vv V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fWxnvTnT&zrxrtuVZViK sMwxTrCTvaraMnyTfCTit:rejnffgrgin:ggtTO K Wf I'TBWTttHWMJT'WyM; JJ(U rtf Jf niuiiMii i.mwuuuiiiMiiMJJf ,n y 1 f K - . tilt slfA f, re?rw- A- Is5"'" fife , - v.' -T , HOME NEWS uVdctln of Tho WooK'3 DoinC m -? n ITEPEE 3- Kansas City the picnic (it tor Swat lha fijl Kill the dandelion. Trv our 10u Up in diadp I'.irltnn Cafe. N.J.lI.I-'l!ltjfft" wns in I,bnnoii 1'iiday. ICuunwth Wilson Is homo from Him nliitf. , Qii$ Matkiua wont to limning .Wed nesday. Don't forget the bniid conceit Apiil tii(5 ?7th. Ait Slifeley of Hastings wus in town Monday. .John I'olniolty wont to Hastings this moiiiliiir. ' ' lieff. Tophaui of nine Hill whs in to, vn Mondiy. Von can make SOcoiit look lllio 10c nt MuFiirhuid's. adv . Curtis Oecr was In Mutt Mill Tues day on business. Loyd Carpcutur returned to Oilcan Sunday cveninff. Alt McCnll was in first of the week. Tho twelfth grille had u Ainhoy Wednesday. r Ueruard McN'eny was In Supeiloi Tuesday on business NVcdnchilay was Albor Day. Did you set out any trees'.' Will Mountford was a pu,otiRcr to Franklin Tuesday evening. Noble U.ill of Lincoln wan iu town Wednesday visiting ft lends. llert Hatfield and wife returned to their home in Kansis Friday. ftnron Hedge spent Sunday in Jun iata. Wliat'o the atttautlon, Aaron? The Ked Cloudy Auto Co received naolher car of Ford autos this week. Shcrlll' fledge took .mos Dillon to tin; ponetentlary at Lincoln this morn ing. Gene Strayoror Frauhlln Is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Otis Leggett, this week. Miss Hath Mulone, of Lincoln, is visiting with llobt. Avery ami who , thiB week. r Mr.iiml Mrs. Earnest Davis took their child to Hastings Tuesday f.i-piitineUt.. ' l" - Tlio Congregational' ladles will Hold their market Salmday at P. YJ Wtnl brnndt's store. Or. Darloy l'lumb arrived In the city - the -first of the week, to be with, his father, Fred Plumb. George Carter letnrucd Monday night from Nelson whoie he had been spending a few days. Flavo Grlcc. Harry Letson, E.l (Jar her and Wilbur Hamilton went to Hastings this morning. Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream and Strawberry sherbet Saturday and Sun day at the Puritan Cafe. Mrs. A. Arnold and daughter, Mrs. Joe (Jurney, and children of lnavalo went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Nettle Stlnson returned today from a visit with relatives at Red Cloud. Tuesday's Superior Jouanal. Starke llroa , shipped 8 cais of cattle to St. Joe and Kansas City Wednesday. Chris. Starko accompanied the shipment. Mayor elect Dr. Damerall and wife arrived" homejrom their trip to the Hawallau Islands Wedncsitay.morumg. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Viers and chil dren retnrned today from a visit with relatives at Red Cloud. Thursdays Superior Journal. All" members of the Eastern Star lodge are requested to be present next Monday evening as there will be an election of oHlcers Lieut. Ailcsof Co. K, N. N. G-- of Blue Hill was iu the city Wednesday and'oulisted four of our cltizeus iuto Co. K of that place. Herb Plumb of Des Moines arrived th first nf the week to be at the bed side of his father, Fred Plumb, who died Wednesday afternoon. Joseph Crow, of Webster county, Nobraska, disposed of a carload or cat