The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1912, Image 1

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    FarmersMnstitute November 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1912 Wl
rftito tUitorlcal Soclity
4agggtEHoiaB!-3a. ' i.w:-
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Ji-awgSgg.yWi,--2:f'2gn' 's -' J.'2jZ&?mfi
i '""f . - '.y" - - SSJ rtT ManSSSJ - arBBBaY'lsfesaBBw BBBrr bBbb $s4af afl aSSBBw irr!'w j-i . j TaasBm'. sasV sasrkBa bbsm ! mB BMiJa-tPF--Bp38BBBBEBBiB33BEMIBBtEj $ataBBj
JjillljHlBBBIBI&iHpH. 'ainH5aiMBBlHHf
HBjaiijTjJWKJSjjJiB 'taLasftftftftftftftBlBBfHniBBftftftftftftftftftftftftftftBBBSasa
m pr Brf"' laBa5SaBi'Kg3i3WBsi BWWWWPHpiOPBP3WEv3SVaBfBM
I' v
KVj 4
vf L
4 !few$ftaS$r Hat Wm Tin Rem Pltti-tira Wssks Each Yar Rr f I.St.
lii It is trut that you art not likely to loio your j!J
savings il deposited in any good bank but you JJ
2 aro ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose thorn $
JJ- whon you dopoalt whore you have tho additional sri
t protection o! the State Guaranty Law. Such
it) protection is offered you here. jj
ia) It is surely "food busintM" to deposit where JJJ
you get absolutely fuaranteed protection, in prof- j
Jf erence to placing money in a bank that guaran-jn
w tees nothing. Ml
tii The State Guaranty Law it behind every dollar de-
Ok posited in this bank, and when you open an account here,, W
tjjf you are UN 1 MLS Aft 5lUb.
in Red Cloud
Cost of Levy
To Taxpayer
There seems to be a little nitaundpr
standing In regard to what tbe court
house tax levy would amount to for
each taxpayer. The proposed plau
calls for a five mill levy for three
!. Mow if you have property
valued at on thousand dollars you
lyour property would mean that you
pay one dollar per year for tbftoe years
If you have
a. . . . & . & . . a av ssk k snv si aa , sh . Skk sax , Vbbv by av & ax Bk avJB
"B S S S P LS 3 7 "ew y P eV iaw aw 4aVV?sV "aPaWBPjaVP
Addressing a large audience of vot
ers iu the opera house here Wednesday
night, ex-tiovernor A. C. Shalleaber
ber strengthened his reputation as a
clear, codclse and forceful speaker,
and unquestionably did much jood
for his own candidacy for the United uld be assessed two hundred dollars
states senate ana tne aemocrauo can- (oUefl(th) and five mills levied
aiaaica generally. i
Mr. Shallenberger outlined his attl.
tune on me ioremoHt questions a 1JP tuo new oourthouiie
aay ana cieariy explained ma taeaa twentyflve hundred dollars worth of
as to the remedies needed for some offrroprty your txtn u, wonid
me exisung inequalities in our natiw . atJount t0 two doUr, and ,ixty cents.
ri nnsirs. lie impressea dib nearera-1 .-, .. i,nna.n4 anlUra
with his great energy, and that he ia lt would CMt you ten AMMt The
Intensely iu earnest waa evident to enge wm in iMa county B WOrth
all. He had no panacea for all oar twelve thousand dollars and the court
national ilia, but advocated the usof hoUM ,My OD tuat frm would be jUHt
good, common honesty and uo or twelve dollars,
subterfuge. His summing up of the! vow the nuestiou Is lust here: under
record of his opponent, O. W. Norrle, preM,nt condtins our records, our
was lair, piam-BpoKen, oui courteous. tlt)e9 t . u. oup mortffaires.
His address frequently brought forth ., . , ...i,- , , ui.
Utlca, N. V , Oct 30 Vice Prcslden
Sherman died at 0:30 p. tu.
