l- -A ", X"'M ..JKMi.jMWiwwr-i( , RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i'um I 8 1 V m wr.'m tewlflwHJtl VaKAjMiHLU- V . ':V LU5I I iST. JO OWN OF HHJLI EDWARD 13. CLARK BY WMTCrtrfflEVWRAPET? "WON Jtf V&rjirfflnZR$ w "a 'afitfrww Atrzir n HI.OW tln bluffs which skirt tho shore of Fort Sheridan military ruHcr vatlon the waves of Lake Michigan wawh over the nltn of a loHt town. Whon tho winds of a fow more HtorniH nhnll have blown to tho beach two applo troos which Imvo but a frail footing at tho embankment's odgo tho lant remlnderB of a onco thriving and iiopuloiiH place will havo boon Bwopt awny. AlmoHt seventy yearn ago the hamlet of St. John waH founded by a man named Uctllngcr and n fow of hln follow urn Tho wlto chOKon wan n coiniunnilltiK one on tho bluff overlooking tho lake and onehnlf mllo cast of tho point whom tho north western depot at tho Village of lllghwood now standH. Tho grunt clay bank with tho stretch of sand beach which shelves awny to tho wator'H edge at Its foot looks us If It woro strong enough and far onouRh removed from tho breakcrH to be nfo against tho nngrlcBt northenHter that over blow. Tho men who built their Iiouhch upon tho plain surmounting tho embankment thought their foun datloim woro na suro uh though founded on tho tradltlonnl rock. Thoy did tako tho precaution, howovcr, to limit their building oporatlotiH on tho wast by a lino drnwn fifty yards from tho odgo of tho bluff. That lino hns long Inco been burled In tho sand under tho waves, and with It nro the houfiofl and tho ahopB of tho early HettlerH. In tho year 184G tho Village of St. John was tho rival of Wnukcgnn, which was then called Llttlo Kort Iloth woro prosperous and both wcro grow Ing. Hlghwood tradition hath It that people pass ing through tho two places from Chicago declared that St. John ehowod tho oar murks of success and that It wna destined to bo a big city. Other people besldo tho Chlcagonns thought bo, too, nnd thoy flocked to the placo and built substantial Iioubcb and shopu. Tho two applo trees which ulono re main of all that pertained to tho Vlllago of St. John grew In tbo yard of Sebastian Richards, whose houso waB farther removed from tho lako thnn any other In tho vlllago. Tho applo trees woro back of tho residence. Not long ago the foundation of bricks, which was all that waa loft of Richard's dwelling, fllld down tho bluff Into the Inko during tho height of a win ter Btorm. Tho roolR of one of tho npplo treoB ro oven now extending Into tho air through tho Ido of tho embankment. Onn good strong push would Bend It hurtling to tho bench 100 feet below. s Among the names of tho builders or St. John In addition to thoso of Hettinger nnd Sebastian Richards, tho only ones that tho oldest High wood Inhabitants can remember, nro Frank Mitch, Fotor Raker and George Shopard. Mitch wna a shoemaker nnd It Is snid that ho is still following tho trado In a town In tho, far north. Ah far aa la known ho Ib tho only survivor of tho men who foundod tho Vlllago of St. John. In tho yenr 1847 thero woro several Btores, n blackBmlth shop, a tavern and a postofllco In tho Vlllago of St. John, which thon held a populn- tlon of about 200 people. In that" day thero was a Btago coach lino between Chicago nnd Mil waukee. The ravorn at St. John was a relay fltatlon for the Btago. Henry Mowers, who ro members tho vlllago In Its lnttor days, says that tho tavern was noted for Its table, nnd Uh liquor, and that pcoplo frequently took tho Btago Journey from Chicago for tho boIo purpose of setting a good dlnnor and n good glass. It waa a man who intended bocomlng n resi dent of St. John that nttorwnrd foundod tho Village of Half Day. Ho hnd looked over tho lakeside village, and thon had declared that ho would establish ono that would last longer nnd had moro pcoplo In It. Tho nutomoblllsta who every 8unday pass through Half Day on their runs to Waukcgan and return may look on tho half-dozen houses thero assembled, and know that the man who turned his back