The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1914, Image 8

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    f "-Wf y " V ffiiFWV v W- "f "
a - --,. -r,!rwTrr-,'-r '
frf stn tmi, m mm
tlfHHt ! tv
There's Jiothing Better
I Soil Cloud lust w-el : Mui'M l-'W
wmm wifiMWwiwm ww "mm jwtww
11 .
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Qticonswarc, Cigars, Candies,
Tobafcco. You will find us able and f
willing to supply your wants in a very
satiifnclory manner at all times, and our
chief endeavor i to pleac. Now, with
these Hitlucf ments and incarilrvci to give
us a trial ordef, why not do so today.
' A Trial Will
Convince You
kv, mKme- n,
NORTH INAVALE ZZJSu,:: Standard Bred 'ami Registered Trol.W Stafll
Aikroyone McGrecor
Oooige AniHi'lr am! fmtiil.v wen- -.I-h-Ing
In Usuileiil husl Sunday.
Klsk- Tubor, fiom f)iior, Co'oiado,
Is visiting her aunt, Mm. 0 II MlDll
nels, 1
w, II. TalKjrrromauoiiiiMiofiii.iown, a useful Duntc
visiting fplotUlH t Jiiiivnl- a fw riny.i Dutlfut tho Clvif, Q-anernl! ffds-
,1. T. UnUtilfci! aiilvetl homo from I wiok nan on uu in .T-r- iiuiimu-
ICcokuk. l.iwn, ttiiI report-in good lime . "'""'"'"""'"" '".r" ""
- i in iin nnviiiuiv ui..i rim niHiii' tuin
l-r BW H- "O .., , - ...-.. , ..
takes. One day a frier d uktjd Lto
v 0?tt.
lllKl?fS&Hw A-.n
ZST,m- . ?Bli!!,,."jJ ?-.i '- JSffiivW
In 113 M. Wlill. Aliv.ijrofu. i.i;i0rlnt..-,r hIN,,M. h? VloU " , iS'i ii ' i J?L1,",,, 'i
whiu fy- cli . In- hit im nn tro'irJ. nu.l L lot o Vl-l? uml fi ho fi.iU 'l' 'V1'1 i
ilri'Ht.liiiiipnM,tsiritURhiinii . piiortimlty. "ri' miu Bhoitlil IM nn grtut si I
M.i I IH'Yom: MfiiiiktiMit ..
O..I (,...... ,-- "!,. .,,,
p'"ji. "i Uli . 'i(i!
8S), Hie
wluVe iIihio
MIm 1vi UuUflK '"" 0"' general:
U. A. WaWo M In Ifttittav City i)
Mr. RiiliyiW ttHil' W Hvery li.u'B
ai-tt I-. now lix'ttUil ixt tu t t.r tpilfB.
"Why Uo, you kcp .Toicb on 3ftni
sfjifir Ht, Mean a pdeat dwico,'"
'"Bo you know," repl!t2 Cciwr'
Sodlqk, "Jott I 6 ot ther mast
usetul n tfflb'jt of my fiaS" Ilotorv ?
true Ku Qi.'.C. I MraH li.-o Joi:
Cliailvy airi.MR'was In lnal on 1 3stOI tu It be C'-n Icll what it Wfiias,
ni -lay Vf iwib w'k. ' , i'Ur j r. p L np tihtncu that
' f . A-. 111 . . i....Tm.
K. 15 Itnnt-r wm lit K. hm Uty um j v-..- ,, ..,,.
Intemational" Harvester Oil
and Gas Engines
craih and iwy
. , m;.chi1ne;
Riadn, R;tri
tlcadcn, Mowtri
Hilti, SlicVcta
Kir l-vadtrs
tltr Prmei
riinleri, Pickett
Cindert, Cultivilen
DuiUse Culttri
Shcllen. 5hrdiltri
Pft, Sp.hfTctll,
oa Dili Hiirowi
Oil tail Cat Injiati
Oil Tttc'ori
Manutr Sptodtri
Crttm Ctpiraloti
ram Woti
Koljr TrucLl
Ofiia DrIUt
Trcd Cri.dtfl
Knllt CriaJen
SUCCESSFUL farmers are no longer
asking, "Shall I buy an engine?"