tle during today' session. Thursday's St. Joe Stook Yard Journal. "The Magic Mirror" will bo the sub lect of the sermon Sunday morning ut tho CortKrcirational church. Subject fm--nfi ovuuliiu: "What Use is lie llglon" Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, no'O and throat patients and thosu needing glasses fitted ui it, Sanderson's olllce in Ked Cloud. Wed nesday, April iiOllh nilv Don't miss "Wild Hoasls atLaigu"at 'tho Tepee next Mondayafternoon at l:00,'ovenlng at 7:80 and 0:0): Hogular ' prices A groat two-iv.ci comeuy. t menagerie brosks looso and the fun that follows Is great to see. One day only. L. W. Ely and Charles Ourney woie Nobra'ka shippers from Webster coun ty with oflVrliigs on Monday's nunkot. Eacli -sold hog". Willlfmi Relher ad find a car of mixed stock from tho samo county. Monday's St. Joe Stock Vnrds Dslly Journal Program For Coming Week MONDAY, April 27 ONE DAY ONLY Afternoon and Evening: Wild Beasts at Large Or Wltr.a thcJInnftric Wrcko Lwso A staillliifT and olraordlnfy two reel Vitoguiph . fwituio. It difVcis from the usual animal pleturo in-iis-much an it K a CJouunly, combined with u coiWiiiit thrill of vxclteiieni, and makes ii'i end of laughter. Two other good i cols will complete the day's program. Ilcgular 1'ilces. TUESDAY, April 28 THE DRAMA In HEYVILLE-A two real Comedy A combination ot melodrama and burlesque that Is hard to. beat. A won 1 of fun and enjoy ment in. this picture. THE LONG CULD NPIHT.-A clear cut .story of rural life that rings Hue TESTED by FIUE.-An entertain Imr iiicliiio with iilcture(iue foro-t scenerv and a forest lire. A good story j. Wednesday and Thursday APRIL l!rt and R0 A MILLION lu .JEWELS. A well plavod and costumed two pai t drama with scenes In India, aboard ship and iu America. ToMive her Inheritance a pilncessof India flees to Ainei lea. Slio Is followed by her lelativo-hor trials and final iv-cuu and escape make an interesting story. HEAR No EVIL A drama with a iroocl clear cut nlot pretty and well worked out. SONNY JIM in SEARCH or a MOTHER.-Comedy. Friday and Saturday MAY 1 and 2 Tho CHEST of FORTUNE. An in teresting drama with war scenes laid in Kentucky. In two reols. No Con federate force was feared so much by tho Unionists during the Civil war as Moigan'b raiders. Led by their daring leader these men unulo raids through the Union linos. The Chest of For tune tells the story of one of these inids and how ItalTected a young vie tin'i or these raiders, and his destiny. It brings back with wonderful vivid ness some of tho stlrriug eplsodos of tlio great struggle. PATHE WEEKLY. With numerous views lrom over the world. An Inter esting number. VENUSand ADONIS. A comedy number with some batliei sand children plaviug plrati'S iu a funny mlxup. A MAD MARATHON. A u o til e r Comedy with comic situations. Wc make a specialty of party sup pirs. Sail-f ictloii tuarantpcd. Puil innCaf'. NiibK Site for 1 and wife of A.lcll nro in Mi city lniting with W. N..llloh aid son ntitl w Iff. , SUruwhoiry thprbot.'Chwolnto Mid Vuiillialco cream at tho l'untnii unic Hnlniday and Sunday. II..1. CoKglnsof ihis ofllc, visited hiswifnnnd dauKbt-i at Itebrnu fiom Haturdny until Monday ovpiiIhij. K. C Phillip, deputy grand mutter or the A. O. U. W., of Table KioU, was In the cltv tlin llrnl of lh weok. My place