V K ii V V EVEN UNTO DEATH Story Concerning Love and Death ki the Frozen Wilds of the North. By JACK LONDON. It might have been due to inero co Incidence. It might have been be cause there are urrflreamod-of bonds between' the quick and the dead, and It might have been that Hat Morgan Bton felt n blind consciousness of the futuro, when ho turned suddenly to Fronn Payne and nuked, "Even uuto j death?" Frona Payne waB startled for the moment. Her shallow nature would not permit her to understand the Btrongth of a strong man's love; such things had no place In her fickle stan dard. Yet she knew men well enough to repress her Inclination to smile: so Rho looked up to him with her serious child's eyes, placing a hand on each brawny shoulder, and answered. "Even unto death, flat, dear." And as ho crushed her to him, half doubting, he passionately cried, "If It should happen bo, even In death 1 Bhall claim you, and no mortal man Bhall come between!" "How absurd," she thought as sho freed herself and watched him untan gling his dogs. And a handsome fel low ho was as ho waded among the llerco brutes, pulling hero and shoving there, cufllng right and left, and drag ging them over and under the frozen traces till tho team stood clear. Nip ped by Intense cold to a tender plnlt. his smooth-shaven face told a plain tnlo of strength nnd lndomltablllty. Ills hair, falling about his Bhoulders In thick masses of silky brown, was probably moro responsible for win ning tho woman's fleeting affections than all the rest of him put together. Yet when men ran their eyes up and down, his six foot two of brawn, they declared him a mnn, from his beaded moccasins to the crown of his wolf skin cap. But, then, they woro men. She kissed him once, twice, and yet a third time, In ber shy, trusting way; then ho broke out tho Bled with the gee-pole, "mushed-up" tho dogs a8 only a dog driver can, and swung down tho hill to the main river trail. The meridian sun, shouldering over the snowy summits to tho south, turn ed tho tiny frost particles to scintil lating gems, and through this dazzling gasBamer Bat Morganston disappeared on his Journey down tho Yukon to Forty Mile. Down there ho was ac counted n king, in virtue of the rich dirt which was hlB nfter tho dreary years ho had spent in the darkness of tho Arctic Circle Dawson had no claims upon him. Ho did not own n foot of gravel in tho district, nor was ho smitten with Its inhabitants tho che-cha-quas that had rushed In liko Jackals nnd spoiled tho good old times when men woro men and every man a brother. In fact, tho only reason for his presence, and a most unstable ono at that, was Frona. Ho had har nessed his dogs nnd run up on tho ice to renew tho pledges of tho provlous summer, and to plend for an early date. Well, they were to bo married In June", and ho wns returning to tho management of his mines with a light heart. .Tune! tho clean-up promised to bo rich; he would sell out; nnd then, tho States, Paris, tho world! Of course, ho doubted most men do when they leave a pretty woman be hind ; but ere he had reached Forty Mllo he no longer mistrusted, and by tho time he frozo his lungs on a mooso hunt nnd died a month later, ho had attained a stnto of blissful optim ism. Frona waved him good-bye, and also with a light heart, tirfned back to her father's cabin; but, then, alio had no doubts at all. They were to ho mar ried in June. That waB nl! settled. And It was no unpleasant prospect. To toll the truth, sho thought she would rather liko it. Men thought a. great deal of him, and It was a match not to bo ashamed of. Resides, he was irlch. People who should know, said he could at any time clean up half a million, and if his American Creek in terests turned out anywhere near as reported, he would bo a second Mnc Donald. Now this meant a great deal, for MacDonald was the richest miner In the north, and tho most. conserva tive guessers varied by several mil lions In the appraisement of his wealth. , Now bo it known that the sin Frona Payne committed was a sin of deed, npt fact. There were no mail-teams between Forty Mllo and Dawson, nnd as Pat Morganston's mines were still a hundred miles Into tho frozen wil dornoss from Forty Mile, no news of ;hls, death camo up tho river. And .slnco he had agreed