The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1914, Image 3

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    Mfj. iM
ly n. O. SKLI.nns, Director of Kvenlns;
IJppnrtmcnt, Tlio Mooily Ulblo Institute
L.KSSO.V TKXT-Uuko 14:25-33.
GOM)i:N Tn.Vr-"Whosoever woul.l
mivo IiIh llto slnll loro It: nml whosoever
Plmll lose hli life for my noko shall llnd
It." Matt. 30:23.
Whllo this dlscourso ia recorded
only by St. Lulte, Btlll thcro aro many
things mentioned hero to which our
Lord mado refcrenco on other occa
sions. Lnst Sunday's EaBtor lcsBon
made a brenk In the sequenco of los
nons wo hnvo been following, ana Bhnll
follow for several succeeding Sundays.
Leaving tho chief Pharisee's houso
whoreln ho criticized both host and
Kuests, "great multitudes" followed
our Lord. Turning, he uttered somo
of tho severest and yet tho most won
derful words that over foil from his
lips, as wo shall sec if wo follow all
of this part of our lesson series.'
Multitude Rebuked.
I. A Caution, v. 26. On another oc
casion, John C:2C, JeBUs rebuked the
multltudo which followed him. This
multitude who pressed about him did
not reallzo what was involved in a
true following. They were Influenced
by tho psychology of tho crowd, and
did not count tho cost. Jesus does not
mean that our dlscipleshlp will lessen
our lovo for our kin (Eph. 5:25, 28-31;
C:l-4), but as compared with our lovo
for him it is aversion. Seo Matt.
10:37; Phil. 3:7, 8; Ps. 73:25, 20. Aver
sion is to turn aside, and tho Master
lold us that those who shall turn aside
thus shall have an abundant roward,
see Mark 10:28-30. Jcsub Christ must
bo supremo in a Christaln's nffcctlons.
Ho who freely gave his own self (John
3:1G. Phil. 2:8) has a right to demand
a llko devotion to himself, and as
men have approached nearest tp such
a consecration ho has exalted them.
Tho Cross means tho shame, sorrow,
pain and death of self and all that lies
in tho pathway of loyalty and devo
tion to him. II Tim. 3:12, Acts 14:22.
II. A Challange, vv. 27-32. (1) The
Instruction, v. 27. As If to make this
caution moro solemn. Jesus sets bo-
foro tho multltudo tho .manner of his
approaching death and tho condition
of dlscipleshlp. Ho hero lays down
tho first declaration of tho sovero
terms of dlscipleshlp, but explains
the meaning of his words. Thero is a
now meaning of this passage sug
gested by tho Revised Version of v.
33, "so likowlso" is rendored, "so
thcreford." Our Lord does certainly
insist that thoso who build a tower or
conduct a war must count tho cost; so,
likewise, they who' follow him. But
by this change the opposite thought Is
suggested, viz., that those who follow
him must do so whatever the cost may
be. (2) The Illustrations, (a) Tho
builder of a tower, vv. 29, 30, and (b)
Tho King at war, vv. 31, 32. Too often
wo present to men what is to bo gained
by Christian dlscipleshlp. Tho gain
docs outweigh tho cost, but as wiso
builders wo must present tho cost side
of tho transaction.
Homely Illustration!.
III. The Conclusion, vv. 33-35. Wo
navo already Indicated the conclusion
towards which Jesus was leading with
terrific logic, and by looking back to
tho first verse of tho lesson we poo
what it was ho was seeking to Impress
upon tho minds of tho thoughtless
multitude. Again tho Master uses.
ono or those homely Illustrations
gathered from tho common experi
ences of lifo which ho employed so
frequently to amplify or to drlvo homo
. a great truth, Thcro must bo quality
as w,ell as devotion to this dlsciple
shlp. Salt preserves from .corruption,
seasons Insipidity, freshens and sweet
ens. Thcso qualities aro rcforred to
abundantly by Scriptural writers. Salt
Is highly prized In tho East. Tho(
natural man Is presented nlso as bo'
ing corrupt, Gen. 6:11; 8:21; Ps. 14:2,
3; Eph. 2:1-3. Tho remedy for this is
tho active prcsonco of his disciples
among their fellows. Tho truo dls-clplo-
is like salt with a good savor.