cnnsistlug of eight acres for f-alo or rout, nt tho odgo ot Inavale. K. E. Ht'.VTlln. I am again icady to make farm loans promptly and onaltrnctivo tcims Solo agent for Trevett, Mntlia Si UaUor. J. H. IJAiMJV. Our high seliool bnso b ill leam went to Franklin last Friday and urossed bits with the Academy team. Our Uum was defeated. Wilbur Hamilton, Ed Garber, Marry Letson mid Geo. llolllslor wore lu (Initio Rock Fiiday attending tho fuiK' oral of Noah Helots. Miss Mamie Kelhrer went to Lincoln Wcdiivsdnv morning to visit her broth er, Robert, who la attending the Stato Agricultural College. Prof Hotx. informed this editor that the opening band concert of thn season will bo given Monday evening, April '271 h Wo would like to sec everybody tin n out and give the band the glad 3T. Saturday at noon the lire alarm was turned in that there was tire down by Mis Nelson's residence in tho first ward, by the time tho llro department gotthero tho neighbors bad put tho praliio lire out, which did not do much damage. William West, a founer clerk In Gl' laul's store, will again become a resi dent of Naponee, 10 entering Mi. Gil lard's employ, beginning Tuesday of this week. Mr. West has benn exceed ingly busy shaking hands and renew Ing old acquaintances. Naponee Herald. In the County Court o? Webster County, Nebraska. STATi: IIP N'KllllAKIvA. I .... W timer County, f I In tlio matter of tlio estalo ot 1'ranlt X. Kocliucl deccaHOtl. CIlKHITOltS ot said Chtato will take notice, that the time limited for presentation and illhiR of claims against tho samo Is Novum her 15th A. J). 11)11: and (or thu payment of .inuu i a.ipIi iTti,. mi:,, tluit 1 will sit at the county coiirt room In snhl county on Die uH.h day of Novcmhcr, lull, at40 o'clock, A. M., to rccvlvo, examine, hear, allow, or unjust mi cluluis anil ohjecllons duly fllctl. Dated thlsiist day or April. A. 1., 11)11. A. I). llANNi:V, (sr.t.) County .luilsc. Commissioners Proceedings lied rloud."Nob.rAptil l, IDII Tin) llnurd invt purMimit to ndjuuin in nl, vtith inrtnbeiH all pro(itt,L: Mel all, Olumlnde, Moffiuan, Storey and Chiij lin, chairinnuof tho Hoard. On motion the aiinunl notllemeut willi road ovpraeers Tor district No. 11, w in Mpptoted. E T. I'oe was appointed justice. oT ill" pcaeo lu mid for Cowle picclnct vlllnjjo. T A. Iktlllli wns appointed toad overseer for road district No. it . The ulllciul bond of Win McClure u oveiseor of district IS, and W W. Wikiiphi ovei.-eer of road dlsluct 12', was npproVQil. On motion John llojko was appoint ed mail .civoi seer of dlntrict ljrf, and bi'nil appioved. Ollloiat bond of .lohu Zlinmcruiau as oveisoer of mad iltstiiol No. 2 was appioved. Jin. ICudrna was appointed overseei nf road district No. (JjjJ. Annual settlement ot ovciaoor road district No. 7 was approxod. On motion plans and spcelfieatlons I'm' court house weio adopted, samo to be Hie plans of W. K. (Icrualdt, of Omaha, and now on tile with the conn ty cleric. (.'. P. Evans appeared beforo the hoard and olfered to continuo his con tract, provided tlio boaid would agree to pay him S'-i.l for extra labor and ex pense Incurred on account or his being unable to hire, labor at same pi Ice, as he could have hired It at the lime of original contract. Moved and second etl that the olVor bo accepted, building to bo moved by May first. Carried. On motion L. Shank was appointed overseer or road district 10J-J.