X . v- 'Nljy-V fV-, ,Ur'' U- Jk rrt-.. yzz jC- -t . . .-v iv n.r. ,Lte. wrvi . .. ' tv, VIC I "-n-tWIC "Vfnttvvr tf 0 V kV aV N a i S alfnjte -" ,y jjxttf-tSSz- r ofvw"-?jjnwrt & a, - ;; .. tf?Mk -''V4-i: h-'SKWmg- VOLUME 4 J ' 0 to to to to 0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to V . 21 r y "-v. -.- -r f :S" T-''"-- -'' : . &... ? -T-.. .- Mt'W-Ml-'P .r ztt. r ?-- -- ,tfM 7U - ----5.-. "3 rimiifflftS --- s"-..- 3 rr":--?? oMte".-f ---135---"--- : K'sist H.f3 ' WftJrh'jB. - -. . KifPtMtJ - . --- -- rf,1WJBJfaBVB -i V. zr - - - -?g Mjj . 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Br $1,50. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. 3IAKOII 5, 1JM4. NUMBER 10 YourDuty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA W m m m m m m m m ReginaHat Worn ByV&menF t ivr".i "rLk OTYLEWJSfc ILfe.v fSEfc j JUL -." w V V.. V ' f Exquisite Spring Millinery Opening Our exhibitlou will be the most extensive nud IntereHtlnp we have ever .held so early. In 'tfce.seanoK' '-1 -' ; "r Smart hats in clever patterns of the best American deslfcnes are liQre in rich. 'JetaJMaireL 'Fancy. Str,awslHemp ' MllanS? LHces, coifiblntid with front sJJck-ups We 'also show a very pretty Hbe-of child reu's and ladles' ready-made dresses and net and muslin underwear. Also a guaranteed line of Cm CpramtB. BURDEN'S STORE WE ARE SHOWING THE ADVANCE STYLES UN MEN'S HATS fie- FOR SPRING 0 ALL THE NEW Shapes and Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF Caps For Spring LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU t PAUL STOREY The Clothier George Lindsey Writes From Hawaiian Islands Honolulu, Hawaii. Editor Chief aud Krionds: As it will be impohxihlc to write per sonally to each otie of you that feel anxious to hear from this roving party I take this mnthod of kcUIuk n letter bofoio you through the columns of our worthy Chief. Dr. Danierell and wife and myself and wife balled fioin San Francisco Feb. 10th for Honolulu. From tlio be giunlug of tlio passing out through the Golden Uute we encountered heavy dead swells which caused sea sickness at once. Mrs. Lindsey and Mis. Damerell were (lie victims in our paity. 'The second day out on our voyage the ticli seemed to uiTect the Doctor aud his breakfast did not like to stay down vvhero he in tended it should. Hut 1 must say he is a fairly good sailor and was able to go over to tlio table ever meal also ou declc. The night of the third day quite a heavy breeze struck us aud made a choppy sea, which lasted until evening' of the fourth day. Nearly all ou board were sick. That evening an alarm was sounded and Dr. Damerell waq summoned to the rescue by a young surgeon who had obarge of tluj sick aboard' tho steam ship Vanturu ou which we were sailing. The .Doctor quickly responded as he always did at 119010 and had the honor, of helping in to the world a pair 'of twin .bUJes a boy and a girl. The Dod tor Jfpbifluite well pleased, well be mlghtj bo doubt no other doctor in the state of Nebras ka can boast of tiudlug twins at sea. lie watched over them carefully until we landed in Honolulu on the morning of the sixth day from San Francisco. There another strange sensation over took most everv naKManuur wheu we stepped off from the ship. .ipuw. " oo id buia wuari ou me ""Wt It seems to be golqg and Mrs. Idudaey says the, earth is.moving lllje.Jthe akip yet. i- 1 We are now enjoying the Mid Paci fic Carnival which' ' commenced last Monday. Today being one of theirj best days they performed an ancient marriage ceremony their customs in. the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries all conducted by the natives. This performance was very interesting as it was their custom up aud uutil the United States took possession of tho Islauds to go nearly nuked and the program today wus of the old custom. Tin-so natives are a nice class of peo ple and they are very polite and love the Ainericuu people. Queen Llll is yet living aud we hud the pleasure of seeing her iu costume. Shu has a very friendly feeling for the Americans. She has a-mausiou aud resides iu this city surrounded with tropical trees and flowers. So far Doctor and myself visited one of the craters near the city. The over- now from it is nothing but a mass of, ashes and lava rook. The place is known bete as the punch bowl. 1 wquld judge the bottom of what was the crater to be at least SOU acres. There is a number of the Overflows ou this Island which we will later ou visit. The distance around the Island is ninety miles and this Island contains large sugar cane, rice and pineapple plantations, cocoauut orchards, flow ers, fruit and vegetables in abundance. The season seems to be nearly like the mouth of June or the first of July. Yesterday's entertainment reminded us of the Fourth of July. Our Government has now twelve thousand soldiers on tbia Island and they will have a parade on next Mou day, Febr. 83. To be continued. As Ever Yours, 0. W. Linpbey. ftrtoit For cash tho U, J. Maurer farm of 32 acres, three miles from Red Oloud, 05 acres of alfalfa, 40 ucrcs of farm land, lOOO'rods hog fencing, orchard, I make farming annA linuxn un.l hnrn Inm.l n V. InBK8 farming I. 0. 