to write only on 'the highly Improbably contingency of a stray traveler passing his diggings, Bho thought nothing of his silence. To nil intents, so far as she was con cerned, ho wns alive. So tho sin she committed was of a verity a Bin of 'deed. ' By no method may a woman's soul be analyzed, by no scales may a woman's motive bo weighed; bo no reason can bo given for Frona Payne giving her heart and hand to Jack Crollln within three months of her farewell to Bat Morganston. True, Jack Crellln was a Clrclo City king, possessed of some of tho choicest lllrch Creek, claims; but tho men who Jinrt mado the country did not rato lilm highly, and his only admirers wero to bo found among tho syco phantic tonderfeet who generously helped him scatter his yellow dust. Perhaps It was tho way he had about him, nnd perhaps it wns the ImpulHiv nftlnlty of two shallow bouIb; but be It what it may, they agreed to marry each other In June, and to Jauuvj; on down to Clrclo City nnd set up housekeeping nftor tho primitive man ner of the northland. The Yukon broko early, and soon nfter that Important event, tho rivet steamer, Cnsslnr, captained by het brother, wns scheduled to sail. Tin Caselnr had the mingled honor nnd misfortune to bo both tho treasure ship nnd tho hospital ship of tho year In her strong boxes she carried five millions of gold, In her stateroom ten scoro of crippled and diseased And thero were also lower country traders and kings, returning from their winter labors or plonsures nl Dawson. Among these a llttlo anil clpntlon of the event were listed Mr nnd Mrs. Jnck Crellln. But when the sick nnd heart-weary lifted theli voices to heaven nt tho cruel delay, and tho goldshlppers waxed clamorous, tho Casslar was forced to sail beforo her time, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Crel lln wero yet man nnd maid. "Never mind, Fronn," her brother unid; "como aboard nnd I'll tnke chargo of you. Father Malum takes passage at Forty Mile, and you'll bo snugly one before wo say good-bye at Clrclo City." Pllmsol marks, boiler Inspectors, and protesting boards of underwrit ers, not yet having penetratotd thi dismal dominions of the north, tho CnBsiar cast off her lines, with passen gers, freight and chattels packed like badly nssorted sardines. Wolf-dogs, whoso work began nnd ceased with tho snow, and who grew hlgh-stom-ached with summer Idleness, rioted over the steamer from stem to stem or killed each other on tho slightest provocation. Stalwart .Stick Indians of tho upper river regions, lightened their heavy money pouches In bravo endeavors to best tho whlto mnn at his games of chnnco, or outraged their vitals with tho whisky he sold at thirty dollars tho bottle. There were squat Mongolia, denatured Male muto nnd Innult wanderers from tho great delta two thousand miles nwny; not among the whites wns tho Jangle of nationalities less pronounced. Tho nations of tho world hnd Bent their sonB to tho north, nnd tho tongues they spoke wero many. At Forty Mile moro passengers nnd freight woro crowded nboard. Among the pilgrims wns Father Mahan, and in tho baggage was an unpnlnted plno box, corresponding In slzo to tho con ventional lost tenement of mnn. Tho rush of life haB llttlo heed for death, so this box was piled precariously upon a pyramid of freight on the Cas star's deck. But Bat MorgaiiBton. hnv Ing lain till tho moment of Bhlpment In a comfortablo Ice-cave, did not care. Nobody caved. Thero wero no mourners, Bavo a huge wolf-dog, to whom tho taste of his master's lash was still Bweot. Ho crept aboard un noticed, nnd ore the lines were cast off had taken up his accustomed vigil on tho heap of freight by his master's sldo. Ho was such a vicious brute, nnd had such a fearful wuy of baring his fangs, 'that tho other canine pas sengers gavo him a wide berth, choos ing to leave him alono with his dend. The cabins woro crowded with tho sick, so tho marriage began on the stifling deck. It was near midnight, hut tho sun, red-disked nnd somber, slanted Its oblique rays from Jmt abovo tho northern Bky-llno. Frona Payne and Jack Crollln stood sldo by side. Father Mahan begnn tho serv ice. From aft camo tho sound of scuffling nmong half a dozen drunken gnmblcrs; but In tho main, tho human cargo had crowded about tho center