The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1913, Image 7

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RED CLOUD, NEBR., OCT. 11-14, 1913
Joe Crow, Supt.
A stall fee of 50c for each animal entered Lot 1.
s 1st 2nd
No. 1. Best Stallion 95.00 $3.00
No. 2. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over 3.00 2.00
No. 3. Mare or gelding 3 years old or under 4 3.00 2.00
No. 4. Mare or gelding 2 years old and under 3, 8.00 2.00
No. 5. Colt 1 year old and under 2 3.00 2.00
No. 6. Colt under 1 year 3.00 2.00
Not 2. Roadster and coach, same as draft.
Not 3. Jacks and mules, same as draft
No. 13. Best team farm mares 3.00 $2.00 mdse
No. 14. Best team geldings 3.00 2.00 mdse
No. IS. Best tern mules 3.00 2.00 mdse
No. 16. Best Shetland ponies 2.00 1.00 mdse
No. 17. Best carriage team 3.00 2.00 mdse
No. 18. Best single driver 3.00 2.00 mdse
No. 19. Get of stallion not less than five colts under two
years old 10.00 7.00 mdse
No. 20. Best team farm horses to be shown in harness,
to be judged 60 per cent for individual merit,
40 per cent for appointment and deportment .... 5.00 3.00 mdse
No. 21. Best team mules to be shown in harness, to be
judged 60 per cent for individual merit, 40 per
cent for appointment and deportment 5.00 3.00 mdse
Lvman Essig, Supt.
A stall fee of 60c per head.
Lot 1. Beef Breeds.
1st 2nd
No. 1. Bull three years old and over 3.00 2.00
No. 2. Bull two years old and under 3 3.00 2.00
No. 3. Bull 1 year old and under two 3.00 2.00
No. 4. Bull under one year 2.00 Halter
No. 5. Cow three years old and over 3.00 2.00
No, 6. Cow two years old and under 3 3.00 2.00
No. 7. Cow one year old and under two 3.00 2.00
No. 8. Cow under one year old 2.00 Halter
Lot 2. Dairy Breeds. Same as Beef Breeds.
No. 9. Best Bull, any age beef breed $2.00
No. 10. Best cow. any age, beef breed 2.00
No. 11. Best herd, beef breed, 1 bull and 3 females 2.00
No. 12. Best bull, any age, dairy breed 2.00
No. 13. Best cow. any age, dairy breed 2.00
No. 14. Best herd, dairy breed, 1 bull and 3 females 2.00
L. P. Jahasoit, Supt.
Pen fee of 60c for each pen.
Lot 1. Poland Chiaaa.
1st 2nd
No. 1. Best Boar, two years old and over $2.00 $1.00
No. 2. Best Boar, one year old and under 2 2.00 1.00
No. 3. Best Boar over six months and under one year . . 2.00 1.00
No. 4. Best Boar under six months 2.00 1.00
No. 6. Best sow two years old and over 2.00 1.00
No. 8. Best sow, one ear old and under 2 2.00 1.00
No. 6. Best sow over 'six months under one year 2.00 1.00
No. 7. Best sow under six months 2.00 1.00
Lot 2. Duroc Jerseys. Same as Poland Chinas.
Lot 3. Berkshires. Same as Poland Chinas.
No. 19. Best Boar, any age or breed $2.00
No. 20. Best sow, any age or breed 2.00
No. 21. Best pair, any age or breed 2.00
No. 22. Best sow and litter of not less than 5 pigs under
four months old . .. 2.00 1.00
W. J. Up peneott, Supt.
Pen fee 50c.
Lot 1.
1st 2nd
No. 1. Best Buck, any age 2.00 1.00
No. 2. 'Best Ewe, any age 2.00 1.00
No. 3. Best pair of lambs 2.00 1.00
Lot 2.
No. 1. Best goat, any age or breed 1.00 .50
J. O. Butler, Superintendent.
George Trine, Harry Gilham, John Garber, Committee on Poultry.
There will be two premiums to all standard varieties of poultry, a
trio to constitute a pen: 1st, 1.60; 2nd, $.75. ,
AH other varieties same as Plymouth Rocks.
Bantams, entered in pairs, 1st prize 1.00; 2nd prize 50c. .
