The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1913, Image 1

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oKvWrUtitr ouuli'ty
TMMBti '' "' i""T Z?ZHLB - BfcM ttJ"j.'JjmTrK.J K BH .BBBB9Lenv.OBBBBaw i-t ."""" VBBBHBBa BBn rf fl - ttT j "m ITitBBBBBBI BB1 BB1 BB aB H BBBBj .BBTTB BB1 rBB JS3CS3C aat BBBBBBS BBBBBBl ' ' " 7 .V T !mjBB&
BBr Z i tBBBl K5d BBa-ETBBlBSEBB'istdQEawSP-SBB'BBBl BBBB BBBi ft BBBBBBBsTYi.BBBBBBB- f ' " J" s" ; T,iiiiK'nsycBBa Vf . !i - ZBBBy BB1 BB1 BB1 T" BBn H BBBB.BBBB.? Biv BB1 v BB1 fc . "f BBT BBTBB BBBBBBB - "tBBBJm
vTjHhsH t tfc?JiMBiBLy!iiM' i f -"""Blpy . t BBJhvMiMr'BMLiBB aBBaaaalBaMaaBBj'' mv hhHIIVHIBHIk9S9IH
jjj It is true that you are not likely to lose your jj
T savings if deposited in any food bank but you jL
JJ are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them $
ij when you deposit where you have the additional (i
ib nrotection of the State Guaranty Law. Such 1
il protection is offered you here. jj
jjjj It is surely "food business" to deposit where jE
M- you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- ji
ili erence to.placing money in a bank that guaran- m
tees nothing. '
The State Guaranty Law
posited in this bank, and when
Paints That Protect
and Beautify
A touch of Paint here ami there when it is needed costs hut
little and brightens things up wo'udertully. During the spring
I reuovatlnglyou will probably see
enamel, varnish or varnish stain will make a great improvement.
Let Us Supply You
We sell the Sewall Mixed Paint and the Chi-namel Varnishes,
and we know them to be the best on the market. Our prices are as high grade goods can be sold anywhere. Come and examine
our stock. '
Chas. L.
The Druggist
Big Bargain
Dav For Votes
Wednesday May 21 is going to be
'bargain day for votes in the Chief big
automobile contest. On that one day
we arc golug to issue double the regu
lur uumber of contest votes on all
subscription money received at tho
Chief otlice.
This means that each dollar paid on
subscription, and turned into the Chief
office on this one daF, will count for
as many votes as two dollars paid at
any other time during the contest. It
cannot be seat the day before or the
day after, but must be received by the
riilP.f Wednesday May 21.
This is the only time that double
votes will be given during the contest.
There will be no other time when a
subscription will count for so many
votes as on bargain day.
After bargain day Is over the regular
voting schedule will be carried out uu
til the close of the contest which is
Saturday June 14.
All contestants should get busy
securing subscriptions to turn In on
bargain day when the votes will count
Subscriptions received by the con
testants between now and that time
can be held until bargain day so as to
lecelvethe extra votes. Tuty is the
time for those who are behind to over
take the leaders, and it is also the
time for the leaders to make use of
their opportunity and secure enough
voteB to maintain tho lead all the way
through. If you are ever going to do
anything In this contest do It now, for
if you do not your competitors will be
so fr ahead of you that you will never
overtake them.
fiAPP SinF
is behind every dollar de- (fl
you open an account here, fl?
many places where a little paint,
Contestants will not huveto publish
all their votes in the paper after the
I bargain day is over if they do not wish
to do so. The votes will be issued in
the regular manner on all subscript
ions received, and it is then up to the
contestant to do with them as sees Ut.
Shu can cast them ia the ballot box so
they will be published in the paper, or
she cau hold them back to cast ut a
later date.
Each contestant should see her
friends aud tell them If they are going
to help her out in this contest to do it
now bo she can turn the subscription
In on bargain day and rocelve the
double number of votes. A dollar at
this time will be as good as two dollars
at any other time,
In seeming subscriptions contestants
should not lose sight of the fact that
a subscription for both the Chief and
Nebraska Farmer counts for 1000 more
votes than a subscription to the Chief
alone. On bargain day this, will also
be doubled and a It costs only an extra
fifty cents to subscribe for the Nebras
ka Farmer when you pay your sub
scription to the Chief, each subscript
ion should bo for the two papers.
