The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1914, Image 6

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Contemplated Reorganization of De.
partment of Agriculture
Federals at Ojlnaga
Pietorfn, Union of South Africa.
Not since tho Uoors laid down tliclr
irms to tliu IlrltciiH in 1002 lias tho
Hand been au near a state of war aB
It Ih Just now. Martial law was do
tlared at noon Sunday. Many of thoso
who predicted failure for tho Btrlko
havo becomo bo alarmed that thoy aro
pleading for white unity to protect tho
women and children from tho horrora
of a native uprising. Johannesburg
has tho appearance of a, besieged city.
Tho railing out of tho burghers has
resulted In the gathering of 10,000 of
the old free State burghers, who havo
sprung to arms with tho samo alacrity
as In tho days of a natlvo uprising or
when tho Hrltlsh Invaded tho veldt.
This forco Is under command of tho
Teteran Hoor commander, Jacobus II
de la Hey.
May Have to Change Orders.
Washington Surrender of tho McxI
ran federal generals at Ojlnaga to tho
United States military authorities at
Presidio and tho night of their soldlora
to this side of the border may con.
front tho wor department with tho
necessity of changing tho orderB to
General Bliss with reference to foreign
soldiers crossing tho border. Score
tary of War Harrison, on January 2,
Instructed General IUIsh to extend aid
to wounded soldiers seeking asylum;
to nonnlt refucceB to crosB tho river if
necessary to save their lives, to disarm
them and hold them as refugees as
long as it would bo dangerous to forco
them back.
Reorganization of Department of
Agriculture Contemplated.
Washington. Reorganization of tho
department of agriculture by nbollsh
Ing all of tho present thirteen bureaus
and substituting four or ilvo largo
olilccs, grouping all allied activities is
oontemplated In a provision carried In
tho agricultural appropriation bill,
which tho houso commlttco on agrlcul
turo almost has completed. Whllo thu
details nro left to tho discretion o!
Secretary Houston, ho and Represents
tlvo Lever, chairman of tho committee,
havo conferred over tho plan for re
adjusting tho work of tho department
bo ns to cllmlnato all lost energy that
possibly can bo corrected nnd the gen
eral plan is understood. Tho only
obstaclo to tho concentration plan is
tho possibility of a point of order be
ing raised in tho houso on tho ground
thnt tho provision constitutes now
legislation that cannot bo carried Ir
an appropriation bill.
Village Is Submerged.
Koerllng, Germany A high tldo sub.
merged tho vlllago of Damkcrcrt on
tho borders of Tluckow lako adjoining
tho Baltic sea Saturday night and tho
fato of Its 100 Inhabitants is unknown.
A heavy galo has been blowing Inshoro
nnd the waters reached such m extra
ordinary height that only roofs of
houses In tho vlllago nro visible
Troops havo been sent from hero to
assist InNthc work of rescue.
Sate of Indian Lands.
Idabell, Okla. Oklahoma's last
great sale of Indian lands under tho
direction of tho federal government
began here Tuesday, when tho first
round of bidding was closed on ono of
tho 4,000 tracts to bo disposed of. Moro
than a million ncres of timber, agri
cultural and grazing lauds are to ho
sold In tho Choctaw nation during
Moyer Leaves Copper Strike District.
Houghton, Mich. Charles H. Moyer,
president of tho western federation of
miners, has left tho copper strlko dls
trlct again. This time ho went on his
own frco will, announcing thnt ho was
en route to Chicago, with tho Idea
of later attending tho coming meeting
of tho executive council of the Ameri
can federation of labor In Washington
Farmer to be Reckoned With.
Lincoln, Neb. llellef that tho farm
.era grange movomnnt, now gaining
'Impetus in this stnto through the or
ganization of scores of local unions
and a largo number of county organi
zations, will affect tho present year's
election In a potont way, is being
echoed about stato house hallo. Of
ficials Indicato that they may havo to
reckon with this new forco and that
boforo thoy havo gono tho entiro routo
thoy may bo called upon by tho farm
ors for direct statements of their posi
tion on big public questions particu
larly thoso tilings which mako for re
duced cost of operating stato, county
ind local governments.