Capons, any breed, 1st, $1.50; 2nd, 75c.
The following will be entered in pairs, 1st prize $1.50; 2nd, 75c.
Turkeys, White.
Turkeys, Bronze or Colored.
Ducks, white.
Ducks, Colored.
Geese, White.
Geese, Colored.
Any bird not listed will be accepted as above.
Entry fee 26c per pen. Regulation coops will be furnished by the in
stitute. Entry blanks will be mailed on application to the secretary on.
poultry. No charges for blanks, leg bands, etc. All entriees must be made
and birds in show room before 1 p. m., November 12, 1913, and must not
be removed until 4 p. m., November 14, 1913.
Any bird showing symptoms of disease when received or during tba-.
exhibition will be removed at once.
In addition to above premiums we will give a sweepstake to the
highest scoring trio of pure bred chickens.
Sweepstakes for the highest scoring male, $2.50. ,
Sweepstakes for the highest scoring female, $2.60.
Rules of the American Poultry Association will be followed.
Special Trio Rhode Island Red chickens, $1.00 mens hose and gloves.
Ben Peg g, Supt.
All products must have been grown by the exhibitor in the season of 1913
Lot 1. Corn.
, 1st 2nd
No. 1. Best 10 ears yellow corn .. $2.00 $1.00
No. 2. Best 10 ears white corn 2.00 1.00
No. 3. Best 10 ears red or bloody butcher 2.00 1.00
No. 4. Best 10 ears of calico 2.00 1.00
No. 6. Best 10 ears any color 2.00 1.00
No. 6. Best single ear, any color 2.00
No. 7. Best collection of corn 2.00 1.00
No. 8. Best 10 ears yellow corn raised by boy under
16 years old 2.00 1.00
No. 9. Best 10 ears white corn raised by boy under 16
years old 2.00 1.00
No.'lO. Best 10 ears sweet corn 1.00 .60
No. 11. Best 10 ears pop corn 1.00 .60
No. 12. Best peck of wheat 2.00 1.00
No. 13. BeBt peck of oats 2.00 1.00 '
No. 14. Best peck of rye 1.00 .50
No. 15. Best peck of kaffir corn 1.00 .50 'i
No. 16. Best peck cane seed 1.00 .50 '
No. 17. Best peck of millet seed 1.00 .60 1
No. 18. BeBt peck of early Ohio potatoes 2.00 1.00
No. 19. Best peck of any other variety 2.00 1.00
No. 20. Best peck sweet potatoes 1.00 .60
No. 21. Best peck onions 50 .25
No. 22. Best peck turnips 60 .25
No. 23. Best peck table beets ' .50 .25
No. 24. Best six parsnips 50 .25
No. 25. Best six carrots .50 .25
No. 26. Best three mangle beets 50 .25 v
No. 27. Best quart peppers 60 .25
No. 28. Best quart peppers 50 .25
No. 29. Best two pumpkins 50 .25
No. 30. Best two squashes 60 .25
1st 2nd 3rd
No. 31. Best two cashaws 50 .25
No. 32. Best collection of apples .' 3.00 2.00 1.00
No. 33. Best collection tame grasses 1.00 .60
No. 34. Best bale wild hay 1.00 .50
No. 36. Best bale alfalfa nay 1,00 .50
No. 36. Best sample of not less than three of 1913 cut
ting of alfalfa 1.00 .50
No. 37 Alfalfa seed 1.00 .50
1. All articles entered must have been made by exhibitor.
2. Any article having received first premium at Farmers Institute
peretofore cannot be entered for a premium.
3. Any article entered in a display cannot be entered for a single
premium also.
4. Articles entered for premium may be sold by exhibitor but cannot
be removed from hall until close of Institute.
5. Articles entered for premium must be finished.
6. Every person bring their own spoon to the domestic demonstra
tions. 7. Each bread exhibitor can enter for but one brand of flour.
Mrs. L. Essig, Mrs. Wm. Thomas, Superintendents.
1st 2nd 3rd
Butter $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
Best white bread chinaware 1.00
Best Graham bread 50
Best corn bread 60
Best Boston brown bread 50
Best coffee cake 50
Best six raised biscuits 50
Best six cinnamon rolls 50
Cako and pie. ...
