The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 10, 1913, Image 4

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Raj Cloud, Nebraaka.
Entered In the rostofllce nt Midi loud, Neb.
in .Second Claim Matter'
A cablegram dated July 3, 1013
from the International Institute or
Agriculture, Rome, Italy, whlcli has
Wen received by the United States
Department of Agriculture, states
that in European Russia this year's
' winter wheat crop is estimated us
577,083,000 bushels or 13.8 per ceut
more than last year's production, and
the winter rye crop 017,108,000 bushels
orBO pur cent less than last year's
The third week in September whs
decided upon us the time for Issuing
the Booster Editions of Nebraska
newspapers. This date was selected
by the executive 'committee of the
Nebraska Press Association, at a meet
ing held last week. In order to cen
tralize the work and to avoid con
fusion, theMctails of the edition were
put in charge of a special committee
of three, C. C. Johns, secretary of the
Hebraska Press Association, Ross
Hammond a member of the Associa
tion, and E. V. Parish, manager of the
llurcau of Publicity of Omaha. A let
ter outlining the plans ns promulgated
ty the committee in charge, will be
.aent to all newspaper men cf the stute
soon. In additlon,(Sccrctary Johns Is
prepalring a list of suggestions, which
may aid in establishing a systematic
line of action. From letters which
faavc been received, It is certain that
more than 200 papers will co-operate
in the edition and it is ijuite probable
that the number will go over 'tho 300
The secretary of Agriculture, under
date of July 1.1th, has ordered released
from quarantine for scubles, h con
tagious commuiiicublc disease of cat
tle, the remainder of tho states of
Bouth Dakota and New Mexico, Tills
releases from quarantine in South
Dakota thu counties of Lawrence,
IVuninglon, Custer, Fall River, Wash
ington, Shannon, llentiett, and Wash
ubaugh. In New Mexico tho ijuuiaii
tine is raised from the following:
comities of Union, (luadalupe, IJiuiy,
Roosevelt; Chaves, Eddy, that por
tion of Torrance county lying east and
south of the El Paso aud Rock Island
i all way, that portion of Lincoln county
lying catit aud south of thu El Paso
and Northeastern aud the Kl Paso nnd
Rock Island railways, and that por
tion of Oteio county lying east of the
El Paso and Northeastern railway In
the state of Montana, the county of
Fergus is released from quarantine,
and in tho state of Nebraska tho
eounty of Thomas Is leleased from
quarantine for scabies. This means
that the prohibition ugutust shtpplug
cattle from these previously qua ran
tiued districts into other sections is
now ended. The same order replaces
under quarantine for scabies in the
state of Wyoming the newly named
and organized counties of l'latt,
Haskell and Niobrara, and continues
under quurautlne in Nebraska that por
tlon of (iarden county north of the
Uorth Platte river, which was former
ly part of Deuel county.
Improved Alfalfa, (iralu and Stock
Farms In The Great Republican
Bought Sold Exchanged
Any desirable Real Estuttt listed up
and advertised for cash sale or ex
change without expense, to OW1UT.
ChnIi buyers for improved farms
wiul ranches seemed through care
ful, liberal and systematic, adver
tising. Some of the beat farms in
Webster and Fiatiklln Counties Ne
braska now listed Several farms
for sale that will pay good Interest
nu the entire purchase pi lue and
euhnuce greatly in value. Several
good farms for sale on easy pay
menu and special terms worth the
money. The largest list of local
farms for sale to select from and
situated in the Ruckle Knd of tho
Corn Belt.
FAM WAN-Liberal amounts,
optional payments, lowest rates.
Money hIwhjh ready.
Daniel Garber
Rivtrton, - Ntbrultm
Peddler Laments Fact That Easy Liv
ing Hat for Him Been Left
Far Behind.
Ho carao towards me over a shoul
der of tho lonely South Downs, a little
old man with back bent beneath the
weight of the pack he carried. There
was a Hquaro box strapped to hie
shoulders In military fashion and a
large satchel hung beneath his arm.
In one hand he bore a basket, In tho
other a large umbrella.
He seemed to be nurslnc a rrlev-
ance, for triero was an indignant
scowl athwart his weather-beaten, red
good-humored face, and the little
white whiskers about his ears seemed
positively to brlstlo with annoyance.
