A ... W. . " ;- ' ' i i s V mi fcnmmgrauawiaaui. . . , .. HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Dolngn Next wci'k is clean up ivoelc 1. I-'ranl,- iMI.r $, lionie from Dunning. Jef. Cliiiplin was tu the city Monday. Leo DuTour was in tlio clly Inst fe'nt uriltiy. A. J. O'ilileu went to Iias'tlng. Tues day. Hugh Miner wont to St Joseph, Mo, Wednesday. Wuncii Lotigtln went to Ilitstins Wednesday. L. II. Hlackledgo went tu Supeilor Wednesday. Fulliur Fitzgerald went to Hasting Wednesday. tleorgo Unices went to llustifiys Wednesday. Kd MoAUtstor was in Heaver City Wednesday. Fred Temple returned to Superior this morning. llertutvd McJeny wiia n Superior vis itor Thursdaj W. H. Householder; of lliadeti, was In town Wednesday." C. A. Mezgor nnd family deft this morning for the east. Alt McCall and sou Lawieucc went to Hardy this morning. Howard Hamilton of Guide llock was In tho city Sunday. Sam Fuller, of Cowles, was a lied Cloud visitor Wednesday. Lcland Caldwell returned Saturday fiom Wolf Poiut, Montaua. Next Tuesday is eleotlon day Turn out and vote for the court liouso. C. W. Way and Hiiro 1'oleiiske, of Hustings, wore in town this week. Mrs. Hoy Uarber returned to her home at Hebron Sunday morning. Editor Frank Shields of the Orleans Chronicle was in towu Monday evening. Mr. and Mis. Wilbur Hamilton and children weie in Guide ltoelc Sunday. -Frank Cowdm wont to McCool June- tiou Wednesday morning on busines-. A. l Kly, of MeConk, wai in town this week louking after busines- nrit ters. George Simpson, of Norton, Mas., Has here attending the lunuiul of Ins father. Next Sunday is Euster and v sup pose every litfly ill wear lier irun bontu-t lirakemuii Hoy Uobllisoti was down fiom McCoulc Monday visiting his patents. Dr. 11 K. Camp was in Lincoln this week attending a chiropractor con vention. II. .1. Cogglus, of Hebron, iirtlved Saturday night and is now foreman of this oillce. ' A live room house and 21 lots for rant. Lots arc in alfalfa. Hutchison &. Saladon. ' Just received a car of Fancy E.iily Ohio Potatoes. SI. 10 per bushel. Tor nure fc Son. George VanCamp and wife loft Tues day fur Omaha and Savanna, III, to visit lelatives. C. M. Shnpsoti, wife and son, were hero attending the funeral of his father, N. R.Simpson. Tom Kirchuor and wife of Armour, were here Friday attending the fun oral of Mr. N. It. Simpson Walter 11. Smith n signed his posi tion with tltjs otlivo and left for his homo at Denver Sunday morning. Miss Kathryn Burko returned tl e iltst of tlio week fiom Broken How whore she had been visiting her slater. Rort Onybor left Tuesday to join tho Grand Forks ball club at Davenport, Iowa, whuio they commence spting training. Easter services morning and evening at the Methodist cliuich next Sunday. Topic at 8 p m., "Did .Jesus Christ Actually Rise from the Dead'.'" The Battle of Shiloh, a big four-reel special war picture, at the Tepee next Monday, Aprfl 13th. Special matinee at 4 p. m. Regular prices, lo and 5 cents, both afternoon and evening. "Tho Knight Templars" will worship at tho morning service lu.tne Congre gational church Eastor Sunday. The subject of the sermon will be "What Easter Means." There will bo special Kaster muslo at both services. On Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Rov. Hates united In marrlngo at his church, Miss Oortrude Maudo Perry to Mr .lohn Wray Mitchell, both of Will nut creek. Miss Pony Is a nelco of Mrs. Henry Wlltnot of this city. Wal ter II. Sheldon and wlfo woiu the wit nesses. Tho WUUiiK Workers of tho Timvolo Christian Church will hold their an nual Bazaar at Hunter's Hall, Apm llth. 'Apron and novelty sale begin ning at 2:30 p. in Suppor between the hours of .i;30 mid 1" o'clock. Child, ion under 12 years, 15 cents. Adults 23cenls. AlUrc Pivlted. adv t a,,--.-,, yir. : tzjit v 'mi IS he vf Program For Coming Week The Battle of Shiloh ix i on: ukuls MONDAY, April 13 ONE DAY ONLY, afternoon and evening A great four-reel War pictuio made on the very ground wlieie the armies of tleneials (limit and Johnson met in deadly eoinliut. The most satisfying war pluture of the times. A thrilling war play, historically cor icct yet carrying a tender and happily .ending stoi v. which is intensified by stilling .scones, among which is one where tho heroine as she is purbtiod by the enemy tides her hotso over a high olilf mid plunges into tho liver below. No more lealistlc war scones can be imagined than arc contained in this grout photo-play. SPECIAL MA TINEE at a p. m. KKUULAll I'KICKS, 1Q and 5 TUESDAY, April 14 A splendid program for ouc day only consisting of TKAIM'KD A two reol melodrama excellently pioduccd well acted with many lovely scenes peifectly photo graphed. There is action all the way thiough and il is sure to please. UKONCIIO HILLY and tho HAD MAN. A tvcrteru drama with clean broad humor. 