Remember this bargain is only ouo
day Weduesday May 121 and that the
contest doses on Saturday Juue 14.
There is not much change in the
standing of the contestants over last
week. The special prize votes ottered
for the most money turned in on sub
scription up to Thursday night were
not issued in time to count this week
but will show up In the anuouncemeut
next week. The contestants have
made no special effort to gain these
extra orlze votes and very few sub-
scrlptlons have beet, turned la during
the past week) but we hope for better
reports on bargain day.
A Newspantr That film The News Firty
School Board
Holds Meeting
April is, mt:i
Special mei'ting of the "Board, mem
bers present, Cook, Crelgliton, Gilliam
and Storey.
Unou motion secretary was Instruct
ed to employ Agriculture teacher at
890 per month and also to file appli
cation with the State Superintendent
for appointment as a State Agricult
ural UitfJi School.
Board adjourned. It. D. MorlU Sec.
May 5, l!)Kt
Uesrulttr meeting of the Board called
to order by president. Members pre
sent Gilliam, Coon, Crelghtoq, Trum
ble and Storey.
Minutes of previous regular meet
ing lead and approved.
Superintendent's reVnt received
The followini; bills were read mid
oidered paid:
U.K. SI aw son
J. i:. Yost
Silver Uurdettc
S. R. Florence
Frank Snielser
American Book Co.
M. A. Albright l 2.JH
Ed Hanson r,0i
Whitaker and Buckles 0 M)
W. D. Edson r.CO
R. D. MorlU C.U0
Building aud Ground Committee re
ported that they considered it advis
able to ieaso tho base ball grounds,
ud that the same had been leased by
private donations.
No furthur business being before
the board, the president declared the
meeting adjourned sine die.
U. D. Morit., Sec.
Mar p. 1913.
Upon motion of Henry Gilham and
seconded by Dr. Creighton. Paul
Storey was elected president of the
new board.
Upon motion duly made and second
ed George Coon was elected Vice Pres
ident and R. D. Moritz. Secretary.
Moved and seconded that John Wolfe
and Tress Harwood be re-elected
janitors for the eusuing year at ISO
per mouth. Each to be employed for
J2 months contiuous service. Carried
Upon motion J. E. Wagoner was
employed as music teacher for the
year lOl.'l 19H at a Balarv of WO per
Upon motion admission fee for
Class Night and Commencement was
lixed at 60 ceuts each night and mem
bers of the graduating class to be
privlledged to reserve G tickets each
before placing tho same on sale.
President Paul Storey announced
the following committee appointments
for 1913-1014. Building and Grounds
Creighton, Gilham, Blaokledge. Text
books and course of study-Coon Truro
ble Ulackledge,
Finance Gilham, Coon Trumble.
Supplies Blackledge, Trumble Crei
ghton Teachers Creighton, Trumble Gil
ham. Rules Blackledge, Coon Trumble.
Claims-Gllham, Blackledge Creigh
ton. Board adjourned. R. D, Morit, Sec.
The following is a list of tho , pupils
who will graduate from the Red
Cloud High School the latter part of
this month:
Bertha Chaplin, Verna Chaplin, Iva
M. Drake, Bertha Doyle, Alverda M,
Hunslcker, J. Evan Hutchlns, Marie
K. Jcrnberg, Adclle Kuhn, Veda Lud
low, Lulu Belle Molntyre, Edgar
Mcintosh, Lena Ohmstede, Emma B.
Peterson, Marguerite M. Pulsipher,
Lena Rasser, Alvin T, Rathjen.JHelen
M. Relber, Ray Saunders, Charles R,
Snerer. Flora D. Shuto, Ettella M.
QIiia r.aiiArB V 2mIncrAf PAim Mtrljtfa.
g,,, 8hanao0i VerUa Wf
. K.thrvna B. Thomae. Veml.
Warthen, and Ethel E. Wisecarver.
