is tf ffjBjrtBBp'ifc'f? ""'jVCm JtLTJl jBBBKZir' ' i-r eA"taamaaaaaaaaaaaaw al HhIIHHHIHpB VOLUME XXXXI BE ON THE ft it it It is true that you are not likely to lose your savings if deposited in any good bank but you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them ili when you deposit where ti. protection of the State Uj protection is offered you here. Ml 14 la miJir itadrMMarl kiiatnAea 4a arlawAeai4 lirllAIIA T ML MB BUlOll KUUU UUDUICQD .M UCUUDIb VflllClV M Jr you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- 8? erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- jjji i tees nothing. (fji it) The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de- fKS laf posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, ) you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA Oil it 4 So You Jlay Hnom This week marks the second week of the editor's vacation, and with the exception of the locals, this issue is edited by the attorueys-at-law of this city. It contains some well written article, bv these knights of the bar, and we now submit it to you for your consideration. Next week the business men of this city occupy the editor's chair. Watch for it! The Church and the Press The author of this article has ex hibited a broad, tolerant disposition, and his article is worthy of careful reading. He has alio shown that he is ready with a kindly wit. that makes anything from bis pen or lips enter taining as well as instructive. . The press and the pulpit have not co-operated in the past as they should. Jt occurs to this crltio that it would be practicable to bring about more co operation by the adoption of a plan of this nature. Let each minister devote one sermon a year, at least, to the discussion of tome topic of public iuteiest for the welfare of- the community. Let that sermon be so unlike the usual sermon that it will be interesting reading to all the thinkers of the community. The Chief would be glad to publish such a diicourse, at least once a year, from each minister, and invite general criticism of the ideas announced there in. In this way, the press and the pulpit .could work together for the formation of a healthful public opinion on mat ters of vital importance to the city and county. The minister might also invite the discussion of some live topic once a year from the public men of the city, whloh could be reported in the local papers. This would have a tendency to unite all the people with the church as the centre. The facility with which the clergy can thus avail of themselves of all the forces of the city, and make a practical application of the teaohlngs of the church to the daily, commercial, or civic life of the people might prove an "eye opener" to us all. Private Money To Loan albo regular Farm Loans on best terms to be had In the State. Call for me at State Bank Red Cloud. C. F.Cathkr. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will .meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's office in Red Cloud, Tues day, March lltli. adv SAFE SIDE 'V 9 (?) you have the additional Guaranty Law. Such tf The New Nan And the New Age The New Man and the Now Age is a carefully aud thoughtfully written article deserving of extended review. Especially significant is the closing paragraph. The establlslfmeut of (lie KinKdom of God on earth where and while we live, is udiiiittt'd by the church in the past, although I am of the opnloii that this was the purpose of the Christians in the earliest ages of its history. It requires bold preach ing to expound the social ideas of Jesus. The Rev. Crapsey found him self unfrocked by the authorities of his church for making the attempt some years ago, and the Rev. J. Thurs ton Brown, of Rochester found it con venient to resign his pulpit when he became imbued with the socialistic teachings of the Saviour.' It is the refusal of the church to lead in this direotlon that makes 'so many men Indifferent to its claims. The chunjh tad pulpit are looked upon as lagging behind In the progressive movement which is seeking to amelior ate the conditions of earthly existence. In the emphasis they place on the life after death, they are thought to place too little emphasis upon the life that now is. Of course it is only a matter of emphasis. It is one of the laws of conduct and language that emphasis can not be placed on all acts, purposes, words and syllables. A wrong accent makes a mispronunciation of the word. A mistaken emphasis heads an insti tution in the wrong direotion -To superficial observance the church and pulpit have been over emphasizing heaven, and the foreign missionary work and. under emphasizing life In Red Cloud, aud Red Cloud missionary work: over-emphasising total abstin ence, 8nnday observance, certain forms of amuBM t and recreation and un der-emphasizing helpfulness and neigh borllness in the railroad addition, For one I am glad to see. from, the pen'of a minister of the gospel something like a confession of short-coming in this regard, and some indication of a feel ing in tne churoh that there must be a change of direction. .. . Booster or Knocker 1 did' not know that there was a loeal minister who had poetic aspir ations. I shall not attempt to criticise the meter, the rhyme or the language of the. poem which appears on the front page of the ministerial issue of the Chief. But I wish to express my approval of the sentiment of the poem and the spirit in which it was written. As I have not been informed as to its authorship, I feel like taking off my bat to all the clergy, knowing that 1 shall salute the right man. 4 Newsf-aier That flltes The Newt Flftytws Weeks Each Year Fer $1.50. It ED CLOUD, MBHRASKA. FKBRUAKYJ7, Ui. Civic Pride and Improvement Since the columns