They have passed that point and now in
quire, "Which engine shall I buy?"
A littlo careful observation will ohow that Inter
national Harvester engines nro tho most satisfactory.
No doubt is left when features liko tho following aro
studied: Dctachabb valvo cliile8i offset cylinder
head, fuel pump, split-hub fly-wheels, extra largo
intako and exhaust valves, etc.
Ask tho men who have used 1 II C engines. That
is tho best test. They will explain tho excellenco of
1 1 1 C construction, simplicity, strenRthand durability.
Study tho engines yourself at tho nearest dealer's
whero International Harvester engines aro sold.
They aro made in all styles, and ratio in sizo from
1 to 50-H. P. Thoy operate on low and high grado
Writo for our interesting and instructive catalogues,
nml whon wo stnd them wo will tell you whero tho
engines may bo teen. A postal will do.
fotaatioiia! Harvester Company of America
Lincoln Neb.
Cbu.i;itu jherbj BTcConnIcIc Mrvnntto Otborco PIuo
)iiiIiips MoihIa'.
Tin fnne frn nt .ohu ftuUfrt'
on Sittmluy hvo1iik ivm quitn wnll
iittfinlcd ami nil rt'irort a plii(tld
Tint Lajllos Aid Soololy or th M. Ii
ulinruh Kiive a pioi'iun mid Hiipper on
Wi-d 'Hd.iy evening of lust week,
v.b i sn u hucucas souliilly anil Ilimu
Joe Si'lnuiiltH visited .loss Jaouthers
The oyster suppurat Klnier Clements
tiVidny nlfc'ht was well attended.
Cliarloy Stanli-y has been down to
Onldo UoeU tho past few dnys ovur
muhIii; tho breaking of pi utile on his
beveml from this vicinity are in
HloumliiKton this wvclc attindln
A card paity was (,'ivi-ii 1. O. lion
nutt Monday uwiilnu In honor ot his
Joo hehmiilt in working on tho loads
this week over In hlh neigliborhood.
Floyd nautu-r and Clmrles Schmidt
put in a p.istiuo foico Monday.
Amob Miller it. back to Ud lIoliuber
tiiaudma Kessler sprained bet kni'e
while coming down stiilus tho of
the week.
Mi.s Ohai h'S (Jhoney is huiVering with
Tho mnvcyois were at work in tho
lieu iloyeu neighborhood Satuiday.
h T. Martins of l''ainiei,.s Cieek,
visited Perry Dennett Sunday.
Mis. Tom Patton vis'ted grandina
Kes.sler Wednesday, (ttauditmis nitioh
elati'd over Lucy's big boy.
Mr. and Mis. Henry Grube, of Up
land, islted .John Pal ton Siiudiiy.
liittlu Blla Suhmidt bus been orrtho
blek lifet the past tvw day's.
Kcatt t Cruet Pcet.
dao cf the highest iof authofitic
dosl(irB Ilia "Cde to a, Nlfchtlr.BRlc"
to bo "ono of the final uiastornlccuo of
human work In nil nml for all
nguB." The eamo hi'jh nuthority re
furs to the odf9 to "Autumn" and to
tho "Grecian Um" ua blng unuqualcd
and unrivaled, tho "Irluniphant ac
eompllBlnnent of tho very utmost
boauty poHsiblo to human wordo." In
Koats' larger pcema aro passages that
approach very near to poetic perfec
tion. Keats died at twcnty-slw And
ut ho lived long onouijh to havo writ
ton some of tho finest things hi literature.
Georgia Invasion.
"It's been the dream of tho old
man's Ilfo to bco AVash'tcn," i-ald
tho Uillvlllo matron, "an' now he'a
n-soin' thar, an' I'm a-gcln' with him
'I won't bo unknown thar,' ho sayr,
for I'vo been n incmbor of sh: Gcortlc
legislatures, an', any ono of 'em could
beat congress a-iaisln' of tho place
vhar Satan lives at an' a-doln' oi
tutthinl' Put what wo want to sec
most ia tho place vhar they maV"
tho money, an' llnd out how eomo a l
why wo don't git our ah.iro of it." At
lauta Coublltution.