"Sunny Jim', as he has been known
politically and to friends for years,
was stricken with heart trouble while
on a vacation this summer, and while
it was thought he was improving, be
was known to be dangerously ill.
James 8. Sherman waa again on tho
republican ticket aa the vice-presidential
Ex-Richardson County Hon,
All Republicans, Tour
Thurston County
With Him.
To the Voters of
Webster County
'The undersigned County Commlssionr
era of Webster Coauty. Nebraska
realizing that the tax payers the!
coBfatjTf desire that no 'greater aum'
A;iih.inint to build the court house
? . r ' r . . .. , .IflAktlnte ksm 111 hm o lul Ijn t
Tt. M.fcA vam that Mii.ncMK.n.irHnir i hkvuhm mvu wi ww vvr . nii.
Rksbmondls the' man we want rtr
of the old-liners. Remember the
name, you who believe in fraternal in
surance. Richmond is the name-
Henry glebmond. Look for that name
on thrf flection ballot, and then make
ajiark in the, square opposite that
'JMiM.,. It ia.Utne to, fight the arrogant
uhiuuiui unnwruii luiunHiu
soollei.VThe kiost lnte'Ulgeutvway.of
.mount'voted to balldjind furnish the
ner court house, ,; "
Wo alo Hgrte'o'ie jijeli township
In the County, at a meetliig of its cltl--.zeus,
select a man to act with us iu
letting tbe 'contract .for tbe court
ihouse; and agree not to let 4he oou
tract for thi building of the court
.house without the moprovalof a major
ity of the meu 60 selected by the sever
al tcrwuthips.
Oeriiaru Ohmbtedk, Chairman,
Paul 8toev,
Ukuuok Hummki.,
Jeff Cuai'Lin,
ouis Schmidt.
Once more we feel Impelled to sugv
est to the friends of fraternal Insur
nce that they ought to get wideawake
before election day. Remember, that a
tate auditor Is tbe'head of the lnur
ance department in Nebraska. He
member that if a state auditor is tied
up with the old-line companies he will
naturally swat the fraternals every
time he nets a chance and be will have
imanv ohanoes. Remember that Henry
.Richmond, the democratic nominee for
'State auditor, is free from the influence
stat auditor and If we shall' fall to
elect him, then it will be just as well
for the iusnrgent fraternal in Nebras
ka to lie down andqutt fighti ng. Come
on, boyst Let's do a little Ul.tlng to
protect our own fraternal policies.
Columbus Telegram.
Hone and Mole Sale
I will sell at public auotlon at the
Lina Smith sale barn at Red Cloud, on
Saturdav, Nov. 2, at 2 o'clock sharp.
Twenty head mules and ten horses
and mares. One spaa black Jenny
mules 6 years old weight 3700. v One
span mules weight 2000. 8ome teams
weigh 2200 and some 2000. All are
young and broke. Among the horses
are two sood single driving mares.
These horses and mules will positively
be sold.
W. A. Barcus, Owner.
the hearty applause of bis hearers.
Preceding Mr. Shallenberger on the
speakers' staud, Platform Kelly and
Merton K. Corey addressed the voters
The former Is the democratic candi
date for secretary of state, deriving
bin name "Platform" from his Insis
tence upon following tbe platform
pledgts of his party while In the stae
legislature. ..Mr. Corey ia the county
attorney oM3lay.eBty, and while not
aa active candidate this year be It
Wiwfaur.somsetreng addresses ajajej;
the big ' national issues Mr. Corey
shortened his remarks, through cour
t sy to Mr. Shallenberger. He briefly
outlined the positions ofall three par
ties, and graphically described the in
consistencies of he Chiongo conven
tion contestants.
L. H. Blaokledge acted' as chairman
of the meeting, and the Red Cloud
band furnished tbe music for the oc
time. The little amount of taxes which
Ke would pay for three years Is only
mrance money. At the end of three
yearn we would have a paid up policy
and no more insurance to pay.
