rv n K i-.,t. I. . aftc-rwr-wflfrw-Mti -r-y t r - j Jk-Uw. h.UAu4Ljt,l,U4jJ.. a. ..til ..TiEWt.AJll'.t.iTl " r ,"flTrx,t - , mt .-- . s-,m . r-'!H'vl lP M. iiV 'l itn HMtorlcal Sodotf ii K ' ., iLitftilUiasM.8nt ! 4 Sgw- '. I. M wrt'J H-" r" jrrt . , r , i S,4 . ,i ' . 3 '. it r J . - ? .:5 .i '' J "" 1 I. V- 'J U I I 4 -' St- ' Red Cloud Will Celebrate July 4th. Plan to Attend. Epiipr- :psgB:':M-tffM-JM--HMoA. jJB.ff'BiEiSBtBPoiBwLjiM I 'lrTliH. JiwBlB 'VfifiKi. ? ff-jt' . ''iifiliSi jiiflBflSiiwHlBlv BHraaaMHaaaaEaHaaLvc" CSBKBKKitKKBtKKtutKKlBMUSUtttSKBKSmi g ieaipB3ES!Kil-S5igTgS ' ""Mf aw MaWaWB uF JLaMLaaaaMBMCaT? -" "" JatMS SjMiMMElue .aWatElLJ laaLaVaVHIXwifiPKBaaaV 4 Newspaper That flWo The News Fifty-two Week Each Year For $1.50. voumj: xxxxi KKD CLOUD, N BBUAS.lv A, JUXE U, JMJ. NUMBER :J5 .? 3 33999399 999999 9999fe $ This Government Won't Put Oil Of Its Money In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? The United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time' make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its Resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its depositswhy shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens. YOU CAN'T LOK! 3 WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Oil u RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA to to to to to to to m m m to to m to to to to m 1999999999999999 9999999 ? Mrs. Natkins Wins Auto I. 0. 0. F. Hall . w. Is Dedicated -The ChlCf automobile contest closed ' promptly at. (1 p. ui., Saturday, mid as noon us. the closing hour( arrived the judge who' hud been "appointed to nrnke the final count took the ballot box to the Webster County HhuU where the Uual count was made. It 'took an hour to canxas the votes after which the committees handed iu the following report; The committee's report made Mrs. L. 11. Matltius the owner of the Ford five paisenger automobile; Miss Gertie Cartwrlght the owner of the diamond ring, and Miss Gertrude Coon the owner of the gold watch. Miss Maude Hayes came iu for fourth place. The contest Was a success from the standpoint of new subscriptions. The Chief now has a list of subscribers that we ate proud of, and one that will ' stand examination by our advertisers. ' The paper is more valuable to our advertisers than ever before on account of the many new names we added dur ing the contest.' The best of feelings prevailed through the contest between all of the contestants. It was rather a quiet contest until the last few weeks, but as the closing date drew nigh the con testants took renewed interest and worked hard and made a good allowing at the wind up. As there was aoinauy new subscript ions turned in on the last day of the contest It will be impossible to get papers to all of them this week oiviug to the fact that we will not have ready print enough to print the required number. This, however, will be reme died by uext week and we will have aU of the names ou our list by that time so the new subscribers will get their papers. Iu adding a large list of names it is an easy matter to overlook a few, but if auyoue .who subscribed for the Chief or Nebraska Farmer during the con test fall to get their paper wlthlu a couple of weeks please let us know as it is not our intention to miss auyone. The Chief, us well as the manage ment of the Nebraska Farmer, wishes to thank ull who took part iu this con test, and who made it a success. We hope the new readers of both papers will enjoy the papers for the length of time for which they subscribed, and that when the time expires they will become ho attached to the papers that ,they wil wish to reuew. Firecrackers. i ilp order to prevent accident ami in Jury on July 4, 1013, the city council passed a resolution prohibiting the use of firecrackers on 4th avenue between Seward and Elm Street aud on Web ster street between 3rd and Sth avenue on said date. This rule will be strlck- Jf enforced. p. KvSaundm, Mayor Three automobile loid of Odd Fel lows left here last Friday noon for liliiden where they participated in yjhe dedication services of the' new I. 0. 0. F., hall at that f luce, ttluden lodge of Odd Fellows have just completed the election of this new hall and opera house, It being a handsome two-story brick structure, and they now possess oae.of the best, if not the best, lodge room to be fouud in this part of the country. Bladen Lodge of I. O O F., was in stituted seven years ago by Past Grand Master Paul Storey of this city, aud that it is in a prosperous condition is plainly evident. A parade which was taken part In by about 400 Odd Fellows and Rebek ahs was the opening feature of .the services, after which the following pro gram was .observed: Paul Storey of this city eild Hon. F. P. Corrlck of Lincoln, presiding. AFTEHNOON PROGRAM P. M. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs meet at Hall Street Parade Publio Dedication Open Meeting in Opera House in charge of Rebekah s, to be addressed by Hon. F. P. Cor rlck of Lincoln Hall Game at Fair Ground. Upland vs liladen Odd Fellows Convention in Lodge Uoom, which Includes a School of Instruction for all Third Degree Odd Fellows liauquet Hall opens lu base ment Odd Fellows building KVKN1NO PHOOIUM 5:30 to 0:30 Banquet in Basement Free Moving Pictures in Opera House Odd Fellows "Good of the Order" Meeting iu Lodge Room Concert and Entertainment, following numbers: Piano Duet, Fern aud Beulah Whelan Recitation Olllo Munson Soug Opal Deuton Recitation..' Isla G rands taff Piano Duet Violet Davis, Opal Denton Voual Solo ..Paul Munson Address Hon F. P. Corrlck Sougf,....McMlamc Hcunett aud Ilogatu Heading '-The Debating Society" Chus. Bulderston Plauo Duet. ...Misses May Denton and Olllo Muusou Fancy Drill Rebekah Ladies l,lay..,."A First Class Hotel"....oue aot 1:30 3:00 2:30 4:00 4:00 4:30 5:30 0:30 to 0:00 8:00 to 9:00 0:30 Think You Miss Gertie Cartwrlght wishes to thank her many friends for the kind nets and assistance rendered her dur ing the Chief Antomoblle Contest. The Rebekah lodge will bold a dis trict meeting in Guide Rock Friday, HWKUI Ererei KBSSES -:- One of the Largest Air Ships in America Will fly at the Big Celebration at Red Cloud, July 4th. A big free attraction that is worth coming miles to see. Don't miss it. PROGRAMME For-Red Claud's Big Celebration To Be Held July 4th 9:30 a. m. 1 0:30 a. m. 1 1 :00 a. m. 1 2:00 m. 2:00 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 3:00 p, m. 5:00 p. m, 7:00 p. m 8:3o p. m. Opening Concert by Red Cloud Band and Grand . Free Open Air Performance by the famous Harrison Troupe of Cyclists. Grand Free Aeroplane Flight by the Celebrated Aviator, Alvin K. Longren, weather conditions per mitting. Exercises at School House Park. Address by Governor John H. Morehead. Vocal and Instrumental Music. Basket Dinner at School House Park, Court House Park, or on Any Lawn or Yard in Red Cloud. rana rreevpen ir rerrormance bv me La Moure Bros, of Minneapolis, Minn. Troupe of Acrobats and Trapeze Performers. - Parade to Ball Grounds Headed by Red Cloud Band. Programme at Ball Park. Free Ball Game, Blue Hill vs. Red Cloud. RUNNING RACE ' 100 Yard Dash $10.00 lit. $5.00 2nd SO Yard Dash $7.50 1st. $2.50 2nd. Fat Man's Race $5.00 1st. - $2.00 2nd. Boy'f Race, under 15 yn. $3.00 1st. $2.00 2nd. Sack Race $2.00 1st. $1.00 2nd. Free Open Air Performance at Exhibition Stand on Main Street by the Harrison Troupe of Cyclists. Free Aeroplane Flight by Aviator Longren. Grandest Street Carnival and Electrical Illumination Ever Seen in Southern Nebraska. Open Air Per formance by La Moure Bros. Troupe of Acrobats and the Famous Harrison Troupe in Fancy and Acrobatic Bicycle Riding. Big Concert by Red Cloud's Famous Band, i The Main Street Wll be Illuminated by Over 1200 Electric Colored Bulbs, Precedent is the alow consumption tlmt eats into the vitals of progress It throttles ambition and makes drones of people who would and could "make good." Yearn ago folks said, "competition1 is the life of trade." Fiddlesticks! Ideas' arc the lire of trade. Good ideas, well carried out, are the, back bone of all successful business! The locomotive that palls the "Pennsylvania Special" from New York to Chicago in 18 hours once lived as n big Idea in the brain of' Stevenson. When wo started In the jowelrjr bushier vvc had a little money and it big idea. The Idea was to impress on you that we ant selling the very best in Jewelry at reasonable prices. And judging from the splendid growth of the business you have triud it out uild found it true. jStill they are a few sceptics a few 'Show me" folks. To these we sny ouo" little yisit one small pur chase will convince you 'that we have the best goods lit tlio right price. Try it and prove it. 1'orlihps yon lire thinking of innkhigag!ft.''1r so, h'erc's your chance to save money. Oemn, jewelry, cut glass, watches und novelties, silverware an urmy of burgains lire camped iu our store Supphse you come in and look them over toduy while the best are still "on deck." You will be glud you oame. F. H. NEWHOUSE Seiliji AjMt fer Sauth Ban WatehM, 14 Cimd, Nakr. A Six O'clock Wtddinf Glenn F. Walker and Miss (Clara Murgess were united iu marriage last evening at 0 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Iiurgess. The ceremony was oer forcned by Rev. E. X. Tompkins iu the presence of their Immediate relatives and a few close friends. Mr. Henry I'bares of this city acted as grooms man and Miss Carrie Shute of Man hattan, Kansas, "acted as bridesmaid. The bride is one of Red Cloud's best, and the past term creditably filled the position as teacher in the eighth grade of our public schools. 'She is an accomplished young lady and has for her friends all who know her. The groom is a Webster county product, and also among the city's best, and is manager of the Red Cloud Auto Co. Thev left lsst night fur Denver, Colo., on h short honeymoon, and on their return to this city will go to housekeeping; in the home recently vacated by Dr. T. A. Trumble, which the groom has completely furnished for his bride's reception. To Mr. and .Mrs. Glenn F. Walker tile Chief extends congratulations uud joins with their many friends iu wish-, ing thorn a long and happy life. CuMfTkaiki Wo wish to thank all the people ivhn iiHKlntml li a In tlia Inst anil rltaa our belored husband and father, Mr. j. k. Morse. Anu also for the mok beautiful floral offerings so generously bestowed. Mrs. J, R. Morse Mrs. O. Dt!s Mrs. C. Berrey Mrs. B. Bettnetk Mr, Borrlce'MoVs ' Mr. Arthur' More I ill ,u m it y i . 1 ttj r r ( i if .; H m n m i i .! i M 'J a 4 Wl suit 3 i !') . & '' "vl ' u 111 ! ' WftV ':M flfl m :-m 3 M ' . "iii mH Af tiFr iM,ft, & A J-H.I W A