of Interest. And nlso' tho dogs. Still, nil would have been' well, had not a Labrador dog sought a coign of vantage among tho freight. He had traveled countlesB Journeys, wns a veteran of a dozen famines and a thousand fights, nnd know not fear. The truculent front, of the dog which guarded tho plno box. Interested him. Ho drew in, his naked fangs shining liko Joweled Ivory. They closed with snap and snarl, the carelessly piled freight tottering beneath them. At this moment Father Mahan bless ed tho two which wero now ono and Jnck Crellln solemnly ndded, "Even unto death." "Even unto death," Frona Payno re peated, and her mind leaped back to tho other man who had spoken thoso words. For the Instant she felt gen ulno sorrow and remorse for what sho had dono. And nt that Instant the two dogs shut their Jaws in tho death grip, and tho long plno box poised on tho edge of its pyramid. Hor hus band Jerked her from boncath as it fell, end on. There wbb a crash and splintering; the cover fell away; and Bat Morganston, on his feet, erect, Just as in life, with tho sun glinting on his Bllky brown locks, swept for ward. It happened very quickly. Somo say that his lips pnrted In a fearful smile, that ho flung his arms nbout Frona Payno nnd held her till they fell together to tho deck. This would seem Impossible, seeing that tho man wns dead; but there are thoso who swear that these things wero done. However, Frona Payne shrieked ter ribly as they drew hor from beneath tho body of her Jlltod lover, nor did her shrieking cease till lnnd was mndo at Circle City. And Bat Mor ganston's wordB were true, for today, if ono should care to Journey over to tho hills which He beyond Clrclo City, ho will aeo, Bldo by side, a cabin and a gravo. In tho ono dwells Fronn Pnyno; In tho other, Bat Morganston. They are waiting for each other till their fetters shall fall away and tho trump of doom break tho silence of tho north. ' (CocvrlBht. by Dally Btory Pub. Co.) Even Sol Even a smart man has to get up early In the morning to get ahead ol a fool woman. AROUND THE CAMPigM INCIDENTS OF WAR RECALLED Rapid Rise of Judaon Kllpatrlck From Lieutenant to Major General Wanted to 8cout. Thomas J. Taylor whs a member ot Colonel Duryea'B Fifth Now York regiment and is ono of tho few sur vivors of tho buttle of Big Bethel known to be now In Chicago. At the beginning of tho war ho had oppor tunity to see a young soldier JUBt out of military school, who, as lieutenant and soon afterward as colonel, then began tho career that In four years brought him the title of major general In both tho volunteer and regular arm ies. This was Judsou Kllpatrlck. "Tho colonel brought Captain Kll patrlck with hint from New York," said Mr. Taylor. "Ho was a lively man with sharp features and reddish hair, nnd nt Camp Hampton hu wan always wanting to go out ou raids. Ho was continually bothering tho col onel for permission to go scouting, as tho colonel complained. Sometimes ho would get permission und then he would go out with a few men ami gather up somo or tho wild zazor backed hogs that ran in the woods about Camp Hampton. In the battle of Big Bethel he waB wounded and left the regiment, and the next vu saw of him was farther south, Just beforo ho became a brigadier general. Tho last tlmo I saw him was at Chan celloruvtllc. Our colouol halted us as wo met Colonel Kitpntrick, and tho regiment cheered him. "Among tho prisoners that wo took at Chnncellorsvlllo thero was ono that I shall never forgot. Most of them passed with bowed heads and eyes downcast, but this ono hold hla head up. Tho crown was gono from his hnt and his hair stuck up through tho holo ,and he waB In great good humor. Anybody could &eo that ho was an Irishman. " 'Well, Pnddy,' said ono ot our men, 'wo'vo got you this tlmo.' " 'Yes,; said Paddy, 'and at last I'm going whore- -I can get something to eat; "I remember ono long march in tho rain, when I almost went to sleep ou my feet. It rained and rained and we wero drenched nnd hungry and Bleopy. I wob orderly for Colonel War ren then and slept In tho next tout wheu wo did pitch camp. Tho colonel went to sleep In his tent, and tho rain camo down and ran down tho ulopu on which tho tents stood. Colonel Warren wouldn't stuud tho wet, and bo ho jumped up and