We believe that seventy five thousaud
dollars will build a courthouse that
will be a credit to the county. We
are in favor of settling this question
at this time and forever preclude the
possibility of some future board taking
wiapoa tneeaeelve to spsnaiarsw fttus
drift thousand dollars fdFthis purpostf
The pro
8eMMtarMCaa4MateaMl JaaftrtM-
h StetaeM fttt Warn WsIcmm.
Pender,' Neb., Out. 25th. Seuator
Morehead and Congressman Stephens
met with flattering receptions as they
passed through the western and south
western town; of Thurston county to
day. They left Emerson for Thurston"
oy automooue, wnere ui enure iuhb
A New Stock of
Mantel and
Parlor Clocks.
E. H. Newhouse
Jwl0r mntl OHmmmirltt
i. . .t k . d. t, .. . X k .
turned out and stave them ' weleome
They were Met here by six automobiles
Ifrom Rosalie and Pender. In .Cos of
the Rosalie maohlaes wars Llbk,Vrsel.
uuonuu uuiinm iui wish tyuisvsri i , r J m t
iposeil biAldlng Is amjilg forourQn CobnCy add Charley Jamsgy,
us. It is'in kcr-nliii; with our Rldhanlaoii oountynijjghbbrs of
aennior aaorcneaa. xnese,. gvuiiciuei,
arfallold republicans and foCk ti
senator into the car s6 that it can
, mu
(Polltloitl Advvrlisemea;!)'
Of Course, Net Meaning His.
Saphedds "Society Is a terrible)
bora'.' Don't you think so, Miss Cut
tlagr Miss Cutting "Sobs people's."
Boston Transcript
Waechter's Annual Sale of
Poland China Swine
Witt Be Held in Riverton, Neb.
Saturday Nov. 9, 1912
36 head will be sold, consisting
of 14 Boars and 22 Gilts
Prom such sires as Referendum 66623, the great prize win
ner for two seasons; J. C. Metal 61653 by Gold Metal. Dam
Midnight Belle 127713 by O. K. Price; Woodline Chief
61991 by Black Wonder 61154, and out of sows of the best
blood lines. ,
Write us for catalogue and plan to be with us sale day
A. N. Waechter & Son
Route No. 2 Riverton, Neb.
What Nebraska Farmers Arc
When the magazine JrrRtfV go bant
lag for a story abOUtbl ibtriga in ag
rloaltore, tbcf fcs?e tne habit of going'
to Kansas; for thejreason that Kansas
has been unusually progressive In ad
vertising her resources; and Kansas
baa done great thing with her 1,78V
463 people ou the farms and ber. 26,
040,550 acren under cultivation. But
in 1010, Nebrtisku with less than two
thirds of the population and about half
of the cultivated acreage beat the Sun
flower state to a frazzle, for Instance:
Kansas produced au average per
capita value of agricultural products
of $107.32: Nebraska au nrerage of
Did you get that? Read it again.
Kansas produced from her farms
wealth to the amount of f 11.98 per cat
llvated acre: Nebraska farmera turned
out 125.47 per cultivated acre. ,
And that's different. Remember it.
Kansas produced from her total ag
rloultural and live stock business
1316.00 per capita. Fine!
Nebraska produoed from bee total
live stock and agricultural business
9151.00 per capita.
And 'that's different again, .Don't
forget it.
To make it plain, Nebraska,' with
just about half as many folks on her
farms, beat Kansas 13,212,347 in the
total of wealth production; a matterof
5135.00 per capita.
The U, S. caisuB says that tbe aver
age wealth of the farmers of Kansns
was $1,175 per capita In 1010; Nebras
ka farmers bad 2,300 per capita,
That's $5,025 mors of wealth for every
family of five on the farms of Nebras
ka thau for similar families of Kansas.