- Com. Chaplin asked for a :W foot bridgo ono mile south of Lawrence on county lino betwoen sections .iu nnu J I. On motion Chaplin wns Instructed to erect a 10-foot cement culvert. Storey asked for one Idxlla arch cul- vert anil H.iI2 arch curven, ooui i;j miles west of Ked Cloud. On motion Storey was authorized mill instructed to build said culverts. McCall nskod for cement floor and wings for btidgo at Sutton's, in Wal nut Creek. Ono '21 feet 21 inch tube .oniPiit ford nt Clouds. Ono cement bridge nt Arnold's and to finish bridge in Harmony. On motion McCall's request was granted. The following claims wcro grantctl: P.il Amnnli 8 11 M Webster County Argus -T2 '!" Clins, C. IJennctt " (&SyJ-s$gPM&zx'' r -CTRS2SW"'w y 4 N5130 CLOTHCKAR A Better Blue Serge SpedaS Guaramceci All ool and Fast Color 1 What's On Your Mind ? Oh: That Old Hat ! We knew il, and have jul what you want d in either a Stiff hat or one of those nobby i soft ones thev are wearing on 5 th. avenue. The prices won't startle you either, as we are building trade by giving values that bring you .back. We will expect you in, and may we suggest that you lake a look at the new suits for spring. The Clollicvaft No. 5130 Blue Serge, special at 15.00 is bcllcr than ever -this senspn on account of the reduction in the cost of wool. i Clothcraft all wool suits $10.00 to 20.00 Kuppcnhcimcr all wool suits $18 to 27. 50 New Shoes and Furnishing fo spring that will please you. Jhe Gotaden-Kaley frothing Qo. iyN-w- Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers tJf vivi0 RKGULAU PRICKS 10 and tic. Fhbt show 7:30, Second 9:00. Matinee Saturday nt 3 p. in. I have the best into iu the county on farm loans. See me and be convinced . My motto-prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkr. A Perfect Corset Perfectly Fitted Feterita Seed For Sale Write me Reoleaued at a bargain at once for price. Ei.meh Thompson, Lebanon, Kansss. Notice Anyone interested iu cream Separa tors should uot fall to call at my place and see the DeLaval demonstration of Cream Separators. Uko. W. Thine. 4 vS&Sfe NcFarland's Cut Price Grocery Sale Is - On Better Get ' A i. i B. E. lVIeFa All the Phones F you have the least regard for your good looks ana your comtort, you warn. & proper corset, properly fitted. No matter what your figure propprtions may be, you 'are sure to find a stylish, com fortable model that fits you exactly in our. line of J! C. C Corsets Prices $1 to $6 When you see how soft, how pliable and comfortable they arc when you find vhat a trim grace they impart to your figure, you will wear no other. Our trained' corsetieres have studied carefully the art of corseting. Gome the first op portunity you have and let them help you select the best suited to your individual order. p. o, Tarnure & Son Agent s for Pictorial Rovlow Patterns. I,. II. ItlfU'UludirO " .1. A. Burden.. " VS Caldwell and Sjtowart 100 00 T. J. Cluplin ' 'M enterprise l'ub. Co 1- 50 .lamt'H Blhcrton '- "0 John GillVcth : 00 O. D. HedKO M 88 W. (J. Hoffman -JO flu A. C.Ilobincr -12 "0 Huffman Supply llouso , 11 73 State Journal Co "- Mis. L H. KeaBlo ,... "'() Klopp & Lluitlott Co 8 20 H. Ludlow 0 2fi II. J. Maurer 40 ou A.U. McArthur 09 7.1 Klovil McCall 77 15 B. E. MoFarland 25 88 Edith L. McKeighan 80 35 Miner Bros. Co M 48 Thoo Moulton 2 00 Q. Ohmstedu .' C7 35 K. S. Proudflt 50 Chas.Ueddon 3 School dlst SO 3 CO S. Simpson 2 00 Onmt Rbl.ller 3 00 Frank Smith 3 75 Anna Belle Spanogle. .,. 