch those which aro Injurious. Prominent visitors wlU be entertained by the club, and prom inent business men will also be se cured to give addresses on current, problems for the club members. The club Is open to all "patriotic" univer sity men. John Jacob Rogers, who succeeded Butler Ames In congress from the Fifth Massachusetts district, Is a reg ular Republican with progressive ten dencies, and ho believes In tho preser vation of the Republican party. Ho Is an honor graduate of Harvard, and his home is in Lowell. Danclna Idea. Girls like the one Bertrand married In the Ade fable who knew that Co lumbus discovered America and which massage cream to use and let it Go at That have little difficulty remem bering the Intricate convulsions of the Maxlxe and tho Tango. Three of the rla-ht. two and a halt south by south east, da capo, seven DacK ana over and so on. Why not make mathemat ics attractive, since the colleges are candying the classics? Why not the Arithmetical Progression Glide? Do (ginning with tho one-step, the sum of the steps. would be n(axl) 2. And 'that Binominal Bendl And oh I oh! I --oh! that Differential Calculus Kag! I P. P. A. In New York Tribune. TO EXTINGUISH A CANDLE With Practise It Is Possible to Put One Out at a Distance of Twelve Feet. Tho distance from which an average .nor. nan htnw out a candlo rarely-ox- coeds threo feet, remarks the New York Tribune. If he le an adopt at blowing emoke rings, howover, a candle may be extinguished at 12 feet. Of course, emoke Isn't necessary. An ordinary air ring will do, and has the added advantage or neing invisiuie. Simply pucker the mouth as you would to blow a smoke ring and expel ir in - nnlp.k. aharo mannor. It takes a good deal of practise to do It An eaeior way to show the effect, if one Is doubtful, is to place a sheet of cloth or canvas over tho open side of a box otherwise closed, making a Bmall round hole In another side. Then tap In a sharp manner on the canvas and Invisible air rings will be pro ducod. If the holo Is pointed at a per eon'a face and tho rings aro tnado ho will feel them as they strike his (ace. Only a few trials aro necessary to ex tinguish a candlo at 12 feet. To ren der the rings visible a smudge may be burned In the box, or a small dish of ammonia may be placed sldo by aide with a email dish of hydrochloric add, tho combined fumes of these liquids making a denso smope. Tho explanation why one can't put out the candle at 12 feet la that the ntiRt-crv of exnulslon is conserved and practically all retained In the smoke ring, while a simple blowing has to set In motion a wholo stream of air and Is, therefore, waetoful. Speaking of Race. "Saw an odd race yesterday." "Indeed!" "Yos, It was between two dogs fox terrier and a dashchund." "Well?" "Two saucers of milk were placed in front of them and the object waa to seo which could lick up his flrat" "Which won the race?" "Tho daschund won In the last lap." Will Be Short Dry 8pell. Second-class cities and villages of the stato where a wet policy Is to bo continued during the coming year will have to stand a four days drouth ati the outset of next month. For the at torney general In Interpreting the lawK following an anxious Inquiry from Al liance, found that tho municipal year ends May 6, and the license year ln such communities ends May 1. Hence the old board's license expires Apni 30 at 8 p. m. and the now board will have no power to open a saloon until May 5 at 7 a. m.. County Agricultural Courses. One of the latest attempts of the Nebraska Agricultural College Bxten slon Service to bring the college home to the people of the state is the county agricultural shQt course. One of the first of these courses nas jusi owu completed at Aurora at which sixty five boys and thirty girls wero en rolled, representing thlrty-Blx rural districts. Similar county agricultural; courses for tho boya and girls of the Btate may be had by making applica tion through the county superintend-, eat and guaranteeing ino expeusw i I ! ij 'V l to. i :.'A m T fc fife to Ml "! m w.Mft T ! 1) 1L E 4AI y r: mMMmmi W: aw. ' I "T BfJRVlVTJ Mfc I - f mami L? r 'I .'I T..iis v iiftS3 I i ' 1 i i.--'---- ,. rl'7ilMMisMsllKMBs"s"M l&ssflasdilBiasBBriiBiBMiaisBBlilHHH VrLVHUT - .ffiUftttfr .iadefiBlBr . - - -n-- -r - lMta BiBMSSBBMassMBaMaBABSSBBSMSiraaaKrMraaireaHrMr