RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i u l I THE BANDIT5 and he BURIED (HOLD or llfTUm 4&jr 6 o LjlJ LD Joaquin Murrleta's burled gold Is growing restless In Ha hiding iilnco. Ono of tliu herders of E Tojon rnnelio c.'iriio In pnto nnd frlBhtenoil Uio other night. Ho had kccii a ball of Unlit flickering nnd dancing nlong Hm plateau of thi) Rnndcrlllus. Ho mild It Honied nlong tlm roud In front of him for a long time, nH though to lead 111 m Hoiiiowhuru. Finally, It Rtopped by tlm Hide of thu road; ho hurried p-st and went homo na fast tut ho could. Being n Gringo from Cincinnati, ho thought It wan a ghoat. Any Mexican vnqucro would havo recognized Uio nlgn. Such a light buma over burled treas ure nowhere clso. Had ho followed tho light, It would probably havo led him to tho burled loot of old Joaquin Murrlota, Throo-Klngored Jack, Tlburclo Vnsnucz or Koine other ouo of the hundred bnndltH who Infested tho Tojon I'rbh nnd tho Valley of tho San Joaquin. And sir, they woro banditti. Dink Turplnl I'ough t A wretched piker! Dick Turpln nnd Claiido Duval couldn't hnvo got a job currying homes for Joaquin Murrlota. Don Joaquin was, without doubt, tho most terrlblo, bloodthirsty nnd successful bandit who over held up n Btngo. He was chief of a band that Botnetlmoa mini borod nearly a hundred daredevils, nnd tho treas ure that ho collected must hnvo been enormous. An examination Into tho eventa of his plctuo enquo caroor would clearly Indicate that tho sto ries of hla burled gold nro not mero vnqucro myths. Ho must havo loft treasure In consider ablo quantities cached aomowhoro In tho vicinity of the Tejon ranch very likely In tho Tojon Pus. Murrlota Is doscrlbed as a vary ordinary-looking young Mexican at tho tlmo ho began his dep redations. Ho sometimes wont by tho name of Carlllo and many suppose that to hnvo been hit real name. He camo up from Mexico, whero ho was born, t tho time of the California gold excitement In 1849. With him camo a beautiful young Spanish srtrl of a high-born family. Her nanio was Hoseta Fells. Sho and Joaquin nettled In Stanislaus county and hnd begun washing tho gravel for gold when tho tragedy occurred that turned Murrlota Into tho crudest outlaw tho world has known. At that tlmo thoro wcro all mnnnnr of raco riots through California as a result of tho "anti foreign" mining laws that hnd been passed. Dur ing one of these rlota, .Murrlota and his brldo woro driven out of tho gold diggings with Insult and Indignity. Shortly thereafter, Joaquin, while riding a horso borrowed from hla half brother, was arrested and whipped as a horso thief. With black murdor In his heart ho "took the road," and no one known how many Innocent lives wero sacrificed to wlpo out tho wrong dono this Mexican peon when lashed to a trco nt Mur phy's Diggings In Calaveras county that day when thoy took him from tho borrowed horso. On account of the Injustice of tho nntl-forolgn legislation, thoro woro hundreds of young Mexi cans ripe for Joaquin's picking and ha soon col ' lected a desperate band of cut-throats. Chief among them wero Manuel Oarcln, known as Throc-Klngcrod Jack on account of a mutilated hand which had been wounded In tho Mexican war; Reyes Fellz, a brother or his bride; Claudlo, Joaquin Valonzuola and Pedro Gonzales. Throe-Plngorod Jack was a monster of vlco and maniacal cruelty. Ho seamed to taka a spe cial delight In murdering Chlneso. On ono occa sion he rounded up six Chinamen on the road, tied their quouos together and cut their throats one at a time laughing at the terrified yells of the living aa tho dying mon struggled In their blood. For about four years Murrlota's band ravaged central California. Tholr main field of opera tions was through tho San Joaquin valley. The old-timers say that the stage that ran from Los Angeles to Stockton was hold up so many times In tho vicinity of Hakorsflold that It became an ordinary and commonplaco event. No rond was safe and every traveler rodo at tho peril of hla life. The solitary horsonmn, rounding a clump of chaparral, was qulto Ukoly to hear tho Blng of ! zzr r HARRY CARR BBBBBBBBV BBMr . . SI? S HBlJ&VO VH3QZO& a rlata through tho air nnd feel tho rope nettling around hla shoulders with a Jerk that dragged him from tho saddlo. Tho band of robbers that worked for Murrlota wero