on St. John haa kept hla word. Whon tho Chlcngo and Mllwnukeo rnllroad was built tho aurvoyed lino ran onohalf mllo weBt of the Village of St. John. An ndequato idea of the Importance of a plnco of which now bare ly a vostlgo remalnB may bo hnd when it In known that the railroad authorities built a spur Una running to tho south edgo of tho town. Some of tho practical rcsldonts of tho placo had discovered that an excellent quality of brick could be made from tho clay which was found In a pit a 8hort dlstanco south or tho blacksmith ahop. As a matter of fact, tho presence of this brickyard was one of tho chief reasons that tho branch line of tho railroad was built. Whon Uncle Sam accepted from tho Commercial Club of Chicago tho land to tho north of tho city ns a military reservation tho soldiers drew hun dreds or cartloads of both good brick nnd broken brick from the site of tho old brickyard nnd uBod the material for tomporary road-making and for the filling In of swamp BpotB. Tho foro thought of tho St. John pcoplo In leaving bo hind them spoclineim of their handiwork saved the United States government n great many dollars. It is possible to traco today with no dlfllculty at all tho embankment upon which tho branch lino of the railroad ran to tho brickyard nnd to the now lout Vlllngo of St. John. In size nnd outllno it looks llko a military redoubt, and It would perfectly answer tho purpoHo of one. Tho ombnnliment waB leveled nt its western end whon stores woro eroded In tho Vlllago of High wood. It starts now from n point almost direct ly back of tho little Methodist church, and runs eastward, broken only by roads which havo been dug through It. It was less than ten years nftor tho founding of St. John that tho people nwakened to a possl bio danger to their homos by tho encroachment of tho waves of the lako. It is truo that thoy FIRST BIDDER BUYS KINGDOM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaj'viiiur"23 1LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHLLiiiiiiiHIILw7V swBwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawBwwwwfe'v t y awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawVA' W VLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiLLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBSIWSs vSLiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiflaflLiiiiiiVHLLiiLiiiLiiiiiiiLiiMuV - --v ValiiiiiiiiliiliiBwlliiiiiiiHH9H9liiBiiiiiiiiiiVflP(''At7v ,' '"vnfMi''''",MMM'M! t . ' I $& ,. tmKffBkL. 1 mz .-.r, . .JMiiaH&'i Wlt I liLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiflHiitehiiL' IsiiiiiiMliiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiMiiiiMMlCTPW lilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllL rfiim i- ' - ..,-,. "SHRililllllllllBillllllllllllllBilllllllllllllllllllllBKk Many Islands, Large and 8mall, Scat tered Around Shores of United Kingdom. London. Scattered around the shores of the United Kingdom aro a number of small Islands, Inrgo and email, whosu proprietors, while own Ing allegiance to King George, are, nevertheless, monarchs of all thoy sur vey, with greater power over tho com fort nnd well being of their "subjects" than his majesty enjoys. Indeed, In some instances tho Urltlsh parliament haa no power to tax thoso Island es tates, without tho consent of their owners, nor can anyono land or reside upon them without tho permission of saw year by year that tho face of the bluff was being gradually worn nway, but tho erosion was so Blow that thoy gave llttlo heed. One night In tho winter of 1852 a Btorm whipped up out of tho northeast. It was forty right hours bctoro It had fully spent Its force. Re foro Its assaults, tho bluff gave way, tons upon tons of tho hnrd clay breaking off In great pieces and falling to the boach. When tho wind ceased blowing tho born of tho dwelling nearest to tho lnko stood nt tho edge of tho embankment. Tho villagers started to move tho structure Inland, but another storm, coming up suddenly, forced them to stop tho work, nnd of