On tho other hand, salt that has lost
its savor Is not oven lit for a dung
hill, but Is thrown out and trodden un
der foot of men. So our Lord Bots
nsldo that dlsclplo of his who has lost
his usefulness. This expresses our
Lord's contempt nnd scorn of thoso
who lack, not merely a certain kind
of character, but thoso whoso profes
sion and appearance would Indicate a
better expectation.
This lesson presents tho soverlty
of tho claims of Jesus. Irresistibly ho
drow tho multitudes to himself. Wit
ness tho crowd following him as ho
leaves tho house of the ruler. But ho
;paused and by his teaching Bitted
them, and scomlngly mado it difficult
to follow him. i
What Is tho purpose of dlscipleshlp?
It means co-operation. The work of
the King is to build and to battle, so
the disciple must wield both sword
nnd trowel. Ho must set asldo bis in
terests and devoto himself and all of
his strength to tho work and tho war
faro. We must not, as has boon inti
mated, allow ourselves to Imagine
that theso sayings of Jesus conflict
with Ills tender words about tho homo
or of men coming to him for rest
(Matt 11:28-30). Tho ultlmato end of
dlsclpIeshlpB Is that tho surging rest
lessness of tho multitude shall Indeed
.find rest In him,
-; " v-"iiiii i "j- fc "mi i v. r s
This Is Ilolom prison In Mexico
Important of his enemies who fall
Miss Mattie It. Tyler, aged seventy
years, a granddaughter of former
President Tyler, 1b hero seen entering
the White House, where sho pleaded
with President Wilson to help her re
gain tho post ofilco at Courtland, Va.
Sho was postmistress thero for' 17
years, supporting herself and a 'sister
on the annual salary of $650.
Sonator II. P. Shlvely ot Indiana,
acting chairman of tho senate commit
tee on foreign relations, recently made
a speech In tho senate In defense ot
tho administration's policy in regard
to Mexico.
A Poser.
"What Is tho Latin word for pota
itoT" asked tho village trustee.
"Why," Bald tho would-bo school
teacher, "potatoes wero brought from
.Virginia by Sir Walter"
"Answer my question if you can!"
eald tho trustee sharply; "and If you
can't, eay sol"
And ho subsequently told everybody
in tho village how he "stuck him." -Puck.
BBBBBKik f-3. ?SS MfA, V-f. vWr. i Tir 1 ' f ii'"H M " ' i'ST ' '' I i"" I V
Pnmtim ;ps: . mdmmkmm l
City, tho ugly and grim building In which
Into his hnnds utiles they are at once put
$3 BBS . -; -; s?miWmM
' HKHn'WMaHR.voa ' & '( -"n -A.o-jaTaTaTarWaaa.
Many cities aud towns in thi northern part of Now York suffered severely
during tho recent floods. This photograph hhows how the people of Schnectady
were compelled to make uso of boats in the streets.
ir rMiiOPvrfTCi $mJUsXsL,
.sPt 1 f -'sfn 'WKvSyxf'! i H'rT I
hip is the McAdoo residence on
iri all probability tho secretary
Miss Eleanor Wilson? will take his bride.
Come Again, Regglel
Reggie So, by way of breaking the
ice, I remarked that the weather was
very cold.
Henry Well,. and what did she re
ply? Reggie Sho said, "The recurring
phenomena of beat and cold aro bo
frequent and so familiar as to be mat
ters too negligible' to engage my In
terest, Mr. Rlskoy.
Henry That's all? Judge.
ia&WTWiWtpSikTC i;KVitAts
lii'iierul lluertn Imprisons tho incut
to death.
Massachusetts avenue, Washington, to
of tho treasury, after his marrlago to
The Camphor, Quick!
Margaret and Van wero breakfast
ing together late ono morning. Van
was hungry and Margaret fractious.
"Van, how can you cat bo much?"
demanded Margaret, Irritably.
"Oh, I'm a Van, you know," re
turned he good-naturedly. "I can
carry a good deal."
