tSSlKi! RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF tMsLtt&i&i !' ! ri m m t M M I IS ALFALFA LAND. The Prince of Monaco was amazed at the "Twenty Mtlfs of countless atacks of alfalfa " on both sides of the llurllngton through the Government Bhoshouo Project near Powell, Wyo., and was filithcr surprised to learn that all thin wonderful development had taken plaee within live years. FARMERS AREMAHIN6 HtNEY feedlii this Hlfalfu to sheep, beef steers, dairy cows and hogs die easiest and most profitable kind of farming. With He tO the lit HirnBMlinnd tile on ono of these government Irrigated homesteads wlioie alfalfa means money. YM Have Tei fears Time without Intertst to repay the (Jovernmeiit the actual cost of water right, and yon havo plenty of water for irrigation. You pay down 4 70 per acre then skip two years before next payment. Write for map and particulars. D. Cltm Deaver, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Mabraaka fmrnmaMMMMMMaMMMM HH iSrBErSSE5S University To Be Represented At The International :m jwh MmWamjSmwmmw DOYLE BROS. Live Stock an Central AvctUnaars Red Cloud 17 on 8 iiotii ritoSK.s I Lebanon 8 on 187 How Would You Like To Be1 The Washer-Woman? Do you think you could make that soiled suit "DO" for an other season? Soap and water will fade and shrink the garment. You will save your back, save your garment and save your money by permitting us to Dry Clean Your Clothes Tiy Us once and be convinced. E. A. Creighton, N. D. The Stock Judging Team of the Uni versity of Nebraska started Tuesday, November 18lh on an extended trip through Iowa and Illinois. During the trip the tPHm will visit many of the host stock farms of the Central West. The team will retch Chicago In' time to participate in the Annus) Students' Judging Content, which is held In con nection with the International Live Stock Exposition on Saturday, Novem ber 20th. Usually there are from twelve to fifteen American and Cana dian Colleges entered in this contest. Consequently the winning of first place is quite an honor. The team that represents Nebraska this year Is the strongest that the University has ever turned out and a creditable showing at Chicago Is assured. Professors Miss and Gramlich of the Animal Husbandry Department accompanied the team on Its trip. Following the custom of former years the Animal Husbandry Depart ment will send an exhibit of steers to Chicago to he entered In the fat steer classes of the International Live Stock Exposition. Twelve animals represent ing the Short-Horn, Angus, Hereford and Galloway Breeds will be shown. The University first exhibited ateers in Chicago in 1001. Since that time ap proximately two hundred ribbons have been won, including one1 grand cham pionship, eighty firsts and champion ships, and fifty second prizes Ne braska steers In demonstrating their superiority as meat producing animals havo at the same time demonstrated the ability of the Nebraska ration of home grown corn and alfalfa to pro duce the highest quality of beef. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FIlKB R. 6. Hassinger Gleaner and Dyer Both Plicnts ? 3 Red Cloud, Ncbr. J. ft EkklflGEH General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Cu&omers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. Paste This In Your Hat! All 1913 Taxes Due Novem ber 1, 1913. Pergonal taxes delinquent December 1st. It) I. 'I ... t, i l)isMeh Wurtiiuto Feb l.l'.tll. It'Mtl F.stato Tiixe-. DeliuquuiitM i.v 1, 1011. V 15. KotlNTZ, County Tioasurcr F I BE G. G. DENNY AUCTIONED. Superior, v Nebraska. Phnnt 337 Feb. 2. S. Kiehardson,.") ml'es north west of llurr O.ik. Feb. :i.-,I. H. Hamilton & Son, btel sow sale of Poland Chinas, Guide Ilock. Feb. S. V. L. Denny, fi miles north of Guide Itoek. Feb. 10. Lew Smith, 3 miles north- eust of Guld Hock Feb. 11. U. (1 lllgglns .1 miles noith of Nora. leb. 17. Rodney Rogers, ! miles southeast of Mt Clure. Feb. 2.) A.T Cross, Duroc tjeisey koiv salt in Guide Rock. Feb. 2d. Nate Simpson, 3 miles northwest of fiuide Hock Feb. SI.- Jus. Martin, ljj miles southeast of Mt. Clare. March !). Iturnard and lllgcins will make it Poland China sow sale ut Nel sou. Commissioners9 Proceedings. Ukii Ct.oL't), Ni:ii , Nov. 