1I11INGINO UP HUHHY.-A domes tic coined? in which a young wife has a woeful time training her husband. Wednesday and Thursday APRIL 15 and 10 THE G1UL at T1IK CURTAIN. A two reel comcdy-drr.ma. Thu story has an unusual appeal and btliring quality, with numeums strong situat ions. A MIsP L A U i: I) CONl-'IDKNCB. Comedy. Till; LITTLE HIT.LER. Fl I 1 e d with tho martial spitlt of his lather the son follows him to wat. His bugle call turns thu tide of baltlo from de feat to victory. A story fiom tho Philippines with liauilMiiuo vlowi - our of siout out or mind a good comedy with California and East ern scflies. BUY WOOL. Another good lilo graph comedy. Friday and Saturday APRIL 17 and 18 THE MAN FROM tlio WEST A sploiKli.il two tool story with plctiu i'hiiH western setting. Tim man in the story is a dominating western oh under. Saves tlin gii 1 lmni leni nit' danger --tollow's hei to her home in lite ciisi. Ills typical western unci eiii'igPtiu ways cairli's all before him An entertaining story. PVrllE'S WEEKLY The fleet ot L'.Js. SiibniaiiiiesiitOalvesioii Winter Sports m Canada Hunting In Eug laud other views from Pans, Loudon, Africa, Nw YoiU, otc. THE PERPLEXED HR1DEOROOM. In getting out ot one scrape .lack gets into another mid with help he gets out of both. A comedy on tlio high sea DECORATION DAY at the SOLD IERS HOME. Intoiesting and tine views from the SoldlCts Home at Saw tdlle, California. REGULAR PRICES 10 Fiist show 7:30, Second 0.00. Smut day at 3 p. in. and Matinee The leading circle examination will bo held at Blue Hill, Guido Rock and Rod Cloud, Saturday afternoon, April lHth. A special examination In county certificate subjects will be held Fii day, April 17 iind Satimlay, April 18th. (ilUITUUIIi: L. Coon County Supoilntcndent. Automobile Given Away April 14th 'V'V See It In Our . Window B. E. JflefaFland All the Phones O 3 rO TO RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF School Board Met Monday Apiil 0. loll llo'ird met In i egiitar session. Mem bi'rprrul - Stoiey, Tut rime, Ciflgh ton, (lilham nnd Hl.icklodgo. Minutes of previous mooting read ami npptovod. Superintendeitt'.s annual letinrt rend and placed on tlio .Siipeiinteinleiil lei'oiutneiidi'd a re vision of teaeln-iH' wage schedule for grailo teaeheisiiH follows: Fiistyear service in Kindergarten ami grade 1 S.'io. First year service In grade 'J, 3, I, .1, First year seivice in gi ade 0,7, 8, f .'.:.. Mi-xlniiim salary for all guides JiW. Piincipal in Addition to regular sal ary S10 advance In salary. Anvgtado te.ielier shall leeeive an luUance ol S'J.oO per month for each year of continuous sorvlco in Red Cloud Schools until maximum tate litis been touched Teachers having had experience else where prior to their soivico In Red Cloud shall bo entitled to SI 25 per month nddittoualpay for each year of previous experience provided that such increase does uotexceed SCO per month for first year service in Red Cloud School. Tho secretary made the following re port: Receipts f 17709. 10 Expenses 8ir)999..TJ Balanco on hand $ 1781.03 Tho following bills wero read and ordered paid: Dustless Brush Co., $ 4 25 Geo. Overing 30 05 Cocilo Thornton 3 no Uni. Pub. Co , 8 04 Hansen Laundry 1 00 A. Flanagan Co Rl n Morhart Bros '. 10 83 Orice Drug Co u 35 Commercial Advertiser I 00 Miner Bros., 45 87 Frank (. lauson w 12 00 Piatt Frees 118 7(1 Mitloue A A very 118 fit) Argus 5 no M. B. Robeitsdii....- n 00 Teachers committee- veconimondod tho following named poisons for re election: Cocilo Thornton Vernon Storey .Gertrude Blaeklodgo Irani Grimes . Louise Hcliiiinaehor For flection to (111 vacancy, Ethel Wisecarver, lor grade J. ?? A su fjpL ( 5flli fr51fr Hfalfc ilff ' HEjl jmStifc 'r iHsr.R r5 tm 2Aik, L 'Ammrn c&w 1 'f.lil oc. 1 mmm 1 WW. I t. - J Tt? U ' t More and more people'are awakening to the importance of their feet. And more and more are they realizing that this is treating the feet to Shoes We have good shoes for every need and for every age for men, women, youths, misses and children. Every model from the daintiest lady's pump to ru'gged shoes for school boys, reflects the beauty and good taste of fine shoemaking. Added to this is the certainty of an "accurate fitting. Everything depends upon how well your foot is fitted. Our salespeople have been especially trained to assist you in selecting the last and size best suited to you. F. G. L, iniiiiii in umi 11 mini in !, iw 1 imihh man iumj'i tiim 'iihii Hoc hr Tu- AgrlctiMuic and' S i 1 e'. 