. w w V .V T Tt ntf i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF !' - : . ?. ,'.V l!L, SPRING FEVER IS It Indicates Fresh Hopes and Renewed Buoyancy of Spirit. How tvoildorfully tight tho spring watidor-IUBt Tor tho countryside grips one! Spring fever, with nil of Its health fulness, is tho harbinger of fresh hopeti and n buoyancy of spirit. I noticed a passenger on a Detroit Chicago train tho other day who had started out on his trip with tho evi dent Intention of becoming deeply taken with one of the best Boilers, that ho might shorten tho trip between tho two cities. You have dono the sumo thing yourself. Hut his book had been caBt aside. Ho had read only a few pages. Ills interest in it had lagged. from tho car windows ho was count ing tho llelds now bared of snow. Tho ditches were carrying away tho water and tho still less sluggish creeks were now streams bearing tho overflow to tho rivers. The farmer, in his ehirt sleeves, was repairing tho fences after tho winter drifts; tho cattlo showing proof of a winter's stabling and now heading hero and thero toward the meadows, seeking tho new-green patches of grass; tho farm help, In Held and etubblo, was putting Into repair this and that necessary fea ture, here looking after his plow and thero his harrow, and on all sides were scenes which reminded tho traveler that spring was hero, nt last! As tho train sped onward and glimpses of tho painter as ho worked on tho weather-beaten buildings were revealed, tho Interest of tho tourist was aroused nnd, when I aeked him tho reason, ho answered: "Spring is lere nnd I feel Its blood flowing 1" Tho truth was, that liko many others, ho was planning tho werk ho was to do tho coming summor. Ho was going out to tho farm his farm in Western Canada. He had his wells to dig, hlo horses to get into shape, his grain implements to fix up, his seed grain to prepare, and other de tails for tho land that was ready to receive it. His was what might bo termed an "unrest" to get to tho farm! Thousnnds In Western Canada to day aro making tho preparations that this interested man contemplated. Their summer fallows nro ready for tho wheat, their spring plowing is being attended to, fonccs nro being rebuilt or being put Into repair; in deed, the entire country is one great hive of industry. Railroads are in readiness to take care of a great rush of settlors, those charged with the reception of whom are prepared to extend every cour tesy and thus meet the rush with judgment and without the loaet fric tion. Thus, tho enjoyment of the opening of spring Is fully met At many of tho stations throughout many of tho middle western states, trains of settlers' effects are in readi ness to move to Western Canada. Not . only In theee states are scenes of this kind to bo witnessed, but, also, on either coast and throughout the east ern states there is the same activity among thoso going to Western Can ada this spring. The crops have been heavy and all reports are that the wintor was enjoyable; aleo, that the prospects for a satisfactory year were never better. There is plenty of land yet to bo had by homestoading or oth erwise. Adapted, as Western Canada Is, to small grain farming, It Is espe cially adapted to cattle raising and many of the farmers are placing email .and large herds, as their individual means will permit Tho illustrated literature sent out by the Canadian government agents tells the truth clearly and the Inquirer should send for a copy and if you be one of those who has an ambitious interest, you may be the gainer by a perusal of euch information straight, cold facta In themselves. Advertisement Canal Comment "Charley dear," said young Mrs.. Tor kins, "they are having a great deal of agitation about the big canal, aren't they?" "Yes." "Don't you know, I sometimes think It might have been better if we had been content with the old-fashioned canals where all tho talking was done by tho man who was driving the ' mule." T Many a cook who baa a good range to unablo to sing. f REMEMBER I Pegu-iia ( When YouCaU t&Yovr Drugstore Mr. Robert n. Norrls, No. 1333 Ilen ry St., North Berkeley, Cal., 'writes: "Wo havo never had any other medl clno but Feruna In our home since we have been married. X suffered with kidney and bladder trouble, but two months treatment with Peruna made mo a well and strong man. My wife felt weak and was easily tired and was also troubled with various pains, but since she took Feruna she U well and strong." HEALTHY HP v M SUGGESTIONS REGARDING HOG CHOLERA yjl!?aaiMH83Ss ' MmmftaawawaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaTBaaactl' ' Jk yv, TviBBiyjjlMMhEBLrKBtmi jHyvij3Bfttt3tJH jUvJ taaaaa'BaaaaaBaarBaaaaaaaaaal Excellent Specimen (Prepurcd by tho United States Depnrt , ment of Agriculture.) Keep posted concerning tho condi tion and health of hogs on your neigh bors' farms, advises tho department of agrlculturo. Sick hoga on neighbor ing farms aro a positive menace, for the germs of hog cholera aro easily carried on the feet of men or animals. Look over your herd