The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1913, Image 7

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Simple Prescription Said to Work
Wonders for Rheumatism.
Thin lms boon well known to tho
best doctors for years ns tli quickest
una trost reliable euro abtnliinblo for
rliciitimtNm uml backache. It lms been
puuIMifU ben for Eeviral winters ami
liuntlreil'i of tlie worst ruses mirril by
It In a short tlinn. "rrotn your drug
gist get ono ounro of Torh compoutut
(In original ponied pneknee) nml one
ounce of syrup of Hnrsnparllla com
pound. Tako these two Ingredients
homo nml put them Into a half pint of
good wb skpy. siinlto the bottle nml
inko a tublrspoonful before encb meal
nml nt bedtime." Uesulta c-omo tbo
first any. It your drought does not
bavo 'I oris Compound In stock be will
Ret it In (i few hours from hit whole
palo house. Don't be Influenced to tako
sotne patent medicine In-Mcnd of this.
.Insist on having the gontilno Torls
compound In the original, one-ounco.
nealed, yellow package. Published by tbo
Olobo Pharmaceutical laboratories of
What She Meant.
"So you think I snioko too much?"
ho asked, Just to keep up u conversa
tlon that seemed to be languishing.
"Not ut nil," hIio answered not very
skillfully concealing a yawn.
"You said you thought so."
"Pardon me. I don't think you nrc
smoking too much."
"Didn't you say that I'd die If 1
didn't cut it down?"
"Yes that's what I said."
It took him a long time to got it,
and then lie was quite angry.
Evening Matters Up.
Mrs. March took a bite of the cake,
and laid It down hastily.
. "Norah," sho said, "did you follow
the recipe, or do as you usually do
land rucsb?"
i "Sure, mum, 1 follow tho recipe,
'only I put In six eggs Instead of four,
IbecauBo two was bad, nnd 1 wanted
Ito even 'em up." Youth's Campanlon.
In another part of this paper you
.'will find a largo ad of tho Loose-Wiles
Hlscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. They offer
Ito send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don't miss
fthls opportunity. Cut out the coupon
(from their ad and mall it today.
Jumped the Track.
"And JCens turned Niobo Into a
"Did they have- motor cars In thoso
lays, dad?"
"Should Worry
if you are neglecting or
abusing the Stomach,
Liver or Bowels. Sick
ness is sure to overtake
you. Be wise in time
and get a bottle of
It makes the appetite
keen, aids digestion,
maintains health,
strength and vigor and
thus makes life a real
pleasure. Try it and
see. Avoid substitutes.
Stiff Joints
are- relieved at once by an appllca
tlon of Sloan's Liniment. Don't
rub, just lay on lightly.
Sloan's Liniment baa done mora
food titan aiivtlilug I huvo ever tried
or MtltT loliiU. 1 gut my band l"t
badly that I bad to atop work right In
tUe buslost lime of tho year. 1 thought
at tint that 1 would have to havo my
band taken urT, but 1 got a bottle of
Sloan's Muluieut uml cured my baud."
Wilton Wukulku, MorrU, Ala.
Good for Broken Sinews
O. O. Jones, Hiilrtwln, L. J., vrritct :
'I mod Sloan's l.liilinont for broken
sinews uburo the kueo cap caused by a
fall and toiny great satisfaction wa
able to resume work in less than three
woeka after tho accident."
Fine for Sprain
Mr. TTejrt A. VOEiit. M Somerset
St., FlalnlieM, N. J., writes: "A
friend sprained bis ankle so badly
that It went black. H' laughed when
I told bltn that 1 would hare blm out
In a week. 1 applied Sloan's I.lnlment
and In four days bo wns working and
said Sloan's was a right good Linl
inent." Price 25c..
BOc., and 1.00
Slonn's Hook
on horaos, cattle,
sheop and
poultrysont f re.
Earl S.
Clstuet ana. txtuullis U .MB
Wflmuui a rtrcar!&&t ffrowth.
tlrrer Tails to Htstor Orsjj
f vv y y.
