TTW!'; W f Myy;w'ryyrTr,rv RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF HMMMMM Mb1 (?- my I k evSSS9n WE HANDLE THE T-ea-ss- "3 Kentucky and Superior GRAIN DRILLS Two of the Best Know Grain Drills on the Market Today. s Whitaker & Buckles s&3&Sa' xE8m MSS-SSwS Notice of Special. Bond Election. SEItEU UOINI) PI'OPOSIIION. ivSSl! .J J-w G3G 16311 USSnJo I wKf ',J - V - J' .v --! - " -t" lit :t-w . - til V --- V UA sks 1 ?N? mm oft ktfvor ML -sl) - V2i- (! Best-Mated of Farm Tai N the sprcndcrlcss farm the thought ho ureal huips ol manure piling up constantly in nam yards, siauius, and stalls, is a gloomy one. Those niles mean much disagreeable and hard work. It must all be loaded on high wagons. It must be raktd off in piles in the fields. Then every forkful must be shaken apart and spread. Compare that old-fashioned method with the I II C spreader way. You pitch the manure into the spreader box, only waist high, drive out and the machine does all the rest. And it spreads evenly and far less waslefully. I H C Maimre Spreaders are farm necessities. The man who uses one will get the price of it back in increased crops before its newness ha-; worn off. Every detail and feature counts. They do best work always and stand every strain for years. They are made in all styles and sizes, for small farms and lare, low and high ma chines, frames of braced and trussed steel. Uphill or down, or on the level, the apron drive assures even spreading, find the covering ol corneis is assured by rear axle differentials. In all styles the rear axle is placed so thatit carries near three-fourths of the load. This, with the wide-rimmed wheels with Z-shaped lugs, makV'5 for plenty of tractive power. "Winding of the beater is prevented by huge diameter and the beater teeth are long, strong and chuel pointed. The 1 II C spreader lines will interest you. See them at the local dealer's. Get catalogues from him, or write us. inlcrnaliouai Harvester Company oi America ' (lucuiioratcd) Lincoln Neb. !n3s:3 winfcwl miKnia.,111 tnmil aiM"HflU.giu.iitf..i wwAmu Nnllto U liinliy ulvi n to Hit' kctoi l the city of Id il loud, Vclnttr county, Nuliriw l:n,uirmiiuit ton rcolutlon iidoptid by llio inn or and coiiurll of wild city, at u n intLtlim tin roof Hi iilciiilicr Unit, MM, ly w risolutloii llii-coiiiii'll ilotcriiilncd up on imyNtcin olfiiwcrnuuaiiil the tstlnmtoof the coil tlicrcof, tlmt ii Mpctliil ilictlon li culled anil will Imi held In mild city, nt the usual vmIIiik idneis theriln to-wlt: In the first M-jirdnt thu olllio of llio city wafer mid llifhtMiiperllitelidentiiiidlii tho norond u ard nl lliurircniiiirH Hall, on the lllli ility of October, I'.H'I, liulwiin thehoiirnof H o'clock a. in, and 7 o'clock p. in. at which llio follow ing proposition Isviliuilt tul to be otcd upon: Shall tliii, Major iiml ( Ity ( otiuiii or mi icll.v ol III d Cloud, .Nilirsvikn, be authollid 'to Ihhui coupon b'jiliN to be tl ,-mWCI lllill'Kof NAtrl illy of Itcd t i lid. .. , linislci In th tiiiM'tli' of llflecn thnmnml ' (li.lliTK In ill nomlll itlonnof llf hlindi.dilol- i liirktiit'h. pnyablt lotwaur, to Ik.u.hil' duu Jijmr ifurllu little lliiTfof. but nle 1 ,in tlnii Rftir thimxplinilon of Mm j intent I llu iijiiniitif hind ilty, iinct hriuliM not '" j i citit fli lift etui aninml liitiicit and to I l i!aiii(.llii)da of thilr iMitmifa. Iivtintit uiitl lirlnelpal to be pnailo at the otllce ol theitalt ireimiirerof Nilirnnkn. Hnhl bunds to hi wild not Uiw than pur nlue with nc. eriifd IntciLht and proicuU tlif-tof to be used b mild city for tbu coimtriietlon