Will stand Tor season 1914, Mondays and Tuesdays at F E
Payne s barn on Sec. 2-KS-12. Thursdays. Fridays and Satur
days at Red Cloud Tie Barn, Red Cloud. Nebraska
TERMS; $12.50 for the season. S15.90 to insure colt to stand
and suck. ,
F. E. PAYNE, Owner
simmer - Undewear!
Pccts Put to Hard Labor.
Tho sixth grade of a certain r.ehoo'.
In a foreign settlement in Soul'i Da
kota was learning the use of porso&k,
Tho book requited (he pupils r cor
rcet and expand Into a com! 1 ' v r
tonce the following expic- ': "MI'
ton and ShnkeEpearo's works." 7"orr
Nlhodyni handed in thia sontonop.
"Milton and Shakespeare work In t.
coal mine." Youth's Companion.
Order To Show Canst:.
1 1 $$& "
NOW- tlinl fli i.-m
days of spring are here J I
you will need lighter
weight underweai. We S
have a full line in all
styles for ladies in sep- S
arate ninrns or union r
suits. High nechjong
sleeves, ankle length
union suits at - GOc
Low neck, either of two
styles, in tight "knee or
lace, from
0 Afar
Children's and infants vssto, long slesvos from s
Nazareth waist in all sisss from 2 to 13
at 25
LjT7 ti 'UJttaiatgfti.
Fact Reiiaks
No amount of misrepresentation by the
peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug
gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis,
or cooked-up' certificates, or falsehoods of
any kind, can change the fact that
Royal Balding Powder
Sias teeen otmdl foy t& ofI
c5a5 examSnaliosis to E2e o5 His
MffiHicsi leavening e22xci2iicys
free from alwrctij, andl oi absolute
piisrHy and wholesomeness
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
for making finest and most economical food.
Mis. R. R'ne and daughters . weio
pnengord to Lawrence Friday -
Mr mid Mrs' T. W. S'duilt. woio
Hastings vt&ltuis Thursday.
The young people of tho (icruuui ichiiruh
Mr an 1 Mis. II lto,-c and Mr. and
Mis, U. II. Ohmsload visited relatives
in Mine Hill Sumhiy.
Juile iifiw jouiig people attended
the rtanuu nt l.uuuitico Mouday ovuu-Ing.
j Mr. and Mr. U. Irwlng visited at
Oo). Hudson' Sun-'ay.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P ICrnu6 and Mr.
and Mrs 1J. Howuid tool; supper at 0.
Hudson'! Sunday evening.
A largo crowd attended the ISiibter
program jjlvon by tho Bvtiiuuolal
Wm. Xorris shipped in a car of corn
last week.
Ilobt. Miteholl returned from the
Hustings hospital last week feeling
uiueli improved. Ho went Jmek 'to
Hastings Monday
Miss Cleii Wilmott who goes to sehoul
at lied Cloud is boaiding at home nml
iliivlng now since tho weather has
turned warm.
Jno. Mitchell and family spout Sun
day at W. 15. Conlej's. . ,
Rood Dlckeison has bought the Louie
Jausseii fai it) .
Ren Mnd-ey and faintly and ilobt.
Miteholl uiid'fiunlly spent Sunday at
tho Cljdo Mitchell home.
Mis. Oliver Win then is on the sick
Harry Whitley nml sister Perth. i
woto guc'itrt at tho Chaplain home .Sun
day. Clias. Doron Wnsin Itd Cloud Saturday.
Clarke Stevens and lamily of Rod
Cloud spent Sunday at tho homo of bis
son Otto Stevens and family.
Wray Mitchell andwviro entertained
tho uhurlvtiil oiowd Sutuiday night
and tho neighbors repoit plenty of
Chas. Rluker nnd family spent Sun-
tiny at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs
I'YiuI Meyer, north of Inavale.
Several from this vicinity nttemU-d
the WUUng Workers' bazar an 1 supper
atltiavalo Sntartlay evening. All re
port im enjoyable time and lou ol
good tilings to cat.
St-lte ill Ncbrnskii, F ...n-i... f , ....!