Best Anjjel food cake 75
Best v hite layer 75
Best dark layer 75
Best nut loaf 75
Best fruit loaf 75
Best Jelly roll 50
Best six sugar' cookies 50
Best six ginger cookies '. . . .50
Best six fruit cookies 50
Best six oatmeal cookies 50
BeBt six doughnuts 60
Best six cream puffs 50
Best fruit pie 60
Best pumpkin pie 50
Best mince pie . . . . 50
Best any one crust pie 50
Best four cakes in one display 3.00
Canned Fruit
Best canned pears .. 50
Best canned peaches 50
Best canned cherries 50
Best canned plums 60
Best canned strawberries 60
Best canned raspberries 50
Best canned apples 50
BeBt canned apricots 50
Best canned gooseberries J 50
Best canned irranes 60
Best display containing six cans 3.00 ladies shoes
by Henry Diederich
Best apple jelly 50
Best crab apple jelly 50
Best plum jelly 50
Best grape jelly 50
Best currant jelly 60
Best cherry jelly 50
Best gooseberry jelly .' 60
Best choke-cherry jelly 60
Best disolav containing six olasses Muff Bouauet by Mrs. Barrett
Pickles 60 .25
Best sour cucumber 60 .25
Best sweet cucumber 60 .25
Best beet 60 .25
Best green tomato 50 .25
Best watermelon . .' 50 .25
Best mixed pickles 60 .25
Best tomato catsup 50 .52
Special Premiums:
Best bread made of Amboy flour.
1st 2 sacks of White Loaf flour.
2nd. 1 Back of White Loaf flour.
Amboy Milling Co., will give an additional cash premium of $5.00
for best bread at Institute if made from Amboy flour.
If the best bread at the Institute takes tho $5.00 cash premium, then
the second best bread from Amboy flour will receive the two sacks of
White Loaf and the third best bread from Amboy flour will receive the
one sack of White Loaf flour. In addition a 25c sack of self rising pan
cake flour or 25c package of breakfast food will be given to everyone
competing for above premiums.
Best White bread made of Riverton flour.
1st 2 sacks of Riverton High Patent.
2nd. 1 sack of Riverton High Patent.
Best white bread made of Lebanon flour:
1st 2 sacks O.-K. Lebanon flour.
2nd. 1 sack O. K. Lebanon flour.
Best White bread made of Hastings flour:
1st 2 sacks Queen Quality Patent flour.
2nd. 1 sack Queen Quality Patent flour.
BeBt whitebrad made from Diamond Milling Co. flour.
1st 2 acks of Diamond flour.
2nd, 1 sack of Diamond flour.
Diamond Milling Co. or the Riverton mills will give a cash
premium of $5.00 for the best bread at the instituteif made from
Diamond or Klvwrfon flour. If the best bread at the institute takes the
above nit ntlonwl sff.00 cash premium, then the second best bread from
the hmuih kitiil of tl tnr will take the two Macks of flour, and thn third beet
bread will tak the one Hack of flonr.
Mrs. LippeneoU, Mrs. Sherwood, Superintendents.
Best piece of eyelet embroidery 1.00
Best piece of French embroidery 1.00
Best piece of Mt Melick 1.00
Best piece of punch work 1.00
Best piece of cross stitch 1.00
Best piece of drawnwork 1.00
Best piece of -hardanger 1.00
Best piece of colored embroidery 1.00
Best piece of wallachian 1.00
Best piece of battenberg 1.00
Best piece of braid lace 1.00
Best embroidered towel ribbon 1.00
Best embroidered waist 1.00
Best embroidered pillow cases 1.00
Best embroidered corset cover 1.00
Best embroidered apron 1.00
Best tatting 1.00
Best Macrame 50
Best silk knit article 1.00
Best woolen knit article 1.00
Best cotton knit article 1.00
Best cotton or linen lace 1.00
Best knit bed spread 1.00
Best display of knitting containing four pieces 1.00
Crocheting. '
Best silk crocheted article '. 1.00
Best woolen crocheted article 1.00
Best cotton crocheted article 1.00
Best cotton or linen lace J 1.00
Best crocheted bed spread 1.00
Best piece of Irich crochet 1.00
Best fancy crocheted bag 1.00
Best display of crocheting containing four pieces 1.00
Sofa Pillows.