'J.'i, 11)13. Hoard mm in per adjournment. Members present: T. .1. Chaplin, V. (1. Iloiriuaii, Floyd McCall and O. Ohmsledo Paul Storey, Clialnnan of said Hoard absent. On motion T. J. Chaplin was and Is appointed tempor nry chairman. Now cornea Mrs. J. D. Crans and complains that, her personal property for 1010 and 1012 was assessed In the name of J. D. Crans and requests the Hoard to separato her personal proper ty from that of J. I). Crans for Raid years, so that the slid Mrs. J. I). Crans can pay the tax on her part of said properly for said years 1910 and 1012. The said above complalut was referred to the County Attorney. The Hoard met with W. F.Uernaudt, Architect and examined' his prelimi nary drawings of Court house and ap proved the same. On motion Botrd adjourned to Nov 30, 9 a. m. Nov. 25th, 1013. The board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Members present as above. Iu the matter of Mrs. J. O. Crans complaint in regard her personal assessment, for the years 1910 and 1912 which were given by J. D. Crans aloog with his personal assessment for said years of 1010 and 1013. It was moved and seconded that the County Treas urer was and is hereby authorized and instructed to proceed at once to collect the taxes on said assessment for the said years 1910 and 1913. Motion carried. In regard to bridge reported by Hoffman in Harmony Precinct across the liiue. Holered to Uririge com mittee of Districts The following claims were allowed: OI'.NKIIAI. FUND Mattie Hiirkey 815.H0 Kdlth McKeighan JO.ho fcdAmnok 1 1 .81 J. S. Dcatu'liamp 0.8.") T J. Chaplin 80.05 W, D.Kdvii 1 1.45 II. J. MaiiM-r 11.00 Cowles Cemetery Association . 10 10 Floyd McCall . . .' 73 00 (J Ohmstede 121.00 V. G. Hoffman fcU.'JO iiRinai: kuno Meitile Kingman 22. f1 7 Henry Gestiing 70.io A.W.Howard 10.25 Kd. Hersh 51.05 John Nitzel 12.(K Johann 11 Sj- 23.50 (5. G. KlcUurd 15 00 V-nT" !" 'XT'W'M FURNITURE We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. , The prices are right too. lome in ana see, -:- :- ED. AMACK HJi.lCENSKD UNDERTAKER IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS -ALL THE FHONES- C 6roGcrlcs? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm oirer tnem. 1 ry can us. P. L Wullbrandt The Home Grocery 9 v-i v SSSS Frame Construction Is Most Preferable for home building not only on account of Us .economy, but be cause of Its adaptability to cluing .Lug onililio'iH, Homes built of (wood are easily moved from one Mention to another; they can be altered or enlarged without Injur, lug their general appearance for the reason that painting will make the old look as kooi! as the new. Instead of painting being consid ered an expense It should really be held as an improvement because it freshens up the whole appearance of your home, and instead of ulti mate decay an I doterloratud value as is the ease with substitutes that can only be renovated by huttdlng u whole now hoiiso, your homS be comes constantly more valuable This Is only one of the little things to consider when building u homo "l.lttlo drops of water, etc., make a a mighty oceau." Come in und we'll tell you moro about lumber. THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for the man without Insurance Every time, he sees the engines racing along his heart conies up In his throat jf the tire is anywhoio near his place. What folly, t hat mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small thai it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom f mm' worry alone is worth It many times over Have us Insure you to-day. '.' ', o. c. Reliable Insurance. . Forest Notes Eistorn manufacturers are looking to tho northwest for bird woods for the manufacture of ulothes-plus. lllroh Is particularly wanted". The Panama canal commission has requested the forest service to inspect the timber lining creosoted at Seattle and Tacoma for the commission. The net receipts from the national forestBof Washington and Oregon dur ing the past four months amounted to $Ur,iv26, an Increase of of 17- per cent over receipts for the same period last year. " Of the two million treestobu planted on the national forests of Mntitiuja. and northern Idaho (lining the present fiscal yqiir. one-half have, been set-out till--.fall and the rest will be. put ill next, spilng. , '., A thoroughly tip-to date saw-mill .with a ctpacltv of O'l.ooo bdard Tent a' h day hat- bevn erected, on the soilh coast of Mindanao