1 I'm" chair indrii'd tho oiivhoii of) t neht is b ballot wliieh resulted In1 111" eliotlnii of all ti'iichorsiecoininend oil l'i ttMohwrx I'omiiiittei'. Mm I'd by IllncUk'ilgo and seeoiiilod by iiilliiitu thai the new wtignmiudulo le.Miiiiiii'iiili'il by SiiperiiitetK.'iMit be ml. inted. ("an led. I Upon motion ilolin Wolfo ami Beucli I Robertson woto euiiloyed as janitors , for auolher year. I Moved and seconded that William I Wnglit upon completion of woik now can led be permitted to graduate. Cat tied. Moved and H'coiulod that the school boaul propose to city commit 11 proposi tion to lay water main to the comer of school faun and apply all water icntal on payment of same eairied. Salary of Jphtt Hoohr was ordetod 81 UK) per year. A. L. Rlehaids a salary of li)0 per month as piluclpal. Board adjourned. R. D. Motit, Seoiotary. M. W. A. Convention Passes Strong Resolutions On Wednesday of last week tho Modern Woodmen of America held a county convention at Guide Rock and tlio following rosoliftions wero passed: First That we favor the repeal of the Chicago rale laws and we do not favor any raise in rates of more than 25 percent, tlio frame to apply on the old rates at the ago of entoranco. Second That we denounce t he moth: oils of our present head otllcers in the matter of the raising ot rates and in tho general managouiont of our order and we demand a complete change in tho present administration. Third Wo favor tho seventy-year plan, whereby members who attain that age may surrender their certificates nnd receive in casli the amount contributed to tho benefit fund and also retain fra ternal membership in tho oidor with out expense. Fourth That wo demand radical to tionchmcut in tho expenditures from our general fund and substantial rcduo tiou in salaries and compensation and a limit of not to exceed two terms for head ollloers and the return ot all deputies to a cmiimisslou basis of com- ponsatiou. Fifth That we favor a thoioiigh In vest l'iition of tho maiuigDincnt ami methods of the Modoitt Woodmen Sanititrtum at Woodman, Colorado. Sixth Wo aie opposed to "I ho pres ent by-laws allowing deputies to iilteml county, state or head camp meetings as Easter is at hand, with its new fashions for M. . .. s?m v ill iw iif mi b ir ! VsyV r Nfe "nix y SDrinO and Summer, urn Qnrnk-p nnlr.ro onrl lir-imr ae and strong. With long, flexible .bombre colors ana Heavy wires in the back. The material Weaves of Winter must give will give long service. The trim away to the novel colorings ming is a neat embroidery. and designs which will Price Only $1.00 have full sway durinp- UksssmriL the spring and summer. , Other J. c. C. designs from the most ' , advanced to the most conservative. Prices ft .OO to 99.00 SMART FOOTWEAR FOR ALL AGES m: good shoes stylish, yet At All Prices TURNURE & SON in 3D nmwiufjucuuiiJjt.,an.Biiaai e Some RSvw Arrivals At Our Store KUPPENHE2MER' CLOTHCRAFT- AND SOCIETY BRAND Suits For Spring Made For Particular Men and Young Men "Perfectly Beautiful" is the verdict of' those who have seen them. We want you to look now and lay one aside if you don't want to buy now. We also make Suits to Order $13. SO TO h Qoiaden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers IvW" v-YW delegates. So'vonth Wo believe that the accom plishment oMhese things Is absolutely ncoessaty to tho lestoiatlou of conll duttco and harmony in this, our belov ed order. Eighth That instead of paying dole gates ten cents per ttilln e tavor piy lug actual fur in iioililiou to M10 es tablished rate per diem Ninth We (jon lemn tin hc'Ioim of our head council, A. It. Talbot, in his efforts lo force upon tills order tho ob Special Value xr You women who appreciate up-to- date styles tor the lowest price at which a tfood corset can be sold see this new J. C. C. model in our corset department. Fashionable Well Mado J. C C. No. 323 . The proportions are right long skirt, slender hip effect and medi- low bust. Thebonincis dur comfortable and durable. And For Every Need Jv l&.&t'&r.JcfJ OO yvA,( noxious Chicago rato. , Tenth Wo favor a return to the old rato as to salaries of our head oillcers. .1. II. Eltlnger was elected deloKiito to attend the state camp mooting Feterita Seed for Sale Hci'loaiicd at 11 biupiln. Write mo at onco for price. Ei.Mi:it Thompson, Lebanon, Kansas. r.n.- 1 ,M trr ;-: Jtkr't .- Jr. 'V taJahg good care of best accomplished bv $4Q. 1 W i llfj 1 171.1 , 1L ::7 L i V w t I I A'X e 1 ,1 n I A u !&i..&i iiwwiiyfiTmt mmmmi0nm .Jtt K mmf".Tv,?m iu Li mittSmmikmana SWtmKimtWSm