mul ts InlillHlilmt " HjMlfin ttf HcweraKO In and lor said cll, H.Ud xynlcni not to Include uni lateral or district huuer: aiuUhall the iuaor nndiouiicliot tald city uimiir.lly lty the nttcHiary tax upnall tho taxable piuperty within Kalil city, In addition to all utlur taCN, to pay the Inti rent upon Mild bond, iihUh MiiiiKinuy liieoiiioiliiuuiiil t furnlih ii'.lul.lni! fund for llio pajniint ol the prln t Ipul of K.itd boniK and an annual tax of not touMttd two inlilson the dollarof nHMs(d Miluallonol the projierly of nald city fur the puriiixeof uialiitaliilni; and itipalriiiK Mild sjidi in of sewerUHe." Ihef i of thu ballot to be ued on said tlictlun hhall !- :ih follows: Vote for out I' rauo huiidinnd liixos II A alliit Hcweraite biimUnnd tas II And to bcMitidaud iiinrke I by makliiKa iTii-' In the space pioNldLd III tlieusuil man nt raiproldcd by law, !-dlouldilina.oilty ol the ballots east at such mi okt lion belli fiior of said ptopo-l- linn the uiiiyor and council of said i Ity wlll be authorl.'id to lisiio and nt initi ate said bonds uicordlni to the c mdltluns and for Hit purpose ipt t lilt d In the fon-colim piopoilllonimd usaNoeuutetuplatid bj the iliilutfMol Nihrnsku as IiimicIi en t pioldel and II shall be the duty of tuu major audclirk of said clt.v v.hetisoautliorliduiid bj urdirof theclly i ouiicll losluii and aitisl said bonds and adlx tin reto the seal of :iltl city. I hu protieds ol said bonds shall be paid to the treasurer of said city of Unit and kept by lit in In a sipuatc fund, ap.irl ftoiuothii inonejs, to be known nsa sewei nut fund and paid out only by order of the count II and w.iriaut diawu imalusl tin saiue for s-ilil pin pose spiellled and no other. Imtul this ind day of .septo.nbur 1 IS. Attest: O. e. I i:KL, 1). K. HAUMKlt8, (M-ali t.'lij I Itrk. Major. SCHOOL DRESSES School time is almost here. Have you your children properly outfitted yet, or are you going to wait until the last minute and then he rushed. Better prepare now. -:- -:- : : : "Toile Du Nord" Giiiflhams, 12c, 14c and 10c per yard. -:- -:- "Red Seal Zephyr" Ginghams, 10c and 25c per yard. -:- -:- These Ginghams compare favorably with the best on the market. They make excellent every day dresses. Get yours now. -:- -:- s 3 7-1 R & n R M p h n R IE HuttorirA Patterns Wr.rnop'ji Rtiut Pioof Coraclo UwSd HwS3H S3v-.. wntfmii-iww Hiir wHTrt 3K5)vva V'l:!ow's Pi:'js:n. I he iveutit act of April I'llL, l!WS Uivus to nl' sulillt-ri' widows it jit'iisiou tV2 per intuitu, l-'ivil Mrtiiror, tho sit mrney, hie; all neeessary blaul"'. yv-vv I, -S5S)"v ojassssas -ises jvv URNITURE I lb day of , L j last will , p fNatli:'.: o? Probate. In thccoiinty Court of 'i lister founly. Nt bniHka. STATr.uP Nl'llllA.sKA, I WelMln i otinly, f To all perilous Intcrisled in the entail) of t'lilherlnoStudebakt r. Iooons'-il: TKi: .SOl'll'l-:. Unit a ptitltton has been Hied pr.iylni? that ihu lntrument tiled and iiiobittd In the t'ouiity Co-irl of MciniiMin County Illinois on the bill I), cenibcr l'7. purportlnu' to be the and tcdtaiiKiit of said uiecucil, n-as bo provi d mid allowid and rieoided as the last will and lesluiuclit ol Cathtirlm deciasid: that said Instrument be adtultttd to probate, and Hie nduilulstiatloii of vald tHtate bo tirantid to I I liikenb ndcr. as Adiiilnlstiator with the will annexid. It Ishritdty ordertd by the court, that all . piiMius Interested In s-ild estate appear nl . lilt) t ouiitj' i ouri to on neui in mm 101 kibi eoiinly on the kith day of September, mi.!, nt , i ten o'clock A. .M to show caie-e, If any tin ro bev hy theprajerof