There's a reason for these things.
Nebraska is a good state to live In.
Paste It In your hatl
Tbe trouble over tbe county treasur
er's office out lu Custer county rein
forces the argument that It is high
time for some clean sweeping in tbe
state house. Cor that trouble Involved
W. A. George, state treasurer, and
candidate for re-election, who was
formerly county treasurer in uuster
The county board, having bad a
thorough examination made by an ex
pert, has Instructed the, county at-'
torney to bring suit to recover $3,001.82
of interest money whlob should have
been turned In to the county, and was
not, during Mr. George's incumbency
of the county treasurer's office. Mr.
George's; democratic predecessor iu
county treasurer's office collected all
the legal rate of interest on county
finds and paid it over to tbs county,
and $1,513 SS in addition. His demo
cratic successor also turned in to ths
oouuty more thau the full legal rate of
interest, aud tbrse times as much In
two years as Mr. George did in four
years. Mr. George, sandwiched In be
tween them, paid in much less than
the legal rate on county funds, and so
legal steps have to be taken to prefect
tbe county's rights.
Mr. George, for aught we know, may
have doae the best he could. But he
did not do nearly so well as tbe law re
quires, nor nearly so well as tbe treas
urers who preceded aud succeeded
him. If he made so poor a shbwlng as
county treasurer, there is at least
ground for an intelligent suspicion
that he ! not doing all that could" be
done, and should be done, as state
Mr. George's democratic opponent
for the office of state treasurer, Mr.
Ilall, is a conservative, careful aud
successful bauker. He 1b one of the
Nebraska baukcrs who worked hard,
from the beginning, for a bank guar
antee law. There is no flaw or blot in
bis record. If elected, be can bo de
pended on to give the state a business
rather than a political administration
of the office. Under the circumstances
the well iuformed voter should not
hesitate long between those two candi
dates. World Herald.
ly be said that Mr. Morenead's Thurs
ton county trip was conducted by his
old republican friends.
lie delivered an eloquent plea at
Pender to tbs large crowd which greet
ed him for Nebraska to do her part to
ratify Wilson's election and promised
'that If thedemoorats were given charge
of Nebraska tbe state's affairs would
be managed ou a business basis with
the governor always at tbs belni,
watching tbs state's svery interest.
Congressman Stephens closed the
meetlnsr by making an appeal to all
the progressives to vote for Woodrow
Wilson, the only progressive candidate
that could" possibly have a congress io
help bias carry out ths progressive
Seven automobiles accompanied the
party to Bancroft, where a good meet
ing was held. Again they passed into
Thurston county to Rosalia snd were
greeted1 with a large and enthusiastic
crowd. Many old republican neigh
bors of Mr. Morehead in Riohardson
county now living here, one of them
Thomas Uarada, entertained him at
dinner. The old neighbors, irrespect
ive of party, are for Mr. Morehead aud
hare their coats off and are doing good
work. World Herald.
t - j
wmmmmmmm I, , n llinrisfci'
aaaaaaBsW ''
tsw ww.
or Houint, his.
aw rseeisrs lasw
mm-rwwm j
MaaMrf thatweesat
A ekyMsal valeatlM l Katli
faMic Bsrwas Cerfsrattos Fif riy,
ffeifisrhasisMea. Ipislal artvtlstsB
Tht Chief $1.50 r jm.
The recent act of April lfltb. 1006
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
Waitianlv Qualities That Win.
With common sense, gentleness and
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder
Indispensable to best results saves
worry saves work saves money
saves health saves complaints at table
$12 per month. Fred Maurer, ths at-' coftteeact In nerseit a woman cai ai
toruey, has all necessary blanks, r ways oenqusr.
aJLiLiiV' "
H -
u s 'e,...m,'iMfi'Ji1v
ly.KH yAHtt!j'. ixi, i) VitM vd iiC'2-
, fa ft f