f)P WWW IXTO. i , m, i, i .rfj .JJIIJJIII.IJJ...).),-,..).-,..- i -v "t If Nfor!i;nI S icf..tr v :-v &;'' m ' Farmers' Institute November 11-12-13-14 jr TJ"Jg'"re-y--gy . -. .- .Mfek- tar.-?rttr!r4?rivys4iJ:l'2r:' A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Week Each Year Far $1.50 VOLUME XXXXI RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER IJO, 113. NUMBER 44 0 ft ifti ill a ili l ili ili ft Ui ft 0 ili it) ili This Govern men t Won't Put Its Money In a bank that docs not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T L09E ! WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA ft m m m m m m I RUGS! f Just received another large shipment of Rugs in all sizes. My stock is now complete in all lines. I can furnish Rugs from the small 18x36 inch to the large 11-3 by 12 foot size, and we have in stock Wiltons, Axministers, Body Brussell, Tapistry, Velvet and Wool Fibre. ROY SATTLEY Furniture Dealer and licensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR TO A. E. ATKINS) All THE PHONES 3 a Earnings Go To State Since the state f lir was permanently located in Lincoln, the state board of agriculture had paid out in earnings in the way of permanent improve ments approximately 8170.0C0. The property thus acquired now belongs to the people without one cent of ex pense to the taxpayers. During the year 1013 the state board of agricul ture has paid for the following im provements out of the earning: Placing walls about machinery hall. Building the west bleuchors. Laying stone walks. Kxeuvuting and tilling draw on the new east tract itntl fencing said tract. Paving seventeenth street north of Hurllngton truck. Sewers on Marker Avenue and thru center of inachiuory section, Ten car loads occluders for surfac ing. . Extra balcony in new ugi (culture horticulture building. This Is n record that few state fair associations have equalled und attests the loyalty of Nebruskaus to their big -exposition. LOST A satchel, on last Friday, be tween Amboy and a mile west of town. Finder leave at thU oftlce and receive reward. A. N. Teriiy. Town Team Organized This week a number of our young men who used to attend school in days gone hy and were star foot ball players in the teams of which they were mem bers got together and organized a town foot ball team and are busy practicing every day. They are now ready to play any team that wauts to match a game with them. Wejprodict for them many victories. Chus. A. Schellak in the manager of the team. Helow we give the names of the players on the team: Center- V. .elss. Ulght (luard Teddy MoAi thur. Ulght Tackle Carl lerubcrg. Ulght Und Lloyd Illncs. Left Knd Floyd Turuure. Left Tackle Lloyd Crow. Left Guard "Ited" (Jeer. Quarter Hack Henry Pharos. Full Uaok-Wohster Kay. Ulght Half littck Ksty Bmelser. Left Half Back Vinton Johnston. Substitutes U. Zeiss, M. Duller, C. Wolfe. Lest you forget hot wattles at the Puritan restaurant. H. Ludlow, Proprietor. Income Tax Law How It Will Work. The new income tux law is In full force and effect and we muy as well understand its provisions uow hs to wait. The principle of the income tax has ueenjudvoeated by legislators for many years but it was never made a part of our law until the Democrats came into power last March. In its broadest interpretation this law puts the tax on the man who can best af ford to pay it, that is on the men who has an Income of thiee thousand doll ars or more. The law provides that every person or corporation with an annual Income (if three thousand dollars or more must tile a otrttemeut with the internal re VL'tiiii' cilice r which must statu the in come and the source. The til st state, iiient must be tiled March L. I1H1 which is not very far away. The tax eol lector then estimates the tux Ha Wlllty. sending notice .Tune 1 and tliis tax must Ue paid by the :10th of the Mtnif month: failure to pay within ten d.iys costs live pel cent, more ittid an additional one, percent, per month thucalU'p. Tim law provides for u normal lax of 1 peiceut per annum on thu amount of net. income over 111,000 for Individ uals, and over $1,000 for husband nud wife living together. Tills tux applies to all tuxablo incomes, small or great The law also provides for an addition al yearly tax of 1 percent on the total amount, of net Income from all sources over 820,000 and not over ?ot),u00 per annum; 2 