Boston, Mass., l5tyBBr
u.s.a. racw
I xTsL
Evening Gown of Pink Silk
a Recent Paris Importation
-mMIMw!wOl i
.iwssaKWi.u (k - J
i E'a.TWiivT. scacsisi.'sssssk 7Tsa7issrisssssssssssv'
An evening gown of pink silk with
black net, caught up in a largo bow at
Pretty Custom That Has Been Handed
Down Through Centuries Has a
Real Significance.
Flowers, of course, always bavo
been used at all festal occasions, and
bo, consequently, nt the weddiiiKs of
practically every nation. They are tho
symbol of gayety, and hence their pro
fusion at that most joyous of times
a wedding.
Hut soino of tho flowers have mora
than a general significance. For ex
ample, thero was long a custom for
each guest to dip a sprig of rosemary
Into his cup of wino before drinking
tho couple's health. Tho bride (if sho
wero not a widow) and tho bride
groom onco ndorncd themselves with
garlands of wheat. This was a symbol
of pIcntifulncsB and increase and nt
tho present timo tho bridnl wreath of
Drango blossoms possesses tho samo
In "yo olden times" there wero gar
lands, garlands everywhere at a wed
ding ceremony. Even tho rejected
suitor sometimes woro a garland of
gray willow.
Ilcsldes tho flowers, both tho brldo
and bridegroom woro a truo lovo knot,
an ornament Introduced into England
by tho Danes In the ninth century nnd
called tho "trulofa," tho troth. Tho
brido of that time was supposed al
ways to wear throo ornaments a ring
for a pledge, a brooch for Innocenco,
and a garland as a crown of victory
tor temptations resisted;
Of this description it very useful
for days when cold north winds blow;
It is trimmed with a single silk rose.
Mission of 1913.
If tho present year has any particu
lar mission of dress it must bo that of
adding to tho volume of tho existing
skirt. Tho year of 1912 had already
begun this work, and it will bo inter
esting to sco how far its successor
will cary It out. In Paris dresses aro
not worn nearly bo exlguously cling
ing as tlioy wero In tho earlier part of
last year. London is slowly following
tho example of the city of chiffon. For
tho rest, who am Bay? Prophesying
Is a thankless trade, moro particular
ly concerning matters of dress.
Like Darning.
If you wish to embroldor silk stock
ings, try tho following plan instead of
using nn embroidery hoop. Placo your
darning ball Inside tho stocking and
hold it as though you wero going to
darn, savo ttiat you should bo very
careful not to stretch tho stocking;
simply hold It smooth over tho darn
er whero you aro to do tho embroidery.
, .
f Nfeif5ssaea32sssy
tunic of silver embroidered lace over
tbu back.
Simple Contrivance Will Save Time
and Frequently Much Wear and
Tear on the Nerves.
Have you over hunted in vain for
tlie special size of hook and cyo you
needed? If not you are nn abnormally
neat woman, or ono given to buttons
or pins.
During that mad hunt through n
badly mixed box of sewing utensils
you doubtless vowed to havo a sop
arato hook-and-eyo box . forthwith.
Then you promptly forgot.
Tho next time immediately hunt a
number of card envelopes, and on tho
flap of each ono sew a hook and cyo
to show tho slzo nnd color within.
Put these envelopes neatly in a small
box and your miaerablo fishing days
are over. There should bo separato
holders for cards of hooks and eyes,
detached ones that have not been
used and for thoso that linvo been
ripped from n dress, as is tho habit
of soma economical women.
Small boxes with tho hook sowed or
pasted to tho lid may tako tho placo
of an envelope, but take up moro room
and are less easily handled.
For Evening Wear.
Evening dress is quito lovely thle
year, and tho tunic as much to the
foro as ever, though rather Bhorter
than that of laBt winter. Tho bead
embroidery is all tho rago, and it is
almost crowded upon tho nlnon that
composes these tunics. They aro of
the most vivid colors, nnd tho variety
of designs is surprising. Thero ap
pears to bo no end to tho lnventlvo
ness of tho clover brains employed in
this Interesting if arduous work. Tho
great difficulty must bo to differen
tiate the patterns from oach other.