Lincoln, Neb. J. J. Noono, a student
in tho senior oIosb or tho stato uni
versity law school, n member of tho
Delta Chi fraternity, nnd an employe
of tho American Savings bank of this
ploce, has been appointed Congress
man Mnguiro'fl nrlvnto secretary and
has gone to Wnrhlngton, I), c., to
ako up hh new duties. Mr Noono Is
the Ron of II. Noono of 3S11 Franklin
Htroct. Omaha, nnd is a graduate- of
the P-naha high school.
Tecum sell has a flourishing troop of
boy contH.
Falrbury is soon to havo a modern
public hotpltnl.
County assessors of the state will
meet nt Lincoln, Junuary 20.
l'lattsmouth Elks will lay the cor
nerstone of their new home next
A stock company to build a fanners'
elevator hns been organized at Gar
rison. Tho olllco of tho Firth Graphic wa
entirely destroyed, by llro Sunday
A branch of tho woman's suffrngo
association has been organized nt
A large hog cholera scrum plant is
to bo Installed at Sholton in the near
Tho new city hnll at Havelock wag
dedicated with appropriate ceruinonle
Friday evening.
A Kencsaw man last week sold fifty
two head of mules for over $12,G00
nearly $2C0 each.
Tho local supply of corn nt Sholton
is so short that feeders aro shipping
it from elsowhere.
Hastings bnsebnll fans will try to
rnlse n 14,000 fund for tho promotion
of tho game next summer.
The goncrnl Btore of Martin & Tool
at Murdock wnB destroyed by flro, orig
inating from a dcfcctlvo Hue.
Tho postofllco nt Cortland was par
tially destroyed by flro last week, a
lot of mall matter being lost.
Mrs. Mary Wlldnmn, said to hav
been tho oldest woman In York cotm
ty, is dead at tho ago of DC.
A big black cat proved to bo the
burglar that a Lincoln man thought
ho had locked up In tho cellar.
At tho Homo Cured Meat show at
Lincoln n totnl of $90 will bo offered
as prizes for homo cured meats.
Tho Fremont Commercial club, mor
chants' association and ad club wll'
hold a fair In that city, opening Fcbru
ary 23.
Tclcphono nnd electric light wires
nnd poles nro being removed from tho
streets at Tecumsch and replaced in
Flndley Howard, son of Edgar How
ard of Columbus, has gono to Colon
whero ho has accepted a government
Joscphluo M. Lyons of Omaha wat
seriously Injured when a railroad train
hit tho buggy in which she was riding
at Auburn.
Kd. Mockett, a Lincoln bowler, ran
up a score of 279 In a recent con
test; a record that has not boon
mado for many years.
Chicken thieves again aro In evi
dence in tho vicinity of Tecumsch,
severnl farmers having reported tho
robbing of tholr henneries.
HoubowIvcs of Lincoln will bo ap
pealed to by the Lancaster county
gardeners to aid them In tholr effortB
to sccuro a city market.
A kitchen cabinet factory of Denver
omploylng forty men, will bo moved
to Hnstlngs at an early dato If local
business men can bo Interested.
Slnco tho school bond question
failed at Ohlowa thoso favoring thq
proposition nro stirring up Interest
in tho issuo and expect finally to win
Overy 3,000 tons of fruits, vegetables
and berries wero condemned at thq
city market and tho commission
houocB In Omnlm during 1913 nnd
thrown nwoy.
Tiio Nebraska stato baseball league
was well represented In tho meetings
at Kcnrnoy. Each town had two dele
gates present and many outsldo fans
wero in attendance.
Cotner college at Lincoln has been
granted $225,000 of tho million dollar
Jonntlon mado to Christian Institu
tions by R. A. Long, In case tho church
is n whole Is nblo to ralso $5,000,000
In tho next three years.
A number of fires of mysterloui
origin havo occurred In IJcatrlco dur
lng tho past few weelra and local au
thorltlos nro of the opinion that a fin
bug Is at work. It Is probable thai
stato olllclnls will investigate.