Best silk pieced "... .75
Best Hardanger 75
Best colored, cotton or wool, embroidered 75
Best novelty pillow , 75
. Best Silk pieced 1,00
Best cotton pieced 1.00
Best woolen pieced 1,00
Best display of quilting 1.00
Miss Mollie Ferris, Supt.
Best piece of eyelet embroidery 1.00
Best piece of hardanger 1.00
Best infants wardrobe 1.00
Best piece of drawn work 1.00
Best piece of battenberg 1,00
Best piece' of tatting 1.00
Best crocheted article 1,00
Beat knitted article 1,00
Best knitted mittens 1.00
Best knitted stockings or leggings 1,00
Best log cabin quilt '. 1.00
Oldest quilt(having been made during exhibitor's lifetime) 1.00
Best hand made article made by lady over eighty years
of age 1.00
Best fancy 'needlework made by lady over eighty years
of age ;.,., 1,00
Best cake made by lady over 70 years of age 1.00
, , t , . Mrs. MeCalL Sapt
Girls entering must be 16 or under.
. 1 j , lBt 2nd
Best angel food cake 75 .50
Best dark cake 75 .60
Best light cake... $3.00 hat by Miss Averill
oat cm dun ay gin unaer vz 70 .do
Dy gtn under 10 75 .50
Best cake baked by girl under 14 $1.00 school supplies .60
Best two crust pic j0 .25
Best one crust pie 50 .25
Best pie baked by a girl under 12 60 .25
Special Premiums.
Best bread made of Amboy flour 2.00 1.00
Beet white brenri made from Diamond ftotu 2 00 1.00
Best bread made of Lebanon flour: 8.00 1 00
Best bread made of Riverton flour: 2 00 1.00
Best bread made of Hastings flour: 8 00 1 00
Best one pound butter made by country girl $5.00 hat Mrs. Buren
Best hand mado garment Jo ?
Best mnchlnu made garment 5 .50
Best pin cushion, hand made Jo .50
Best embroidery piece .' 75 .50
Best crocheting 75 ,50
Best darning of hose 75 .60
Best patched garment 75 .50
Best piece of embroidery by girl under 10 76 .60
Best hand made sofa pillow 75 .60
Best dressed doll by girl under 14 1 75 .60
Best free hand sketch 76 .50
Best three piece collection of needlework... $3.00 shoes by Mr. Carpenter
Mrs. Hummel Supcristendent.
1 r '
Best oil Dnintintr. anv studv or design 1.00 .60
Best water color, any study or design 1.00 .60
Best pastel, any study or design 1.00 .50
Best mineral painting on fabric 1.00 .60
Best piece of nand painted China, conventional design... 1.00 .60
Best piece of hand painted China, naturalistic design. .. 1.00 .60
Best piece of hand painted China, conventional design. . . 1.00 .60
by any person who has painted less than too years 1.00 .60
Best piece of nand painted China, naturalistic design... 1.00 .60
by any person who has painted less than two years 1.00 .60
The Institute wishes to have a loan exhibit of articles either old or
rare or unusual in any way. Special care will be taken of these articles
and we hope to have a large display.
Any article not listed above may be entered in this department and'
judges will award premiums on merit .
A premium of $5.00 cash will be paid to the lady making the largest
number of entries, including entries in the ladies departments and poul
try department
Each exhibit shall be marked with the name, age. address, and school
district number in the order given, of the boy or girl entering the work.
It shall also state the Class and Lot for which the
work is entered. All work must have been done since the last Farmers'
Class A.
(Open to any boy or girl in the county.)
Lot 1. Best collection of hand work (four pieces mounted on card board)
by any primary pupil in graded school. j
First Premium $.76
Second Premium 60
Lot 2. Same by any pupil in rural school.
First Premium $.75
- Second Premium 60
Lot 3. Best article of manual training by any pupil in graded school.
First Premium .......$.75
Second Premium ..... .60
Lot 4. Same by any pupil of rural school.
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
Lot 5. Best piece of sewing (hand work) by any pupil in graded school.
