The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1913, Image 6

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Red Cloud. Nebraska.
He "Raises Cattle to Sell'
Entirnl In the I'cMifttcc at Ktri ( Iciiut, .Vclt.
n Second Clan M niter
All the newspaper boys up and down
the Hue were under the Impression
that editor Hale of the Chief was one of
the u40" editor who were to speak In
that many churches in Omnlia on tlte
Sunday during the June Pres9 Associ
ation, but since lie learned the his
office force was planning to go along
and slug in the choir, he declined ott
the grounds that one "devil' behind
the pulpit was euuff without having
them grin at hlm-from the choir loft,
Guide Koch Signal.
lErery time the closet of yonr neigh-
"feor is opened a little you strain your
neck to peck, and.., then afterward
btralu your tougtio In tHlking about It?
Do you ever stop to think that some
tlayn trngedymny take up Its abode
in your homer Can't you get It Into
your head that some day the tongue
of Blander may cut like a sharp sword.
Misforunc and disgrace may have over
taken your neighbor, but it docs not
become you to get en the hou'etops
and (.bout it to the world. You will
not be called upon to pay for nor an
swer for any of the sins of your neigh
bor. You have all you can tend to
to pay for your owu indiscretions.
Some day one near and dear to yon
may fall the prison walls may open
to a sou or the scarlet letter of etern
ity blight a daughter, when a home
Is in mourning over a tragedy the best
thing you can do is' to keep your
mouth shut unless you can say some
thing that will come as a rift in the
clouds. Then again, you know you
may be no better than your neighbor.
The only difference is that your neigh
bor was caught and you, up-to-date
have kept the suulight away. Be
charitable, my friend, for you know
not the day nor hour when the blight
will appear in your sacred circle.
J. I. Christian Ridicules the Idea T
Heldlnt Uunkl Sleek
"The so culled educated agricultur
ists have been howling hot and cold
in the same breath ever since cattle
prices got up n little, iufoimlng stock
farmers that they must keep back their
calves and young stock till they reach
a certain age, and all that."
.1. L, Christian of Red Cloud, Neb,
made this remark today in discussing
the cattle industry, and at the same
time furnishing an illustration of
what he did in handling a bunch of
"A year ago,'1 Mr. Christian explain
ed, "1 bought a string of cows at t38
per head, hast season they raised for
me 50 calves. I let the calves run with
the cows until late in the fall, and then
fed the cows and marketed them last
winter at toft per head. On May 15 I
brought to Kansas City the 60 calves,
then less than 11 mouths old. They
netted me 8jU encli. In this whole
transaction 1 violated the advice settt
out so freely by the class of men 1
mentioned. Hut 1 am in the stock
farming business for the money there
is in it, and whenever I sec an oppor
tunity to sell a carload of fat cows or
coming yeurling cattle at a profit 1 let
tjietu go right then. Iain not raising
cattle to keep, but to sell."
Mr. Christian was for five yeaiH a
cattle salesman on the Kansas City
j aids before locating on a farm where
he lives in Nebraska", where he has
been making money ever since he went
there. Kansas City Daily Drovers
Telegram, May 27.
Corn Cultivation
Corn plautlng is the latest this year
that it has been since 1692. With the
heaviest crop of alfalfa in years ready
to cut before corn planting is com
pleted, we forsee busy times ahead of
the farmers. In some iustauces corn
cultivation will ueeessarlly be neglect
ed while cariug for the alfalfa.
The first cultivation of com is by fur
the most important. If the weeds are
not destroyed then, the chances are
that they never will be, as they are
usually too large to cover at the secoud
cultivation. It is these same weeds
located in the hills of corn which sap
the ground during July and August
and shorten the yield. Our greatest
Joss of soil water is pot by evaporation
from the surface but by transpiration
from plant leaves. It is not a matter
t "getting over the corn", but of get
ting the weeds that we need consider.
A six-shovel cultivator is far better
than one with four, as a greater part
of the ground is stirred. The weeds
are uprooted instead of being merely
covered. The greater the number of
shovels, the shallower may be the cul
tivation and yet &t(r the surface soli.
