The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 09, 1914, Image 8

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. -m- -w. ". ..fe. .,,, ., ,- . wm. kMk. MHK fc. utri.itftfU I W.lll 1v fl tlRHH CjltV V rlflM V 1 II i ll It llfl M. Iftwtlf lillf .1 lni I limit t T ! .. 1-..1 7. - 1 t F)
ibsir iHwmwiuu-''wfeL'bnH,U9 1 ?"' ...? ..... ....... ....... ... . ine oianaaru orcu ana frecu
w ibbb" -mvs mv m nmxx!m- v 'w-' p" " ' 11.. ..tti....i . ti nik. nit imp 1 1 in -miiii .t hniu um dt 1 im !, fnit ..... j
-- I 1113 UiUlrlbt I - i -. ,.... - VllIM rj lll "in IW1 IHITH .
There's Nothing Better
Than our complete line of Gro
ceries, Quccnsware, Cigars, Candies,
Tobacco. You .vill find us able and
willing (0 supply your wants in n very
satisfactory manner at all limps, nnd our
chief endeavor is to please. Now, with
these inducements and incentives to give
us a trial order, why not do so today.
A Trial Will
Convince Yau
International Harvester
Oil and Gas Engines
MAJiMt "-T . t
nrmnrtiniinil mifflnr
1 i w
mrniirniiiiiin .rJ
RoUf Tracks
EVERY wise farmer docs what he
can to save money, time, unneces
sary hard work, and to have as pleasant a
life as is possible.
Therefore, wisu farmers buy International Har
vester engines, engines of (standard construction
willi features like tho offset cylinder head, accurately
i;roimd piston and rings, extra largo valves, detach
ublo valvo guides, split-hub fly-wheels features
that make them last by far tho longest and save the
most money in tho end. .
Itosuro when you buy your engine that it is an
I II C engine, and youwlfl ho suro of best material
and best construction. Thoy aro made portable,
stationary, or skidded; vertical or horizontal; air or
water-cooled. Sizes range from 1 to 50-H. P. They
operate on both low and high grade fuels.
Not every local dealer can show you International
Harvester engines. Write us for interesting cata
logues and full information, and wo will tell
name of tho local dealer who handles our euginsfc '
. ' ., v- :
International Harvester Company of America
llactrptftlM) rr
Lincoln Neb.
Cliaploa Dfaf McCwaJck Minrailne OtlM tUm
Tic I IIC Line
RiiJtri, Rttptra
HitJcri, Kewcti
RiVt, SUckira
l(r Lnib.ft
liar Prttirt
PUileri, Pickiri
ftndtrt, Cullirtlora
EitiiltM C ltten
SUlitrt. SbrJJer
tit, Sprlif.Tooli,
M Dlik Harrawi
03 tod Cm Entiai
Oil Trtct.ri
Musrt Sprciatn
Crtm Stparalon
Fn Wt
For making quickly and per
fectly, delicious hot biscuits,
hot breads, cake and pastry
there is no substitute for
iiFPif m
Pill .'Hi
bakihg Powder
Sixty Year thm Stmndmrd
mor mid feed them out In tho fall if ,),iy in 1; is mid or litiieved that tln'.-o
tho com crop Is s'tillleiont. planted on th(t gi cut diy will mil is
Tho VIII igo of Cowle hold tliftr sure to lie crowned wit h Hiiiet'St. (Js
u'cctlon TucMliiy. Tho lollowliitf vn-iv.l ln,' to tin- xw mniuifc of lull ! diiot-(li-etod
TniHti'os for llii'lr ropOi'.Mvo 1 ed to out- and idnilfn, otc , tlieiiuri-
Ifiint: 11. (h-i'ciiliiilli, U. U. illi-iitiutt,
,!. T. Lucy lor Iwi y-iirs, T, Foe and
.liimt's Siiiniders for 11 term ofoiie yoar.
Theio lmt ln'on bdine tr.villiifr Koliitf
011 In and nrouiid ton lull.. T?il
urnk'i corn will U t-.ow tlml of l!)i.'J.
Kotiu: of Prabntn.