30 30 Paul Storey 80 00 J A. Tomllusou v 7 80 P O. Turnurc & Son . .". 54 34 University Pub. Co 0 00 W.G.Warren .. 7 05 H. C. Wright 40 13 I A. Wullbrandt 17 30 Dr. Sanderson 6 00 V. E. Mnnrer 3 ()0 Chas. Bennett 3 10 G, A. Wells ; 3 00 Richard Greenhalgh 3 10 P. J. Thomas 3 10 W. H. Deacon r..... 3 10 M. II. Davis 1 10 E. Il.Korn 3 10 P. A. Gooit..; 3 10 Sidney Spracher 3 10 James Saunders 3 10 J. E Yost 4 50 S.M. Fletcher 17 27 Omer Wolfe 13 on M A. Albright 82 2!) Harry HoatH 20 OS O.K. Cither 27 13 John Kullogg 2.1 SO Weesner, foray & Go's Cash Grocery Bargains this Week 2 lbs. Standard Pea8, reg. price 15 l-2c, now 10c 2 lbs. " Tomatoes, reg. price 10c, now - 08c 2 lbs. " Corn, price 10c, now - 08c 3 lbs. Punch sweet potat's, reg. price 15c, 12 l-2c Punch Salmon, regular price 30c, now - 18c Heinz' plum pudding, regular price 30c, now 25c Fancy full cream cheese, reg. price 25c, now 20c 7 bars Bob White laundry soap, - 25c 8 bars white Russian soap, - 25c Fancy Jap Rice at, per pound, - - 05c 20 pounds Best Cane Sugar, - - l.00 100 pound Sack Beat Cane Sugar, Weesner, Perry & Co. 6- Worth Crowing About Comparison of results and profits before and after using Pica, tie. 60c, C0e, $1.00; ti lb. pail $i.S0 tha KttX tonic and condltlon-li ur to ta3u you a permanent fritnd of U Prottt Product. SatUadta Curaiteei r Mney lack lratt Uee Killer. Powder-26e and Me. Alio 8prlng necessity. Sure death to all dangorouavemla, gUfuio aubiUtutet; InMitoa Pratt. i GttFratt$lt0paa Poultry Bk Sold and guaranteed by QKOHQK W. THINK. 1 Mm Mtok SAVE YOUR C&CKS Get A Chicken Life Saver Effective Fly Fighting Now U the time to begin HBhtliitf the (ly. If litter, filth, and Karbiiruo of all sortb arc removed from tho nlleym, bach lots, and other places wtieiu suoh nc cumulate, a loiifj htep would bo taUcu toward Invltlnc; dy race suicide. The ontoiuiilogifath of the Nebraska Uni versity l-'arm nilvlsolthe extermination ot these breeding places at once, for t'ds is more cll'octlvo tiiau hours of ily swattinif later iu the boason. Si''nt f" JH'.H' IL II" ir T "CirTu-1-- i Jr naiiri -" r'nij mi KJ"A ;.;. j'tv .jva.i'j ws.vimvaybiFn 'ji .TTrrrvfrrrr- iTsirr-i .. m "zntfl't an 1 ipiai t. or C. Ii. S. Oil and let tho Ohtukb rid tliuiiiMdvi'i nf Id.'o and Mites NV.)il(h ivhlle tln-y cat. Tho cut hhoiv.s li.i.v. (iiiiirauU'Cil to Ulllnll Llivii'id ouro Sgiv Iloail or nionoy lufii'dcd, A A Saver and nuirf or l h S. Oil pii'pald for 8.1 SO (J ird i r!iiK8 parti Milars, Chicken Life Saver Co. 2021 Ciinm'nlSt. - Onuiti.t, Ntbr. Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SIIRCEOW Calls Answered Day or Night oillroTclphoncH: licit, Ui: Ind. ito. ltc-H. Ttlcplioiii'3: Hell, lloil'.T.I; InJ.iro. Office Over N. A. Albright's Store Ked Cloud, -s- Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE IUNH Red Cloud Nebraska We Have Aided In Building Great - Fortunes For Clever Advertisers tiA&Mfa&& :' r',? si :m us V4 tt. i I 4V M i i j 31 rfi 5ft" ? it If Sf 'SI ..ik Sfjnlll "M mm ') & ' J 1 'J,'!l ."nAt Jk&jL L, L ' KtiWMVN "TSlSsI Lin . .. ,rr.-- - ov-X BESCElI