Btftyiwtsuiiww JC KID CLOUD, WtBRAlKA, CHIEF If ri RED MOON FLOUR Wu have just received a carload of the Kearney Mills Famous Red Moon Flour, and have another car ordered, all made from old wheat. Every sack of this Hour is fully guaranteed -if it doesn't give satisfaction you get your money back. Try a sack of this at our risk. Let us make you a price on a 500 pound lot. G 2MB 3 Weesner Perry Co. Red Cloud, -:- -:- Nebraska Everything Back Promptly Except dirt, soil and spots Hassinger keeps these and charges only a reasonable price. Garments to look smart must be pressed smart, and in the latest style, and in our Scientific Dry Cleaning and Finishing. We see how much Quality can be put into the worknot how much profit taken out. R. G. Hassinger fl Red Cloud, .. CLEANER AND DYER . Nebraska IV'V'N 3e'Vv Groceries? i A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. IP.A.Wullbrandtl The Home Grocery Webster County Roads Excellent County Commissioner Johnson bus jiisl returned no m an itinomoniif trip which took him thtoiigh fourteen ' counties mid during thi' trip he paid J especial attention to toads, bridges Hlltl (Mil vim Is. TIlO COIllltlcs Visited woiu tJage, .lellerson, Webster, Xuek oils, AtUtus, Kearney, 1'liolps, Dawson, liuffalo, Hull, Iliiiullton, Vork ami Howard and he declined without host tiitiiiii tluit thi1 host roads found dur ing thi) iMitlro tilp wore in Vuilc uuutity and 1 1 it? worst in Dawson county Welmter Cnmit V Inm 1 1 1 . Imsl mi I on vert mikI the I'oiuini'skiiirK of 7 fa i that canity 'i'imii to lut vt ill- intut'M f I ,ak 1 1 it t 1 1 ) I ir Hood vv.ilois down to n mote sucntillc point iliiin ihoMt nt nn, ol her county visited by Mr. .Johnson. Xo bump or jar notifies tho traveler in that county that ho fins strode n brldgu or culvert, and experienced road builders assort that this is a thin which is extremely hard to oL vlate. Commissioner Johnson stated that Dulfalo county U a cloie second to York on tho matter of good roads, and tho contrast between it and Daw son, lying directly west, is nothing short of startling. A big .sign board maths tho'c.Ntrauci' from Dawson to HutValo, but this would not bo needed tho two territories are under different government. The commissioner, who has been studying road work assiduously ever silica ho assumed ntllee, about four years ago, learned many new and ad vantageous things during this trl, and things that he will bo able to tutu them to good account. He found the people everywhere Interested In the good roads movement. Lincoln Hvmi iug News. GphSSH aives. hTNc ussvm 20 Per Cent Discount on All Remaining EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS 8 - Between Two and Three Months Yet to Wear Embroidery Dres-jes All Silk Remnants up to 1 1-2 Yard Lengths go now at just 2-2 price GOODJR i Sue the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock, you want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on (he 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock'of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inllator, which can inflate your tires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhartl oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too good for a car. We invite you to come and see us, when in the village. CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowles, ' I'lutinv taking opens a now woii I of cnieititinuiciit to the chihltcu and they never tire ot the I mi. The Kodak puts this pleiisiite in the hands 'of young or old at smalt co-t. I1 simple enough for a child to use with good results, so elllclent the expert cannot exhaust its possibilities. Ask us about thi-. Newhousc, Jeweler, adr An exceedingly consilient ions game warden over in Webster county ar rested some young men for lishiug without a license. To get oven the boys had the game warden pinched for expectorating on the sidewalks of their village. The game warden would have done better to have joined in the tishing for a little while anil spit on tho bait. The Ncbrnfcan 1 llw-91 BKRBHRH PHHRES Sole Agent for Warner's Rust Proof Corsets-Wear end Quality Guaranteed 3W3i Sli u s s OSSwU Educational Exhibits The educational exhibits will be in the now agricultural. horticultural hall nt the state fair Sept. 1.5. Tho gallery on the south side of tho building will be used for displays Tho domes tic science exhibits will bo placed In art hall Instead of the dairy building. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. George Coon gave a surprise partv Saturday afternoon in honor of their daughter Miss Ethel Who was fourteen years old that day Mrs. S It. Uoyce's Sundav School class and Mrs W. II. Thomas' sowing clul of willing workers roi e inv hod. Thev spent the afternoon playing games and at .1 o'clock- ice cream, cike Htid fruit was served. Thev weio about twenty girls present. Mis Kthel coived many nice presents and all that wete there reported as having a good lime. eavAi -CSCSt " 'vCS-v- SMOKE Blue Hill Cigar Co.'s No. 21 Cigars H. E. GRICeTdRUG CO. : DISTRIBUTORS i-w&SiSS'u Mffi- WSSaAva ssHPIIJBBBBBBlBfl BBBBVXBm 4 ""kHHP" BBBbl BBBXBXw... .BBBXBXai CAMP THE G&3IR0PRACT0R Red Clouil, -:- Nebraska Phone Intl. 2'i AH -G0N01WIG WASTE 't:''i'',iiiili''''J"ii-''i iiiliiiiiiili4fc J tglKg,'j,p,,Kmrag 'O I lAHTISTIG H0HIIETS f The outllovv of Nebraska money to buy life insurance in the eastern com patties is an economic waste. You can stop it so far as tho taking of new life insurance is concerned by patrou i.lng a Nebraska company. f This is a question worthy of con sideration. Think it over when ap proached by ugents of eastern compan ies. You will bo surprised at tho number of excellent reasons which will occur to you for keeping lifo in surance money in Nebraska. " Tho people of other states aie liberal du their patronage of their home companies. For instance, near ly one-half of the life insurance bought by the citizens of New oik and Iowa is bought from New York and Iowa companies f Now, Mr. Nebraskan can you give one good reason why you should send money out of the state for protection that can be furnished by fted. StrMft hMM CMMMta? One of the worthy companies asking a share of your busi ness is The Midwest Life of Lincoln, managed and controlled by citizens of this state. f Remember that u Life Insurance Policy is the best asset any man can have, both for present business pur poses and future misfortunes. Policies issued by The Midwest Lifo contain no estimates, Everything is guaran teed. Arrange for an early Interview that I 11111.V explain a Midwest Life policy. 1 know it will please you J. W. BJX0N - en. Agent 1 n e TV TV 11 TV 3 3 & Exclusive Designs In Monumonts Is Our Specialty r t of the very best of Marble and Granite. I & & & & & & 3 3 3 CONSULT US & & & e SxceVUxvX'tCiaUTvaVaxvdADoTVmaTvdtu Sj &uavaxee4 OVERING BROS. & GO. r. & 1 Red Cloud, Nebraska I 1 ?WW(0(W(f(fMW(t(f!0WVM0(0ff(IHW(0(0(fMWWS HPMNW1I MM Nebraska Our Job Department Has A Reputation For First Class Work. L A N I'lipiuved Alfalfa, (n.iiii itti) Stock l''iiiins in '1'Iik (itvitt I:, puhlienn ValUy Bought Sold Exchanged Any ilesirablo llt-al listed up ainl advertised for cash s.ilo or ex change without c.pei st' to owner. Uii'h buyers fur itnpi n d fauns mid laiii'hcs si(m(., tin.mjji, t.,Ut, fill, lllieritl and systematic adver tising. Koine of the last farms in Webster and I'lanklln Counties No luaskanovv listed Several taims for sale that will p.iy good interest on tho entire purcluu-e price and enhance greatly in value. Several good fauns for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. Tho largest list of local farms for salo to select from and situated lit the lluckle Hud of the Corn licit. FARM LOANS Liberal amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber m fixmn, T E 1x05 cmn rnmm ?v H tlCOK BEST DISPLAY OP V Rivcrton, Ntbratka THE A LA KM is it dri-a-llm thing GF FirHS fi.i the man vMtlifiil , tiisiirance. ICvory time ho sees the I engines racing along his heart comes I up in hit throat if the lire lsanjwheio near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small thai it , INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry , alone Is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. MEXICO :??&. :wrk eb SPECTACULAR -DISPLAYS FIREWORKS 1 w.ts m R o. c. Rmllmbl Liberate Bands Grand Opera Co. g.FlYE RACES DAILY Pattersons showsvaudeville. ASK TOUR AQCNT FOR R.R.RATES. rfF InsurMnc: Always Somemlng to lamt. Some men blame tbelr shortcomlnn on tbelr families and others on tba MFapapara. Atchison Globe. Nothing Getting Away. "That man who just registered says he Is a light sleeper," remarked the hotel clerk. "Good," exclaimed the manager. "Charge him extra for llfht" Judgt. How t 8truck Elite. Little Elsie, sitting In a street car opposite a man with twitching eyelids, whispered to her mother: "Mamma, that poor man has the hiccups In hit eyes." i: iA X !.A,.1 ntNMikta4