InTlio niunty Court o(-
Wclwfor Coiinlj ,
p. a. wullbrandtI
Ko.)ii tniiioil mid Kt llio fl mireM in the' , selimsUn. 1 ,
noitli wtut pail of town oiviifd U.v Wi-tHtw County, f
Miiinicl Puller. M. It. Adau.M.h M. Klllo l)('mi1(.k(Ull,. ,JWBtl(,wU
tli.lMd Koon properly mM bumiifl TiU(f. N(Tt(.t,, lhv a ,,e,n hnH iyef.u
'illli'i not tin' il fti-rcy tliit WHi owned , iub, .i-nn tlmt the lii-truinont niml la
by Mr. Ailniii'ton 11 itli West of Cowl ' till court on the UMi dnyynf Slnrclt, toil,
' .. m I ittirnfirlllltp li tin. llii. In( ivlll fin.l ifitntrtt
l rnilrf l-oisl, 111. y Ik jir icd uuil allow l
nml recorilt'd nil HwiliiAl will uiiil limtaiiioiit
lor Kfllu n. Strlcktaml, tU-'eixoil: Hint nalil
Will II'MiiioU Is now loiMted on I In lutniiiicni tH.-mliuitiuilto prniiaip, niul'-Uit-
niiiiiinif;rntion oiumui vhiuii ne Knuueci 10
l-'roitk A.strli'klniul, Uxocittor.
It It horeliy ordcrcJ by Hie court, Hint nil
persons Interested In suld tstiitu upponr nt
tliu(!oiiniy Court to bu hold In Hint lor nalil
county on the i'jtli il.iy o( April, Hill, at
ten o'clock p. 111., to show cause, If nny there
la-, why tlio prayer of tlio iutltloiur hIiouUI
not lo i ran ted, and that notice ol tho pend
ency of said petition and tho hearing thereof
ho kIvcii to all persons Intcrcited In said
nmltor by puhlHiIni; a copy of thin order In
tho ltcd Cloud Chief, a lentil weekly news
paper printed In xalil county for three con
Ncclitlvo Weeks jirlor to mild dny of hearing.
Witness my hand and the Heal of snld court
this 2nd day of April, A. 1)., lull.
ail A. D.HANNKV,
Seal. County Judge.
The Slanuartl Bred and
! V
I TOpv'nrOTH
Tc(iw.i livrrtr if.
MZWr- Wi
L'2.4-" iWJ
stored TroUing Stallion
Allercyone McGregor
AI.CI-.ltCYOM: Meliltrtiuu. y.
"(ma. tho
lltinter fariii.
Cliarllo Si'hinldtH visited Tom l'at
tons Uiiiiduy.
Sowing outH and alfalfa Is tlio order
of thu day now.
Bud. Ployd, mid Henry Danker mid
ftiinllon spent Sunday at Guy Kuglcrs.
Several of Bdil HolmbeiK' gentle
men friends toolc dinner with him Sun
day. A fine time was reported.
Wuteh for the ilrst edition of the
new editorial or Kivorton in tho now
paper which will be oallcd "Tho
1'ooples' Champion."
Untold Stanley and his 'mother re
turned home from Lincoln Saturday
evening. Harold will noon, be out
from under the doctor's care.
Louie .IniiVscu is moving to Ills place
south of Franklin this week.
Alva Sinner and wife Went up to
Hiverton on Wednesday of list weolt.
Miss Ethel Stlckncy mid brother
Halph spent Sunday at tho Strickland
Miss May Dickcrsoti spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting relatives near
Mi" and Mis. .Too. llardwlulc were
trntiMietliiK business in I!eil Cloud
The Ladies Aid society of Mt. Pleas
ant churuh met with Mrs. Kiunlnsky
last Thursday.
Frank Stokes our eoiigouial nsessor
Is around calling on us again to Hud
out our present worth.
Mrs. Cy Norris of Itod Cloud visited
lust week at the home of her parents
Mr and Mrs. Tom Whitley. ,
Heed Dlekersou who moved to Frank
lin a few weeks ago is inoviug- back to
the, phiee. just vaeatod by Louie Jans
sen. Kobt. Mitchell who ,lias been quite
sick tho past week went 10 the hospi
tiU'at Hastings Saturday. His brother
John accouipanied him.
A quiet little wedding1 took place at
the homo of the bride's uncle, Henry
Wilmot, in Red Cloud Sunday morning'
at 10 o'clock. The contracting parties
being Mr. Wray Mitchell mid Miss
Gertrude l'oriy. An elegant supper
was teived in their honor at the Dan
Norrls home, after which they took the
night train amid showers of rice and
old shoes for Franklin where they will
visit Ids sister Mrs L. L. CI111III11.
dnin suit. 'i.