"Yes," retorted Margaret, "you'ro
a regular carry-van." Indianapolis
- a-tM m
Good Cheer Aids
Digestion of Food
Dyspeptics Can Make the Rest oft
tho Famify Happy by Using
a Laxative-Tonic.
Tho trmpur of the family and tho
good cheer around tho table depend so
much on tho good digestion of each
Individual present that tho experiences
of somo former dyspoptlcs who over
came their trouble should bo of Inter
est to thono now Buffering in this
Tho best ndvico ono can give but it
1b advice that Is seldom heeded la to
eat slowly aud masticate each mouth
ful carefully. However, It ulow eating
nnd careful mastlcntlon fall tho next
aid Is ono closo to nature, Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. This remedy Is
an excellent dlgcstnnt, aud in addition
to helping In tho digestion of tho food,
nets gently on tho liver nnd bowels,
ridding thorn of tho accumulation of
wasto that should long ago hnvo boon
passed off. It 1b safe, reliable, ploas-ant-tasting,
(nnd results are guaran
teed. MaJ. S. Martin, of Joplin, Mo., now
77, thinks DnJCuldwcH's Syrup PopBln
hns helped him to a longer nnd hap
pier llto. I In has not felt no good In
years sb ho has slnco taking thin ex
cellent medicine, and in splto of his
77 ycarB ho Bays ho feels llko a boy.
It is tho Ideal remedy for Indiges
tion, no matter how sovero; constipa
tion, no matter how chronic, blltouB
nesB, headacheH, gr.n on tho stomach,
drowsiness after eating nnd similar
Claims of a "Cure" for Consumption
Have Not Been Verified by Scien
tific Authorities.
In splto ot the statements ot n num
ber of lndlvldnuls who have rccontly
claimed thnt thoy have found a "euro"
for consumption, tho National Associ
ation for tho Study aud Prevention of
Tuberculosis, tho highest authority on
this dlsenso In America, declares that
thoro is no Information at hand to jus
tify tho belief that any specific cure
for turebculosls Iiub been discovered
which dosorvoH tho confidence of the
mrdlcnl profession and tho people.
Hacking up theso HtntntncntH, tho
United States, Public Health Servlco
declares that outside of the three es
sentials In the treatment of consump
tion, nnmoly, rest, fresh air, and good
food. "There Is no drug known, how
ever, raro or expensive It may bo that
has any curative actlou in UiIh dlseaso,
and ull remedies advertised as Bitch
are to bo avoided. Patont cough med
icines aro harmful; rn,dluin, X-rayB or
electricity in any of its forms havo no
special valuo In tuberculosis of tho
lungs. No serum Ihih yet bcon found
that will euro It, and thero is no plas
ter or poultices which has any effect
in tho dlseaso itself."
1413 E. Gcncssce Ave., Saginaw,
Mich. "Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
cured mo ot a very bad disease of tho
faco without- leaving a scar. Pimples
broko out all over my face, red and
largo. They foBterod and came to a
head. They itched and burned and
caused mo to scratch them and mako
sores. They said thoy were seed
warts. At night I was restless from
Itching. When tho barber would
shave mo my faco would bleed terri
bly. Then scabs would form after
wards, then thoy would drop off and
tho Bc-callod seed warts would como
back again. Thoy wero on my faco
for about nlno months and the trou
bio caused disfigurement whllo it
"One day I read in tho paper ot the
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I re
ceived a freo sample of Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment and It was bo much
valuo to mo that I bought a cako of
Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cutlcura
Ointment at tho drug store. I used
both according to directions. In about
ten days my faco began to heal up.
My faco is now clear of tho warts and
not a scar is loft." (Signed) LcRoy
C. O'Brien, May 12, 1913.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Samplo of each
freo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston." Adv.
We Must Have It.
Pessimist Tho cost or living Is ter
rible Optimist Hut It's worth tho price.
'Philadelphia Public Lcdgor.
To Have and to Hold.
"Does Tightwad keep Sunday?"
' "I expect ho does, it ho over gets
hold of It" Judge
I'll I I 1 1 HIT IF! Tlllll Wliri !
P"t JJustaWordffithYou!
