The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1913, Image 5

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    WfcJim4-r.ji. Wiw' .
Just While you
Are Thinking
Friday and Saturday
OCT. 31S.I-XOV. 1st
I '
whats the use of enduring the
Cold Winter days without a
good Cozy Cloak with a col
lar that buttons close around
the neck.
n I ,8 W. u "h Hit
We Are Selling
these kind of Cloaks daily to
Many Many people in this
vacinity. We have your size
and at the price you want to
Come In And See
Anyway -
Our Line of Children's Cloaks
are elegant.
VJ. fl B 1 1 . 1 I '
jjuod wcstt'i'fi picture by the in'llg
ing events throughout the world.
terohtliitf indiihtrliil picture.
good eomoily.
At '1:'M iiml IWM p. in.
Mrs. C. II. Miner was in Trenton the
first of the week.
The largest lino of rugs in the city
on displHy at Miner liros. Co.
The llepubllcim Valley Medienl
association is in session in this city
(Jet your Farm products and Live
Stock ready for the Farmers' Institute.
Lost Small Open Face Gold Watch.
Return to Chief oflice and receive re
ward. adv.
Commencing Monday, Xor. 3, the
llrst show at the Tepee will commence
at 7:30.
f . v. Tuiwe & Son
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
See Warren-, restaurant for Fresh
See the complete line of rugs at
Minor Uros. Co.
Hiram Holeomb who has been visit
ing in Washington has arrived home.
I). II. Kalcy and wife and F. V.
Cowden and wife were in Hastings
best you forget hot waffles at the
l'uiitan restaurant. H. Ludlow Proprietor.
Friday night is Hallowe'en and you
had better take caru of your personal
Dr. Cross had the misfortune to
sprain his wrist Shhirday while crank
ing his auto.
John Martin and family have moved
Into Mrs. Julia Warron's resldenco in
the east part of town.
Frank Vavriclui returned home last
Thursday morning from Kansas City
where ho had been with n shipment of
Col. (Jard nrrived lu this city the
last of the week fiom Grand Island,
where he has been holding down a job
in the old soldiers' home.
Petor, James and Edgar Mcintosh
and Raleigh Lawrence returned Mon
day via nuto from Iowa where they
had been visiting tho past week.
Mrs. Josie Murphy of Red Cloud was
n guest of her McCook friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Hoy Zint, closing days of lust
week, departing on Friday morning
for Great Fall, Montana, on a visit,
and to be joined by her mother at
Denver iu tho trip -Moduys McCook
As I am going to put iu an entirely
now line of shoes, beginning Monday,
Oct. 27, 1 will give a 20 pereuit dis
count on any shoe In my store, except
rubber goods, until the stock now on
hauii Is cleaned up. First uluss Repair
work. Carpenter's Bargain Shoe Store,
1st door north of E. H. Newhmiso
Jewelry store udv
When In need of anything in the rug
line see" Miner Bros. Co.
Lloyd Mi'lutyro arrived home from
Lincoln the lat of the week whore he
had been visiting triends.
J. F. Ruckles and son Harry and Ira
Wolfe tin ived home Sunday via auto
fiomliird City, Kansas.
G. L. Canileid and Walter Denny
atitoed to Kansas City tho llrst of the
week in Mr. Cauileld's auto.
Rev. Rates will bo home the last of
this week and will hold regular ser
vices Sunday morning and evening.
Miss Mabel Pope, who is teaching at
Alma, spent Sunday In this city with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pope.
Ernest Hayes was up from Supirlor
Sunday visiting his uncle, Ed Garber
and wife.
When you want A Short Order or
Fresh Oysters go to Warren's res
taurant. -
FOR SALE-Two high bred Gallo
way calves. Inquire of F. M. Harlow,
phono i:t on !)
Nebraska-Minnesota foot ball pict
ures at the Tepee Tuesday, Nov. i.
One night only.
Mrs. Warron Long tin was called to
Hustings Tuesday by tho serious ill
ness of Mrs. Horrigan.
Vern Witwer departed Friday ;r.oru-'
ing for Vermillion, S. I), to visit his
brother, Lutes and wife.
Mrs. Arthur Roby and son of Rent
rice visited tit the home of her father's
13. W. Ross the llrst of the week.
The young folks of our city enjoyed
a social dunce last night and .every
body present report a good time.
A trial of the Comet Cigar will con
viuce you that if is well worth luots,
while it is sold for Outs, by all dealers.
For goodness sake buy your caudles
tit The Ron Toil Rakery Just receiv
ed a fresh supply of Kimball's choco
lates tho best ever..
(iarber, Hutchison and Saladen have
pm chased a new Met, auto iu which
to take their prospective land buyers
out In.
We handle tho Mucller&Kellcrcelo
brated box candies nlso Chase's fancy
bulk chocolates Puritan Restaur
ant, II. Ludlow, proprietor.
On.Saturday while Joseph Ilolvur
son, wife and two sons were driving to
town, and wore uetir the C. N. Gurneyi
farm, an automobile came up from be
hind and frightened the team, throw
lug tho occupauts out and injuring
Joe, the 14 year boy quite seriously
He is getting along nicely at this
M. F. Miiryinee, a farmer living live
miles north west of Hidden was killed
last Friday afternoon when he fell which ho was re
turning home with from IJIadou. The
wagon passed over him breaking both
his arms and his chest was crushed in.