island. It 'In" of American make throughout, ami uses the modern handsaw. This is 'one of tho several such mills In the Philip-pines. lior.rd adj mined to Doj I'JlIt MULE QUICK TO "CATCH ON Vcrnclrus Owner Tells Story of How Accident Taught Animal His Abilities as FIch Catcher. A Coiuipotlcut farmer owns a mule which, he declares, catches fish. Ho learned tho trick Inst winter while harvesting Ice. The mule broke through a thin plnco on tho Ice ono day and tho farmer and his gang of men had a hard time to rescue him, but despite the excitement they no ticed that the mule never gave a single bray for help. When the mule was finally landed it held In its jaws WE DO GOOD PRINTING The next time you want a first-class job of printing, just call The Chief, cither phone, and we will call, give you estimates on the cost, quality of paper, etc. No job so difficult but what we can do it in a first class manner. If you are not on our already large list of satisfied customers we ask you to give us a trial.' That's all that will be necessary to convince you. Our Sale Bills jGet the Crowds "There's N Place Like Htae" Saunders Bros. ReiClMl, Nebraska LAND Improved Alfalfa, Orain and Stock Farms in The Great Uepublieau Valley Bought Sold Exchanged " Any desirable Rt'iil Kstato listed up and advert ised for cash salo or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms ami ranches seemed through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms iu Webster and Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed Several fauns for sale that will pay good interest, on the entire purcliiu-e price and enhance groat ly lu value. Several good farms for salo on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to select from and situated In the Hackle Kud of the Corn Belt. FARM LtANS-I-lbcral amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Monoy always ready, Daniel Garber Rivtrton, - Ntbrmtka y tm v ? rir W ko I'' m I I 1 S-i? " Ji lJ 1 . J II I ' f my J jTSI V J immmmmxmxm mmmm mmm n 1 ftRTISTIG jro JUJIEIITS rVlden's PcHSlan. The recont act of April l!)th, 1IK)S gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 312 per month. Fred Mam or. the at torney, has all necessary blanks Attention Union Farmers The County Union for Webster Coun ty of the "Farmers IMucatioiial and Co-nperatlveHjuloii of America" will be organized at ltd Cloud, Neb.,, Doc. :i, lOlH, beginning at 10 a. m. Bvory member of the Union is expected to be there. The lion. A. C. Davis, tho National See'y-Treas., will bu with us and will deliver an opeu door address at 12:39 p. m. Everybody botli union nnd none union arc cordially Invited to come and hear the principles of this organ ization expounded. Tills meeting will bo held In the M. W. A. hall. John K. Weinjikistkh, Org. Dth. Cong. Dlst. adv.St Nebraska, a fine pickerel 2.1 Inches long. The farmer took tho pickerel to town and placed It on exhibition. To prove the truth of his story he pointed out tho tooth marks on ,the fish. He Bays that the mule frequently wades Into tho pond now and brings out a fish. j i it ft ai n f it ft 5 Exclusive Designs In Monumonts Is Our Specialty To Clean Statuary. To clean Btatuaryor ornaments of white parhin marble put n small ta blespoonful of washing foda Into a pall half full of tepid water. Soap yellows marble, and tthould not bo used. Scrub gently with a nail brush, after which ilnao twice. Wipe dry with n clean towel. lie sure the or nanicntH are perfectly dry before they art put back In their places, for If thoy are not, a moist ring at the bano of each may Injuro tho tablo or man tel on which thoy stand. - -00 3 We constantly, have on hand a. large supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. CONSULT US Took Prescription Literally. A Oorman doctor was consulted by a very sick patient, and having call ed whllo tho doctor was engaged, ho wrote his prescription and throw It down to the sick man in haute, Baying: .J'Thoro, take that!" Tho pa tient took tho prescription and left A few days after he returned to the doctor and reported himself well. "But," said he, "I found It hard to wallow, as I never swallowed paper -.arkfA na a tnnrilntnA hilt 1 ffOt it The Chief, $1.50 yeardown'anda,nwt-i,lGod!" 0-0 --mm OVERlflG BROS. & GO. red Cloud, s - - - Nebraska JflJflWflWMIflMfhflWf i?l!l(PI'!1 -flW!1 v t &