went out of the tent with only a raincoat to protect himself from tho storm. Ho waB not ordinarily given to profanity, but then ho did say what was in his mind. Out sl'do tho tent was u soldier patiently digging a trench to catch tho wator and divert it from the colonel's quar ters, but ho was digging It below in stead of abovo tho tent." Acme of Lazlneia. "What In Sam Hill 1b that dog yowling liko that for?' asked a caval ryman of a "hill-billy" in tho Ozark country. "That thero dawg?" "Ycb." "Why, he's Jes' natchally lazy." "What's that got to do with hla yowling?" "Why, tho train ran over his tall and cut It oft last night. He's eettln' on tho soro placo, and he's too dawg gone lazy to get off'n It. That's why ho is howlln'." And, tho Bqulrt ot to bacco juice he shot killed a fly In the road 20 feet away. Only With Hie Tongue.. When Col. Daniel McCook's regi ment was lying at Camp Dennison a brawny recruit from ono of the east ern counties, who stuttered badly, was put on duty for tho first time. A cit izen attempted to pass the line. The recruit yelled out: "Hu-hu-halt." Tho citizen snickered and paid no attention. Tho sentinel carefully laid hla bright Springfield upon tho ground and knocked tho intruder down with his fist. "I may a-B-Btuttor with my tongue," said he, "but 1 dddon't B-B-atutter with my flat." Helping a Poor 8oldler. When parson Brownlow was lectur ing In TenncBsco a good many pcoplo grumbled about tho high prlco he charged for admission. A very rich but stingy man, who had been all the time very profuse with expressions of his patriotism, exclaimed: "Glvo Parson Brownlow half a dol lar? No, slr-rce! I'd a good deal sooner glvo it to a poor soldier." "Well, then," Bald a byBtander, "give your halt-dollar to Captain Henry (an officer dismissed from tho army for cowardice). They Bay he's a mighty poor soldier." "Nothing In It." Tho colonel ot a western regiment, consulting with eomo other oillccrs, shook hla head in doubt or denial ot one of tho major's arguments. "Gentlemen," observed tho major, after tho colonel bad rotlrcd, "com mon observers might lmaglno that tho motion ot tho colonel's head Im plies a dlfferenco ot opinion, but they would be mistaken; it is-meroly acci dental. Believe mo, gontlemon, when tho colonel shakes his head thero'u nothing la It" MILK CRUSADE SAVES BABES Stations for Distributing Infant Food Are Constantly Increasing In Various Cities. A constantly Increasing number ot cities of all sizes are establishing milk Hlallons and dispensing milk, whether pure whole milk, ccrtluod, modified, pasteurized or Htetlllzed milk to mothers of babies that must be bottle fed. Some of the cities In which such institutions are maintained are: Al bany, Italtlmore. Boston, Buffalo, Chi cago, Dayton, Detroit, Hartford, Hono lulu, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Mo., Lawrence, Mass,, LuuIhvIIIo, Lowell, Milwaukee, Newark, New Bedford, Now Haven, New York, Peoria, Pitts burgh, Providence. Rochester, St. Louis, Sprlnglleld, O., Wnterbury, WHkesbarro, Worcester, Yonkera, Utlca. The milk station In simply a room Biilllclently largo to accommodate tho pntrons and equipped with a largo Ice box, a desk, somu chairs and a table. At: ordinary atom Is suitable for a station nnd sometimes, as In the case of tho station at Utlca, N. Y u school loom may bo used for tho purpose. The station Is usually under the chargo of a nurse, ami a physician Is In attendance at stated hours. QUICKSILVER BAD ON TEETH Fumes of Mercury Produce Salivation nnd Miners Seldom Live More Than Two Years. Quicksilver initiety follow the moat unhealthy trade In tho world. Tho fumes of tho mercury produce con stant salivation, and tho system be comes permeated with tho metal; thu teeth of tho unfottunnto men drop out, they loso tholr appetite, become ema ciated and, ns a rulo, seldom live long er than two years. Chlorido of lime, employed by bleachers, frequently destroys tho enamel nnd deutlno of the teeth. But phosphorus, used so largely In tho mnnufneturo of luclfor matches, af fects a very largo number of persons, women, girls and children greatly pre ponderating. Peoplo who work in soda factorios aro affected by tho teeth becoming poft nnd translucent; thoy break off closo to the gums. Dr. Hcsbo of