This gives a lighter draft; Deep culti
vation is not only unnecessary but is a
detriment 'when 'the corn geta large
enough that the roots occupy the space
feetween the corn rows.
fcWor Procluution
May 30th. 1013 being Memorial Day
and a legal holiday I request that all
business be suspended between the
tioursof land 4 p. m., and that the
the stores may cloee up in order that
all who desire may participate in the
'memorial exercise.
D, E. Saunders, Mavoii.
Last Trip For Veterans
On July t, the surviois of the Battle
of Gettysburg will be entertained by
the government on the battlefield.
The legislature appropriated g4,ooo to
pay rallrord fare for the Nebraska
veterans who particspated, but as tie
fare is Sir. and there arc about 1IG0
entitled to go the state officers are
making un appeal to the cltUeus of
the state to take up collections at
Memorial day exercises to assist 1n
raising the amount necessary. The
amouuts collected are to be forwarded
to Capt. A. M. Trimble, Capitol Build
ing, Lincoln, Neb'
Decoration Day
On Friday, May 30th, all comrades of
the 0. A. It. and W. It. (J., with all
soldiers of the Spauish-American war,
will meet at the 0. A. H. hall, at 1
o'clock, p. m , where jine of march,
commanded by .1. V. McCiHckeu, will
foinion Webster street and march
south ami west to the cemetery, head
ed by the lied Cloud Concert Hand.
Details will be assigned by the post
commander and president of the W. It.
C, to decoiate graves of comrades and
members of the W. It. C.
After decorating the graves, the line
of march will form a hollow square at
the monument of the Uuknowu Dead,
where there will be exercises by the
W. ft. C. and comrades of the U. A. It.
After which the column will march
to the opera house, where the follow
ing program will be given:
Music by the Band.
Invocation Rev. Dates.
Reading Lincoln's Address at Get
tysburg, Chaplain lloyoe.
Male Quartet Inavale.
Reading List of Dead Comrades 8.
B. Kizer.
Male Quartet Inavale. , A
Address Pted E. Maurer.
Bong America.
Forced Qalty Fall.
People of the greatest gaity of man
nera are often the dullest company
imaginable. Nothing is ao dreary as
the conversation or writing of the pro
teased wag. Haxlltt
Although women love .bargains, they
are not especially fond of the man who
cheapens himself in their eyes. Bos
-too Transcript.
Absolutely Puro
EcoaHHnlzCaV Buffer, Floor,
-,vTt EBf makes fhe food more
,.-. qppetlzlna and wholesome
Ike oaly Baldag Powder
How One Woman Kept Clippings on
All Subjects In Which She
Might le Interested.
A young wife who was always well
Informed and brimful of Ideas, storieB,
and current topics, explained her meth
od thus:
"I formerly worked on a dally news
paper where they had a 'morgue' which'
Is newspaper slang for a filing cabinet
devoted to clippings and information
on every subject under the sun. When
I married I resolved to adopt the sys
tem, on a smaller scale, to my own
needs, and reserved a couple of pigeon
holes In my desk for the purpose. Then
I purchased at a newspaper office two
dosen stout No. 12 manllla envelopes.
Those I labeled.
', "In pigeon hole No. 1 I placed Gift
Suggestions. Holiday Celebrations,
IPartles and Entertainments, High Cost
of Living, Household Economics,
Dress, Attractive House Plans, Home
Decoration and Applied Art, Gardens,
Fancy Work, and two envelopes for
, "In pigeon hole no. 2 I placed Book
.Reviews and Authors, Art, New Plays
find Players, Prominent People, Cur
rent Events, Anecdotes, Poems, Fam
lly History Data, Nature Study, Vaca
tion Suggestions, and two blank en
velopes for other subjects In which I
might become Interested.
, "Into theBe envelopes went all clip
pings from magazines and newspapers
pertaining to these subjects. When a
friend went to Rome to live, I added
'Italy,' so that I might keep In touch
with her. When my club began the
study of German I had a ready re
.ceptacle for copies of German notes.
Thus my 'morgue'" grew, so that
.now I have four pigeon holes, and
',49 envelopes, containing a useful
fund of Information on every subject
in which I am, or expect to be inter
terested, logically grouped for Instant
'reference. I consider It my most val
uable aid to efficient life." Woman's
District Court Proceedings
The followlngjcn,es were tried In the
District Court lost week:
State ofJNebraska vs Win. Gnlbrcth
and llett Miller, Parole continued to
next term of court.
