The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1913, Image 4

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Get Out of the Light!
CarrilitM KI7, 11..!. Palmer
You can 't have the picture perfect on the
screen if someone stands in the path. Get rid of the cause
of the trouble, nmku the intruder sit down, tlicn, wlien the obstruction
is out of the way, the liht travels uninterrupted from the machine to
.the curtain. Kvcrybody knows that.
Chiropractic follows the same lines of good every
day common sense. Everybody knows the seat of life is in
the mind which Is In the brain. I.irvgivlng mental force travels from
the mind through the spinal cord and nerves to all parts of the body.
If every nrgtin in the body receives Its full nhsire of this life-force It mnlntnins
Its vigor (itid health, but If any of the nerves are Impinged or squeezed and
their carrying capacity Is cut down, the organs to which they lead do not get
enough llfcforcc to keep them running.
For instance, here's a man whose stomach cannot stand
even thu simplest foods. It won't digest them, lie Is sick. If you
were to trace back the nerves that lead to his stomach you would find that at
the point where they enter the spine to connect with the spinal cord the vcr.
tebrnc nro not property plncecl and the nerve N plnclied. The life force cannot Ket
thru. Acljntt the vertchrno to their normal position and you'll Unit thut nian'n
.stomach wilt itpeedily reKiiln Its vlh'or,
Hriefly this is the work the Chiropractor is trained to do:
He must trace the 111 effect back to Its cause, adjust the cause and let
nature do the work she can and will quickly do. He Is well trained. His
.knowledge It the result of mort than 17 yean of scientific research anil experiment. Ho
works with his hnnds only, not ns an osteopath or masseur, lint upon tUo displaced
vertebrae which ho ucntly hut accurately forces back Into rhcir normal rffsitloas.
Why not take your troubles to him and let him trace them
back to the cause and adjust It? He will gladly answer your ques
tions and what he will tell you may save yon many )rars of sujcn'ug ami
rxpensr. There Is a competent Chiropractor In your city. Oct hln advice i''j free
but valuable for all that t
Palmer School of Chiropractic
"Chiropractic Fountain Head"
Davenport, lows
625 Elm Street, ... Red Cloud, Nebraska
Graduate of rainier School of Chiropractic
Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free
OFFICE HOURS: 0 to J2 a. in. nnd 2 to s p. m.
Experience Teaches
When you buy a stallion you
want quality, because you know that
what has happened in the past will
occur in the future. If you buy a Stickney Engine you will
obtain the satisfaction of 25,000 present users.
Ed. Hanson
BVBaHBvaaaaBBi exclusive agent mhmh
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co.,
Red' Cloud, Neb.
I have just received a very extensive shipment
of Spring Dress Goods in all of the very latest
and most up-to-date creations. The shipment
Fancy Silks
Foulards - Piques
Wool Goods
Ratines - Diagonals
I want to call your particular attention to to
the largest and highesl class shipment of embrod
eries ever brought to this town.
Don't buy before examining these goods.
Th nmwt thing In Button.
"Good of Qullty"-mOur Motto
t(ed Gloud,
WMMJ9 8 rOvtrMh
The recent aot of April 19th, 1006
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
12 per month. Fred Maurer, the at
toruey, has all necessary blanks,
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
To the Voter
Which of your boys do you Intend
Hhnll stand In the footprints of ruined men?
Will yon help them to enter a life of woe
HecniiNoof your voted? Oh, nol Oh, not
I f you voto for naloon. I verily fear
You'll have toMipport them', no now look here
Which of your boyn aroyou going to glvo
To ruin and death, that naloon may live?
At a Business Proposition
What Do You Get For It?
210 acre farm for rent 11 miles sooth
east of Red Cloud, and fljtf miles sooth
west of Guide Rook. Apply to C. E.
Rogers 1542 K street, Lincoln, Nebr.
Foa Sale White Plymouth Rook
fltUd.iDr. StookBun, BdTCloud, Neb. OockersUs. Joseph Tophasa. adv.
Mot of what Ih said and written on
the liquor question is on the motnl
phase of it. The business side Is, as
far ns the consumer is concerned,
Usually neglected The moderate
drinker feiils that he w'lll never "go
to the gutter," nnd only a small per
cent of them do.
Most people want to get something
for their money. If they acquire ti
habit they want, some place ulong the
line, to be able to feel that they have
value received in some form. The
young man ready to shirt in business
doesii't'nlways stop to analyze thiugs
thoroughly, but he sturts in with the
idea that lie is securing a benollt, tem
porary or permanent, in recreation or
u business or social way. What does
he get and what lire his prospects in
theso lines when ho starts the drink
He itMiully begins by sneaking in
the back door to u saloon, or in Home
booze joint. The people he goes with,
or finds there, arc not at that etage,
those lie is proud to be found with.
He is rather ashamed of himself for
awhile. He spends his money at the
rate of five or fifteen cents a drink,
and it's over in a minute that is the
moderate drinker or the one lust com
mencing, and he is the fellow we arc
now after. The fellow who gets on a
high lonesome and makes a fool of
himself, is sorry enough afterward
bot he is weak. He needs his back
bone pushed up In front.
Our man gets his drink and it is
over he does not Intend to get drunk.
It isn't a very desirable place to loaf,
for the chances are that the fellow
who has had too many is there, with
his tongue loosened, and ready to put
his arm or two affectionately arouud
you and prlbble away for twenty min
utes tclllug something with nothing in
it. not even a point. So our man goes
on about his business, knowing that
lie has spent in his fifteen cent drink
what would biro him the use of a dol
lar for two years, to Invest and re
invest and keep his credit good. He
knows from every authority, without
u single exception, that he has hurt
himself physically to somo extent.