unlquo In thnt the rlata waa their chief weapon tho rlata and tho bowlo knlfo. Mnny of Murrlota'a victims wero dragged from the saddlo and had their throats cut. Thero waa seldom any pnrloy with the victims nor any mercy shown. With Murrlota It was not only a quest of treasuro but a merciless war of rovengo against tho Gringo. On ono occasion Murrlota and his men held up n schooner on tho rlvor nenr Stockton and, mur dering tho crew, got away with $20,000. In tho firm dlsclpllno that he mnlntnlnod over his gang of cut-throats, Joaquin was comparablo to Robin Hood. Also llko Robin Hood, all sorts of stories of his Impudent daring and his whim sical klndnessos aro told. Soma of tho stories, In fact, nro very like tho legends of Sherwood forest nnd tho men In tho Lincoln green. Murrlota took all sorts of reckless chances. On one occasion ono of his bandits was on trial In a San Joso court. Murrlota had, shortly be fore, waylaid ond murdered a gentleman named Samuel Harrington. Taking Harrington's pa pers, Joaquin went into court, protended to bo Harrington, gave false testimony and secured tho acquittal of his pal. Another tlmo, in Sacramento, a crowd stood looking at a poster which offered 15,000 for the enpturo of Murrlota. A Mexican pushed his way through tho crowd nnd wroto on tho bottom of tho placard; "I will give 810,000 myself Joa quin Murrleta;" jumped on n horso and escaped. As might bo Imagined, the horrors of Mur rieta's crimes roused a great hue and cry throughout California. Hunted like wild animals, Murrleta and his followers selected a dark can yon nenr the mouth of Tejon Pass for their headquarters and divided into throo bands. Tho country wnB becoming too dangerous for him to conttnuo his work in. Claudlo had been killed in a desperato battle nt San Luis Obispo. Fellz, Joaquin's brother-in-law, had been hanged POTENTATES AMUSE LONDON When a foreign potcntato or 'royalty of minor rank visits London for tho first time, n clerk from tho foreign office Is usually detailed by tho gov ernment to "show him round," or, In olllcinl lan guage, to act as tho potentate's "visiting attache." I havo acted on several occasions olllclnlly aa guldo, counselor, and friend to a number of minor foreign royal personages, and when doing ho havo had soma rathor amusing experiences, I actod is attache to Prince Lldj Kyassau, of tho Abyssinian royal family, when ho came to London some years ago. Ho was rather an awk ward sort of person to havo to tuko charge of. He had a habit when ho went into a shop of pick ing up things to look at, and if they did not tnko his fancy, of dropping thorn to tho ground In the most lordly and disdainful mnnncr. On ono occasion we went Into 11 denler'n shop In Rond street, whoro ho took, up un old Dresden vaso and, nftor looking nt it critically for a few mluutos, threw it to tho ground. I made a frantic but unavailing effort to catch It. Tho prlnco had subsequently to pny 300 to tho dealer for tho vaso. Anothor gentleman I hnd tho honor of escorting nbout London for a couple of weoks wan the Sul tan of Oran. I wont with him to a dinner party ono night given at ono of the embassies. All went wall until the end of tho dinner, when tho .ambassador and hla wlfo roso from tho table. The chief guest then suddenly hit tho tablo a resounding blow with his list, and shouted out omothlng In hla native tongue, while his eyes an poarod to blazo with anger ns ho glared tlrst nt his host and hostess and then at their guests. No ono seemed to know qulto what to do. Then, in n low undortono, tho sultan explained to mo In French ho was endeavoring to thank hla boat for hla hospitality, and tho Incident ended happily. Occasionally minor foreign potentates who come hero neglect to mnko proper arrangements nbout having money ndvlsed to them from their native country to London, nnd, na n result, find thorn selves In considerable financial embarrassments when thoy get hero. Soma years ago n prlnco of tho reigning family of 11 minor European stnto arrived in London for a short visit without n penny. Tho nttncho, however, who waa commissioned to look nfter him, brought a pawnbroker to tho hotel whero tho prlnco was stnylng, who advanced 1,000 on tho princo's Jowola, which lasted tho prlnco until ho obtained monoy from his own country, fortunntely only