Lclpslc states that ba kers are likely to suffer from decayed teeth on account of tho flour entering tho mouth during work collecting on nnd around tho teeth, where It decom posed and generates an acid destruc tive to dentine. Oddest of Jail. Ono of tho oddest of jails 1b that nt CUffton, flrnhnm county, Ariz., which lies in ono of the copper mining cen ter? ot tho new Btato. ThlB Jail com prises four largo apartments hown in tho sldo ot a hill of solid quartz rock. Tho entrance la situated in a boxllko vestibulo built of heavy masonry and the gates havo thrco acta ot steol bars At Intervals in tho rocky walls holes to servo as wlndowB havo been blast ed and in thCBo apertures a series of massive bars of steel has been flttod firmly In tho foclc. Tho floor of thla rockbound Jail la of cement. Tho prisoners nro confined wholly In tho larger apartments. In certain places tho wall of quartz about the Jail 1b no less than flfteccn fc6t In thickness. So solid nnd henvy nro tho barriers to this institution that no prisoner has ever attempted escape. Harper's Weekly. Found Ring In Bird'a Neat. Joo Cannon, deputy auditor ot Har din county, O., has found his ring. Ho lost it In thocourthouBo yard, but dili gent search was futile. Janitor Yost was cleaning birds' nests out ot tho caves of tho building recently and found tho ring woven in ono of tho neBts. ALCOIIOL-3 PER CENT AVegdable Preparation Tor As similating iheFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcsh'on,Clieerful nessanclRcslContains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nauc otic Utiif tOliDrSANVlmrEfi ltmflii Sum MxStmnm AUhlU Softs idtin Sit J ffi inrttiuuSMt CttriiJSuf tfmkrftnK Yitrcr Apcrfcct Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach,, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh ness and Loss OF Sleep Facsimile Signature of The Centauh Company, NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the FoodanjJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. rc ft 0 lVW MmJr Dried Beef, sliced wafer thin, Hickory Smoked and with a choice flavor that you will Vienna Sausage just right for Wo suggest you try them served liko this: Cut rye bread in thin Ap slices, spread with creamed butter and remove crusts. Cut a Uhhy't Vienna Sausage in half, lengthwise, and lay . on the bread. Place on the top of the sausagev a few thin slices of Libby's Midget Pickles. Cover with the other slice of bread and press lightly together. Arrange on serve garnished with a few parsley sprays. Libby, McNeill Libby Chicago E&ffi5 Red Tape In France. A curious llttlo monument to French red tape Is to bo seen nt tho Petit I'aluls. The clock In the building has marked tho namo hour for tho last lit years, although It la In perfect re pair. The explanation borders ou the ridiculous, At the close of the Paris exhibition 1.1 years ago a busybody of an of ficial stopped the clock for no other reason than that tho exhibition wan closing Its gates. Since then it has remained btatlonary, for the simple reason that It does not nppear on the list of clocks which the otllclal clock wlndor to tho municipal council has to attend to, and until somo particularly energetic member of tho council at tends to tho matter tho prcRcut state of affairs Is llkoly to continue. A Legal Opinion. "A cat sits on my back fenco every night, nnd ho yowls und yowls -and yowls. Now, I don't want to hnvo any trouble with Neighbor Jones, but this thing haB gone far enough, nnd I want you to tell mo whnt to do." Tho young lawyer looked as solemn as an old, sick owl, and said not a word. "I hnvo a right to Bhoot tho cat, haven't I?" "I would hardly say that," replied young Coko Dluckstouc. "Tho cnt does not belong to you, as I understand It." "No, but tho fence does." "Then," concluded tho light of law, "1 think It safe to say you havo a perfect right to tear down tho fence." The Torturee of Prickly Heat and all skin affcctlona uro quickly al leviated and in a short tlmo complete ly cured by using Tyrco's Antiseptic Powder. J!5o. at druggists. For treo samplo wrlto J. S. Tyreo, Chemist, Washington, D. C Adv. Highest Tower in the World. Should Buenos Ayros carry out a project now under contemplation the city will erect tho highest tower In the world, overtopping that