A subscription paper in nn effort to
rnlso $100,000 for a now hotel build,
ing In Fremont is being circulated.
Clark Wclliver of Dawson county,
who hunts coyotes with dogs, lias
chased 28 this season, so fnr, and out
of that number captured 2i.
Owing to lack of employment, many
Hastings residents havo run behind
with tholr water and light bills and
have been shut off by tho city.
An unknown man threw himself in
front of a nurlington train near
Palmyra and was badly mangled.
Thero was nothing on his person to
reveal his Identity.
B. F. Norvnl has been appointed nct
ing county Judgo by tho county bonrd
nt Seward to fill tho olllco during
Judgo II. N. Colemnn'B absence in
California this winter.
Tho Rev. Thomas Shlpherd, D.D., ot
tho First Congregntional church nt
Lincoln, hns been Invited to accept
tho pastorato of Plymouth Congrega
tional church at Milwaukee, Wis.,
C. J Miles of Hastings was select
ed nt Kearney to lend .tho Stato Rase
ball Leaguo association tho coming
year, defeating Kearney, York and
Columbus candidates, nfter three bal
lots had been taken.
Burglars and petty thieves nre mak
ing life a burden to tho inhabitants of
William Hnyward, born nnd reared
In Nebraska City, and former county
Judgo, lias recently been appointed ns
Mstant district attorney of Now York
Tho first rural high school in Dodge
county has Just boon opened. While
tho school has public support and
has been supervised by County Super
intondrnt John Matzen in its Initla
tlon, it Is n privato affair. Novertho
leas, R will bo conducted along linoi
of the public sohools of tho county.
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Eggs Were Used as Currency In a
Nations of World Invited to Help
Pacify Mexico Argentine Corn
Coming Into United
Washington. Four hundred ma
rines now In tho Panama canal zono
havo been ordered to Join the Ameri
can warships off tho east coast of Mex
ico. This virtually will doublo the
'marine guard aboard the vessels, their
forco now numbering less than 450
officers nnd men. In making public
khls order Secretary Daniels found that
the transfer was to be made for tho
benefit of the health of the men, who
'havo heon on tho Isthmus for many
jinonths and whose duty thero ended
when tho war department recently
sent troops to permanently garrison
tho canal zone. Ho said the action did
not result from any conference be
tween himself and Secretary Garrison,
nor from nny suggestion or hint from
President Wilson, and that it would
not bo connected In nny way with the
recent visit of John Llnd to Gulfport.
Importing Argentine Corn.
Now York. Nearly 300,000 bushels
of Argentine corn nro being unloaded
at this port, and millions more from
tho South American republic are under
contract. Tho importntionB aro tho
direct result of the removal of the
duty on tho staple under tho recent
tariff net. More than 1,000,000 bushels
have been received In tho United
States since tho tariff went into ef
fect, tho first from the Argentine ever
brought here, and already tho compe
tition with American corn hns forced
a decline In cash values. Thirteen
ships nro cither en routo here or load
ing with corn from tho Argentine, and
ono Amerlcnn manufacturing concern,
which uses corn in tho manufacture of
eyrups and kindred products, has five
million bushels from tho country under
contract for delivery.
Invite Nations of World to Help
Pacify Mexico.
Pittsburgh. Temporary suspension
af tho Monroo doctrine and a move
ment of tho world powers In concert
to end the troublo In Mexico, as they
did in China, wns advocated by Philip
P. Campbell, representative in con
gross from tho Third Kansas district,
in an address here.
"The situation in Mexico is deplora
ble," Mr. Campbell said. "When
Huorta is overthrown thero will be
Villa, who will assume power through
murder and barbarous warfare. Lot
the United States provide for tho
suspension of the Monroe doctrlno in
the interest of humanity nnd world
penco. Let It propose to the nations
of tho earth a movement in concert
such as was brought about In China.
They can solve tho Mexican situation,
no ono nation without tho support of
others can do it."
Madrid. King Alfonso, on tho ad
vlco of tho Duto cabinet, has dissolved
tho Spanish parliament and proclaimed
a general election.
Sheriffs Send Endorsement.