"Mornln', mister," he remarked.
''She" with a wave of his arm towards
a distant cottago "she called me a
awkerl" t
"Oh, Indeed?" said I, rather at fault,
for a hawker was exactly what I took
him 'to be,
"A 'awker!" he repeated, as one
who Btrives against incredulity. "And
me a peddler, with my father a ped
dler afore mo, and 'is father afore
"nut what is the exact difference
between a hawker and a peddler?" I
"All tho difference!" ho snapped.
"Why. I'm known nB a peddler in
a'most every Bouth Down village be
tween 'ere and Eastbourne. I coverr.
this ground rcg'lar, winter and sum
mer, year in and year out I peddles
I don't 'awk!"
"Peddlln ain't what It was though,"
he went on, good temper returning to
him aa he spoke of his woes. "Now,
(ln my father's tlmo, there was good
money to be made 'specially if you
was at all friendly with the smugKlers,
like 'c woe. But now," he added Bar
custlcally, "what with education what
helps folks to write direct to shops
;for what they wants, and what with
advertisements In the papers, and tho
poB'offlce and moty curs why, lt'n
.lucky for mo I nln't got no family to
keep, that's all." Answers, London.
'Amateur Gardener Gives a Few Words
of Advice, Seemingly Both 8ea
' sonable and Sensible.
, For a long tlmo I clung to tho old
,way of marking the places where 1
(Bowed In my garden tho seed of an
;uual flowera; that is to Bay, I slipped
Jtlio little envelopes over tho sticks
,'nnd placed these in the beds. Winds
often carried the papers awuy, or rain
washed out tho printed name, nnd I
was no better off than I should have
jhecn If I had trusted to my memory
alone. LaBt year, however, I really
did Improve on thin old plan by plac
ing a small flower pot over each en
,vclopu nnd stick, and it proved to ho
a very satisfactory method,
i A uext door neighbor who wan
(planting coino seeds the other day
ilind, it seemed to mo, a still better
JlJan. She wrote tho namo of tho
flower or vegetable on n slip of paper
,nnd placed It In a tunall bottle, put In
tho cork and stuck tho bottlo half
iwny Into tho soil. By tlus wny, when
you are sowing very fine seeds, like
thoaa of popples or petunias, they
'may bo distributed moro evenly by
putting them in a suit shaker, lirst
mixing them with a ltttlo sand. Phila
delphia Ledger.
His Playmate Was a Canary.
, Various aro the allevlutlons of
'which tho patients ut tho Ruyul Hos
pital Tor Incurables avail themselves,
teayB tho London Telegraph. A num
(ber of pet birds nro cugeil for tho in
West und entertainment of those no
llesn unwilling prisoners of hicurablo
.disease, '
Among them) pels there was a cock
'canary, tho Iosh of which has-been
mourned by all who were acquainted
.'with its remarkable intelligence aud
,its many amusing and attractive quali
ties. For years It was Bet freo in a
largo room, whore It would fly about
In perfect confidence. To Its owner In
particular It was so respousive that It
.would return again and again, regard
ing tho performance as n sort of
.game; it would also allow itself to bo
freely handled, and delighted in a
prolonged tussel upon a table, or a
chuse round a ball of paper. It listen
ed to its owner's remarks with the
closest attention and appeared to un
derstand In a wonderful manner what
was expected of it.
The Late "Mrs. President"
When Mrs. A. Alexander MacLach-
Ian was president of the Women's
College club, more than a year ago,
she was sometimes late in arriving to
preside nt the meetings.
One afternoon when the president
happened to be tardy at a meeting sho
found her chair occupied and tho meet
ing begun. Mrs. MacLuchlan slipped
Into a back Beat, but not before she
had been observed by the young wom
an presiding.
After the business under way at
the moment had been transacted the
presiding officer arnso and said:
"Wo have with ub now tho late Mrs,
iMacLuchlun, who will kindly come
lorwara ana tune tne cnair. '
Loved Honour More.
A clever little English girl, who In
sisted that she might spell "honor" so,
loved she not "honour" more, had
fallen among Americans and was be
ing qulszed by her companions about
her manner of spelling that good word
and others llko it.