- tw Weeks Each Year Far 91.50.
i r
Carry a South Bend Watch
anil wul riircertho continual annoyance of nn Inaccurate watch. South llciul are tho wttch
words annum nun nliu know. When you buy u South Hunt Watch from nn you secure our export
rcKUlaUuii'crWiu. I'hN U Important, for tatchcH ilou't run the wiiiio lor everybody, Cunui In
ami let us tell nu why. Kcry South llciul Watch must paw III liiMpeetloim ami run on tho dot In
freeline cohl ami ImiIIIur heat beforu leaving tho factory. 'I hi tnki'H a full year but Insure accu
racy, v oine lit and look on er our stock anil prices. Uoth will pleusuntly surprise you. Come now 1
Real Estate Ininsfers.
For the week ending May 0th,
Compiled by M. W. Cutter, Bondei'
Blructer, Bed fiord. Nebr.
Leroy 13. Speiieoand wifet (Walt
er L. llhea, wd. lot 13, Blk. I,
Spence's ".ml Add to Itlndeii S
Clarence Reed uud wife to M.irlhu
J. Lindsey, ud, lots t!,3, 1, .', 0,
Blk. 7, Kuil Itoud Add, Red
Llz.le Groat and husband to Al
bert C. Slaby, ssd, lots IJ, 7,
Blk. 0, Garber's Add to Bed
Johu F. Scott aud wife to Mar
tha E. l'olhcnntb, wd, lot 1.
Roberts' Add to Guide Kock
Grace llagan and husband to
Louanna Steely, wd, lot I, part
,of lot 2, Blk. 5, Vunce's Add to
Guide Rock
Louanna Steely aud husband to
William Cro.ler, wd, part swtf
William Busking and wife to
Orln M. Hedge, wd, w swH
Estella V. Andrews and husband
to Orlando C. Andrews, wd,
lot 7, Blk. 3, 1st Add to Bladcu
Hans Thompson and wife to Win.
M. Johnson, wd, pt. lot (I, and
all of lot r, and pt lot 4, Blk. 3,
Speucu's Snd Add to Bladen. , ..
William F. Fesler aud wife to
James F. Bowen, wd, lots 13 to
10, Blk. 3, Kail Road Add Red
John W. Bentley, Executor' to J.
W, Auld, Execntor's Deed, n4
Fred Thomas, et. al., to J. W.
Auld, qod, set 22-1-11, nX 3-1-9
Adeline Person to Samuel Llnd
sey, qcd, lot 13, Blk. 4, Smith
A Moore's Add to Red Cloud.,
H 0 O 00 (r-r
Glorious Gems
The gloryof diamonds and other gems never
pales; the iridescent fire never dies; the
lovely radiance is perpetual.
We have been selling gems for many years.
We know their value. Here you will find
one of the most complete collections of
diamonds and other stones in the country,
both in the loose gems and in the latest
'designs of settings. Every gem thoroughly
guaranteed pure in color and perfect in cut
tingwith a price saving of fully 25 percent.
The Center for Presents
Our store la tho Ideal
place for wedding or
birthday presents.
Tho better judgo of
jewelry you arc the more
you will appreciate the
quulitv, beauty and low
prices of our varied stock
of ring?, mesh bags, silver
ware, watches, chains, etc.
We are satisfying scores
of customers new and
old, every day we can
plcaso you, too.
The only Baking Powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes delicious home-talced foods
otmnxlmnm quality at minimum '
cost Makes home baking
pleasant and profitable
Tames F. Bowen aud wife to
Mary E. Flnolier, wd, lots 13
to 10, Rail Road Add to Red
Cloud 1200
Saml. Lindsey aud wifu to Myrtt
E. Joy, qod, lot 12. Blk. 4,
Smith Moore'h Add to Red
Cloud and pt bw sw'f 30.2-11 7
Mortgages Filed, 1111,17.1.75.
Mortgages Released, $l8,lu5,CO.
Baptist Association
Meeting Will Be Held May 14
The Baptist Associations! Meeting
will be held at the Baptist church in
this city on Wednesday, May 14, 1013.
Tho following progam will ba
10:30 Song Service.
11:00 Sormon, Rev. Teal I, Superior.
12.00 Adjourn for dinner.
3:00 Song and Praise Service,
2:30 Discussion of unitiug the two
associations. 3:3o Sermon, Rev. Berry, Lincoln,
Adjourn for supper.
7:30 Devotional.
8:00 Sermon, Rev. Taft.
0:00 -Business Session. Adjourn
ment. A cordial Invitation la extended t
everyone to attend this meeting.
- ,'
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