At a t utility i ourt lit-Ul at- the Couuty
four! room In and for sni.t county April
lltlt., 1011.
1 llto mutter o( the estate ot Autonli
V. S.ttlllek. Diciiisul.
On remlliit; nml llllnu tlio pclltlon of
I'rank I'.Sailllck, praylm; that tuliulntstrn
rtlou of nalil estate, uriy ht granted to hlinstill
as Atlhihiltr.itor.
Oiiiir.iir.ii, That I'rlilny, tho 1st day ot
May, A. P., lllll, at 10 o'clooU a. in., Ih
nsblKncit for liciirlm; -iald pi.tltloii, when all
persons Interested in wild matter limy nppiar
nt a County Court to Im held In nnd forhuld
county nml show enuso why prajer ot peti
tioner should not ho Krnutrd; and that uutlee
of tho pendency of bald petition nml tlio hear
Ine thuieot Ik) uls-t ii to till persons InterrMed
tns.ild iimtter, hy piihllHhlm: a topy of tlt
order in Iho lied Cloud Cliiuf, u weekly iicwh
pnjier piluted la Niild t'ouuty, for Ihrto eon
-ecutl u m eekb prior to i-nld d:ty ot lit nrlit.
SKVI.l A. P. ItAX.M'.V,
Couuiv Judm,
Agent For American Beauty and Warner
Bros. Corsets And Buttcrick Patterns
Notice of Probate
J2$i2 AND $:!$-
,Iu Tho County t'ourt of Webster I'ount.
MntiJof Nohrnska, i, hs
Wuhiier (;otiniy. t
To till potsdiib lutcrtstt'd In tho cstnto t(
I'.(llo I), htrlcklnnil, Di-cuiiul: '
TAICi: XliriCB, that a petition lta, bun
Itlod iiinylm; that the. Instrument tiled In
this court on llio llth day of Mimh, Mil,
purporting to ho Ilia Inst u 111 mid te-Hlnitu nl
of bttld dcfwihwl, mo)- ho proved and iillowid
and rceouled a the last will mid Ustsinici'l
o( 1'IUo P. Strickland, dcucnvul; that saVI
liihlrunumt tiendiultted to ptoh-ite, and the
udiiitiilbtiatlou ot sild chttito ho -,-r:iuUsl t
t-'rauk. A. Strickland, I'lceutor.
It Is hereby ordered by the court, tlini all
peiMmslntorcHtcut In -.alii estate appear nt
tu fount. Court to im lit Id in and forsr.
county on Um 23lh day of April, lull, at
ten o'elucl. p. in., toshnw cause, It any there
bis whj tlio prayer ofllio iletltloner should
not boi;niiited,nid that nollruof tho pend
ency of Mild petition mid thn lunrlnu theiiof
botjlven to all porMius Interested In said
iiinttur by publlKhtaij a copy of this order In
tho Ited Cloud Chief, a lentil wtekly ncwi.
paper printed la Haiti louiity for three ion
secutlvo wcul.N prior to bitltl tlay o henrliur.
WllutiM iiiyhnnd nnd thettenl of bttld coiut
thin 2nd day of April, A. D..1U1I.
ltenl. Count Jmli.
Presbyterian church gave their minis-
.lohn Iliiblluo earn home 'I'hiiiHliiv
or, Rev. Arunds, u hmprlsu blrlhday from u two year ttip in tlio northern
party Thursday evening. The evening
was spent in playing games and all de
parted at a lute hour wishing him
niatiy more happy bitlulays.
TMrs. PouiiiIh of Illaden vUited her
mother, Mrs. M. Ufti'gmun, ThuiMlay.
Mr nnd Mrs, 13. Howard vUltcd .A
V, Kratise'-J Sunda'y,
part of the t.ito.
Mr. mid Mr.s. 11. Henderson and Mr,
nnd Mrs C. Hubbard visited at Geo.