the pi tltloner.sboun not ' 1. n-ant-d, and that notice of the ptndtiiej of -aid po'ltlon and the heirinn tin r of, bo ulM-ii li.all pemons Intiiisud lit said iiuutt r ( by publMilnuacopy of tliliori'ir In the lied Cloud Chief, a leal weekly newspaptr ilut ul In said iMiuitj'i for thre-i eonspeiille wt t k prior to said day of hc.u Inn. I , W itneHH tuy hand nii'l ti-e si"l ol aid court this 2nd day of Seplenibi i. A. 1). I llil.t. tSJ. M.I A. I. ItAVSl ' I'ountj' Judp. We have all the latest designs of sianle articles, and can fit you out, from parlor iu liuuiai. ui prices are ngni Come ki and too. viwiMUBir,,, jftmiumivmntsjrf ED. AMACK LlCB.V-5i:n I'XDEUTUCKI! IX XKHIJASICA AND KANSAS :" ALL V'C PHGNEG-- - -.2&vo CSSSS2S3 vsACS5iav,yv( ami.' jmq.mTi ihiim i im-t SSS3vvv $gwv SSSS" Gtmffifot jSGSif -saffiSSJ i6SS3v9 I Mum her 21 Kotlw: of Praliatc In 'the CmjiiIj t oiu-t of elwtor Coiuitj, Nebra-ka. Male of .Nebraska. 1 SSl i lister t ouiilj. ( Toull persons Interested In Hie estate of .lames .Nlcl'ariland, lieceaul: 'l.MCi: Mi'tH I., that a petition lias bisu tiled pniyliiK thai the Instrument flltd III this court on thumb day ol Mivtcmlier, 11)13, pui poi tliiK to be llio latt w 111 and teslamuit of said deccaked, un-y boprotdaud allowtd and leeordedas the last will and testament of .lames Mel'.irll.itid, dereased; that said lustriiiucut beadmlttrd to prolutu. and the aduilnlslialloii of said estatt) be Kiantcl to Anna Mt-I'a Hand, llxeciiirlx of said lasi will and Ustaniiut. ' It Is lien bj oideud by the court, that all pel suns Intel esh d In said trflatt appear at the Count j t ourt to be held In and for said count) on the '.Mill day of Mptember, IJt I. at tin o'clock n. m., to show cause. If any thire lie. why the prayer of the pellilniior should not hcKiaiitfiknud that notlieof tho peiid-euej- ol sr.ld petition and the luajiuu tluriof bt'KHiu to all persons utt re-ICtl 111 said matttr by publlHhlm; a copy of this order In tin Kid Cloud I'lilt f, a ital weiklj' mws papi i printed In nail eoinity for thnc con ini'iitlictli't'kH prior to stild day of heailni;. Wltins my hand and tin seal of maid com I this rth day of Seplinibcr. A. U., IUI.1. a. l). it sni:v. (Sial.l t. oiuity JudKC' JUi'i 1. S, Hardin ! Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nti oases Treated. and Throat Dis v Glaises Fitted. Snavale, Nebraska Itoais tarleka 5 OIG& i And Get Satisfaction For Your Money. 1 fi. Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. .'. .'. F. !). No. 4. Jin! Cloud, Nebraska iKl0.UIIIU Sec the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes ajid carry a large stock, you want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. IL is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. Ve also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inflalor, which can inflate your tires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polcsine oil to lubricate your cylinders and" Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none loo good for a car. We invite you to come and see i village. when in the t m. ,-mCr.m PfsTv JTgz.n ABif8ffiTiK IkmVJ&tMm .WTtulMAl GtV-T - Upri- V8&SJ& .imixm "si. 'cio vti. viyy A mmrii siii v-aiu m .wit tfi . V- ' IJ f I 1 JF y. . ft .::-. (pj e! V'Kte&' Vl.fiiii viVitHl-' 4k I VM .'tiViS .&m September 21Ji 1o October 1 1913 m ts EiVSRYBOXiir SHOULD COM2 wS .5. . ; "w vs""v w " c wKJm "'MitTnMrnTTV. I'T.npxi. rARAUE.iucDAY r.ii.oi.i.tJU-ki-rriirirr. .,4..Li...Ji.ij1j Arf' --- jw .... !