State vs Chas. Kessler. Continued
for the term.
State vs ;Chas. Llndlcy. Continued
for the term.
Slate vs Lew', Walters. Continued
for the term.
James Paddeii vs C. 8. Olmstcde.
Sale set aside, re sale ordered.
Georglana liakcr DeWitt vs Blanche
Kggers. Sale confirmed, deed ordered.
Chas.'.E. Eddy vs Clarence S. Jones
et. al. Sale confirmed.
John W. ,Oreves vs John Polfus.
Permission granted plaintiff to file
supplemental petition and summons
John Thomson vs tChas. Redden.
Pending stay.
Inez E. Wagoner vs R. B. Kummer.
Settled and dismissed.
J. E. Dailey vs White Hardware Co.
Continued for term.
Bresley Piano Co., vs Albiight Bros.
Motion for new trial, continued.for the
Reeves & Co., vs Johu Ilartcr. Con
tinued by agreement.
Chus. S. Olmstead vs E. U. overman.
Defendant allowed 45 days to answer.
Oscar R. Boyce vs Peter Hansen. De
fendant given permission to file
Gerhard Monuich vs Mary Springer.
. Clias. Goll vs Unknown heirs of C. B.
Nelson. Sale confirmed.
Lola Hilton vs Josie Nyberg. De
fendant given leave to file answer
Hannah E. Parkinson vs R. B. King.
Continued by agreement.
Otlio Owens vs Robert Mitchell.
Permission granted to file security for
costs. Defendant allowed 30 days to
Lora. Whitaker vs Ethel Ellen
Whltaker. Order to report incum
brance. JohnC. Scoles vs Samuel Hcaton Jr
Motion to require plaiutifl to give
security for costs confessed. Plaintiff
allowed 30 days from this date in which
to give such security.
Mary C. Wilson vs Johu C. Wilson.
Divorce from bed and board granted
plaintiff with SCO per mouth alimony
dm ing the remainder of her life. All
costs and an attorney's f:e of SoOO for
plaintiff's attorney taxed agaiust de
fendant. Katheriue S. lllckurds vs John N.
Rickards. Divorce granted plaintiff.
Alia Piulaysou vs C. J. Fiulayson.
Divorce granted to plaintiff tind Cus
tody of minor child.
Ellzaboth M. Stoucr vs Harvey F.
Stoner et al. Case coutiuued for the
Branson W. Stwart vs Joseph Her
burger. Judgmeut for plaintiff for
Amboy Mill & Elevator Co., vs Heun,
C. Harris: Receiver re-instated.
Phillip Fassler vs Rudolph Strelt.
Permission granted plaintiff to file
reply forthwith.
Extra Special
25 Per Cent Discount
We are making a discount of 25 Per Cent on all
Spring and Summer Coats and ' Suits and 20 Per
Cent Discount on all Skirts. These are Big Cuts
and mean Big Savings to you in addition to
the low prices the goods are marked. These Goods '
'are going fast so do not wait, but come with
out any delay.
We are continuing our regular custom of offering-
The Bargain of all Bargains
and all should take advantage of our offerings
' n"
iiaaaaw "saais iiaaaaw 'saaaaaaw sasi i ma , mm t taaaiL. " - -.
i rw i -i-ar r ir 1 1 nam 11 -
0 ' " " " tl
p,,.,, Ev7-WVNafrr.l vVtv
Miner Bros. Co.
- General Merchants -4
The Store That Sells Wooltex
For Clothes
For All Sorts of Uses
Business or outings, dress functions or sports, young
men who want the quality that endures, the style
that keeps shape, the tailoring that lasts, and the "fit
that's just right, ought to come to us andask for or
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx
clothes. They're right in every way; .all-wool
fabrics; and the highest class workmanship.
Wt'll at you, whmfvr your slxo or
shapo. SpooM vaiuo at 20 and $25
Resolutions To Fraglla.
"Resolve to live a hundred years,
and you will do it." declares a 8t
Louis physician. But being a physi
cian, he ought to know that gooa ratv
UUeas arc easily brekea. V