The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 05, 1914, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nebraska
Xettrct In the PoMofllco nt Med Cloud, Neb.
at Hccond Class Matter
Political Announcements
have lii'Mi contaminated for jeurswlth
O'SS-pooK Those cess-pools nro in
creasing In number every year nml
lU'iirly nil of them are Installed so
thin they reach down to the wutor in
our wells. .
the Odd Felloes attended the (ervlees
in a body and a huge nudlonco of sym
pathizing friemlH and cltlens woro
ptcscnt I'rofuse floral offerings
adorned the casket, llurial took place
In flic I'hwiii'o City cemetery.
"jr.".m ii"11 '" Are Run Under Thl"
3mm By Paying tne sum 01 riv i-
Jan Which Must Be Cash In Advance.
Oar Columns Are Open For Any LegU
fJtMte Advertising and We Wctcomo
JUMOuncemente Retordless of Party
J hereby announce myself a can
.tildato for the ofllco of Sheriff of Web-
jmtcr County, subject to the will of the
r.oi.ntnM tin Democratic party at the
primary election to be hold August 18,
jau. IIkn Hudson.
J hereby announce myself as acandl-
edate. for the oillce of Treasurer of
vWobstar County, subject to tho will of
tithe votors of tho Democratic pnrty at
tthe primary election to bo held Aug- 18, 11)11. Geo. W. THINK.
J hereby nnnnnneo myhelf a candl
date for tho oillce of County Clerk of
Webster County, Biibject to the will of
ithe voters of the Democratic party nt
Alio primary election to be hold August
38, 1014. FlUNK VAVIIIfKA.
Democrats Hold A
Very Quiet Meeting
I. t
A very. Interesting but very quiet
meeting of Influential citizens purport
ing to be tho rank and llleof the demo
eratlc party for Hod Cloud und vicinity
Is rumored to have been held a few
nights ago ill u ceilain oillce in this
city. An ex-cotiKiessman who lives in
u city tint tli of Supcilor Is sold tohavo
been tho guest of honor. While the
public ItiiH not been advised as to thu
purpose or tho meeting, It has leaked
out that tho disposition of tho local
nnOnnicn was the nrlticlnal topic of
discussion. The strangest thing about
thoniriilr Is that our conlemporaiy
which proudly bears an Inscription
proclaiming Itself the only dpmocratlc
paper In the county has bsU notmtiK
about the meeting, although its editor,
proprietor and publisher Is reported to
have beeu among those hi attendance.
This meeting to which tho Argus re
furs occurred homo six wcoks nuo and
was known by many of the politicians
of all tho parties tho very next day. If
theAigus editor would use a little of
the udvlco which he so freely offers us
ho would be ublo to Kot Ins news
while It Is still fiesh and of Interest to
his readers.
Less Dyspepsia Now
Here's the Reason
The fact that there Is less dyspopsla
nnd Indigestion in this community
thfin there used to bo Is largely, we
believe, duo to the extensive use of
Hexall Dyspepsia Tablets, hundreds
of packages of which wo have hold,
No wonder wo. have faith in them
No wonder wo are willing to oiler them
to you for tilul enlhely at our risk.
Among other thing, tlioy contain
Pepsin and Bismuth, two of tho treat
est digestive now known to medical
science. They soothe the Inflamed
stomach, allay pain, check heaithurn
and distress, help to digest tho food,
and loud to quickly restoic tho stom
ach to Its natural, eomfoitable.hoalthy
Tin. in nr tn-.l tnno about our
guarantee. It means just what It says
We'll ask you no questions. Your
word Is enough for us. If Hexall Dys
popsla Tablets don't restore your stom
ach to health and make your digestion
easy and comfortable, wo want you to
coiiio back for your money. They aro
sold only at the 7,)00 Rexall Stores,
and In this town only by us. Three, U5c, flue and 81.00-11. H. Grice
Drug Co, Red Cloud, Nob.
Thn usual number of "movers" were
3n Dvldonco this week. This Is the
-JtUncoftho year when moic people
;mor't than probably during all tho i est
rf the year combined It Is an annual
Umw that would bo hard to figure In
dlollarsnnd cents to say nothing of
fadings and expletives. The eld stove
ypipe somehow does not seem inclined
ju fit in the new surroundings no
aMtter how much coaxing and con
Venning is used. Hut then after it is
aTW everyone Is glad nnd tho world
gtUdesou for another year
Mr. Fred IrUM .
Sir. Fred llrlght is often spoken of
yaw probably candidate for the oillce
Iftjaf county commissioner. Wo utiddr-
jtand that ho has alteady been np-
jproached and that ho is considering
'Jlte matter. Ho has a great many
iJriends who nro urging lilm to mako
tftko race and it is just possible that he
-WflU consent to do so.