regularly In or der that any sick hogs may bo prompt ly discovered. If any hogs in the herd aro found to bo "off feed" or appear in anywise sick, separate them immediately from tho remainder of tho herd, and keep them and tho main hord under closo observation dally. If thero is a ten dency for the disease to spread in tho hord the trouble 1b probably hog chol era. This diagnosis may bo confirmed by killing ono of tho sick animals and examining tho organs In tho manner described in Farmers' Bulletin 379 of tho department. When tho first symptoms of sick ness nro observed an immodlnto change of feed sometimes corrects tho trouble. This 1b particularly truo of swill fed hogs. If thero is any tendency for tho dlseaso to spread in tho herd do not temporize but Imme diately treat tho herd with serum from the Btato college or stato llvo stock sanitary board. Prompt administra tion of tho sorum is essential to suc cess. "' nomomber that hog cholora kills millions of hogs whoro other diseases kill thousands. Dlsmisa from your mind all thought of such diseases as "lung plague," "Infectious pneumonia," "pig typhoid," for these aro generally merely fanciful designations given to hog cholera by uninformed men. An Ail-Metal Poultry Cooling Rack. It is essential that the animal heat bo removed from poultry as soon as poiolblo after killing. Tho all-metal Angle-Iron Poultry-Cooling Rack Chlckena Rabbits or portable rack for cooling and grading of poultry, rabbits, game, etc., facili tates cooling and permits rapid and accurato grading, according to the de partment of agrlculturo. Tho dimen sion of a practical and durable iron poultry rack aro: Height over all, 68 inches. Width, over all, 38 inches. Width of base, 38 Inches. Length of baso, 61 Inches. ' Width of top of framo, 33 inches. Height of top of framo, 68 Inches. End supports, four Inches apart at baso. Dend In end supports, 19 Inches from floor. First cross bar, 29 inches Xrora floor. Cross bars, eight Inches apart. Two bottom cross bars, nlno inches port End cross brace, 26 inches long, 57 Inches from floor. Center braco rods, 76 inches long. !: q" : of Healthy Hog. Top of base, eight Inches from floor. Corner brnco plates, ten Inches on square edge. End brnco plate, ten Inches wide, nine Inches high. Cnstors, six Inches in dinmctnr, Hi Inch face, extra strong castor socket. HaBo framo two inches by one-quar-tor-Inch angle Iron. Great Damage .Caused by the Chinch Bug. Tho department of agrlculturo states that chinch bugH in 60 yraro havo probably caused a Iohb of 1350,000,000 to tho American farmers. Tho bugs aro moro effectively destroyed during tho winter months than Inter when they havo left their winter qunrtorB. Tho burning of dry grass, leaves and rubbiBh along tho margin of woods nnd fields Is tho best method of destroying tho peat during winter weather. Tho chinch bug is distributed gen erally throughout tho United States oxcept in tho oxtremo West, nnd hnB caused particular damage tq tho staplo grains throughout tho Middle west. Tho greatest Iobboh from tho Insect have been in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Missouri, Iowa, Wis consin, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Tcxbb. Tho bug when full grown Ib about one-fifth of an Inch In length. It is black with numerous hairs. Pasturing sometimes nlds In tho destruction of tho bug. TIiIb la particularly effective to tho north ward in tho Middlo west, when tho grass is green nnd mnttcd or occurs along hedgo rows and rail fences so that it cannot bo burned. Leaving tho ground bam of vegetation permits tho bugs to bo exposed to tho winter weather, which kills them. It 1b often possible to clear out hedgo rows and along rati fences, piling tho refuse to ono sldo where it can bo burned later. It 1b most advisable to get rid of tho bugB before they enter tho young Each Rack of Thla SlzesHolds 180 Ducks, or 48 Turkeys. wheat In the early spring. Once thoy havo reached tho wheat they aro not readily accessible. Most of them spend tho wintor in tho thlck'bunches of clump forming grasses in waste places, pastures and meadows, along roadsides and railroad rights of way. Spraying Fruit Trees. It Is not necessary to apply arsen ate of lead, parts green or othor ar senical poison to fruit trees, except whon tho trees aro in leaf. These materials nro poisons, used to destroy insects which oat the follago and fruit. Becauso of this, theso poisons do no good at timos when tho leaves are off tho trceB. Economical Cow. A cheap cow is not always tho most, economical. Tho valuo of a dairy cow should bo based upon her capacity to produce, and not upon the appearance of tho animal itself. 