The fellow who blows his money at
the sndu fountain has the edgeou him.
because if that fellow gets nwnv with
out immediate cramps in the stomach
he Is probably uninjured. No author
ity, medical or physiological, contends
that a drink of liquor Is more than a
temporary relief. Like n shot of dope
it leaves you worse than you were be
fore. It don't make you 'fit to do any
thing except, if you take enough more
to become a fool. Every athlete has
to taboo it, or he can't get in the game.
Even the prize fighter who lushes up
between times must cut it out when
he trains for real business, and if he
has enough "between times it gets
The big league ball clubs are put
ting the antl drink clause in their con
tracts and the little leagoers after
they have boozed can't sea the ball. If
you drink, and want in that line of
business you have to He or keep out.
Tiie railroads, factories and large
concerns that employ men have now
pretty generally adopted the rule that
the drink habit is sufficient cause for
discharge, and you have to lie and
conceal it like a hypocrite to get or
hold your job.
If you start a store, the banks the
mercantile and credit agencies send
out inquiries whether you drink, and
if the answer is yes, that don't help
your credit.
What are you getting fur your
money? Did you ever know anyone to
get job because bs took a drink?
Many have lost jobs for that cause.
The fellow who has to havo a bracer
to do his best, can't get the Job if his
employer knows it. You've not only
spent your money sod got nothing but
a gulp in the throat for it, but you've
put yourself under a handicap. You
know you will trust any man quicker
and more fully ic any important work
If you know he don't drink, than if
you know he does. Why will you
spend your money on a handicap for
yourself? If you go to a new town to
enter business or bunt a Job, unless
it Is one of the old time mushroon
frontier towns that soon busts of it
self, Is your standing better to put
your money into a bank or saloon?
You buy the foam and the headache
and the shaky nerve and dull eye that
makes you lose your job and you get
absolutely nothing else for your
Have you money to burn, or do you
need to work a little? As a business
proposition can you afford it?
A Baboain: My restdeooe property
on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First
good offer takes it. Don't be back
ward make me an offer. Address
Geo. F. Newborns, The Dalles, Oregon
JThe Beatrice Centrifugal Disc Washer
Free With Each Separator
60 to 600 It,
aaaa mbbbbLHiII I' I
It solves the disc-washing problem-
cleans and dries all the diics in less than
2 minutes gives you a sweet, spotless
separator. The pressed steel pail is also
Bitffer Capacity lower prices better service.
Tiie one high-grade standard separator
sold at a reasonable price.
Next time you are in town, step in and
let us show you why the BEATRICE is
the efficient, durable and economieal
skimming machine the one that costs you $25 to $40 less to be
gin with, thatsaves time and labor, skims closer, and is easier
to keep clean.
mMmmml 11 Mr
GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent
Eggs, Butter, Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds.
HIghort Market Price Paid For Your Stuff
Seven Reasons Why
One Town Stayed Dry
out Hoys
They are growing up to feel that the
saloon has no place in a civilized com
munity. OUR Yodno Men
They are coming into manhood with
out learning to drink liquor.
Obb Moderate Dbi.vkkus
They are no longer "worked" by the
Mtloon keeper to keep up the "treating
habit" the most dangerous feature of
the opcu saloon,
Our Dhink Victims
They cau walk our streets without
having the smell of whisky meet' them
at every turn.
Ouit Daughters and Wives
They can come to town without be
ing oirended and insulted by sights
disgusting and latiguago unspeakable.
You Will Find It Here
Fresh Oysters served to order at
Warren's Restaurant.
Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars ut
Warren's Kestuumnt.
When in town got your dinner at
Warren's Restaurant.
81.50 to S2.00 for good narrow stripe
fur. J. O. Caldwell.
Try Sheeley's Harbor Shop for the
best in the tunsorlal line.
Residence property for sale. Leaving
the city. D. W. Turnuue.
We have just received a new line
of the latest designs in up-to-date
wedding stationery. lie sure to see
Dr. R. F. Raines now has offices in
the new block. Hours to to J 12 a. m.
and 3 to 0 p. m. Calls attended day
or night.
I have taken baok my Office and
will remain in Red Cloud. Calls
promptly attended day or night. Dr.
R. F. Raines. adv.
I have the best rate in the county on
farm loans. See me and be convinced.
My motto prompt service.
A. T.'Walker.
E. A, Creighton,
M. D.
Dr. Deardokf Dr. Asiier
Chicago Veterinary Kansas City
College College
Ind. 244 "tj Res. Phones tW Ind. 233
Dps. Deardort & flsher
-:- Veterinary Surgoont -:-
Ofllce Phones: Ind. 103; Red 57.
Rti IhI Ntbratka
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker iriNebraska and Kansas
9rjmmmmfJ (si yAMvAvA
toft To II Oregon, British Columbia,
ou California, Washington
tOKTo Utah, Central Montana,
Southern Idaho
One Wey Rmtee March 19th to April 15th
Through Tourlist Sleepers:
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride tbrodgh
scenic Colorado.
Every day via Northern Paolflc and Great Northern to nil nrlnninai ..."
west destinations. , t
Homeseekers' Excursion Tickets:
From Eastern Nebraska to the Rig Horn Basin and other localities West
and Northwest.
m. m. rOK, TIckit Agtnt.
L. W. WAKmTLKY, QmniralPmfngw Agt.
vv3S mmmmmm 969'wrwa
A nice fresh clean stock at
all times; bought right sold
as low as any legitimate firm
can offer them. Try us.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Tfcc Htme Grocery
WVbAe9eS WamWaWm 6
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