Daughters I) m
A wonoan'i oreanlsm Is very dellcato thing It very easily
gets out of order just llko a delicate piece of machinery, it
requires more than ordinary care and attention.
able palna in various parts of the body, Uatlessoass, nervouanaaa.lrritablenosa.
dUslnesa, faJntneaa, backache, loss of appetite, dspraasloo, and many other.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has i been theme ana of res to ring thousands of Buffering women to natural health
and strength. For tnoro than forty years it has been successfully carrying on
this great work. Today It U known throughout tho length and breadth of eytry
land. Women every wbcro look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you.
Sold In llaatJor tahUtformby drufmht$. or trial bam malUJ
yoaforBO ctntifromDr. PUrc'Oi$pniary, Buffalo, N.Y.
Dr. Piercer's Plewaant Pellets reerulate Stomach. Uver and BoweU
aiaiti "tHta Mawwaw?jraijniui.awMMiWiiw
You can obtain Dr. Caldwoll's Syrup
Pepsin at any drug Btoro for fifty couta
or ono dollar, tho latter itlzo being
bought by heads of families already
familiar with Its merits. Results are
always guaranteed or money will be ,
refunded. "
When you uso Syrup Popsln you will
boo tho fallacy of chewing mints and
tnblots or of taking cathartics, salts,
pills and similar drastic medicines. Un
like thoso, Syrup Popsln docs not loss
Its good effect, nnd by automatically
training tho stomach nnd bowel mus
cles to do their work, soon restores
theso organs to normal,
PnmllloB wishing to try a freo sam
plo bottle can obtain It postpaid by acV
dressing Dr. W. II. Caldwell, 203 Wash
ington St, Montlcollo, Ilk A postal
card with your nnmo and address on it
will do.
Brainless Town?
1)111 Do you believe that fish make
Jill I certainly do.
"Well, they tell mo every man who
hns gone In the fish business In your
town has failed."
Probablly Will.
"Another Chicago woman has mur
dered her husband for treating her
"That ought to bo a lesson to him."
A man's good opinion of himself
Isn't going to fool St Peter.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes win last un
til tho goods wear out Adv.
The barking dog seldom bites the
cautious man
Have You a Bad Back?
Whenever you use your b'ack, docs a
sharp pain hit you? Docs your back
actio constantly, feel sore and latno?
It's a sign of sick kidneys, especially if
the kidney action is disordered too, pas
sages scanty or too (requent or ou color.
In neglect there is daoger of dropsy.
gravel or Bright' disease. Use Doan's
Kidney Pills which have cured thousands.
An Indiana Case
Mr. John D.
Wbltaker, 40t N.
East St, Uadlaon.
Ind.. says: "Dark
circus appeared un
der nix ayea and ray
ankle wero In
flamed and awotlen.
I was all crippled up
with rheumatism.
My back ached con
stantly and I was a
fihyalcal wrack. Ooo
or and expenalre
treatment of apeclal
lata failed. Doan'a
Kidney Pill helped
me from the flrat
and before lonr re-
stored ma
Cat Dau'i t Am StM. IA a BU
Woiei s UK?
BmImm le
i A, to
v ait mk el
kl Ml MrM.
StlM uw la Ills ere? lilt.
TbU li the muon we lve you tb
ame value lor S3 OO. S3.Su, M.OO
uu ou ngvwiiiiv'iDau ioa
ouukiuuu iBcroaMr 10 ioe coei 01
wainer. uur aianatra oav
not beenSowerrd and Ibe prlo
' Am your dealer to abow you
kind of W. 1.. Dourlu ihM hm
aUllojr far S3 (X). S3 u, 14 00 and
ou. tou wm men io coovloceo
bat W.L.DoujIm ahecs are atuo-
utelyaagooluoiiifr uukMaoldat
uianer price, iueorujr ouiereoce
I tb prloo.
I taale wltkoat W. L. DouUa aaa
lamred a tb bIUB. irw.UUvaiiu
but ar al for Hi, In your rlchili, urdtr
, bf ta fn.Hr t all prlctff, p,iig rra.
nma tor uiuairiuii tauto bowing now
loort.rfcr null. W, L. DOnOliS,
S10 Sport Btrwt. BrocQB, btaaa.
W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO 16-1914.
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