Ono of tho loveliest has two long
stemmed lilies rising from tho hem In
front, nnd a border of similar but
smaller lilies finishes tho tunic. Tho
color is cerlso, with crystal beads,
and a curiously effective touch is the
very nnrrow, fiat piping, In tho very
palest greonlsh blue, which flnliihrs
tho tunic around tho shoulders nnd
bordors tho sleeves. Lovely cffoctB
aro mado by laying theso beautiful
colors over each othor.
Lace Indications.
The Dry Goods Economist states
that fashion Indications in Paris af
ford amplo opportunity for a wldo
use of InceB in garment development
for spring. Novel flouncing, tunic,
drapory and yoking features aro in
corporated in many of tho smartest
gowns now being launched, nnd all of
theso features nro being effectively
cnrrled out In laces. Whllo tho range
of varieties used Ib excodlngly largo,
attention continues to focus on tho
llghtor effects.
Laces Popular.
Lace and figured cliiffons and voiles
aro daintily wrought into charming
evening frocks for girls who need
thin dancing and dinner gowns. Tho
bertha effect in Inco or beaded nets is
very popular, and, moreover, immense
ly becomes either a stout or slight
person. It hides nny unsightly lines
nnd adds chnrm to good flguros. Har
per's nazar.
Hand-Run Tucks.
Lingerie dressos for Bprlng havt
tho fullness of tho skirts taken up la
band-run tucka.
And Ho Was a Dry Man, Outside
and In, Never Getting Ex
1'rofensor llnscoinb was a dry man
very dry lie wasn't dry for want
of water, lotmintido, root beer or limer.
Mo could have quenched most any
thirst by stopping into a saloon and
salug to tlio baikeep
"Whew! Is thlB hot enough for ou?
Hot Vtn up again, old man."
It was that tho pinfcssor's attitude
was dry lie was dry outside and In.
Ho never got excited A presidential
election wnn no moro to him than a lo
pn dog tight I lu never gossiped Ho
Jii'vcr took up frivolous questions,
vmch as the tariff on lamb chops, He
had lew acquaintances, uml those ho
forgot to bow to half tho time.
Professor Mascoinli was Jiiht a pro
fessor He filled the chair of natural
history at tins state college at luka
and given the leg of u grasshopper ho
could tell in what period of tlie world
he lived and died and why he inner
got to he a clam or a coon
1 On his arrival at lukr the professor
was offered board and lodging and all
the comforts of home at tlie Wood- j
nun eoiinge nr wnui socmen n rea
tollable late, and ho installed himself
there. He didn't earn about the name.
It would have linen tlie same to 111 ia
hail the cottage been named the Ox
Tall Hive He didn't care much about
his room, his food or his bed.
Theiu was one other thing the pro
fessor didn't care much about at the
Woodbine, and that was Miss Joy Mar
ton Miss ,loy was thirty-seven years
old and still heart-free She and her
mother owned tho Woodbine. They
made li a rule to tako one gentleman
Wilder from the college, and every
time the old boarder went and n new
cue n placed him the town gossips
predicted that Miss .ley would succeed
in her fall designs. That is, of course,
she would lasso him and lead him to
'.ho matrimonial altar.
While Professor ltascomb was dry
very dry-Miss Joy was glrly and
kittenish and romantic. She wanted
to read and talk of knights and chev
aliers and squires and dames and ab
ducted maidens. Professor Ilascornb
wanted to talk about tho dodo and the
mammoths. Whore was the common
Miss Joy wnnted to read and weep
over "Tho Sewing Machine Olrl."
Tlie professor wanted to catch and
examine the hearts nnd lungs of bats
and crickets. Why, if they mot on tho
street tire professor was as apt to ad
dress her as Mrs. Perkins or Miss
Sehomorhorn as by her right name.
They did not lack moro than a mllo
or two of being as far apurt as the
Without admitting that Miss J. over
had any designs upon tho professor, It
may be stated Unit at the crrd of six
months the girl mused to herself:
"I give him up. He 1b impossible.