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
Lot 6. Same by any pupil in rural school.
first Premium $.75
Second Premium .60
7. Best plan of model farm showing location of buildings, field, etc.
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
8. Best collection of seeds labelled.
First Premium $.75
second Premium 50
9. Best composition on the"Repair and Keeping Up of Earth Roads"
first premium $.76
Second Premium .60
Note. Get your information from talking with people..,(rad .over
seers, parents, teacher), from bulletins, magazines, etc. Do not give' the
information gained in this way in the words of the persons to whom you
have talked nor of the articles you have read. Express the ideas you have
gained in your own language.
Lot 10. Best composition in booklet form with illustrations, "How I
Raised my Garden."
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
Lot 11. Best display of vegetables, raised by boy or girl.
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
Lot 12. Best ten ears of yellow corn, raised by boy.
First Premium $.76
Second Premium 60
Lot 13. Best ten ears of white corn, raised by boy.
' First Premium $.76
Second Premium 60
Lot 14. Best twelve potatoes, raised by boy.
First Premium $.75
Second Premium 60
Note. Girls who wish to make entries not listed here, see entries
listed under the Girls' Department
A Club Pin will be given to each boy making an entry. ,, ' '
Class a ' ''
Lot 1. Best ten ears of yellow corn Premium, $ .75
Lot 2. Best ten ears of white corn Premium, .75
Lot 3. Best ten ears of other than yellow corn Premium, ",&
-wiaw -u. ,.-i ''
1 Lot
Lot 1. Best twelve notatoes PmihI-Tm
Lot 2. Largest potato Premium'
Class D.
Lot 1. Composition in booklet form with illustrations,
y . "H-"01? ,of My Acre, of Corn." Premium,
Lot 2. Composition in booklet form with illustrations,
"History of My Garden." Premium,
vWH Cm iopcciai.j
This class is open only to those enrolled in t he Nebraska Boys' Acre -Corn
Growing Contest.
Ten ears of corn raised on the acre with affidavit of yield. Basis of
award: Yield 80 per cent, Quality 20 per cent.
e1 and,c,0UI2t Premiums for this class are furnished by the South
Omaha Stock Yard Company. , '
County First Premium $10.00 '!
Second Premium .... 5.00
Third Premium 3.00
Each girl making a creditable entry will receive a Club Pin. ' '.
VilBSB r.
1. Best hand made dusting cap Premium f 75
3. Best CrOSS Stitch tOWel PrAminm' 7K
4. Best hemstitching Premium 7K
8 K hS'Xw de COmt cover -'"!! iPremium,' .75
6. Best buttonholes .... Premium .75
Claaa (I '
1. Best canned peache Premium
2. Best canned moseherrie. E"m!"'
Lot 3. Best canned plums .I!!!!!;;!.' Premium
lS K!rnWniM ::::::: ::::::SS3S
ftt a w f SSS? leJ y Premium
ftt 'r Ie,J y Premium
Lot 7. Best plum jelly Premium
ciass h. (Special)
1. Best canned Dears p,,t.
Lot :..::::::::premiu;
Best cake baked
4 K f2 i?p,e". Premium .76
4. Best canned blue plums Premium 7K
5. Best pickled cherries ! . pTSSSS' !
7 B.!t ,r!!M0Mnl"ry jel,y Premium .75
7. Best cranberry jelly, Premiums .75
. , . . Class I. (Special)
Best piece of hand sewing . ... . . . . . . . .Premium, Silver Thimble
... Class J. (Specisl)
1 nL members under 10 years. (Associate members).
2: iel JSS fite;:: SM B
T a -.i i." 1 "ZT j. ---"," V T ' rrwwuin, ,,0
Lot 4 Tult ,. Tt. nf apron Premium, .75
r 5 i' 58t f roBS titch towel , Premium. .75
Lot t SS iWld,tof ; :::::::::::::BSK5: ?!
tot 6. Best machine made corset cover Premium, .75
Pre.aii.MS by EVERYBODY'S 5c AND lfe STORE.
Best cake baked by girl under 14 $1,00 sekeel saaaUaa
Trio Rhode Island Red chickens .$1.00 mVn'i hS aMflra
1 ;
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