disjointed Jo b B and broken planks, was be ing tossed about by the waves. It waB about this timo that' tho peoplo of St. John rccolved a visitor who was much more unwelcome than the storm. ThlH visitor was a Inwyor armed with a lot of formidable-looking pnpers. Ho went to the tavern nnd nsked that tho elders of tho village bo sent for. Thoy enmo. Tho Inwyor told them that their tltlo to the land which they occupied was extromoly faulty nnd that thoy must cither pay agnln for the ground on which their homos 'stood, or got out. Tho villagers made up their minds to tight the mat ter out, but preliminary court proceedings allowed them that tho lawyer had fully ns good k case ns ho claimed. Thoy becamo disheartened, and when another terrlllc storm nroso, and the black smith's shop und George Shopard's houso went Into the lako thoy lost nil courage. Thoy told tho lawyer that tho lake soemed to have a bet ter claim to tho land thnn either thoy or he hnd, nnd that It apparently wns bent on enrorc Ing tltlo rights. One by ono tho pcoplo or St. John moved awny, leaving their dwelling nnd stores to the will or tho wind nnd wnves. Set tlements sprang up to tho Bouth nnd the west or tho deserted village, and the peoplo. during tho height or winter storms, used to go to a plnco nenr the bluff and wntch for boiiio deserted dwell ing standing perilously nenr the edgo of tho embankmont to fall with ono final craBh onto the, water-swept sand below. Henry 'Mowers, an old time hunter was a vet eran of tho residents nenr tho Blto or tho lost village. Not long nttor tho disappearance In the lako or tho last building or tho Vlllago or St. John, Mowers took a Bpado nnd walked up tho lako Bhoro until ho caino to the point whoro a largo part or tho slto of St. John had disap peared beneath tho waves. Mowers' trip wns taken up nt sunrise, a tlmo whon he was not likely to bo interrupted In his work. Ho began series of mysterious diggings Just at tho base or tho mud cliff. He worked for two hours nnd thon quit. Ho returned to his task ovory morn ing for a week, making several now excnvatlons a foot or two in depth each tlmo. Ono morning tho spado struck something hard, and In a mln uto Mowers hnd unearthed an ingot or pure cop per weighing eighteen pounds. This was worth halng, but It wns not what Mowers was arter. Ho kopt on digging for a month, nnd nt tho end of that tlmo had socured gold nnd silver French nnd SpanlBh pieces In vnluo to tho nmount of $24. tn addition he found somo United Stntos copper centB nnd hnlf-conts of an early date and ono bronze Roman coin oILjho porlod of Noro. Mowers kept at his work for wcoks, but nftor unearthing tho Roman ploco ho found nothing ror n long time. Ho wns about to glvoup tho work for good. Ho shouldered his spado and started homownrd. On the sand, glistening In tho sun at tho wnter'B edgo, Just as ho ttirnod to go for supposedly tho last time, ho found two United States silver dollars minted on one side &ZV&&JVZX& 3izr afj&dP rowTr- HON, GAS OB BAD STOMACH Time it! Papc's Diapepsin enda all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do somo foods you cat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: I'apo's Dlnpepstn dlgestB everything, leaving nothing to Bournnd upset you. Thero never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief In flvo minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strengthens nnd regulates your stom ach bo you can cat your favorlto foods without fear. You feci different as Boon aa "Pape'a Diapepsin" cornea In contact with the stomach distress Just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch Ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, niako tho best investment you ever made, by getting a largo fifty cent case of I'apo's Diapepsin from any store. You realize In five minutes how nccdloEH It Is to suffer from Indiges tion, (lspcpshi or bud stomach. Adv. Modern Agent. Hall What nro you doing now? Gnll Oh, I'm making u house-to-house canvass to ascertain why pcopla