,., t-VWW., mwyjw r'-Wftytv rw?WiyHwnt -- e. ..- I re ,"g'TT:w'giy?ir,w ifejH-W Seu wWf ? 1 y V (U'nCS'vA'MI 5r I T MOMENT OF REVENGE QwoM&k Y NELLIE CltAVEY OILLMORE. ."r ha, H IV? . ' is r.v. K gv kf Ftf t ki W, 1 lttl : i r I I tt It 1 f 'i iiij . 'A I mi IfltL ER.SV to iff k & K- See the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock. You want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inflator, which can inflate your tires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too iood for a car. We invite you to come ind see us. when in the village. CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowlee, Nebraska I j Groceries ? 1 1 (1 A nice fresh clean stock at 71 A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as. low as any legitimate firm otter mem. l ry can us. P. A, Wiillbrandt The Home Grocery i S?MHv IJHHM n, Ir5BwRlBS5e5&53Py -I Breeders Attention! I am now located at the Willow Dale Breeding Barn in Red Cloud for the season of 1913 with a. fine bunch of im ported. Pure Bred Registered Draft Horses and Jacks. These Horses range from 3 to 5 years old, weighing from 1700 to 2250 pounds, and are as good as you will find anywhere. TERMS ON ALL HORSES-520 for a live colt. $5 discount on all bills paid within 30 days after colt is foaled. 2 H -A Johnson Phone Independent 168 ( Broken Winded? - BHBA A sound horse Is worth many limes the JHHHK price of a broken winded one. The sound BBr horse will pull out where the other will slick Jast so with a Stlckncy Engine-It will never slick. Ed. Hanson EXCLUSIVE AGENT BaSHEM ! Carlotta sat down weakly, on the edge of a chair. 8he was pale and panting for breath. ! "Derrick a make-believe, a cheat a allar?" The words escaped her In voluntarily. It was appalling, that the .man she called her husband and wor shiped with absolute trust and con ndence for ten solid years should have betrayed her faith so grievously. The day had been oppressive and tire some, doubtless for the very reason that Derrick had telephoned he had to run up to Milwaukee for a few hours and could not return before mid night. So sho had started out for a long walk to pass away the time, had 'gained only three sqiures when Der rick himself whizzed directly past her In a runabout and sitting beside him, one of the moat beautiful creatures she had over seen. Sho could not eat, so sho walked abtiently out on the veranda. Present ly one of the city clocks near struck ten, and her husband ran lightly up tlio steps, whistling merrily. 1 "Hy the way," sho sold, "your train must have gotten In quite two hours ahead of time." "Hut I didn't go after all. The fun niest thing happened. I got as far as the depot, where I met Chantry Just In from St. Louis, lie was In a peck of trouble, and nothing would do but 1 muBt help him out. It was a tight fix and I concluded that I must stay and help him." Lancaster bent suddenly and looked Into her face, conscious for the first time of her determined coldness. "What's the matter, dearT Are you HI?" She walked Into the house. Lancaster, his face full of bewilder ment, followed her immediately. He made several attempts to speak to her, but she evaded him empathicul ly. At breakfast the next morning she treated him with the same unap proachable lclness. When he had left the house for his office Carlotta went Into the library. A moment later the maid brought In u telegram. "Expect mo' on the 11:40 train. Ullly." William Carrington had been with bis regiment in the Philippines for half a score of years, and this wus his first visit home. Billy was her only brother, and Carlotta had ac corded him more than usuul amount ot sisterly devotiou. Putting aside her grievance, she set merrily to work to prepare a room for him. She went first Into Derrick's dress ing room, and saw that things were in order. While she was there, a sud den thought flashed Into her Ingenious brain. She could never, never be guilty of a really dishonorable act, but she would make Derrick pay, In part, for his treatment of her. It was barely probable that he would recog nize her brother at once, after a dozen years. But a feeling of alarm made her stop suddenly, reconsidering. Then a smile of inspiration rippled over her face; she would unload the pistol! When Carrington came, ahn was sit ting on the veranda, waiting to wel come him. After a little, they went up to her boudoir for a "cosy. chat" over old times. Suddenly the gate clicked, and she heard his bounding step up the stairs. Now for her revenge! She rose abrupt ly and went over to Billy's chair and sat down la his lap, Just aa she used to do In the old days. Lancaster went first to his own room, then turned, aa usual, toward his wife's boudoir. . The sight that met his gaze froze the blood in his veins; and almost lu stautly transformed It to lavu. He backed quickly into the adjoining room and laid his hand on the revol ver lying on the