''Mr. Brlglit is tin old bottler nnd well
acquainted with tho needs of Webster
ewanty. Ills ability to manage things,
jbfesqpd judgment, and htstinqucsloti
cad .honesty and integrity amply quail
tfyjBim for this importuut position.
'The sewer bond proposal will cotnn
if) again at tho olty eleotioti. At the
tl election held on this question
i seemed to bo many who did not
dally understand Its provisions nini for
of making a mistake they voted
Inst the measure. The plans und
UMVcelficHtioiiB as well as n largo map
an on fl!e with the proper ollicer nnd
aMv and all who desire may thoroughly
iinferra themselves hs to all tho ins and
obuU concerning this sewor propotal.
2Tbere is no question about the ad--arJMibillty
of u sewer system. It there
)j any place In the state that needs
uch a system It Is this city. Our wells
Thomas Jefferson Butler
Thomas Jefferson Butler was born
in Linton, Indiana, February 1, 1811.
nml illoil at his homo near Red Cloud
Fcbruiuy 27, 1014, nged 70 yeais and
ilG days. .
Deceased was tho son of John R. and
Sit ah A. Hutlcr, early lesldeuts or
Nebraska, who moved fiom Indiana to
Pawnee county, this stale, III 1801, and
located on a homestead a few miles
wost of Puwneo City. At tho breaking
out or tho war of ti.e rebellion Thomas
Hutlcr enlisted at the age or 18 yeais
ir tho 07th Regiment ot ludluuu Vol
unteers and served throughout tuo
war, returning homo at tho end of the
conlllct after Oeu. Leo's sun coder at
Appomattox. Tho parents of tho sub
ject of this sketch having icmovcd to
Pnwnco fioin Indiana the sou Thomas
alsd camo here after beliigdjwhargcd
from tho service aud made Pawnee
county his homo until about fifteen
years ago, when ho removed to Webster
comity and located near Rod Cloud,
where he died after au llluess of near
ly one year. ,
Among tho early pioneers of tho east
ern pait of Nebraska, among whom
there woro closo attachments, Mr.
Hutlcr made many wnr,m und lasting
Mr. Butler leaves a wife Mary E. arid
au adopted daughter, Mis.Thotnaa 11.
Hawkins who survive him and reside
six mile! northeast of Red Cloud. A
brother, John M. Hutlcr, chief clerk
of the railway malrservlco In Lincoln,
and a sister, Mrr. Fred S. llussleri of
Pawnee Cltr arc the surviving mem-
boisoithe immediate family. At tho
ago of 10 years, Mr. Hutler unltod with
the M. E. church iu Linton, Indiana,
aud his subsequent life wus marked
by goodness, high character und ever
mindful of tho needy and distressed,
who fouud in him a worthy friend and
one who contributed liborally of his
means to help those requiting assist
ance. '
Funeral services were held Sunduy
afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho M. E.
church in Pawnee City, being con
ducted by tho pastor, Rev, H. F.
IIuutiiiL'ton, who took for his text
tho seventh verso of the second chapter
of Second Timothy: "1 have fought a
i?ood light; I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith." Tho Grand
Annv aud Ladies' Hollef Corps, the
Kulghts and L-uiios of Security and
13. K. Haas went to Hastlngson busi
ness Wednesday
A. F. Kiatiso went to Hod Cloud on
business Thut stliiy.
living Norrlsof Lawrence visited a
filenri in town Sunday.
Miss Peail Shot or was a passenger
tolllue Hill S.ituiduy.
Mr. and Mrs Fiod Stevens visited lit
K')ii Laboiigh's Sunduy.
Mrs. Herman Hunt jer was a passeng
er to Hlue Hill Monday.
Miss .leunio Rose has been working
at Cure'b tho past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnrton visited
at Mrs: F. Wright's Sunday.
Charley Shirley looked rather lone
some Sunduy. I wonder why?
Mr. Leetsoh Sr , is on tho sick list
but is feeling some better now.
Mrs. L. Heplcr and children are
visiting Jicr.BlBtor Mrs. RRose.
Mrs. M. Kuncle und" daughter Alice
were passengers to Lawreuco Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson aud Rutliy
Irwin visited at Mrs, S. Cook's Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Runtler of Hlue
Hill visited MM. Huntjor Sr. Monday.
Hal lie Hoblusou and It nice Lutrri
were passengers to Bluo Hill Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and Hen
Lnbough and wlfo were Hluo Hill visit
ors Monday.
Mrs". A. F. Krnuse and daughter
Gladys and Fcmle visited at E. K.
Haas' Monday.
Mrs. Youug and son Kenneth ot
Shickloy are visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Cowles.