dof't want to buy a new patent clothes wringer. Chicago News. only. Hero was a puzzle which even his shrewd ness could not solve. The coins were silver and of full weight, and In that dny silver wns of sufficient intrinsic value to mako it useless for anyone to mako counterfeltH out or tho pure metal. Mowers searched for another week, but found no moro coins. Ho then showed the ro suit of his labor to neighbors and to somo people In tho city of Chicago. Ho said nothing about where ho had discovered tho treasure. Shortly afterward, however, u man offered him $100 for tho secret, und though Mowers told him that the plnco wns probably worked out the man of fered the money, Bald ho would take the chance, nnd the offer was accepted. The purchaser never found anything and gavo up tho labor in disgust. ' It wns not long beforo the story or tho place where tho coins had been picked up became gen erally known and the peoplo flocked to tho bluff and to tho beach marking the site or the lost town. They dug, searched and prospected with all tho ardor or Klondtkors, but tbo solo result waa a gold piece or tho valuo of $2. HO, which a boy picked up from the wake or a retreutlng wave. The collection or coin which Henry Mow ers round Is now In the possession or a man who onco rnn a Chicago dlmo museum. No one has ever been able, to account for the presenco of the money In the place. The theory that It was left behind by n departing resldont or St. John is said to be hardly tenable, because the peoplo or that place were not rich enough to mnko them careless or valuables. There Is ono metal which tho prospector may find In abundance If ho will go to St. John before 'the tu old applo trees tumblo down the bluff. Tho trunks nnd branches of both or them are full of lead. Tho trees stood Just at tho end of tho old Sixth Infantry rifle butt. For three years before tho building of the present post the troops that first camo to Fort Sheridan pumped lend at target practice Into the butt nnd Incidentally into tho applo trees at the side. Despite tho attacks of the weather and this leaden onslaught the two trees bore a burden or fruit for years an sound and as sweet as that which bent their branches nt tho time when the town of St. John was something more substan tial thnn a memory. Typical Cottage In Lewis. their rulers. Some of them are but a few acres In extent, whllo others run Into many square miles of terri tory, boasting of a lordly castle and quite a largo population. Perhaps the principal island proper ty In tho United Kingdom is Lewis, In the Outer Herbrldes, whoso pres ent ruler is Major Matheson. Lewis Is certainly no mean kingdom," seeing that it boasts of an area or 437,221 acres and a poulatlon of nearly 30,000 souls. Indeed, it 1b tho largest island In the United Kingdom next to Ire land. For the man desirous of setting up In a moderate sort of way as a monarch, here Is an admirable chance, for Major Matheson is anxious to dis pose of his kingdom. The little kingdom boasts of ex tenslvo locks, where magnificent Ash ing is to bo hnd, whllo in some parts It Is very mountainous, Menlasbhal nnd Ren Moro, tho two highest peaks, tow erlng l.SOO odd feet above Bea level. Over Its extensive moors and forest land the red deer still roam. Every-, where there are numerous antiquities) and Druldlcal remains. The owner's residence is a magnificent old castlo close to Stornowny, the prlnlcpal town Many members of tho royal family have stayed here, Induing tho lata King Edward. The principal industry Is fishing, and In the season tho girls of Stornowny go nil over Scotland packing herrings. Noxt to flshlag, cloth weaving engages tho attention of the Islanders, who aro a hardy and thrirty set or peoplo, tho majority or whom know no other tongue but Gael ic. Major Matheson is nsking $1,500 000 ror this Island kingdom. Important to Moth ore Examine carefully overy bottle of CASTOR: A, a Bafo nnd Bure remedy for Infants nnd children, and see that it Signature of C7 