"And do you spell 'behaviour' with
the U?" she was asked.
"Oh, yes." she reolled. "Mv mnthr
would not think It waa good behaviour
to speu it without the U."
Red Cloud
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
THE ALARM I h dreadful tiling
OF FIRE fur the man without
insurance. Kiery lime he sees the I
engines racing along his lifitrt comes'
tip in ills tht out if the lire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COST OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from woiry
alone Is worth it many times over
Have ns insure yon to.-d.iy.
Reliable Insurance.
You Like Square Dealing
You appreciate, courteous treatment.
When we tell you n thing is so and you
(1ml it to be so your faith in uh begins
to grow. After we hnvu told you many
times how thoroughly we can denote
and renew men aud women's wearing
uppatel. How nice they will look und
how little it will cost, nnd every time
you find it just as we told you then
you will take our word at "face value"
und consult us when ever your gar
ments need cleaning, pressing or re
Seo the point? N
Clothes called for and delivered to
any part of the city.
Glmanmr an Oymr
Successor to Will C. CreMer
RtdCUiui, Bibratka
I 7l , 7030.
1 7BIB y
Saturday, July 12th
I Will Start Selling all Light Weight and Medium
20 Per Cent Discount
Some broken lots I will sell at 33 1-3 per cent
and some at 25 per cent off. No serges in
this sale, but will give a 10 per cent
discount on them. , , .'.
20 Dozen of Men's Bib Overalls Will be Sold Saturday, July 12th, at
AH the Boys' Shoes in the store will be sold at cost as I am going to
tiscoritinue handling them. -:- You will find bargains in all lines
besides these and it will be to your advantage to look them over.
This sale will be for CASH only and no discount will be made unless
the CASH is paid for the merchandise. -:- Saturday, July 26th,
will close the sale. Do not miss it if you wish to save money. The
first ones here are going to get the best selection and you had better
be among the first. -:- Next week I will advertise some red hot
things for Saturday, July 19th.
PUtlcc T Crtdltera.
State ot Nebraska,
Webster County.
In Tho County Couit
is tho matter ol thoeiitatoot Jacob Chap
lin Deceased.
Notice Ik hereby lven to all persons hav
liiK claims mid iteiiiaudH against Jacob Chap
lin, late ol Webster county, deceased, that
the time flxeil far Ming claims against said
estate Is bIx months tram tho llth day ol July
All such persons aVe required to present
their claims, wllh tho vouchers, tothoCoun
ty Judge ol said county, at hlsoitlce therein,
on or bctorethe llth day ol January IUH;
and all claims so Med will be heard beloro
tho said Judge on the 12th day ol January,
lull, at 10 o'clock a. m.; and that tho admin
istrator Is allowed one year Irom the Mth
dayolJmiolUM, In which Ui pay the debts
allowed attalnst said estate and settle tho
(Heal) County J u Jge.
Makes All the Difference.
Before marftago tho shape, the fig
are and complexion carry ail before
them; after marriage, the mind and
character unexpectedly claim their
bare and that the largest of Im
portance. Lord Melbourne.
There' so much saint In the wont
of them and so much devil In the beat
ot them that a woman who'a married
to one of them has nothing to learm
of the rest of them. The Tmtltr.
Avrgrlggi .i lrtBr
The Cool, New Style Patterns You've
Been Looking For Are Now Here
Also we have a big selection of sheer Summer goods and stylish
wash fabrics at desirable prices just the materials for the cool
new styles. Never has fashion been so full of real comfort, yet the
new style gowns and frocks, while confortable are extremely
pretty. Come early and get your copy of
Illustrating Ladies Home Journal Patterns
While the supply lasts you owe to yourself to see the comfortable,
charming styles. Then come to our fabric counters and let us help
you pick out, material for the cool new dress. We offer fabrics of
wide variety and at prices that will please you and often surprise you.
A Mighty Safe Place To Trade
Men's and Boys' I
vveS3 mmmmmm 699ww"
A nice fresh clean stock at
all times; bought right sold
as low as any legitimate firm
can offer them. Try us.
P, A. Wullbrandt
The Home Grocery
'- -