I'ri'i'iiH v in, 1
eniiNldiri a .
dividual ami ,1 '
lime hut t.MM
l. I!M0. hnhin'.
Kl.llll I'l III IIIIU UVIllllll !. . . - 1 .... r . . ...
nil mile track 111 IMjo. He in one f he moiii
luari.d. ruijtjeil iiiikIc. kiioki iiwi. hornet, and Is
fro'ia aro ht.rM- family n lmih Mil hi of thu
hoH.Uliii-Mridl.y Aikrrjoiu.. l.t. 1, tin. ureal
.'',;'. ""InW1" Iil Hntu btiin the itrrat brood
li:lll. All .M('(Jl("ji,r. In. I,..,, v.i t,i..
iKici in Ida 111 ti .MtniU McUri-cor. dam ol Nut Me
f iui.f.S.1,,1.1, alsothcdam of Mini Pplinarcli,
'.V -i ali't race man. H1.1i ... .-,,.., .1 .,.... .:
Aw ' '' '',,n',"r;1 utohIk. in, third dam It. Hie
M'i .V,i7 i 1 '" "J" "' 2M..nud villi tho
fiiirUi.laiiilsacroUiicoronhlnMii.'HMile. Alter-
(.null, helm; byAliorcvon.. the Io,t -on of the
, imnt AUi'iMini. Iwi in 1.1- i 1.. T.i .,... ...........
.klinln.i'Un.l wan the Uu Yn mT4 ' ,V. ' ."., V ' ."
i. 1 m .1 iih wire Mm . Lonnrs. tthlih fnmllc euvo f the mlehti
1 l.HiTii..ti"iirii.-.' 'i 1 I lon-iienilyiarn. audi, f;,,tlv that hns bent
mm. hi race or. tai. .'V Hi . r.Men.i. Allnn-joiiii M.i.i.V'r l" a lino In
..,. nice horne. I111M i n timr una brim .rt or bicoiiiI ovii'c
II. n .t id by '. Km II. 1 1.1 Hume, Mo. lu.n fn.','., il.i.Ti,. 1 1 '.V. w. .'..
a i.lMyin iiif'MTMtartc'(lovi"-n lialf-mlle track." tlni
( lili-ll ell" 111 Hi 1i
.1 ..-ll. ...,!.. . t . ... -.. ....
... -. ..I ... uuil... 1. .-. .-il' ...1 v .i.- , ,,. n . ... .1 uiiil,,' 11 .w.'uiiu 1 in mes mo veir l.cffirr
llewoiitlu-li"it pulled to a Joit In Hi, slotcli. mul It wait wild bvtlll Hie liorKenicn l'reRont
jliaMioi'niild fi-, UMiceard Ik 1,11 , "it 1 0 ,1 "hoi.c LaHlio
inn be 11 irice 1 11 h Of mile on u half mile trr.rU In tOi .. u (iiarter In '. ml 11 M1I1
what few coIIh lit. IniN arc all trotcr-. ,in, yhow IoIh of speed, and ho should1 bo as J rear a
hlretiKhl, Krandtlrc If ijlvcn an opportunity. ""
Will stand for season 1914, Mondays and Tuesdays at F E
Payne's barn on Sec. 24-3-12. Thursdays. Fridays and Satur
days at Red Cloud Tie Barn, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
TERMS;-S12.50 for the season,
and suck.
S15.90 to insure colt to stand
F. E. PAYNE, Owner
yCSeS-v iS6S vw?
i 1 5
A rSaladen was in Iuuvnle on .tnisl
ness Monday.
.Milton Michaels has goim to Florida
to look utilio country and If suited ex
pects to invest whllo thore.
C L Wlekwlro has sold his stock of
Hardware to Strotitf Uros. They ex
pect to take possession. July 1st,
C G. ritney, UohiI Overseer of Dlst.
14, bus two uew road draKS which if
used will Improve the roads greatly.
Miss Nellie Gilliam visited her sister,
Lvda. who is teaching school north
west of Invalc, a few days lust week.
Miss Dollle Dlokcnsou entertained a
number of her fiiouds on Saturday
tivenluR of last week and all report a
grand Rood time.