table. SUudlu uhere he was, he aimed three delib erate shots at the culprits; the trigger clicked llatly, and no souud issued from the empty chambers. Ullly burst out laughing. "Why, Derrick, old man! Surely you have not forgotten " "liy the Eternals!'' ejaculated lan- caster. "You!" Decldely "got" for once In his life, he looked toward Cur lotta. She stiffened and drew back from his threatened embrace. "Not till you have, exonerated your self if you can! of driving down State street at fuU speed with with " Her volco trailed to an Ignomin ious standstill. "Sol Well, my dear, had you al lowed me to finish my discourse last evening all would nave been well. Aa I was trying to tell you, Chantry came up from St. Louis to marry a young lady who was to meet blm here from Uuffalo. Her train arrived halt an hour after bis, and it seemed that she was very much disconcerted; the eld man was following bad got wind of the elopement and put detectives ftu Chantry's trail, and hers. His Idea was to go on to the Palmer, have me meet Miss Preston and tuko her out to his auut'B at Woodbine. They ex pected to bo married there at uoon and" Carlotta swayed toward her hus band. Her cheeks wero crimson with tho sudden (lowering of roses, aud her eyes glad and ushaiued. With a gesture of swift vehemence Lancaster opened his arms and Car lotta, smothering a sob ot Joy, col lapsed limply into their eager em brace. (Copyright by Dally Story Publishing Co.) Give Your Lawn A Hair Cut ... Now is the time to buy that Lawn Mower you needed last year and did not get. We have a full line of The Daisy, cardinal and J Overall JHomers In both the solid and divided reel patterns at prices to suit every purse. Fully guaranteed. O O II Edward Hanson Hardware and Implements RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Price-Per-Thousand On Building Lumber is not infrequently used by manu facturers of substitutes to confuse prospective home builders, but to the man who knows quality, the characteristics of the different fav ored building- woods and their prop er application, this bugbear causes little apprehension. We've helped many builders rlgh here at home beat the building game to a frazzle and can help you too If ygu'll bring your plans in or tell us just- wbnt you contemplate doing. Selling lumber Is only a part of our, busi ness the personal service we render our customers being of equal Im portance but we're willing- to donate this service for the soke of the community and the Indorsement nfmir customers. Ueforc making a i ...!).. - iimii now your nnai ciecisiuu u , - house come in and gctut first hand the real facts about this lumber business and just what "prlee-per-thousand" means to you. inn i lUert'sPIt Mate Ue " Saunders Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DEMTI9T VER STATE RANK Red Cloud Nebraska MM m rrarLrY Hw fl m RLRLRR RaaRLRaT rYrbk rwm "-sm f HII The Simplest CREAM SEPARATOR Ever Built . DE LAVAL excels ALL OTHERS notonlv in thorouchness of separation, sanitary cleanliness, ess of RJ ruanlaf and durability, but ss well in Its great simplicity. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE OPERATION, CLEANING, adjustment or repair of a modern De Laval Cream Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools. NOR ARE THERE ANY PARTS WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment In order to maintain good running or to conform to varying conditions In the everyday use of a cream separator. y 1 jot lahCIt! Combination Wrench, furnished with etch De Ltvil machine, which It the only toot required ln"ettln up, liking down or mini tne Di Level, tne eimcit creim eeperitor irtr ouut. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE MACHINE THAT CANNOT be taken apart, removed or replaced by any one who can use a wrench or screw driver. In fact, the only tool which Is needed In - the use or the operation of a De Laval Cream Separator Is tho combination wrench and screw driver Illustrated above, which U lurnisnea tree witn every machine. Drop in some day soon ar.? let us show you an up-to-date De Laval. You can. let for goat It Is built to give the best service. yourse:; GEO. TRINE REP CLOUD D. Dkardoiif Dh. Asiikr ChlcoRo Veterinary Kansas City College College Ind. 244 I Res. Tlioncs J3T Incl. 233 Ors. Oeardoff & fisher -:- Veterinary Surgeons -:- Ollteo Vuouei: Ind. 103; Red &7. ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE Or ft ALSO DEALER IN Eggs, Butter, Cream, Peulty, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 625 Elm Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OF TaXmev Scvoo oj Cvovacc "Chiropractic Fountain caii" Davenport, Iowa Contultatlon and Spinal Analysis Free Phone: Independent aia i A Oif ft ili Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., Red Cloud, Neb. Every chronic no. Is the most bore Imagines that fascinating man iu town. Chicago News RED CLOUD, NKHRASKA X'Sp