n fow days lator. Ono of tho most amusing Incidents I remember In connection with my experiences na n visiting attache was when I took the then crown prlnco of Slam to a great socoty bazaar. Tho prince evidently did not understand, though I tried to explain to him, thnt tho ladles selling at tho ba zaar wero persons of high rank. A fow minutes nfter ho entered tho hnzaar sev eral great ladles approached him, asking him to huy homo of their wares. Ono of these wnB a duchess. "Tell theso women to kneel when they nddress ine,"ho M to mo In broken French. Tho Indies, who understood him, promptly did so, nnd succeeded In taking about .10 off tho prince bo fore thoy rose. Nothing on earth could, how ever, convlnco tho crown prlnco of tho high rank of the saleswomen. GETTING ORDERS. Ruslness Manager Well, how many ordors did you get yostordny? New Salesman I got two orders n ono placo. UusincBS Managor That's tho stuff! What wero thoy? Now Salesman Ono was to get out and tho other was to stay out. Cornell Widow. 'HAl7t . In Los Angeles. Pedro Gonzales had been shot by an officer near Camulos to prevent his rescue from arrest by tho bandits. Tho Tejon Indians, becoming enraged at somo depredation that con cerned them, had swooped down upon tho ban dits, ntolo their horses and whipped Bomo of tho gang with lashes. Although ho wreaked a horriblo revenge against those who tried to capture htm, ho never made any attempt to punish these Indiana who took oven tho clothes from tho gang. General Dean of San Gabriel, who tried to or ganize a movement against Murrleta, was way laid on tho rond and murdered. A campaign was Btnrted against tho bandits in the town of Saw Mill Flat and Murrleta had tho water poi soned. Rut finally, Murrleta's Nemesis appeared. Ho was a Texas frontiersman, named Harry Love, who had come to Los Angeles to live. Ho or ganized a company of rangers from among the daring horsemen of Los Angeles and went on a systematic hunt for outlaws. After various adventures and narrow escapes on both sides, tho end camo early one Sunday morning, July 25, 1S53. Love and two or three companions wero riding ahead of the mounted rangers on the flats Just west of Tulare lake In the San Joaquin valley. They came upon n small company of Mexicans eating breakfast around a camp flro. Love nskod them what they were doing nnd ono of them replied that thoy wero on their way to Los Angeles. Ho asked a further question of ono of tho peons; wheroupon a Mexican on the other sldo of tho flro spoke up haughtily, say ing: "I am the leader of this band; say what you havo to say to mo." "I will speak to whomever I please," retorted Lovo. Noticing that the Mexican had risen nnd was sidling over toward a saddle that lay on the ground, Captain Love covered him with a re volver and told him to stand still, for there were revolvers on the saddle. While they wore standing thero, a ranger who know Murrleta by sight camo up. Tho recogni tion was mutual. Joaquin suddenly yolled for his men to escapo nB best they could. Leaping on n horso without saddle or hrldlo, Murrleta went hendlong over a bank nnd down into a ra vine, landing In a tumbled heap at the bottom. Neither his horso nor himself wnB hurt, however. Scrambling to their feet, they started off at n dead run down tho canyon. Ono of tho rangers had followed them. His horso had fallen also. Without attempting to remount, ho took careful nlm nnd shot Murrleta's horso as it ran. Tho outlaw leaped from tho falling horso nnd continued his retreat on foot. Ry this tlmo half a dozen rangers wero following him. Three times, ns they fired, ho was seen to hesitate nnd reel; then run on again. Ono last shot nnd he stopped. Turning, ho raised his hand and said: "Don't Bhoot nny more; tho work is dono." Ho stood for n mlnuto with weakening limbs; then ho sank slowly to his right side, his head upon hla arm. Wicked old Joaquin Murrlota was no moro. An other pursuing pnrty overtook and killed Three Fingered Jack. Ono of tho bandits escaped and drowned himself In tho San Joaquin river. An other was murdored by Mexicans who were nfrnld he might reveal to tho authorities their connection with tho band. Murrleta's hend waa cut off nnd, until tho San Francisco enrthquako, waa on exhibition in a mu seum In San Francisco. At the tlmo of his death Don