of the Chief have been offered, what better use could be made of the offer than to say some thing for the betterment of lied Cloud. It is indeed an opportune time for this subject. The uaturul location of our city should be an incentive to us to do those tilings that will help to beauti fy it. The town Is made up of its citi zenship and our improvements are the result of the individual improvements. So that our whole subject hinges upon a proposition which would be express ed by our ministers as follows: "What kind of a town would Red Cloud be it all its citizens were such a citizen as I am?" There are mauy little things that could be done to beautify our town if we would all unite on them. Suppose that every citizen should clean up his alley and cease to throw ashes, tin cans aud rubbish in the streets aud alleys, and instead put them in a con venient pile, aud with the opening of spring let our city seud around a man with a wugou to gather up all refuse and deposit it far from our city limits. Let the Mayor set aside a day known as "Cleaning up day." After ;this has been done, suppose our Commercial Club or some other otganizatlon that hus the city's interests at heart offer a prize for the best kept back yard aud alley, aud lmve a committee inspect this from time to time, all unknown to any of us aud later publish the name of the citizen who has the most pride in his home and city. The giant trees of our town lend much to our comfort and plcasuro and yet they are badly neglected There are mauy streets where an umbrella can not be raised on account of the overhanging branches. This is indeed anuoyiug aud not at all beautifyiug. Let's trim the trees, .vith the approach of spring. ' The past two winters have demon strated the need of keeping the suow off our sidewalks. This Is sometimes hard to do where there is no man about the house, or'where the owner of pro perty is a non-resident. There are some citizens who run suow plows on the sidewalks for their own advantage. Why cculd not oUr street commission er 'devote a half a day to this work and thus insure clear sidewalks early iu the morniug for the school children aud teachers, and the business men who go to work early while some folks are still dreaming of the day gone by, and not awake to the fact that their sidewalk is covered with snow to the top of the fence. ' ' Our water question has been passed upon by a vote of the people and will no doubt be taken care of as necessity demands. All we would say as to that is that the people, discuss it, as they did before, and keep pure water in our mains before disease teaches us a lesson. '' Our location and proximity to the Republican river ought to solve the sewer proposition when It confronts us, and when It does come, although It may come high, it will be worth the money to us as individuals as well as a town. My last proposition is a business one, and that is as to our Electric Light and Water System. Are we making It pay, and if not, why not'.' It has been suggested by some who are on the look out for the betterment of our town, that a business mauager should be put in charge of it, aud thus permit our Commissioner to devote all his time to the running and working of the plaut. He no doubt would have plenty to do. We could easily get a business manager to hear all com plaints aud thus relieve our Commiss ioner aud city ofUcials of much grief and no doubt satisfy all who have complaints. Now that we have a Y. M. C. A. aud Commercial Club, let's boost these or ganizations aud with the approach of spring start In with fresh zeal to im prove and beautify our town. Relation of Church to Law To mt has been assigned the critic istn of the ediloiiiil, not entitled, (lis. cussing the rehil ion of the church to the political mid ulvit! life of our day The author etupusles present lawless ness, the fill I u re of otllcials to prevent abuses and rid the community of the influences that tend to debase rather tlwtii to upbuild. A lawyer looks at this mutter from an entirely different standpoint from that of a minister. Helms but little faith in restrictive legislation or the enforcement of punitive laws against any Urge amount of public sentiment tolerant of the alleged abuses. He Is trained to expect but little result ftom attempts to enforce any laws other then thoso directed against exception al men and exceptional conduct. Min isters are too apt to place all acts of the legislature in the same category. They are all law, and therefore easily assnmed to be of equal obligation. Lawyers, how ever, are disposed to re gard certain laws as of the utmost sicrcducsK, aud certain other laws hs of little consequence. Murderers, thieves, incendiaries, ravishers, bigamists, are exceptional. Their crimes are exceptional. There is no sentiment, to speak of, iu the community tolerant of them. I hesi tate to admit how largo a portion of the community is guilty of profane Icttgunge, of incontinence, of indulg ence in alcoholic drinks, of gambling with cards or otherwise. But every lawyer knows that there are so mauy persons guilty of some or all of these offenses iu every commun ity, that it is impracticable to helect a jury of twelve incu iu which there shall not be u degree of tolerance for the offense and sympathy for the offender. The lawyer, therefore, has compara tively little faith iu punitive legisla tion,' directed against a large propor tion pf the, people. A great statesman once said that he 'did not know how to draw up an in dictment against a whole people. A lawyer recognizes that it is Impractic able for a majority of the people to en force retributive legislation against a good-sized minority. A minister is too to regard all law as of a sacred character. A lawyer, on