Washington; All membor.s of the
Nebrnska delegation havo received
copies of resolutions passed by tho
meeting of sheriffs in McCook rocent
,ly endorsing Thomas W. Carroll of
Alma for anointment of United States
marshal to succeed William P. Wnr
ner. Mr. Wnmor wns appointed four
years ago this month, and a change
is logically due. Inquiry nt tho de
partment of Justlco roveals that thoro
Is no prospect of an immediate
change, unless something unforeseen
Arnold Man Charged with Arson.
Kearney, Neb. Charged with sot
ting his homo on flro. Thomas Cahill
was brought to Kearnoy by Deputy
Flro Commissioner Baquartto from his
homo nt Arnold. Mrs. Cahil was res
cued by neighbors from tho burning
building after the flro had been dis
covered. Sho was in nn unconscious
condition, revived by phyMchns nftor
snvoral hours nnd has been hysterical
pinco thnt time. A full Investigation
of the matter will bo mado. Oahlll
will bo hold until his wifo can tell hor
Btorv of tho flro.
Ar Kn omv wef
Western Town Recently. News Item.
Congress Has Colossal Task Ahead of
It Mexican Bank Notes Have
Been Made Legal
Pass Christina, Miss. President
Wilson ia working on tho message
dealing with anti-trust legislation
which ho will read to congress after
his return to Washington. Just what
this new message contains is known
only to the president. No Inkling- of
Its nature will be divulged until it Is
presented to tho cabinet members and
democratic congressional leaders. It
is thought, however, that the question
will receive a good share of his at
tention, it being pointed out that the
action of tho houso of Morgan was in
direct line of tho president's Ideas on
big business, and a result of recent
talks and conferences on tho subject.
Mexican Bank Notts Legal Tender.
Mexico City. Practically all the
paper money existing In Mexico has
been forced into circulation by a de
cree Issued by Provisional President
Huorta, mnklng tho bills of all state
banks legal tenders and specifying as
obligatory their acceptance for all pay
ments. Tho inability to float tho bills
of state bankH outsldo of tho states In
which thoy have been issued nnd the
limited volume of bills of tho National
Bank of London and Mexico has
brought about a condition almost of
financial crisis. The redemption of
the notes of the state banks is to be
guaranteed by a fund subscribed by
the banks issuing them. Tho fund will
bo regulated by a commission.
House Has a Mass Which Can Hardly
Be Reached.
Washington. Tho nlmost impos
sible task that would confront con
gress should it nttempt to net on all
tho bills that come before It Is shown
by the records of the clerks' ofllces of
tho two houses since last April. In
the house the number of bills Intro
duced hns already reached 11,268,
while in the senate, with less than one-
fourth ns large a membership, tho bills
number 3,874. With tho excoption of
a'few measures that havo been passed,
all thoso bills aro technically now be
fore congress. Their number will bo
nugmontod by thousands, It Is expect
ed, before tho current session ends
next summer, nnd another session of
tho sixty-third congress beginning next
December will ndd many moro to tho
total. The thousands of measures that
pour in at each session havo greatly
Increased tho work of committees
Big Waste In Food Products.
Washington. At least 10 per ccn
of tho poultry and eggs produced in
this country never reach tho consumor
at all, but go to tho dump, crematory
or some other place not meant foi
foodstuffs, declared Dr. M. E. Pen
nington, chief of the food research
laboratory of tho department of agrl
culture, In n statement setting forth
tho enormous waste of perlshahlo agrl
cultural food products. Dr. Penning
ton added that besides tho actual Iosb
thore was a Iosb in deterioration in
iho remainder of tho crop of perhapt
30 per cent duo to bad handling.
Columbus, O. Glnnders, a disease
peculiar to horses, caused tho death
of Andrew M. Jensen, aged 2G, on
assistant in tho bacteriological depart
ment of Ohio stato unlvorslty. H
was infected by glanders bacillus
whllo working In tho laboratories and
wan ill twenty-two days.
Aachlbon, Kan. Commission gov
ernment was defeated hero upon the
proposition of its adoption. Tho ma
jority against it was 813. This waf
tho third tlmo tho question has beer,
before tho voters.