Joaquin was pro paring his grandest coup. Ho intonded to col lect all hla booty, nnd march his men openly, llko an nrmy, Into Mexico. Tho old-timers assert that ho had his loot cached in tho Tejon for this "get-away" nnd that It Is still there. Ismncl Ramirez tmya that ho spent three months looking for tho burled gold. Ono rainy night ho saw tho mystic light dickering under neath an old oak tree back of tho ruins of Fort Tejon, Ho carefully noted tho location, intending to dig at the Indicated spot tho next morning. When he went thero nt down, however, ho found Hint n rancher had nlso seen tho light. Ramlroz found an enormous hole nnd a groat Iron kettlo from which tlm ranchor had taken $30,000 In gold. According to nil .roportB tho light has begun to dance and flicker ngnln nround tho Tejon, jeady to guldo somo ono to tho unensy gold of tho arch cut-tluoat and bandit, Joaquin, Murrleta. MURDERED BY SON AND WIFE "Suppression" of the Idler Drunkea Head of the Family Waa Decided On. Paris. A small commune near Crell has been tho scene of a savage crlmo. A man, an alleged drunkard and Idler, It Is true, but, nevertheless, father of a family of five children, has been murdered by his son nnd wlfo. The mnn was a workman, and lived with his family at Vllllora Saint Paul. His eldest son wnB nineteen. Ho had four other children. Two daughters, still under ago, had left their home because of tho ntlcgcd cruelty und bad conduct of their fath er. Ho drank heavily, worked llttlo, and terrorized his wlfo nnd children. Ills wlfo nnd eldest son Beom to have como to tho conclusion between them that It was best to "suppress" him. The son bought n revolver nnd 25 cartridges. Ho was prepared to "lln iah hla father off," on tho occasion ol his first fresh quarrel. The occasion was not long In com' ing. Tho fathor returned In a bad humor at 8 o'clock in tho evening, and tho quarrel began, as it had done often before, over some trlllo. Tho fathei threatened to punch tho head of hit son, and tho latter 'hereupon drow hit wenpon and discharged six shots nt him. Tho mother ran out of the house, and the wounded man dragged himself Into tho bedroom. Tho son walked out of tho houso and said tc his mother, "Ho is dono for now." That Instant tho man insldo was heard to groan. "Ho 1b not dead at all, go and finish him," said the mother. Tho son went Into the room and found his father trying to get into the bed, and groaning nnd bleeding from his wounds. He took good aim this time at his father, fired two shots, and killed him. An hour later mother and son made up their minds to go and Inform tho police. The next morning one of her daughters, aged seventeen, who had left her homo, camo to seo the mother in prison. The mother made no secret of tho story. She told In tho presence of the gendarmes how 1 It had been agreed somo dayB before (lAttimnn tlAtt nM1 VrM j-vlrtnnt nnn lrtll uctnvuii iiu uuu iici uiuuat duii iu mil her husband, who had become a ten ror to them all. TO RESTORE ANCIENT CHURCH Work of Restoration of 8t. Bartholo mew the Great In London, Eng., Is Going On. London. Fragment by fragment the work of restoration of St. Rartholo mew the Great, West Smlthllold, which Is the most ancient and famous church in tho city of Loudon, is being carried on. The building that now remains of what was onco a vast priory, is the monastic choir of tho church, built in the flrBt half of the twelfth century. '. When Henry VIII. suppressed the monasteries in 1539 the greater part of tne nave and all the outbuildings were destroyed, and the remainder sold to Sir Richard Rich, in whoso family they remained until early in, tho nineteenth century. A restoration of the fabric, begun In 1863, was re sumed In 1885, and has since been continued at Intervals. The north transept, which Is shown in the drawing, was restored to tho church Id 1893. For many previous Nave of London's Oldest Church generations it had been occupied by a blacksmith's forgo. The fine arcade ;was burlod somo four feet In earth, 'and tho upper portion was entirely ,hldden by the smithy. Tho present cloister, consisting of three only of tho eight bays of tho east alley, waa recovered from the stable keepers and restored in 1905. An appeal is now being made for tho sum of 1,500 to enable the au thorities to remove encroachments on tho south sldo of the church, and, by transferring to a distance tho boiler house, which Is now actually within the wallB of the chapel, obviate the danger from fire which now exists. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You'rs Tired-Out f Sorts Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a lew days. They do. their duty.. CureCon-i tlnnflnn. I BiliousnessJndfgestionandSicklleadachi SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature CARTERS aavsaw bvitti f aaaT 1IVER BI PILLS. T JMeJ ::: ; ;': i--. &u&&zg St. Louis trade boosters recently vis ited 22 cltke In one week. Mrn.Winslow's Soothing Syntp or Children teethlnif, HofteiiH tin; Riimt, roiluce-i lnflaiiitna tlou,nlluyn paln.curen wluU college a botileJM I'm not dcnylu' tho women are fool ish; God almighty mndo 'em to match tho men. Gcorgo Eliot. ECZEMA SPREAD OVER BODY Roxbury, Ohio. "When my little boy was two weeks old ho began breaking out on hiB cheeks. The eczema began Just with pimples and they seemed to Itch so badly ho would scratch his faco and causo a matter to run. Wherever that matter would touch It would caUBo another pimple until it spread all over his body. It caused disfigurement while It lasted. He had fifteen places on one arm and his head had several. The deepest places on his cheeks wcro as large as a sil ver dollar on each side. He was so restless at night we had to put mit tens on him to keep him from scratch ing them with his finger nails. If he got a little too warm at night it seemed to hurt badly. "We tried a treatment and he didn't got any better. He had the eczema about three weeks when we began using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I bathed him at night with the Cutlcura Soap and spread the Cutlcura Oint ment on and tho eczema left" (Signed) Mrs. John White, Mar. 19, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston." Adv. Breaknlg the Ice. "Now, Miss Imogeno," argues the young man who has been receiving the frigid stares and the monosyllabla replies of the fair young thing who chose to bocomo offended at him at tho dinner and continued to accumu late indignation at the opera, "it's per fectly useless for you to attempt to act like an Iceberg. Science tells us that only one-eighth of an Iceberg Is vblble, and you " Considering tho fact that she was wearing an evening gown, he really might have exercised a bit more tact Judge. Many a fellow lays his heart at the feet of a girl who deliberately kicks a goal with It Climbing Up. "Art In America is not respected," laid Arthur Stringer, tho poet and novelist "What ice does a poet cut among us compared with a Rockefel ler or a Carnegie? "PoctB are rated Incredibly low here. As I reclined In a hammock poetizing on a farm lawn last week, a tramp approached and asked the farmer's wife for pie. w "She gave him pie, and, while he ate, they conversed. I beard a snatch of their conversation. "'You say you used to be a poet? said the woman. " 'YeB'm,' replied the tramp. 'That's how' I got my start'" Poor Excuse. "Why did you drop' oft the water wagon?" "It was so crowded I couldn't get a seat." explained the other man. lamely. First Woman Jury Tries Case. East St. Louis, 111. The first woman jury in Illinois tried Mrs. Blanche Thomas, charged with disturbing tho peace of a neighbor, and found her guilty. She was fined five dollars and costs. Husband Snored Loudly. New York. "My husband snored so loudly that I could not hear tho steam pipes," charged Mrs. Mao M. Corbin in a suit for divorce from hor husband, Harry W. Corbin, a local merchant Tax Receiver Strikes It Rich. Paris. Tax Receiver Relsser ol French Guiana, who camo hero to get a coveted Job, not only got tho Job, bu,t won $100,000 in a lottery one day and $40,000 tho next Post Toasties for Lunch Appetizing and whole some these hot Summer days. No cooking no hot kitchen. Ready to eat direct from the package fresh, crisp and dainty. Serve with cream and sugar and sometimes fresh berries or fruit. Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian Com, toasted to a golden brown. Acceptable at any meal Post Toasties Sold by Grocers everywhere. A' 1 A ' ?fo J?JilklLdu.d! iv-M..-tM,4t .,, .4,j Vmu-. ; sgJitotmHi I'1" -ta.fijk- tftMHiailiijkXiiftii int 1 assign m ,. , MU mhiMih HsfriihuH is 11 ms! -- !? jjiW:4i