0. F. Meeting A Grand Success Monday af lei noon and evening was the occasion of holding u Hussion of the Grand Lodge of Independent Odd Fellows of the jurisdiction of Ne braska iu this city. This is the first time in the history of the city that u session of the gland body was held here and the memlieis of tho local lodge ami also those in the rest of tlio county weie highly pleased. Dining the afteiuoou and evening theio were seventeon members who received the Urand Lodge degree. These degrees wore couferred by tho Grand Master, Frank John and the Grand Secretary, I. l Gage. Iu the evening lien Adhcin lodge couferred the third degree in a very oredltublo manner The lodge room In the Pot ter building was well filled by local Odd Fellows and visiting members of the order. Tho visitors record shown sevetity.ilvo signatures. These visitors came fiom Dloouilugton, Franklin, Superior, Guide Hock, Covvlcs, Camp bell aud Salom. At tho beginning of the session Grand Representative Storey delivered the address of welcome to which the Grand Master, Frank John, responded Under the head of the good of j the, order addresses wore delivered -iby Grand Marshal D. M. Garber. E 3. lOvering Jr., F. J. Munday and other members from the visiting towns. Light refreshments'5 were 'served late in the evening.' " V ' " . The roouWln the Chamber' ofom morco were placed at the disposal of all visitors. This was one of the most pleasant and profitable meetings ever held In the city. It gave many of the members an opportunity to come into contact with tho officers of the Grand body and they also learned something of the larseness of this fraternltv. Its .. .1 w f wof k now extends practically to every known city in the world. Supreme Court Says Unconstitutional There is many a slip between the cup and the Up, Just as this county was abont to erect a new building lor business purposes the Supreme Court steps In and says unconstitutional. County Attorney Fred Maurer, Senator Hummel aud L. H. Blackledge immed iately journed to tho state capital to see what, if auything could bo done about the raattor. In case the Supreme court falls to deliver any relief we are confident thai a spoolal election could be held and the project carried be cause the board of county commis sioners have kepi well within the limit of the sixty thousand dollars. If the commissioners would go before the voters of this county with the plans and specifications which they have selected we believe that there would be no question but what tho same would meet the approval of the voters. Two Boys - Two Girli County Judge A. D. Kanney united in marriage at his office on March 3rd, Mr. Earnest Redden of Guide Hook to Miss Dora Shoemaker of Burr Oak, Kansas. On the same day a license to wed was issued to Charles E. Ander son of Inavale to MissTilla M. Zalmau of Red Olond, and on Feb. 35 an other one to Earnest Cuslc of Inavale and Miss Alice Evans of Red Cloud. YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when, it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, . Cylinder, 960.00 to $475.00 18.00 to 200.00 Come in and let us prove it. E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler Nebraska RED CLOUD, j Rll3s! Rugs! I W l . 'V 0S?il 1 J good house and barn, Inquire of Fred Maurer or H. J, Maurer. Wednesday. March 4th., at the home of Mr. Edd Mountford, ocenrred the marriage of Miss Tilla Zalman to Mr. Chas. Anderson. Rev. Hummel said the wordsi that united this young couple who are among our best and most industrious farmers. Tilla will be missed by the housekeepers as she was always ready to help them in a time of need. They will begin house keeping on tho farm where the groom has lived for tho past year. Thoy arc t,he kind of young people that will a success. The Chief along with their many congratulations. friends extend V'HavingUust Returned From. Mafliet Where Lrersonally Delected A Large Line o RUGS I Now Have a Complete Line of Rugs In All Sizes and Grades And In All The Late Patterns . 1 ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. 8 Ir MONUMENTS s- WANTED FOR a Decoration Day Should Be Ordered Now n? For The mast High Gratia Mamorlala Consult OVEW BROS. & CO. fled Cloud, sr-Br Hetoaska SBi V 1 I IU 5 St I : m 'if KKT.X ' m 1 4i ,.41 J m W 1 '! I - t . i . V'1' ..U.,.- 4.. -! l,.JMj, ..,. ..M.. ,t.l Wl ' Ww-J--.-j ,.- V'Pt.'W- -"SW p ttfrm'"