Ho will never como within 10 rods of
being a hero. He. would boo rats eat
mo up nnd not como to the rou"ito."
All of this was very natural in a
weary old maid.
Three or four days later at tho din
ner tnble, whero tho professor seldom
spokn at all, ho suddenly said:
"I see that there Ib to bo a circus in
Gasps of astonishment from mother
and daughter. Gasps that there was
to be a circus, and gasps that tho pro
fessor had referred to it.
"And I think we'll attend."
Gasps of tho gasplngest kind.
"Yes, I want you both to go with
Had Profefisor Uoscomb suffered a
sunstroke? Tho women turned palo
as they looked from him to each oth
er. "I don't enro much about tho circus
part of it. but I should like to Btudy
tho animals, particularly tho lion. Per
haps I shall bo able to glvo you sorno
information you havo never ncqulre'd."
No, mother nnd daughter did not
know the Hon very well. Tlioy had
heard him spoken of as tho king of
beasts, but with eggs at llfty cents a
dozen, and butter almost ns much per
pound, with nlno liars in the United
States to ono truthtellor, they had ta
kon only a passing Interest In Leo.
Tho day and tho hour camo nnd as
they stood before tho cage of the kan
garoo tho professor musingly said:
"Australia Is tho truo homo of tho
kangaroo. He Is not a flesh-eating ani
mal, and will not attack man unless
driven to the wall. You may wonder
at tho length of his hind legs. Why
wasn't he created to run on four legs
tho samo ns a wolf?"
Miss Joy looked at her mother, and
her mother looked at her. Thoy had
run a boarding hnuso for tho last ten
years, but It had never occurred to
them to ask tiro question or uttempt
to find tho nriBwer.
"Tho kangaroo Is not a predatory
animal," continued the professor, "Qn
tho contrary, ho Is as timid ns tho
hare, itoth must depend upon tliolr
nlortnesB nnd lleetness to escape their
foes, Thus it comes about that, their
gait Is by leaps and bounds, and that
by standing up on their hind legs tlioy
can look for their cnomleB."
"Mother, did you ever!" asked MIsb
Joy ns sho drew a long breath.
"No, daughter, I never did!" was tho
solemn reply '
"Tho tnll of a dog or cat is merely
ornamental. Behold tho tall of tho
kangaroo! It is a cushion on which
'ha sits. It nssiBtB him to rise In a
'hurry. It acts riB a rudder to steer
ihlur when leaping through tho air. If
driven to defend himself ho usos claws
and tnll. Ono blow of tho tall will
break u man's ribs or leg."
"Just think of that mother!" gasped
Miss Joy.
"Yes, I am thinking of It, daughter!"
"Kangaroo meat Is not ranked
among the delicacies," oald tho pro
fessor, "but It Is very nutritious, in
fact, one pound of It has moro nutri
ment lu It than a pound and a quarter
of Chicago beef, and at half tho cost.
It is a wonder to me that American
capitalists havo not arranged to im
port kangaroo meat."
"If they would only arrange, moth
er!" sighed Miss Joy as she remem
bered the price of tlie last1 beefsteak.
"Perhaps the liomocratle party will
bring it about," replied the mother.
At this moment a stranger who had
been listening to the wise tsjlk butted
irr by asking the professor:
"Did you say that kangaroo could
knock a man gaily west with a blow ol
his tall?"
"Yes, sir."
"Gosh all hemlock! Say, don't you
think the bird could be taught to use
his tnll'ni a pile-driver?"
"Ladles ahem -we will now pass
on to the king of beasts," was the
evasive reply.
"Mother, what Is a pile-driver?"
whispered the daughter.
"It's a machine they use to drive
mouc) out of a college student when
he's behind on his board!"