J. T. Rutledge has koiio to Keokuk,
Iowa, to attend a convention , of tho
llaker salesmen and us he has been a
Halesman for about ten years, ho will
no doubt Impart some thoughts that
will make them sit up and take notice
Miss It too ftrttce of Dluo Hill closed
a successful term of school at district
(US and returned home Monday and the
result Is that Kustaee lleiui is now in
deep uimiriiliiK. He says ho can't see
why they are not compelled to touch
ut least twelve mouths Hi the year.
(!. O. Holt was in. Hastings Saturday
between trains. .
Deri McCoy was a passenger, to
Bladen Huesduy. .
F. L. Faucet t Is building u front
porch to his house which greatly im
proves it
Mr. C. W. Fuller who bus been quite
sick and we aro glad to leurn that he
is inuoh better..
Mrs. Angle has commenced tho erect
ion of a now house on her lots iu the
Foe & MoDrlde addition.
Mr. Ilanfleld was on our streets
Weduesday looking after J,tho stock
business, Mr. Ilanfleld lives at llltio
F. A. Good bus it new Pres-to-Light
Installed In his lumber otllce. This Is
quite eouveuiout mid Is the next thing
to electric lights.
(1. A, I.uttu shipped In throe curs of
Georgo MoMurray traded horses with
Pat McCoolo for somo entile.
.lorry Dunne and Herb Itarbcr were
iu Ina vale, one day last week for seed
V. mid A. Williams of Pawnee were
iu Hed Cloud on last Saturday trans,
acting btisinoss.
Albert Leadabrandt of Springlicld,
Illinois, is buck here visiting relatives.
He intends to remain here for bouic
time. Fred ltiown hud the misfortune to
get a couple of his lingers broken
caused by being kiuked by otie of his
The oats sowing is almost completed
mid tho farmers in general found the
soil in excellent condition for the re
ception of the seed.
J. C. Williams and C. McCoole auto
ed to Duckervllle from thence to
Wotner on last Saturday afternoon
for a whiles dlveision.
A bad ucoidculocutitTcd at the home
of George MoMuiTuy of Sherwood
where his four year old boy broke his
arm earned by fulling olV u haystack,
A great many aro now disking old
ul falfa luud which Jtliey found by ex
perience to be most beuetlciul iu faci
litating the vermluutiug of the grass
besides adding new life to the soil.
Jack Leadabrandt and Charley Fruit
with their families lire to leave' here
this sveek for their homesteads In
Nebraska. Each has n section and ure
intending to go into the cattle busi
ness. Quito a nunibor are burning off the
dead grass along the roadsides which
is a good thing as it gives a degree of
neatness ami completeness to the ap
pearance of tho road and premises be
sides destroying myriads of uhiuk bugs,
but the exact number-destroyed or iu- 1 canuot at present give a cor
rect estimate,
A few farmers planted potatoes dur-
In the Cnso of William Gulbralth )
From Webster County. )
To Ills Excellency, John II. Morehead,
Governor of the State of Nebraska.
We, our petitioners respectfully
pray that n pardon may be granted to
William Gulbralth, undergoing ben
ti'iiee for burglary, at the October HUH
term of the District Court, within and
lor Webster County, Nebraska, for the
following reasons:
The said William Gnlbrallh does not
belong to the criminal class, but, when
not under the influence of his appetite
for liquor, Is an Industrious clli.uiiaud
devoted to his family.
He was not, in the opinion of the
'majority of tho people of Ked Cloud,
guilty of the ci lino charged against
t i i in . At the most, his oll' is be
lieved by us to bo putty lurcency from
the railroad company, while lie was
His friends here, knowing his weak
ness for liquor, thought his arrest a
good opportunity to reform him in the
mutter of drink.
They persuaded him to plead guilty,
assuring him thut the sentence would
be Snspeuded under the "provisions of
JGiHxl Cobbey's A Statute'lOll. He
iicted under their advice. Judge Dun
gun suspended sentence, and at the
suggestion of his fieiids, threatened
hlia with the full penalties of the law
if he ugaln indulged in drink. Gal
bralth kept his parole with fidelity
until just befoio his year expired
when having yielded to his uppotite for
drink he failed to appear at court.