of Eiffel by 189 fcot. It 1b planned to put the steel structure up a height of 1,173 foct, and a statue at tho top will bo surmounted with an electric light of 1,000,000 cnndlcpowcr. Tho tower, ns plana havo been drawn, will havo fa cilities for social gatherings, cafes, restaurants, library, billiard, rooms, gymnasium, as well as a wireless tele graphic station nnd a meteorological observatory. LEWIS Sinulo Binder cignr; sixteen yearn on the nmrkrt nnd nlway tho same rich satisfying quality. Adv. .Even the aviator should bo sure of his ground. CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA M m aw h B W i Xv mssssssssmssssEs r . uncheon Delicacies remember. Red Hots, or to serve cold. &i I?" " .j,ttr5s plate and DELTA, UTAH! NOW or NEVER! UJ,UaM ARE YOU A REAL FARMER? limit lln'ro'an fortune lor you at Mm! A t'ari'jr Art inJert or 43.000 at-n-a of ilio rlrlicat nml luuat rrlll Irriuutctl Inml In llm Wat ilU.OOti nrroa eold and under cultivation. 10,000 ni-ree more to lo opened InUOriaial I'M llm luat nnd HI'.STt No mora lnnd on tlio lidu project ttner that for Buyout. Ur-iil-l AIIhIIu Srod country In the world! Illiua tttIO to il'itt uiiMcrci whcutiiidlHrler,tU5, Tim Ntuto aella you tli land wn acll you llic water AT A VIIItlK I'lXltD BY TIIH MTITK. 1,000,000 already apentondana rearrvolra cauala and dltcliea of llm water ayatrm. Tbe vroJ ect two yeara old. Not an Jierlment. A aTUPKNUOV IIICtiUSH. IS yeara to par for the Ian and water. The Hrat payment and yunr expenaee for 111 niontlia leae than half a yeara farm rent at home. NO VLOOIIHt NO UBODOBXII Wm .tnn't watit fAllnrfltal Wouun'l wnntecnlatoral WH lilt WANT VA And 1 yon AUK a farmer .yoat tANTjrji land win Keep. na ana oecia to pay for Itnelf In la mnnltaa, IIVT VOU MUHT ACT UUIVKt.VI Vonr opportunity la NOWI Thla ail wilt. not appear aaala. write today for booklet orlrlra atourexpeilae. , HUT DO IT NOW! WESTERN SECURITY i TRUST CO. HALT LAKK fjlTY, UTAH Git a Canadian Homt In Western Canada's Free Homestead Area THI MOVINOK OF Manitoba Iim ReTeral New Home trailing KUlrlcU that ufforil rure opportunity e 1 1 e n t agricultural laud jritEE. For Grain Growing and Citili Raisins thlproTltirriano inporlnrand In profitable nurlculturn allow an unuDikrn pnrlodutuTeraquarter ofaOenlurjr. I'erfcctcllmatnj aorxl tnarketat ntllw ay convenient: aoll tlia very tent, and aoclol condition swat desirable. Vacant lands adjacent to Free Ilnmeateiidn may bo pnrchaaed and olo In trie older districts lands ran be booglil at reason able prices. For farther particulars write to W. V. BENNETT, Bee Bulldlnc, Omaha, Neb. Canadian OoreninientAcenta, or adclrein Hnperlnliinileiit of luiuilfnttloD, Ottawa, ttaaaa. HAKY Fl V K IIII7R '" "?.". : ,. tracts aaa kills all alia. Meal, clean, or. x&M?2f$m srenti saasaa, atii oi metal, ran'leplll or tip oreri will not soil or Injur anything. Guaranteed effactlTe. All dealer orsaeat eiprrea paid for tl.ca. la HAKOLD I0IIEKI, 10 Defalk At., areoelya, R. T. mmm Oalckly retleres uiarafk,iTA weak. Innamederes kildeverwheral Iff ft I Baslllooklat free. e JOUN L.TUOMl'BON NONsev UO.,Truy,N.X. IQEIITC Make big money. Ladles or (Irntle AMCHia men. Our leaders eell like wild-lira. Von cannot deliver fast onouirrt. I1W.L, bTHCLALTIHS CO.. Box 500. Kama City, Mo. tftvn. fifir. YiilJT-Tben imten. Tnke our llruxleas Home Treatment. Jnkloutby aplirali of !U years' experience. Cost you tl, worttilluU. fake. Bend today. W.T. I'utl, M. fj., Uaallngs. 1 NICK .KK YOUT-Tben llnten. Take our New ic an 1UU. Mo Neb. nal1B71lBrK WataeaK.ColamaB,Waaft Nebraska Directory THEPAXTONSw Roonia from II.QU up alngle, 75 oenta up double CAFat FltlCCS RatASONABIeS Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Ucattd on our own premlis and und la taa Natural Mineral Water Baths Uniurpaued In the Irsatmtnt of Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kldnand Uvar DlttatM MODERATE CHARGES. ADOREH DR. O. W. EVKRCTT, Mar. I40S M Street kinooin. Naa JF BftfflHI J SftJOMUJZm H RM.i fc l ailMIBsalUM'lH'' J B flMftaxfla, jsaTir-aT H1T',maT i ir" .i .; ;i i I 'Ji M "j u m i i m 'I Ml "i J'.K1 tty ; I i 5I 2 ti jaai w m w I w ft t , L,. i "T S"1.?'I?"..T' ' -ul A. iWMrUi j in II t4W4Vv J " I,"-. ,,. Hf-4M.ViHfiLttrJVaitlr irfssSijfb jk.rf.wi.winl i ., . 1 A !.