Confirm Sentences of Dynamiters.
Chicago. Tho sentences ot twenty
four of tho labor union olllclnls con
vlctcd nt Indianapolis of conspiracj .
to transport uynamito navo neen con i
flrmod by tho circuit court of npponls J
Six of tho thirty who apiealod wert
granted now trials. Thoy aro: Olaf A '
Tveltmoc, San Francisco; Wllllnm Mo
Cain, Kansas City, Mo.; Fred Shcr
man, Indianapolis, Ind.; William Bern
hard, Cincinnati, O.; Jnme3 12. Ray
Peoria, III.; Richard II. Houlihan
Many Banks Apply for Admission
Under New 3ystem Riot In
Streets of San
Gulfport, Miss. President Wilson
has expressed his gratification that
business Interests of tho country nic
n'djustlng themselves to changes
brought by tho recent legislation and
to the spirit of tho times generally.
In au informal speech to a committee
from the Mississippi legislature, the
president said this phase of public af
fairs was uppermost In his mind, lie
ndverted to tho tariff and currency
reforms ns having been accomplished
by congress simply "sawing wood"
and going ahead with an outlined pro
gram. The thing thai pleases him
most, however, lie said, was tho way
the business Interests of tho countrj
seemed to bo acting.
Riot on San Francisco Street.
San Francisco. In n street fight be
tween citizens, policemen and a divis
ion of tho unemployed here, llvo per
sons, including a patrolman, were hurt.
W. A. Thorn, one of tho leaders or the
men without work and flvo others of
tho crowd were-arrested and charged
with inciting a riot. Tho troublo
started when a joung teamster at
tempted to drive through a parade of
tho unemployed. He was attacked,
pulled from his seat and severely
bruised boforo rescued by the police.
Three details of reswes were called
and fought the rioters before order
was restored.
Many Banks Apply For Admission
Under New System.
Washington. At the close of the
second week since the approval of the
federal reservo act. the treasury de
partment lias received from national
banks in forty-five states 1,280 notifi
cations of Intention to enter tho new
currency system. In a statement re
viewing tho developments, Assistant
Secretary Williams announced thnt the
New England states had presented
10C notifications, the eastern states
314, the southern states 280, tho mid-'
dlo western states 419. the western
states 109 and the Pnclflc coast states
Superior Bank Closes Doors.
Superior. Neb. Tho First National
bank of Superior was closed Friday
morning nnd placed In the hands of
tho comptroller of tho currency upon
tho order of the board of directors. A
notlco to this effect and signed by
Captain C. E. Adams, president of tho
bank, was posted and the bank wns
not opened for business. A meeting
of the directors of the bank was called
at once. Tho closing of tho bank
caused a wave of excitement here, as
nothing was indicated previously that
business would not be continued.
Biography of Great Evangelist.
Winona Lake. Ind. While Rev. Billy
Sunday, the noted evangelist, was rest
ing hero recently, nfter a strenuous
campaign In Johnstown, Pa., ho re
celved word that tho new biography,
"Tho Spectacular Career of Rev. Billy
Sunday," was off the press. It Is tho
work of T. T. Frankenberg and the
evangelist says It Is a truthful account
of his life.
Search for Lopez at Chicago.
Chicago. Ralph Lopez, the Mexican
outlaw, who escaped from tho Utah
Apex mlno in Bingham, Utah, after
killing blx men, is being sought by tho
Chicago police. Lopez is said to have
lived here and to be well known to ,a
number of his countrymen in this city,
and Is said to havo been seen on the
street in tho last fow days.
Government Sale of Timber.
Washington. Salo of a billion feet
of timber from the Kalbab national
forest In northern Arizona, with
authority for construction by tho pur
chasers of 200 miles of railroad througt
one of tho richest sections of the west,
,has been approved by Secretary Hous
ton of tho department of agriculture.
Greeley, Colo. Myron B. Knowles,
.associated with Edward Rosowater,
editor of the Omaha Bee, in the early
.'70s, later editor of the Oakland (Cal.)
,Nowb, nnd tho first school teacher in
tho Union colony thnt established
Greeley In 1870, Is dead hero at 91
years of ago.