percent on the amount of net income over S-10,000 and not over $75,OoO; .'I perceut on the amount of net income over $".",000 and not over 8100,000; 4 perceut on the amount of net income over 8100,000; and not over 8250,000; 5 perceut ou the amount of net income over $2!0,000 and not over $500,000; and G percent on the amount by which the total net income exceeds e.r)0o,ooo. While for a man and wife living to gether the first 84,000 of an income is exempted'from taxation, there is no. thing in the law freeing such a man from the requirement of making a re turn of his income to the collector. The normal tax of 1 perceut, when an income is derived from investments, muy be with hold at the source of In come und paid to the government, hut the surtax in nil, instances is to be paid by the individual. From a further study of the tax it is seen that the burden of the tux will rest heaviest upon tho bondholders, and furthermore that these persons who have their fortune invented in government or like bonds will find themselves better off, inasmuch as in come from these will be exempt from tuxation. Without doubt one of the flual results, if not an immediate re sult, of the application of the new tax will be a shifting in Investments in this country. We have had tho corporation tux for tho past three years, which in the filial analysis has been borne by the stockholders. Therefore the income tax under the new law will uot rest any heavier on fortunes invested in stocks than the corporation tax hus in the past. In tho sale of bonds, how ever, this is dlirorent. The return from bonds has not been taxed by the federal government before, but under the new law such interests will bo taxed. Tho law in addition' inovldes that the Interest upon obllgnt ions of a state or any political subdivision thereof and upon tho obligations of the United States or its possessions shall bo ex empt from the tax. It would ho im possible to accurately estimate how many fortunes under this clause will he exempt from tho tax. It Is knowu thut Hetty Green has larger holdings of such bonds and her interest there from will be exempt from the federal income tax. People of smaller wealth have their fortunes to invested and , they will be exempted from taxation. this provision should also encourage the malting of such investments The rank ami file of the taxpayers under the new law will not have to trouble with the surtax as that is to rest upon incomes only abovo 820,(X)0 a year and the number of such incomes Is comparatively small Much has been said about taxing at the source, huUthls is to play but a small part In the tax on the income of moderately salaried men. Men with incomes be low the 1120,000 mark usually have n salary and nu auiiual return from u few investments. Such a man will b required to tile a statement with the collector indicating what his not In come is. Supposing such a man to have var ied interests, .tho head of n private business in which he has most of his Invest ments Furthermore ho may have nuiHldtt inveM incuts, In order to estimate the income upon ulihili he nil I u,v a ta such a uitti will MiUlract from his gloss income Ui actual and necessary expenses of curjiug on his business, Uut this is not to include his personal, living or family expenses. Then he will lie permitted t isuhstniut the ihtcic.-t he has paid during the year on his intlcUtcduos: all nation il, state, county, school, and muii'ciiml taxes; all Liases not. m Mired li in-.iir' a ce or ntticrtvi-c; debts that, mo no I good and clurgcd t IV dm ug I lie year. bucli a man m from his income for wear and tear of iprnpeity arising out of its use in business, but ho is uot to lie permitted Uuleduct aunllou unco for new buildings, permanent im provements, or betterments. If the tux-payer haw investments ill any cor poration, joint-stock company, associa tion or insurance company ho is per mitted to subtract his returns from this from his gross income, because under the law such income is taxed nt the source and the corporation paying the dividend must substract and pay the tax to tho government. Also as pointed out above if the small business man has investments in "the obliga tions of u state or any political sub division thereof, "or in 'the obligations of tho Uuited States or its possess ions," tho iueome ho receives from such a source is not to be tuxed. Sub