8 If Sealed in a Bottle it couldn't i Jj be more Dust Proof, Dirt m Proof, Impurity sw vh S keeps out dampness water even the air. Every thing undesirable is kept completely away from the fresh pure beneficial dainty inside. So give constant and delicious aid to your teeth, digestion, breath and appetite with the gum with the "Seal of Purity." ? Wl& Ji& 1 S m va Chew it Be SURE it's claan, pun, healthful WRIGLEY'S. m UaaaaaaaW Some women believe that husband less marriages would be far moro sat isfactory. And many a man who claims to be elf-made was made what he is by hii wife. RASH ITCHED AND BURNED 400 South Hermitage Ave., Chicago, I1U "I vu attacked with a breaking out orr the Inside of my arms. It was small rash or pimples and It itched and burned, especially at night, so that before I knew it I had made my elf sore. I had to wear the finest kind of cotton underwear, no woolen at all, because the least thing irritat ed it and made it much worse. The rash itched and smarted until at timet I got no aloep at all. "I bad thla trouble and took treat menta for about one year, but they only gave me relief while taking them. Then I began ualng Cuticura Boap and ointment and I got relief right away. In three months I waa a well man again." (Signed) Hi W. Foley, Nov. 6. 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. But many a slip occurs soon after the cup haa boen to the Up. VITAL Disease germs are on every hand They are in the very air we breathe. A system ''run down" Is a prey for them. One must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends on digestion on whether or not food nourishet on the quality of blood coursing through the body. DH. PlUUCJbl'S Golden Medical Discovery Btrontrtbcna the weak stomach. CJIvoa good 'digestion. Enlivens the sluggish liver. Feeds tho starved nerves. Again full health and strength return. A general upbuilding enables the heart to pump liko aa engine running In olL Tho vital force la once moro established to full power. Year in and year out for over forty, years thla great hoalth-restoring remedy haa been spreading throughout tho entire world becauso o? Ita ability to make the sick well ana the weak strong. Don't despair of "being your old self again. Glvo this vegetable romody a trial Today Now. xou will Boon feel "liko new again." Sold In liquid or tablet form by DruggUtsortrlal box for COcbymail. WriteDr. R. V. Plorce, Buffalo,!?, Y. Dr.Pterce'aBTMt 1 aaf.a "M Tteal , AOUer." awaa twr The new "SEAL OF PURITY" for 85 cents at Each box contains packages. They stay fresh until used. after every meal HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know what you Mil or buy through th. Balsa haa about one chance In fifty to scape BALE! STABLE 018TQ1IPKIL "BPOHN'B" la your true protection, your only safeguard, fa aa aura aa you treat all your horaea with It, you will eooa bo rid of the dlaeaae. It acta aa a aure preventive nb mat ter how they are "expoaed." CO centa and 11 a bottle; and 110 doten bottles, at all good drugglata, horae goo4a houaea, or delivered by the manufacture. POHN MEDICAL CO, ChMltta and taeteriolotltto, flOSHEN, IND., U.IA. At the Auction. Stranger May I bid? Auctioneer Certainly, air. Stranger Then I bid you good day. Proper Discipline. "The ship won't mind hor helm, air." "Then dock her." Baltimore Ameri can. At Campaign Headquarter. Campaign Managor What's become of all thla ontl-rallroad literature? Campaign Clerk It's gono to seed. Wary Different. "Were tho Ash biting on your laat country trip?" "No, but the doga were." It la the easiest thing la the world to bear the aches of another man'a callouses. , The man whose wifo takea in wash ing is ueuolly long on worda and short on action. FORCI aa ' 1 " WMl -xr9iC&MMA bbp eaa aw m mevw mtjrtrtsrm. m - .-w YA'.vm I BBBaaaalBBBBBBBaBBaBaBBrW BUY IT BY THE BOX most dealers. twenty 5 cent K Look for the spear. myA2y42Z& A Chang. "Did Caesar's disposition chant much during hla life?" asked the pre feasor. "Well," answered the bluffing ata dent, "he had a lot more Oaul wheal be died." Bali Never .Stope Tolling. A bell in a temple in North China baa been kept ringing for a century. A tax la levied In the district fog paying relays of ringers to work in cessantly day and night tanaBn'Effla 13.00 A DAT ut Onr hii la ni WtM (OTr II yer of ) for dtitrlbutlD idTtrtlilag matter In tbclr dlitrtota. If jou bar nan enr ktgf of telling eiMrUne. we wo nk 70a A tJIQOaal OrifiJB, Writ. Immtdletelr for Mrrltorr. Adonaa Boob 1US, Ureel HorUwn BaUdlng, Onleago, Ob PARKE' HAIR BALSAM . toll.t prtpvttlon of marUk For RMtorins Color ait4 auty la Cray or Fa44 Heir. oipa to raamt auarsK. oao. ana ilwii urartMia. SPECIAL TO WOMEN .The most economical, cleansing anft germicidal of ail antiseptics la A SoIubU AntiaenHe Pnwrlar t be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antleoptio for douche In troatine r.atArrh. InflnmmnHnn nm ulceration of nose, throat, and thai caused by fomlnlne ills It has no equal. For ten Veara tho Twriln. V) THnlrham Medlclno Co. has recommended Paxtln in their private correspondence wltte women, which proves Ha superiority. Women who have been cured sayi1 It Is "worth Its weight in. gold." At druXKista. EOo. larera hnr. n h ..n The Paxtoa Toilet Co,, Bostos, lCaasC m 4 1 A i '' J v I I X J l a I i "4 LtH.tA Hy ' -" ..l ' wiajajSBSJSsaaaJsseaajsaaaareeeMMaaajsaj r.?LL'."'"""iai" '" " 'nivniiiiinMiiiiiiai'rtiiial 2K .HJjS '&it?!&'iJ.