Tlioro seemed to Do no alternative
for the court except to sentence him
to the penitentiary; mid we, who sign
this petition, either recommend this
procedure to the court, or approve it,
believing that a few mouths enforced
abstinence trom liquor would enable
lilm to conquer his appetite. He has
now been coulliied In jail and tho puni
tetitimy for six mouths, mid we believe
thut he can bo safely trusted at liberty.
He has a wife and seven children,
who are now hugely Hiipported by the
pliblic, and whom he supported previ
ous to his incarceration.
Ills sentence mid Imprisonment were
really the result of his friends advice
and action us u incasiiie to reform him
iu the mutter of temperance, rather
than to punish him us u criminal. We
believe that ho ouu now be restored to
his fumily mid the community as u
useful citizen.
We expect that tho letters of J. S
Gilliam, who uppeured as his attorney,
ol' Freu Al'iiuror, the prosccutlns at
torney, ofE. J. Ovcrlug Jr., and of his
Honor Judge Dtiugan will ucquaiut
you uiore fully with the detulls of
tills ease.
For That-New Easter Dress
We Have A Nice Line Of
Wool Gfepes at $1.25 Per Yard
Wool Serges iMgMSS.o?'
Brocades, Plain, Serge Silks at
$1.00 for the 27-in and $1.25 and $1.50
for the 36-in.
..A-frnt f-or Amrn;Bity.tnd W.rSr '
oros. corsets And Butterlck
r I
Patterns S
333 AND &S5-
Weather Report For March
' Tntimnratiiro: Mean 41 dcL'.. maxl
mum 77 dog. ojulllih, minimum IS dug.
on 20tlt.
Precipitation: Total ().(() liiuhes.
Total snowfall: J inch.
Number of days clear III, partly
cloudy 8, cloudy 10.
Dates of Hail 27 und2Uth; Thunder
storms 27 and UOtli.
l'lovaillntr wind direction N W H
Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer
You can make money raising nlfulfu in the Hlg Horn llnsin or the North
Plulto Valley. If you will go with inc to either of those localities, 1 will show
you mBiiy farms whes a alfu yield w 11 amaze you. You do njt havo to sow
and reap for each crop. You seed tho ground to alfalfa once and then out
three times eaoli year for succeeding years.
You pun homestead forty or eighty acres of this land under the Govern
ment Cmials.jiepaying the Government the actual cost of wutorfthe payments
spreading over many. years, without interest.
The IturlillL'fnnVi nuiv nn.ln It,,.. ,1. .....-!. ........., n- ,.. ... '
" " .. miuimu Miiirm "yoiijiug win traverse
these localities and connect them with an immediate and perpetual market at
protituble- prices. There are, also, deeded lands and Carey Act Lands aAiillablo
iu both of these logions.
Lot me put you iu touch wltli North Platte Valley laud agents. Send
for tho new Hlg Horn llnsin folder, now on tho press.
The Annual Kuster Hassaar given by
tlio ladles of the Methodist church will
bo' held on. Saturday, April 11th. A
large assortment of fancy work,
aprons, bonuets.and children's cloth
ing wll be placed on sale. Dinner
and supper will be served. Price
25 cents-. In Llndsey building.
E. S. Gea-ber
Ileal Estate, Farm Loans
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent
1004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebratha
Free To Farmers
11 y special arrangement the Ratekin
Seed Pqrfte of Shenandoah, Iowa agree
to mull b copy of their Big 1014 Illus
trated Seed Catalogue and a sample of
their famous Diamond Joo's Pig Early
White Seed. Corn thut has n record of
over 200 bushels per acre, ulso u sam
ple of their New Alberta, Canadian
grown, Oats, to every roador of this
paper, who plants Farm or Garden
Seeds and Nurbery "Stock.
This book is a complete compendium
of farm, and garden seeds. It tells
how to grow big crops and all about
the best varieties of Seed Corn for yaur
locality; also Seed Oats, Wheat, Hur
ley, Spelts, Grasses, Clovers, Alfalfa.
Pasture und Lawn Mixtures, Seed
Potatoes, and all other farm and gard
en seeds and Nursory stock. It is
worth dollars to all who are iu want of
seeds of nny sort. It is Fit ED to all
our readers. Write for it today.
The address is
IUteki.n's Sekd Housk,
Shenandoah, Iu., llox !)5G.
ffyy iMfa.nW&M.iMMwu...',