Plans for Bull Run National Park.
Washington. Plans for tho govern
ment to buy tho Bull Run battlefield
nnd make of It n national park nro en
dorsed in a report by a board of army
ofllcors to Secretary Garrison.
Ban Lifted on the Tango.
Lincoln, Nob. Tho ban on all "rag"
dances, which has boon in effect at tho
University of NeVnska, has been lift
ed by Miss Mary Graham, dean of wo
mon. The annual military ball, tho
first formal danco of the year, held Frl.
day, was tho cauao of tho change In
tho edict. Tho tango, tho cnstle-walk,
i no one-stop and other novelty dnnces
wore pormlttcd, under tho rondltion
"that they wero danced right." Iloro
toforo nothing but the waits, twoKte; '
nd five-step havo been permitted.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take the time from play to empty tholr
bowels, which becomo clogged up with,
waBte, liver gets BlugglBh; stomach
Look nt tho tongue, mothcrl If coat
ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat
heartily, full of cold or has soro throat
or any other children's aliment, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, because it is
perfectly harmless, and in a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bile
and fermenting waste will gently
move out of tho bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "Inside cleansing" is oftlmes all
that is necessary. It should be the
flrst treatment given in any sickness.
Bowaro of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask at the storo for n 50-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
full directions for babies, children of
all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Adv.
At Church In Holland.
In many parts of Holland men still
wear their huts In church. Moreover,
smoking in church Is not considered
irreverent by tho Dutch when service
Ih not In progress, and, it is said, even
tho ministers sometimes iudulgo in.
this practice.
Altogether, Dutch Protestantism is
It would seem, from n certain stand
point, a comfortable form of religion.
Ono may keep his hat on in church,
which savos him many a chill; ho may
talk freely and in ills natural voice,
not in a whisper; ho has a neat house-
maid in a white- cap and apron to-
show him to his pew or to offer him a
chair, and ho has nico drab pews of
painted deal all around him and a
cheerful "two-decker" pulpit above.
Indians First "Cubists" (?)
"Lono Star," art Instructor in the
United StnteB Indian scrvlco, claims,
tho "cubist" art originated with the
Amorlcan Indian some 200 years ago.
Among his collection of Indian art.
sayB, American Art Nowb, specimens
in tho common flguro of the eagle,
shaped square and totally unlike an
eagle, yot Immediately Impressing the
observer that it is one, which, declares
"Lono Star," Is tho height of tho
"Cubist" art.
Just an Accident
Bill Was ho over in a railroad ac
cident? Jill Yes, but ho camo out all
"What was It?"
"He proposed marriago to a girl on
a train and sho refused him."
Adventures of a Guide.
"What did that hunter shoot whllo
ho was up hero?"
"Me and a deer; both by accident
That Was Her Business.
"How did that manicure ever raan
ugo to marry that old millionaire?"
"Sho just nailed him, I guess."
Rheumatism Is Torture
Many pains that pas3 as rheumatism
nro duo to weak kidneys to tho failure
v,.. j niuuca io arivo ou uric acta
When you suffer achy, bad Joints, back
ache too, dizziness and some urinary
disturbances, get Doan's Kidney Pills,
the remedy that is recommended by over
150,000 people in many different lands.
Doan's Kidney Pills help weak kid
neys to drive out tho uric acid which
is the causo of backache, rheumatism
and lumbago.
Here's proof.
51. C. Walker,
893 Grand Ave.,
Connerivllle, Ind.,
ay; "For ten
year I had roue
cular rhcumutlim.
I wua laid up In
bed and couldn't
move a limb,
rimteri and hot
uppllcatloni railed.
The flret box of
Doan'a Kidney
Pllla helped me
and two more
boxea permanent
ly cured me."
"Eirv Picture
mum a oiuryr
Get Doan'a at Aay Store. 80c Box
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver to
Tight the stomach nnd bowels are right
ici ci lazy aver
ao us duty.
Cures Con.
stipation, Ic
and Diitren After Eatins.
Genuine must bear Signature
Nebraska Directory
m. x
'JMJ vctv
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