Coroner A mack, Sheriff Hedgo and
County Attorney Fred Maurer were
culled to the scpho and did not think
an inquest was necessary.
I have the best rate in tho county on
farm loans. See me and be convinced,
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wamckr
Mrs. J. W. Klusclt and daughter,
Mrs. Ed Walters returned home the
latter part of last week from Franklin
and Rloomington whero they have
been visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gordon and Mr. tiud
Mrs. Ed McCrillis returned home Mon
day evening from a two weeks visit
with relatives near Broken Row.
They made the trip with Mr. Gordon's
Lust Friday alteruoou tho Smith
Center High school foot-ball team and
our High school team mot on tho local
gridiron. It was the best gamo that
has been played lieto tills season. Our
boys won tile game lu the third quar
ter when they made a touch down and
kicked goal making a score of 7 points,
Tho Smith Center boyn failed to score
and both teams hud plenty of gluger
itud put up u good game This was
tho llrst game for several your that
Smith Center did not win horo as they
must always won from our boys with
a big score.
The F. A. A. hold a meeting last
Thursday evening and a splendid re
port was given of the general meeting
at Lawrence, Kansas by Mrs. Joe
Fogel who attended tho meeting at
that place.
Blue Hill now has a militia company
of tho X'cbrasku National Guards.
which was formed at that place lust
week and they will beknown as Co. E,
.1th Reg Nebraska National Guards
Wo wish the ofllcers and privates success,
Rev. J. J. Rayuo who has been at
tending the National Council of Con
gregational churches in Kansas City,
Mo,, during tho past week returned
with ids family Wednesday evening.
Rev. Iliiyue says that tho meeting was
the most important held during the
past TiO years, lie will speak Sunday
moinlng on the subject: "Tho New
Congregationalism." lu the evening
the subject will be: "On the Moun
tain Top," Both addresses will deal
with impressions, experiences a it d
thoughts gathered ut the Council and
everyone Is urged to attend.
--W'Uul " aV I v. -n
wvtlu'C r mi hi n
;l '
Clothes for the YounfeMan
of Good Taste-
Such are Society Brand Clothes.
They appeal to his instinct for style.
Each season finds them just a
little more stylishpossessing just
a little more vaiue for the money.
Norfolks will be more generally worn.
Society Brand Norfolks present a beauty of
style and perfection of tailoring seldom found
in these garments.
Young men and retail clothiers qualified
to judge say these models for Fall are the
most attractive examples of expert clothes
making ever produced.
The fabrics are specialty selected blues, grays,
and browns, in serges, cheviots and cassimeres.
,' , Drop in on us today and see them.
- ' .1
- -" -A
Ready to Wear
$20 Up
The Comden-Kaley ;Glotbing Gompnay
' it'
CojiA'j.'i.'.'iJ.'S S.'fr:A Decker & C'ofcn
' .... !..! ' .
... , ,
. , ,
Kint now our slocks in all Bl
s float Is The
Time To Do
Yoar Fall
We have sold lots of Coats
all ready, but still have a good
selection to pick from and will
be glad to show them to you
whether you purchase or not.
We are going to discontinue
carrying Ladies' Suits in stock.
We have just a dozen suits
left which we are going to close
out. some at cost and some at
less than cost. Better take ad
vantage of this if you figure on
getting a suit this fall.
Give us a chance on your fall
We have the right goods, at
the right prices and will give
you the right kind of treatment.
Right now our stocks in all
lines of Fall Goods are very
complete, and you will find a
much better assortment to se
lect from now than you will
later in the season.
Wc wish to call your atten
tion to tho following lines
of goods In which wo aro
especially strong, j j fc4
Wool Dress Goods in all the
latest weaves such as Eponges,
Boucles, Whip-Cords, Diagonals,
Serges. Covert Cloths, Suitings,
etc. Prices from 50c to $2.50
per yard. Big assortment of
trimmings suitable to trim this
class of goods. Just received
some of the new Bulgurian
trimmings which are especially
good for this fall.
In silks we carry Messalines,
Sateen Charmense. Crepe Me
teor, Silk Serges. Silk Poplins,
Brocaded Silks. Taffeta Silks.
Pqngee Silks. China Silks, and
a good line of colors in the wide
lining Satins.
We have most any shade you
wish either in Silk Velvets,
Paune Velvets or the new
Brocaded Velvets.
The stock of Blankets we
have for your inspection this
fall is by far the best we have
ever shown and we are positive
.we can save you some money
on blankets. Prices range all
the way from 50c to $15 a pair.
We also carry a dandy line of
Baby Blankets, both crib blank
ets and buggy blankets, also
Bath Robes, Automobile Robes
and Fur Robes for baby buggies.
Ask to see our 10c Outing Flan
nels, a splendid quality and
comes in both the light and
dark colors. Most stores over
the country' are getting 12c
per yard for this outing.
Our Under-Wear stock is well
sorted up and you will find it
much easier now to get just
what you want than you will
later on.
i el
i M