- Il -1 Electrica. Parade, Wednesday Night. October 1- f; German Day Parade. ThursdayAtiernoon, Octobr3- Coronation Ball.I'RIPAY Jivening, uctoser.o--. Irwin imos. motniCR-AY. muv vuti juw.v N Eyerv Afternoon 'September 87- to October 4-1 Douqlas Gouijty Fair awd Live Stock Shoivt' Bia Hippodrome ShowC" "mNew GarnivauGrounds Ai.HEwAcir " "" 17IS So Howard - ".JSS , DoTtMrM rUT.t NtVT-: Aft,wwizfv:..,";r'' jr-l-gJ--- - -- Order to Show Catisr. Mini of NclirasMt I m j-lioi'imnty Court: iliti r i (Mint i ' .ra County (ourt Inlil .U tho County i 'ourt room In mul for sulil county Sptcm-Iht'-'iuI, A. P. l'Jlli. In Hid iiiutti-rof tliiH-stiitvof Alleo I'liikcn lilmlcr, Miciasi'il. on ri'uillut: mul tllluu tliu iictltlou of .Mlclini'l KlukuutiliiilL-r prajliiK tlint lulniln Ut nil Imi of snlil cstutu uiiiy lie Knuittil to lilnisi'lf, us AilinliilKtrator, OUDi:iti:i, tlmt I'rhlny tho luth day of HcptiMiihcrA. H. lUKI. at tvii o'clock a. in., l nsstmicd lor IilixtI n vr sulil petition, when till persons Interested In said matter 'niay ap pear ut a County Court to liu held In and for said County and show causo why prayer of petitioner Hhoiild not ho granted; and that notice, of thu pendency of said petition and tho hi iirlim thereof be utven to all persons Interested In said matter, hy puhlNitiiK a copy of this order In thu lied Cloud Chief, a weekly new spa pur prlntid In said county, for three consecutive weeks pi lor to nald day of hearing, A.l). ItWNT.V, (Sial) County . I inlije. CHAS. C. BENNETT,. Agent Cowie a, Nebraska i 8 IBI DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE IUNII Red Cloud " ' Nebraska 41 TC W Frame Construction Is Most Preferable B for homo bittldliiK not only on n account of iib ccononty. but b- cauhu of its iiilnptubllity to uIiuuk itiR ootnlitlons. Homos built of wood" nro easily moved from otic location to another; they can bo altered or enlarged without injur ing their general nppearnnco for tho i-uusou that ptilnting will muUe the old look - good as tho new. Instead of painting bolug coiibid ured an expense it should leally be hold as an improvement because it freshens up the whole appearnneo of your homo, uud instead of ulti iimto decay and deteriorated value as is lite case with substitutes that can only be renovated by building u whole now house, your homo be comes constantly more valuable This ib only ono of the little things to consider whon building n homo "Little drops of water, etc., make n a mighty ocean." Come In and we'll tell von moi'o about lumber. )vS3 2$g2 wvwvQ33vA $30 To California, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia ONE WAY From Principal Nebraska Towns September 25 to October 10, 1913 Through Tourist Sleepers To The Coast Via Salt Lake Route. Heenlc Colorado, every day; personally conducted Wednes days and Saturdays. Via WliStern Pacific, Scunlu Colorado, Feather River Canyon; poisonally con. ducted Wedues lays and Fridays. Via Southern Pacific, Suonlc Colorado, Salt Lake, every day; personally con. diluted Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Via Northern Pacific, every day, through the Northwest, to Spokane, Seattle. Via Great Northern, every day, through the Northwest, to Spokane, Seattle. Tho undersigned will be pleased to ticket you, arrange. for your through berths in tourist sleepors. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT "There's No Place Like Home" t Saunders Bros. Red Cloud Nebraska R. E. FOE, Ticket Agent. L, W. WAKELEY, Qenoral Passenger Agt. Let Us Supply Your Letter Writing Heeds CONSULTATION FREE JO, ..'jhtofeaSitArtLAA&A. r.. . Vkki .nA .w.tkkA iikkk- j "' ' -.ii.:L..Jfeii!fV'Jfc-j . -.