tracting from his gross income nil these items will louve the net income upon which the individual is to be re quired to pay a tax. GHeS-SSSS E 3HE 3 wv Cut Glass Costs Money SURE IT DOES 6SS9 I ! . ii inn iny i iii yeui, I ' may then dilute uT ,&) i u reasonable allowance (fi n p$k i ) T R It1 IT Wl III Ju Teachers' Held Meeting At Cowles, Saturday. At the first general teachers' meet ing held at Cowles, Saturday, October 2rth. each teacher received a copy of the ..Nebraska Special Day Programs published this fall. The book con tains 188 pages of material for the special days observed In Nebraska schools. Patriotic Day, Washington Day, Nebraska Day, Arbor aud lllrd Day, Peace Day aud Closing Day. It is an excellent selection of poems and exercises with which every school child should be familiar. Other helps to teachers and pupils, and a circular giving full information concerning tho Gold and Silver Medals offered to children for the best essay ou tho ''Repair aud Maiutuiiience'bf Earth Roads" were distributed. Tho contest closes March 2, 1UU. The cir cular gives some helpful suggestions to children concerning roads. These circulars arc to be posted In the school room so that every child may have thu benefit of tho Information contained as some of the Webster-County lioy.sund girls will try for thu medal und it Is. honed tuiitmuiiv will when tliev know i cholera. about it. -i-. And the better it is the more it costs just like everything else. But cut glass Is bought mainly for its beauty anyway and you can't get beauty without paying for it. But that needn't frighten any lover of cut glass away from our store. To tell you that ours is moder ately priced, doesn't explain anything for you, To tell ypu that we have just opened a new, clean stock does not let you know the beauty of our glass, nor can you appre ciate the beauty of our new silver deposit ware till you see it. So we guess you'll just have to drop in 'and see for yourself, Will you? E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, - -' - Nebraska I 111 J Last Chance Offers! Many of the Magazines Will increase their subscription rates after November 10th. I have a list of these Maga zines and can make a combination now At Reduced Rates I meet any offers made you and SAVE you the expense of remitting direct. Come in and get these lowest rates before the advance CHKS L-. COTTING! THE DKUGGI9T. I Stamping Out Hog Cholera The Uuited States Department of Agriculture, co-operating with the University of Nebraska and the State Sanitary liourd, has formed a special district composed of Johnson county aud the north half of (lage in which to attempt thu extermination of hog ment's share of the expenses will b paid from a special appropriation of 173,000 made by the last Congress. A survey will Hist be mudo of tho Tho teachers voted to send greetings , district to ascertain the present uoudi to the Webster County girls who have gone to other counties to tench: lOlmu Alles, Dawes Co', Anna Peterson, Ollle Speuce, Flora Sliutc Jessie Morauvlllo Murle Jeruherg all of Lincoln county. Talk about Nebruskaus being hard up this fall! Look ut the way they rushed for a chance to get some of (hat government laud spending more monoy in car fare than the total value of all the land to be opened. Wednes day's Superior Express. tion of hogs, llegiuuiiig next spring men will be placed in the Hold to pre vent the spiuad of any disease which may bo present, to cure herds where the disease is raging and to Instruct thu farmers of the community as to the best methods of preventing tho spread of thu disease. I Liberal use will be made of serum , and virus where it seems advisable. It is hoped that this will prove that bog cholera cau be stamped out if sensible 'precautions are taken. The Govern- Foot Ball Pictures At tho Tepee, next Tuesday evening, Nov. 4, will be shown the pictures of tho Nebraska-Mlunosota foot ball game ut Lincoln, when Nebraska won 7 to 0. These foot ball pictures will be shown In addition to the regular program and a straight 10 cents admission will be charged for both adults and children. First show at 7:30. Ladies Take Notice! All entries for the Ladies' Depart ment of the Farmers' In8tltuU.kb.cuhi be brouf ht to Turnure's ball, Our dinners advertise thtMHlTM, Hr Ludlow, adv t k&l& Hi i S-A $-, mmMmmm.. .. &w .J J "-jZ.i.J.V i L: ,1L" ZJ Kj