! Henderson's Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Ileiideison visited Thuib
day and Prlday of last wuck with luu
daujfhtor, Mis. Warillo, of Paulino.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uuntjur of Blue
Mrs. Cure was a passciis'i'f to Illue HIIUiHltud 1). Lampman Monday,
Hill Thin Hlay Mr. uud Mrs, T, W. SchulU, I'turl
Mr HnilMrs.ll. Ruse ami uhildiou Shurer, Hiram Arnold, Philip Link
vUlted at W. Rower's Sunday. land Verna Wright at tended the .MinU-
Lomlro and Alice Kuncl visited rela. j -'el show at Illue lllll Saturday even
tlvcs ut Lawreneo Tuesday,
Pino N'ubraska weather this week-.
hHH of sunshine and no rain.
The election wont oil" .smoothly with
0), voles eus, II against ami til for tho
court house.
Two good potato days name together
this, year and there ought to be u good
crop for Good Priday and the 100 h
day came on the same day this jear.
This only happens once' every bundled
The stork visited the home of Ilt-nrj
Haiihon and luft tbenf'u big Nebraska
boy. This uiakea throe for wind mill
row In six weeks, Can any locality
boat this? Most any liunio can liaxe
little Milti.igeot but w lion it comes .to-
getting Progressives and Tarlil' Re takes nlnd mill row,
The follow lug children from district
83 took the 8th grado examination at
Order to fchew auso
In Tho Count-. Court.
sjtateol Nebraska, I
WulMicr Counli , i
Am County I ourt held at tho County
Court room la tiniUfor Mild county April 'Jd,
A. I. 11)11. . '
In the matter ol the estate ol I'rank X.
Koolmtl Deceased.
ON Vuiidlni; :itul illliu tho petition til Ada
Kouliuel prti Iiik that adiuliilhtiatlouol bald
entnlu piny hcurautcd to tlrlch Koelmel, lib
OllDl'llHH, Hint I'tldny the 17th day ol
Apill. A,. 1. lllll, at two o'clock p. iu Ik
asulBiiedfor hearlm: utilil petition, when all
purMius Intorosleil In said nutter may ap
pear at a County Court to bo held la nml for
bald County and nIuiw eauso why player of
petitioner kIkiuUI not bo (-muled; nnd that
notice of tho pendency of fc.Ud petition anil
ihuhonrlntj thereof bo tslveu lo all persons
luicroHied in sat 1 matter, by publlhlilnt; a
eopy of thl oulcr In the Ifedi loud Lhtcf, a
wtokly newHpaper pilulid In '(.itld county,
for three lonse-cullvoMtcsH pi lor to mid dnj
ot heailnif.
. A. U. ItAN.NKY,
(Seal) ' County Judge.
T.ike unv, uu. oi. ti e very a tr.uUic iwcuihUhi Kites this coming Sum
mcr appijing ovii a coutpUti eiivutt, going one. way, ictuiulng aiiothr thaV
will liieludo mitny'ol' the most inuums mouatalii and -sc-ufchoio locaMliesoX
the East.
You ma Include i he Adiiouduck-., the White Mountains, The St. Law
rence River Region, Lake (1 em-go, Smut ego-- Montical, 1'iu'bcc, Ucitou, Now
Yxnk, the llutlson ltivi the iOcoan Trip to Newpott Keivf, the .lersoy Coiibt,
the Vligiiiins, W shlngton, Dr. i
Leave your mime with intxiiid lit wo -cunro for jou somo mill cad and
hotel literature that will describe the Summer journey you have hi mind.
Something New Through sleepers now in service be
tween Omaha and Peoria, train No. 12.
. is. FOE, Ticket Agent.
L.W. WAKELSY, General Pn&icnscr Agt.
WoFtffli ComIiig Atoowt
Comparison of results and profits before
and after using
ffreSSz Regulator .
"" Pkot He, COC, CPc, tl.OO; SS lb. jxtit t! so
tlio -Treat tonlo nml condltlnner Is mro to innko you-n
innnanctit fncnil cf nil Pratts Piixlucts.
Satlsfacllon Ctiaranleed or Money Back
I-ratli I.Icc Killer. Pnwdn 25o nnd f Oo. Alton
Sprint; necessity. Kurodcath toalldanicoroua ennln,
Jte-fuso tubatltuten; Iniltt on Pratta.
g ' Ctt I'ratti ISO pago tullru Bcok
Sold and guaranteed by GEORGE W. TRINE.
il &&