In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorui Tho fellow who casts slurs Is gen erally throwing a boomerang. Money talks, especially when ttgoea to tho opera. MAN HAS HOT STOVE IN HEAD INTELLIGENT OOQ. Imagines People Are Always Cook Ing on It and Making Him Eat, Hungry or Not. Savanna. Of three men charged with being lunatics, who were tried at tho Jail, two men were ordered sent to tho state sanitarium, while the third was discharged In tho custody of his (sister and a friend with whom he lives. II. J. McCoy, who was released, is isubjoct to periodical attacks of in sanity, when ho believes ho possesses (miraculous religious powers. And .tho women who defended him excused his claims in this respect A few years ago he was hurt In si jrallroad accident. Ills lawyer tiled mult, and McCoy now sometimes Imag ines ho and his lawyer aro partners. When theso spells are on him he tries his caso, testifying, examining wit nesses and making tho argument to tho Jury. Ben Perry Is an old-tlmor. Ho thinks ho carries a hot stove around In his head. People aro all the tlmo cooking things on this strive, and ithey make him eat whatever It is, 'whether he 1b hungry or not. He Is 'always surrounded by his enemies, 'who never give him a moment's peaco. JIm Spencer, tho third subject, haa 'lost bis mind, speech and hoarlug. Rah! Rah! Rah! Three cheers for a keen appetite, perfect digestion, liver activ ity and bowel regu larity. If you do not possess these, you should take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS before meals. It helps Nature overcome all Stomach, Liver and Bowel ills. CANADA'S 0FFERIN6 TO THE SETTLER THE AMERICAN RUSH TO WESTERN CANADA IS INCREASINN Free Homesteads In tho new PIMrlet of Manitoba, Haftkklctie wnn nnil Alberta there era Ibuusandt of rre llomrstoailRleft, which to the miin maklngentrr In 8 iron lima will be worth from IJu toftt per Hern. Thcue lands are well arinntj'd to grain growing ana camo raiuog. BxcmiCT iuilwit; rinuras In many raftea the railways In Canada ham been built In ad vance of aettli menu and In a abort time there will not be a settler w ho need be. more than ten ortnrlTeiulles from a line of railway, ilallwar Kalea are reiin lait it br UoTarnmenl Ooa nusslon. Social Conditions The American Settler Is athome In Western Canada. Ilelanota stranger In a strange land, bar Ing nearly a million of hla own people a I ready settled there. If Son desire to know why theenn. Itlonof tbeCanadlanHeUlerla Brut p runs write and send for teruture, rates, etc, to W. V. BENNETT. Bee Building, Omaha, Nab. Canadian Government Agent, or aaareta Biiirinirnurnj ui IBiniiKTmiiou, wmwsn llniYpJsTBTb H wmt'seWlwT' Ttawl Hip R vol i.vOJM Hfc Atoifc . via 5Hm'&3 2SIZEI? -7.7.1 mtw ."y I ' i ll ll" tf Nebraska Directory JJyVtJJwHg--r'"ll fs "rrr ii l"l" iiriJ Jl"l THEPAXTONfS Room", front $1.00 up alngle, 76 cents up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE "My wlfo must bo doing tbo cooking today." "Why?" "On thoBo days my dog always, comes to the ofllco. All right, Towsor, you can go to lunch vslth mo." A PARADOX. "Thero Is one thing queer about an accusing chnrgo." "What Ib that?" "A man refuses to countenance It when ba faces It" Big Alabama 8nake, Huntsvillo, Ala. Tho body of ono of tho largest rattlesnakes ever seen In this section baa been brought hero 'from tho Green plantation, near Far loy, where It was killed by Will WIbo. .Tho nsptllo moasurcd six nnd one-half feet and carried sixteen rattles. A Don of Wise almost stepped on the snako while in the mountain and gave the alarm. Lincoln Sanitarium iiiaMailr ' V'lVJ I laLTaGsWfwBj Sulpho Saline Springs Located on our own premlie ind used la tbo Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed In the treatment ol Rheumatism Heart. Stomach, Kldntrand Uer Dlteuea MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS DR. O. W. KVKRETT. Mar. I40S M Street Lincoln, Nab. i f" Ji-t. Vi .V it, ."tn jn mim i-i .1 jVJi u i '.. !. , "aft lli" iwft 4$&'A i'w.' j t .,-.