T -wstyiw a MS-' wv!fc'i-M-v,n .'tvr.v-tff,i'vt4f ,(,' .il J6 88f ios.-; S&", m :. ?t..A' ' ! inVgSW Groceries ? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P, A.WullbrandF The Home Grocery iia -SKS wsfisssaam S&3w-w-fi DEI Three cows and a DE LAVAL SEPARATOR will make more money than four cows with gravity setting Thousands upon thousands of cow owners have already proved this statement; any experienced dairyman will verify it for you. With such a big saving it is hard to understand why any cow owner should try to get along without a De Laval Cream Separator. If you are selling cream or making butter, and have no separator, or else an inferior machine, wc know if we could put a De Laval on your place we would be doing you a personal favor. If you haven't a separator don't make the mistake of starting with a "cheap" or inferior machine. When you do buy a separator as 6ooner or later you surely will be sure to get the best the De Laval. Remember,- you can't make money by trying to 6ave money in the purchase price of a cream separator. A De Laval costs only little more than the cheapest and will save you twice as much and last five to ten times as long as other separators. i GEO. RED ALSODEALER IN mi Elis, Bitter, Cream, and Feed of : Highest MarhatFrlca Ui RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 625 Elm Street, - Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OF TtlfMT Scvoo o CvTovacc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, Iowa Consultation and Spina! Analysis Free Phone: Independent 21a LAND Improved Alfalfa, Grain ami Stook Farms in Tlio Great Republican Valley Beulht Sold Exchanged Any desirable Heal Estate listed up and advert Ibcd for cash sale or ex change without expeuhe to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farm, in Webster ami Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed Several fnrms for sale that will pay good Interest on the eutlre purchase price am enhance greatly In value. Several jrood farms for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to (.elect from ami situated in the Huckle End of the Corn llelt. FAIR lAfi-Llberal amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber Rlverton, Nebraska For your Ice rean and soft dr,lnks go to.tua Ion Ton Bakery., adv. . , i llh. JA TRINE CLOUD Of Or t Parity, HMes. Flour All Minis. Paid Per Ymur Btutf J. R. Norse Dies Suddenly Joseph Robert Morse died at his home iu Cowles, Nebr,, on Saturday, June 14th., after a short illness. Mr. Morse had resided in Cowles fur the past eight, years, and leaves a wife aud'live children to mourn his death. He was GO years 0 months and fi days of age at the time of his demise. During Ills residence in Cowles he proved himself an exemplary cltizeu. His aim seemed to be "wear .the white ilower of a blameless life". Especially during the last four years he had tak en the bible as bis rule of conduct, and he made it his constant study. He will be greatly missed iu the home and in the community, but the mem ory of his simple, mauly personality will remain an influence for good through the coming days. Fuuera) services were conducted at his home in Cowles on Monday by Rev. II. Ellis Llnlnger, pastor of the Congregational church of that place and interment was made in the Bed Cloud cemetery, the services at the grave being in charge of the Masonio Lodge, to which order he belonged. Celebrate July 4th in Red Cloud, WWWWUWVWWWWUWWb HOME NEWS ! Bulletin of The Weck'a Dolnfs .SSS'AVAV.V.WAW.VAVi Oni .Montgomery was tip from Ouirie Hock Holiday. No M010 Chips We pay cash for Produce. Weesner Perry fc Co. Sheriff Sanderson of Clay Center wns in town Friday on business. ,las. Burden Btid family were In Blad en last Friday visiting relatives. Miss Oh instead of Cowles is a guest at the home of Will Koon this week. 50 Acres of Hood Pasture for rent Inquire of W. C. Kt'i'AitD R. F. 1). No It. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Davis aro the proud piircuts of 11 baby boy born Monday. A. M. Cook of Kiverton was attend ing to business HlTulis In this city Monday. W. h. WooMier was visiting friend and relatives iu Smith county, Kama this week. John and Charley Wlttwer, C. 1). Whltakcr and Harry Buckle spent Sunday lu Hastings. MM percent discount on Women's Spring and. Summer Coats and Suits at Miner Bros. Co. adv. There will be union services of all (lie churches Sunday evening lu the Washington school park. James Mclutosh and brothers Peter atid Frauk spent Saturday in Grand Island. They went viu auto. Mrs.iArthur Robinson visited her mother, Mrs. Fred Wlttwer in the country thu first of the week. Frank Cowden uud wife had for their guests over Sunday Dr. Powell, wife uud children of Suptrior. 