Mr. and Mrs. R II Olmstend and
children aie visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Rose Sr.
Mrs. G. Conrad and sons of Blue Hill
visited between trains with her futher,
Geo. Hudson, Tuesday.
Quite a few young people attended
lho basket supper at the Shilow school
house Friday evening giveu by Mrs.
Plillena Fnucett.
A surprise purty wus given on Fred
Stevens Tuesday evening. The even
ing was spent in ploying games. Lunch
was served at twelve o'clock and all
departed fo. homo after spending u
very enjoyable evening.
It riocs'iit do (ill we say it will and sat
isfy you in every way, it will cost you.
nothing. If it doesn't inalcej on stiongj
hikI well again, come back aud get
your money. It will be given to you
without word of question Sold only
at the mote than 7,000 Hexall Stores,
aud in this town only by us. $1,00
II. E.OiIcc, Diug Co., Hod Cloud Neb.
Roll Your Wheat
Accoriing toiestilts obtained by tho
Nebraska College of Agrlciiltuto tho
yields of winter-wheat aie usually In
cicascd five bushels an ncio hv rolling
the fields, where necessaty, In early
spring. The heaving of the soli, duo
to frost, and the presenco of largo
ctac!:s, expose the roots' und dry out
I liu soil. Hum owing has souicUmis
ptoriuccd tho same toMilts us lolling,
but this process Is liktly to injure tho
plants. If I he seed bed Is too compact,
many tanners over the stute have ex
peienced good icsitlts by disking, If
the disks are s.ot stiaight.
Early Oats Most Profitable
llerore buying his seed oats this
spring it will bo be well for tho farmer
to consider the fuct that tho Ncbraka
College of Agriculture has found, aflor
conducting many experiments, that the
uverugo of M
mole ttiiin tuo lato
vailetles. The kinds used by the Col
lege have been lather small grained
and dark In color. Eight pecks of
seed to tho ncio has given the best re
sults witli (hilled oats'aud ton pecks
to the acre whou tho oats uro sown
broidcast. Harrowing of drilled oats
has glveii, au increased yield or -1 8
bushels au acre, while harrowing of
broadcast oats has given a decreased
yield. Additional data may be ob
tained legatdlug the vniiety test of
oats by bunding for bullesiu No. 113 of
tho Hulletiu department, University
Kami, Lincoln.
eaily varieties yield au
bushels au ucto in ore than
Tyy General Jderehants JU:
Local Woman Now
A Big Advertiser
When ouo of our woman customers
lecontly bought five bottles ot Har
mony Huir.HcautlUor to give to her
trieuds for Christmus, she started all
uyheiselfti mighty big adveitlsiug
campaign, because not only does each
one ot tho women to whom she gave a
buttle of the Beautlflcr now consider
it indispensable for tho proper cine of
tho hair, but each of them has been
the uieuus of getting several of her
'friends to tiso It. As a consequence,
if. things keep on in this way for n few
'mouths longer, we will bo sollingjtnore
if it tiiau of all other hair preparations
combinod. Sprinkle a little Harmony
Itiir Heniitlflor on your hair each time
before brushing it. Contains no oil;
will not change culor othair, nor dm Ic
on gray hair.
To koep Imir and scalp dandruil'-frce
and clean, use Hat mony Shampoo. This
pure liquid shampoo glvt,s uu install
luueousiich lather that immediately
ponotratos to every part ot hair aud
scalp, instiling a quick, thorough
demising. Washed oft" just as quickly,
the entire operation talus only a few
moments, uoiiiaius iioiuing mat cau
Ilium the hair; loaoa ilo hatshness or
stlckiues-just a sweet cleanliness.
Roth prcpai atious come In odd-shaped,
vein ornamental bottles, with
sprinkler topi. Harmony Hnir Reauti
fler, S1.00. Harmony Shampoo, ftOc.
Both gnat an teed to satisfy you in every
way, or your money back. Sold only
at the more Until 7,000 Hexall Stores,
and In this town only by us. 11. E.
Grlce, Drug Co.. Red Cloud, Neb.
l I ' II - - (- - 1 1 l l -"-"'
In the County Court of Webster County,
Statoof NcbniHka
Wobster County
In the miitur of tliocstntoof Amos Oust,
citunrroKs orsAinr-vrATi: win taki
XONUi:. that tho time limited lor prcacnta
tlnn and illlnicof claims nuiilust tho Mime Is
Soptunibcr&tli, lull; and for tho payment o(
dibtHla rebrtiHryfatli 11115. that I will sit at tho
county court room In said county on tho' 7th,
day of September, lllll.nt 10 o'clock, A. M
to rtcche, oxamlne. hear, allow, or adjust
aU.clnluiR nnd objcctliiiis duly filed.