"Leo, the lion, has been written
about by hundreds of hunters nud nat
uralists," began tho professor as they
came to tho proper cage, "and yet wo
do not know hlin as he Is. He Is a
beast of moods, One day he will at
tack a man with great llcrceness. The
next ho will Uee from him. Hy nature
hu is carnivorous. Meat Is his sole
diet, and his appetite demands at least
thirty pounds per day. A full grown
lion has been known to devour tho bol
ter hair or nn ox lu one night."
"Suppose we bad one for n board
er?" gasped Miss Joy.
"Lord! Lord!" almost walled thu
"Man Is the only living thing the
Hon fears, nnd not always him," said
the professor. "It Ib asserted that II
man will look Leo steadily In the
eyes for three or four minutes "
He broke off there to draw himsell
up and fold Ills arms and stare nt tho
beast with a scowl, wrinkling his foro
bend Leo stood It for about forty
seconds. Then with a growl and a
roar he plunged against the bars with
such force that they gave way nnd ho
sprang down upon Miss Joy.
"Ilun! Ilun! The Hon Is Iooko!"
There was a wild scattering. Mrs.
Morton fainted away and fell to earth,
but tho professor never turned a hair.
Tlie Hon crouched down and laid n
pay on his victim nnd growled.
"Tho tnll of a Hon is not tho tall of
a kangaroo," said the professor as ho
stooped down and clutched It. "Never
theless, It is capable of sustaining
great weight when used thus!"
And next moment ho had lifted tho
beast from tho ground as a boy might
a cat and wns swinging him In n cir
cle. There were yells and cheers nnd
cries of "hold him!" and presently tho
circus people camo running with ropes
nnd Leo was thrust Ignomlnously
back Into his cago.
Miss Joy wasn't hurt, her mother re
covered from her faint, and profossor
rinscomb wan a hero. Miss Joy man
aged to tell him so, and though ho
called her Mrs, Calhoun nnd Mrs.
Woodlrnusn nnd got things badly mix
ed up, she understood thnt he was also
popping tho question und Bho replied
(Copyright. 1913. by tho McCluro News
paper Syndicate.)
Foolish Fly.
This is told for n truo sto'ry by Tom
In a certain town In wetern Kan
sas, whose name is withheld for ob
vious reasons, thero was a hotel which
was as near tho limit, perhaps, as any
pi nco thnt over masqueraded undo!
tho n u mo of a placo whero a trnvoloi
could get food nnd lodging. On on
occnslon a man who was looking the
country over stopped at tho hotel fol
dinner. Tho meat was a .few pieces oi
fat salt pork swimming In greaso; the
broad was a batch of biscuits so hard
that you couldn't break ono with a
hatchet, and the butter was as strong
as llmburgcr cheese. Tho stranger
was hungry, but not near enough to
stnrvutlon to bo able to eat anything
thnt was on tho table. As ho sat
looking ovor tho board with disgust a
fly alighted In tho half-melted butter.
Tho stranger carofully helped tho fly
out of Its trouble and, ns ho watchod
it crawl feebly away, said: "I know
what's tho mntter with you. You're
feeble-minded. Any Insect that has
wings to fly wjtii that will loaf 'round
this hotel must bo a durnod fool."
Kansas City Journal.
Awful Effect of the New Dances.
Arnold Dennett, tho English author,
who frequently blushes parentheti
cally In his writings whonover ho ad
mits having tho sumo fallings as othor
human beings of tho domain of tho av
erage, Ib a reminder of a Kansas City
girl who admits thnt tho now socloty
dnnces are enough to make ono for.
get how to blush. When asked tho
othor day If she couldn't blush any
more, she roplled: "Oh, yosf on a
pinch." And then sho pinched her
cheek to prove it.
Meet and Remarry on Train.
John P. Stolllor of San Antonio,
Tcmih, met ills ono time wife, Mrs.
Ollvo Stelller, on a Missouri, Kansas
(c Texns southbound trnln at Hills
boro and thoy woro romarrlod on tho
speeding train. Tho couple Intended
to stop off long enough to got a
prenchor, but tho train waB lato, so
County Judge Stophcnson was In
duced to moot tbo tralu and officiate,
Backache Is aWarning
Thousands sillier
kidney illu unawares
not knowing
the backache, bead
aches, nnd dull, nerv
ous, dizzy, nit tired
condition nro often
duo to kidney weak
ness alone.