the other hand, recognizes all munici pal law or human legislation as the effort of one part of the people to coerce the other part the community Into compliance with Its will. To him here Is no especial sanctity in one act of legislation rather than another, ex cept as it is sustained by the general sentiment of humanity. If It is to be accomplished by force, and foroe is the only method of enforcement known, the force of the corporation, govern mental or private, Is nothing more than the collective force of individuals, and it derives no sanctity from the fact that the majority are on one side to day, while they may be on another side to-morrow. The force of the state, or of the city is insufficient for the redress of all evils, the prevention of all wrong. The majority cannot rule the minority through the criminal courts, or by means of the police. The lawyer, therefore! Jlooks with distrust on all efforts to invoke the criminal law in behalf of general reforms. CNlttsitlMMl Chmfc. "Esau the man who made a bad bargain" will be the subiect of the ser mon Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10. Vesper at 5:30' The pastor will give a lecture on the the subject1: 'The Second Coming of Christ and the Turkish War". Mld-Week services on Wednesday at 7;30. John J. Bayne, Paster. ISt Acre Fans It Best f w Cash 60 acres of alfalfa, 40 acres of corn land, 40 acres of Blue grass pasture and runnlug water, 25 acres fenced hog tight, 15 acres In alfalfa. This farm is located 1 mile north of the State Bank of Red Cloud. Dan M, Gabber. aAa-'W's'V I REMEMBER lo correct an erronous impression winch seems to be in circulation I wish to say that I am still sell ing the well known VICTOR VICTR0LA and Victor records. My stock of these is com plete and fresh and I can supply you with anything wanted in the Victor line. I expect to continue to carry this line and as always to have a good complete stock of both records and machines. In comformity with my policy of ALWAYS having the BEST goods FIRST I am now showing the new EDISON DISC PHONOGRAPH This new machine is with out doubt absolutely the finest musical machine ever placed on the market having many advantages over any other machine of any make. It has a Diamond pointed reproducer do ing away with all needle changing, an Indestructible record playing twice as long as any other disc record. The tone is the most natural and no other machine is in the same class for a minute for fidelity of repro duction. These are but a few of the many points of superiority. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH as usual are the best of their kind. The new Undestructible Blue Amberol record playing four minutes when used with the new Diamond pointed, reproducer giving tones and volume of the old disc machines. I want you to hear these instruments side by side, whether you contemplate the purchase of one or not and extend to you a cordial .invitation to come and hear them played. E. H. Newhouse .i v Jeweler & C. B. It Q. Watch Inspector.' wWWSiAW Make Us Prove It W dare not exanerate to you. We are dependent saa your patronage. Toget It we must have your trust and coafl- i fence. We make the fellewfac statement with a full under tending; of what they mean to us. You are safe when yea believe In these statements. For the Bowels If rev ealjr knew as much as we MtMMWS rke have uaed thaaa kaow about Retail Orderlies, jrou would he as nathualaatie about recommend ing than as we are. They taste just Ilka eeady. Tbajr eel ao easily and so plaaaantly that the Ukias of than Is S pleasure. Even children like Retail Order Ilea; aad you know that U a medi cine appeals to a child, It will appeal to growa-upe. Kelp chase gloom, dispel bluaa and snake you feel bappy by their spleo slid tonic, cleansing and etrengthen Ing effect upon the bowel. They act to free tna system and keep ft free from the distress and ill feeling that naturally reaulta from irregular and inactive bowels. Retail Orderlies do this quietly,' without griping or causing nausea, purging or eioeaiive looaenesa. They act to overcome and remove the cause CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rezall Orderlies are not aold by all bu. You can buy Retail Orderlies only at The Retail Storee. You can buy Keiall Orderlies iu this community only at our storet H. E. GRICE DRUG CO. RED CLOUD Th Then M a Retail Store to Beerty'everr QrAVBriUk,. "nSrijS a aWaraai Rei2l each espeeUUy deelfeeeTfor the particular The RexaH Stores are America's Qreateet Drug Stores NUMUEIt i lAy'V s Optometrist ef bowel file aad la a abort Unas usually make unnecessary the eee tinued use of phyetee and purgatives thus tending to atop aueh unhealthy habits aa may have beta formed. Make Us Prove This We do not aak you to take oat word for this. We wast you to snake ua prove it, and at so cost to you. Buy a box of Razall Orderlies at our store. Use them once, or use u the whole bos. Than. U you are not thoroughly eatie&ed, just eosae back empty banded and tall us. Without obligating you or question ing you wa will return the moaefi you paid ua for them. Doesn't that indicate that Reial Orderlies are at least worthy of trial Doesn't it prove our faith in thaeaf Doesn't it merit your confidence Could any offer be more fair to yoa? We particularly recommend RexaH Orderlies for children, delicate aasl aged persons. Retail Orderlies eoaae in convenient veat-Dooket aiae Usl i - i. . ... . . . boios. Vi tablets. 1U0J 30 25oj 80 UbleU, 60c Stort NElRAtKA town and city in the' United SUteeCaaada Mat Remedy for warty every ojdtaary fauataa S ill for whloh K Is reoom mewled. .. i i Ml M n awtm il'fa p avajaii . ' j mjtY,m ? f- I g&. " i Al kf jtmmMt lTiriirasasiieiViji,-' -.t , Ai-- f - H