3. J. Law of Lincoln spent u few days the latter part of the week lu this city attending to business matters. Mr. mill Mrs. Ed. Cool; left Sunday morning for Xowuttu, Oklahoma, ut which place they intend to make their futuic home. Miss Florence McDowell went to Stella, Nebr., Sunday moj-uiug to at tend the fuucrul of her grand mother, Mr-. Mary Jones. Sam Joues received word Saturday of the deatli of his mother, Mis. Mur Jones of Stella, Neb. Sam departed for that city Sunday morning. I havo the best into iu the county on farm loans. See me aud be couvluced. My motto prompt service. A. T. WAi.Kun. The Brethren Sunday School is mak ing arrangements to hold a picnic aud dinner iu the B. E. Eshelmuu woods, south west of this city on the Fourth. FUR SALE-J. I. Case Threshing Outfit; engine 2.1 horse power; sepera tor 30x58i All in good running order. For full particulars phone or call on Vavricka Brothers. Drs. Riddile & Foote of Bastings will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glassea fit ted,' in Dr. Cross' office in Red Cloud, Thursday, Juna SGth. adv Guy Bradbrook left Wednesday for Hysham, Montana, where Saunders Bros., & Bradbrook Bros., have pur chased a lumber yard and have taken 'possession of the same. We wish them success. Do you notice that J. H. Bailey is making the most of the farm loans? He is sole agent for Trevett, Mattis & Baker, and is offering the best rates, terms and option in the market and that is the reason. adv. Dr,T. A. Trumble left the latter part of the week for Lincoln, at which place he luteuds to make his future home. He leaves many friends in Red Cloud who will wish him success in his new location. Farm Loana-l havo a limited a mount of private money to place in first mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phone. Daniel Gahbkii, Rlverton, Nebraska. Charley Starr in company with the Wright Bros., publishers of The Lebanon Times came over Monday to attend the ball game. We acknowledge a pleasant call, and are glad to note that the boys appreciate coming to a real metropolis. Gritlvator Shrolsi 8t eT 4, S2.50. Mt ef 6. 92.75 shiTKM wrtfttllahtf. Steklesi 5 ft 92, 6 ft 92.25, 7 ft 92.90, S ft 92.90. Newer ud ! er Teiftvesi Vicar Oak 92.59, Clear Fir tr PIm 9f.95.-C. F. Wallli. Nv Children's Day exercises will beheld in the Congregational church Sunday morning, June 22ad at 11 o'clock. The exercises promise to be especially fine, and a special invitation is extended to all interested. The offering will be for the state Sunday School work. The Lewis Stock Company opened for a week's engagement In their own big water-proof, canvass theatre, which baa been put up on the lot south of the Hansen Laundry Mon day evening. It is a first olasa show and they have been greeted with a large crowd each evening. llou( to tent. IiKitilie at New house's .store. loe ct earn and soft drinks served at Warrsn's Restaurant. adv See Dr. Warrick Monday, June VMt'l Itenivinber change of day. adv L. Howard of Alma was attending to bnslm-ss airairs lu this city tho last ol the week. Geo. W. Ilutumel and wife went to Doniphan Saturday to visit their daughter. Spring Htid Summer Suits and Coats atW per rent discount at Miner Bros. i'o. adv. You perfer cash for vonr produce We pay cash. No More Chips. -Wees-ner Perry . Co. 83 & percent discount on Women's Spring and Summer CoatH and Suits at Miner llros Co. adv. Mesdatnes Walter Warren and Grant Turner also Miss Dora Brink man spent Friday lu Hastings. Mi-s Heleiie Hedge of Oskuloosu. Iowa, visited her aunt, Mrs. M. A. Hedge, u few days the first of the week. 11. A McCiine and J. C. Sloss wore attending to business alYalis lu Blue Hill one day the latter part of the week. WANTED .lob on farm by man aim wife could go now or next spring .1. W. ltKNNi.Tr, corner house east ol' coinettry. Mrs .1. M. Hewitt of lirnnd Island, nfter a short, visit at the home ol her daughter, Mis. W. I). Eilson. returned to lici home tho tli.st of the week. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat, patients and those needing glasses at Dr. Dam erell'.s olllco Monday, June '-.'Id. adv Nellie West Caster returned to Alma Sunday evening where she is teaching in the Normal school, after spending the week end with her mother at this place. George uud Emily Hade 11 left the last of thu week for Long island, Kan sas, iu response to a telegram announ cing the death of their father who resided at that place. AF. Kelley and wire of Sprlnglleld, Illinois, stopped oil' ill this city one day the latter part, of the week for a short visit. They were enroutu to Republican City whore they go to visit relatives. . Mr. mid Mrs. John Piorsoti and the Mesdames Peter Conover and lloyd Muusel left Sunday morning for different points iu Montana where they go to visit with relatives for several weeks. CASH FOR EtSGS. Not a new pro