Anylxxlywho suf
fers constantly from
backacliuslioiild sus
pect tbo kidney.
Sorno Irregularity
of thu secretions may
givo jtrst thu needed
Dean's Kidnoy
Pills havo been cur
ing backache nud
sick kidneys forever
fifty years.
"Flirt Miflf
A Minnesota Cia
Mn.Anniiltinoiril. 71 SjcmnoMSt.. St. Punt,
Minn, mini "I milTori-il tnrrllilr nnd doctor's
riitililn't tiiilp in. I tai an lUl'"' Willi tint
nun in my nun I
hln nml liiMtcrrl
rnilliln'lllirii In IipiI. I griiir
jnllriiolli, nunn'AKIilnur
I f nm In perfect health."
Gel Don' nt Any Store, 60e a Bos
DOAN'S k?lMt
FOSTEK-MtUJURNCO., Buffalo, Nw York
Little Chance Thnt Voice-Culture Stu
dent Attempted to Gratify Old
Gentleman's Friend.
Patlnotly tho old gentleman had
been sitting through tho ordeal of
hearing tho volco-culturo student in
tho hall bedroom below practicing with,,
n zeal which left no room for criticism,
but with a talent by no means bo kind
ly described. (
Finally ho crept down tho Btalr
nnd rapped at tho door of tho younaj
woman's room.
"I can't come In," ho Bald In re
sponse to an Invitation, "but I simply
camo to toll you of a friend of mind
who would, I know, bo willing to pn
almost nny amount of monoy to hear
you sing."
Overwhelmed with Joy tho younrf
woman begged tho kind old gontloman
to write his friend's name nnd addrcsl
on a ploco of pnper.
When ho had gono upstairs sh
looked ut the Blip of paper which ha
hnd handed back to her Inscribed and
neatly folded. It read: "John W.
Jones, Asylum for tho Deaf."
As to the Wedding Garb.
Colonel Wntterson occasional
turns his attention from dressing
down candidates to dressing up Inquir
ing correspondents. Listen to this ad
vice from thu Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal:
"There aro two reasons for being
married in a dress suit, young man.
It's fnshlonablo, and It's your last
chanco to get a dress suit."
This can bo considered good advice,
founded on observation and expert
enco, oven If It Ib a little pessimistic
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Occasional. Visitor.
A notnblo housekeeper of tho put
genorntlon, beforo tho days of screens,
had just announced with decision that
sho- never hnd any fllos.
"Hut, Aunt Augusta," faltered the
timid visitor, "It scorns to mo that I
saw a fow in tho dining room."
"Oh, thoso," replied her nunt, with
a majestic wavo of tho hand, "were the
neighbors' flics. They will como ia
occasionally, nut I wns saying, we'
never havo any of our own." Youta'e
We've Done Our 8hare.
Woodby Ib there any money 1
writing for tho mngazlno?
Scrlbllns Suro! Tho postal do
partment Is about half supported that
way. Boston Transcript.
Feathered Girl.
"Looks rathor plain, does she not?"
"Well, thoso aro her own feathers.
Sho can't afford anything artificial."
Harper's nazar.
You can have a taste of the
summer sunshine of the corn
fields by serving a dish of
These crisp flavour bits
of toasted white corn make
an appetizing dish at any
time or year.
Try them in February
and taste the delicate true
maize flavour.
A dish of Toasties served
either with cream or milk,
or fruit, is surprisingly good.
The Memory Linger
Grocers everywhere itll
Foatum Cereal Co., ZjUU,
Battle Creek, sUok.
p &
I Wl
:i p.
'J u
j u
- li 'I
: m
' m
' v. I
J 1
lrTent hair fulllne.
. li&iii
i it ut J4. v fiAfttj ..uVjJ"
- 1ST li I ' tu4st j'fWt 1 rJi JLiTfrfSS
' " -J 'WW -5 -"I .-V " '