'Dated this 0th day ol rthruarv.
We Are Looking For
The Man
Who has soiled his clothes so
badly that they are not lit to wear.
No matter how dirty or greasy
tho suit may be we are equipped
with tho most modom machinery
aud have, skilled workmen who
know how to
Clean, Repair and Press
G. HassingeF
Cleaner and Dyer
Both Phones
. I).. ll)U.
I. It ann.y, County Judge
To Ma im: Williams, Non-keswknt
You aro hereby notified' that 'on the 31st
day of October 11U3 Walter W. Wlllsms, filed
n petition against j 911 In the district court ot
Webster County, Nebraska, tho object and
prayer of w hlch are to obtain a dlvorco Iroru.
you on tho ground that you have willfully
abandoned and deserted tho platntin with
out just cause for thotcrm of two years last
past. You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before Mondity tho Kith day of
March lull.
Dated this February .1, 11)11.
Waltku W. Williams, plaintiff-.
Hy I.. II. Dlackledtjo, his attorney.
Notice approve-!.
Hurry H. Duncan
Judsoof tho DUtrlct Court.
There is no stibstitate
lot Roya! Baking Pow
der fo making the
best cake, biscuit and
pastry Royal is Ab
solutely Pure and the
only baking powder
made from Royal
grape cream of tartar
iv 'tO
1 vjJH
You Can't Earn Money
When You're Laid Up
There nre a lot of people In this
town who cannot atToid to .be sick.
Perhaps none of you feel that you can,
but certainly some ot you can't, for us
soon as you aro sick, your wages stop
and worry and debts begiu to pile up.
Tho sensible thing for you to do, as
soon as you feel ruu-down and worn
out no matter what the cause, is to
take something just ab quick as you
cau to build up strength and health.
Mako yourself more oomfortablo and
provide against serious sickness.
We don't believe there is any other
medicine niado that will do as much
towards saving your health uml thus
helping you save your mouoy as Rex
all Olive1 Oil Emulsion. It Is a medi
cine Unit gets right nt the trouble and
relieves it by toning the nerves, en
riching the blood, aud giving new
strength to the whole body. It does
not do this by means of alcohol or
habit-forming drugs, because it con
tains none. Its stiength and health
giving power is duo to pure Olive Oil
aud the Hypophosphites, long endorsed
by successful physioiaus, the-ono for
its food value, tho ether for its toulo
value. Here, for the first time, they
aro combined, and tho result is n real
nerve, blood and body, building mdh
cine a real strengthener that we ate
proud to tell you about. You don't
need to helt.itoln using lt,bPcnuso If'FiR SAU CT R. E. Cn!CE DRl'Q CO.
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Second House North of I. 0. O. F. Hall
Consultation and
Spinal. Analysis Free
PhoRe lnd.212
And while they
arc growing you
should have them
often enough to
koep a record of
', ouch interesting
stage of their,
chilhood. Y 0 u
If ill prize the col-
llt;i.iuu ui unuj o
pictures more and
"lnoro as the years
go by. Make an
appointment today.
Stevens Bros.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Alabastine
Red Cloud ' a ' Nebraska
Dr. Nicholson
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
Red Cleud.
Red Cloud
17 on 8
3 on 187
bird nd fordomntic ind
pel stock. Cermoione U.
beyond doubt, tho tnoit
popular roeaiciuc 101 poul
try in " om loaay.
It 11 io DtcmuM 11 uu uiu
out of ten Deed In poultry
dutorderi, except the need
for Insecticides. For roup,
canker, swelled eyes or
h. B..HMIMK a. avB nr
a omtilk e.lck.a tat. ton
heed. bewtleoapUtet. ilbu Iran eitlM duiit e
loo., etc. yon won't MrtnrlnOtnmMOTeJlnt. OfJt
VIO e Bf-YI Bill.. OUW T "" ,V"'"" ""oIJ ii
nnudU .1 It cent, ec 9itstU bus Send
aCO, H. LKC CO., Omaha. NIB.
i ojbm. 1
9 -BmB
Graduate Chicago Veterinary Collego
Red Cloud -.-
'General Auctioneer
Recommendations My
Former Customers.
Write or Phone
Red Cloud, - Nebr.
Dr. J. C; Caldwell
CallsAnawered Dy or Night
Fflrn Iwm
Lowest rates, best option. Call for
me nt Htnte Bank. O. V CatHP.ti.
OinroTelplioaes: Hell, UI; Ind. 160.
lies, lilcpliones: Hell, ltcd'J7J; Ind. 160.
Office ver N. A. Albflftht's Sttft
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
"""!'; t