position. This store has ALWAYS PAID CASH FOR EtiGS or one cent more iu trade, and will continue to do so. Other produce bought the same way. e make a cash or trutlo price, optional with our customer. F. O. Turnure A: Son. adv. Rev. and Mrs. John S. Itayiio who havo been visiting their son, Uev. John J. llayno for the past, two weeks, lie putted for Kearney Monday morning. After a short stay there they will leave for 11 visit wnn their youngest son, Rev. Reed T. Bayne, who Is pasior ot a prominent Congregational church iu Wisconsin. E. H. Newliouse and Dr. D. C. Plumb returned thu latter part of the, week from Omahn, to which place they accompanied Mrs. Newliouse, where she entered a hospital for medi cal treatment. While the ludy will be obliged to remain iu the hospittl tor ten days or two weeks yet, her many friends here will be glad to know she is improving. Band Master Betz Informs the Chief that after making u canvass among the band bovs he learned they were all intending to attend the ball game in Blue Hill on next Sunday, June 22, u'A not feeling equal to the task of giving the entire concert by himself, hHS decided that the usual Sunday bBnd concert will not be held on Sun day, June 22ud, but will be given on Monday evening, June 23rd. D. W. Turnure and family left the first of the week for Portland, Oregon, where tbey intend to make their future home. They leave- any number of friends in Red Cloud who will wish them success and happiness in their new home, and who regret their de parture' Ex-Mayor D. W. Turnure, who for years was one of the firm of Turnure Bros., is a business man of unusual ability and leaves vacant n place in the busiiifss circles of this city which will be hard to fill. Arrangements havo been made for a special ir.du to Blue Hill and return on Sunday June Tiii( to accomodate the base luill fans of this place. Two good games are scheduled for that day one between Blue Hill vs Red Cloud and the othe a state league gaun; ho twecu Hastings and Columbus. The special will leave here at II a. in. and rcturu(aftcr the games. One admission is to be charged for botli games, and the followers of this sport are all making plans to attend. 1'iHiik 1) Leonard, C. S. B., has been secured by the Christian Scietice So ciety of McCook, Nebraska, to give u lect'ire 011 Christian Science Ht the Masonic Temple Theatre, Sunday afternoon, June 23, 1013, at that place. Mr. Leonard is a member of the Board of Lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, and is widely known as a very able and con vincing ieoturer, and no doubt will be greeted by a crowded house on this occasion. A number of Scientists of this place are making preparations to attend. Notice Je Creditors. SWelwUrCounty'! f m Tl.e County Court. IN the matter of the CHtntcot Jacob Chnr lln litceancd. Nptlce 1 hereby given to all persons linv line clalnm and demand nK&lnnt .lacob Chap lin, late ot Webster county, deceased, that the time nxed for tiling claim against nald estate li ilx month from the llthday of July mi:l. All men persons ars required to present their claims, with tho vouchers, to the Coun ty Judge of said county, at his orilcs therein, on or before the llth day of January 1UM; and all claim so filed will be hesrd before the wUd Judge on the 12th day of January 1911, at 10 o'clock a. in.; and that the admin istrator U allowed one year from the nth dayof JunelIS,ln which to pay the debt allowed against ald estate and settle the time.' A. P. RANNKV, (Heal) County Judge. cses cs eMi es safiat THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS FOR V THRMnTHRJSnP s J Red Cloud We wan't you to see our line of Spragues Wash Suits for your boys and the famous K. & E. Waists Wash Suits 50c to $2.50 Wash Waists 50c to $1.00 The most practical and economical dress for boys ever designed. Come and see them. It will pay you. r s I s Gooiden-aleyClotniDgGo. RED CLOUD'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS r s RED CLOUD df?- Will Celebrate & g' The Fourth llpT 5 Uli iL BARBARA? Mola Agents For Butfrlck Rmtfrn Red Cloud. FOR FURNITURE GO TO THE ruiiiiiuic OIUIG - 4 ED. AMACK S Licensed Licensed Undertaker ALL THmJ vA and Vicinity 1 Begin to get ready now for the big gest celebration in years. Between now and the Fourth and thereafter you will need some cool clothes. We have them in the neatest designs at saving prices. We have just received a large con- - ' i signment of Wash Silks, some new Silk Stripe Voiles and some of the new Motor Cloth. You will do well to look these 6ver and get your pick first. Don't wait till the summer is half over before you secure your summer apparel. Nebraska OLD RELIABLE - in Nebraska and Kansas FHOMK9 VtMsfVob '' m I M .'' St wm r ' v 1 I I 1 m m . St I , ,! i i 1 . 1 'i- I .'-Vxiymi3ci;yi