"t f I. H I IK.J a Ti?,iir, tMRBm 'Farmers9 Institute November 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1012 . MB i mi n i r'mr" " ' i , i V1 JBEssaasaavTsrtirfflifrlHIHB . , B2i"fflHitW-j nftPoiiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiasaiaiaiaiaiaiC'iBlii A 4 News Ait ftlra Tit Km nty-twa Week tek Year ftr M.St VOLUME XXXX. U ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 10,11)12. NUMBEB 41 The Horse Plague Final Report ol Webster County From the reports of our correspond ents throughout the countr, and our own personal investigations, the mini ber of deaths from the plague and Us treatment total as follows: The plague carried off 023. Some of these were doubtless treated in various ways, and ,we have not investigated the nature of these treatments. Judg ing, however, from the conclusions of the state board of Kansas, it is likely enough that half of these died from the medicines given them. It is possi ble that, had no treatment been given other than simple laxative, change of pasture and food, the loss might have been les,s than three hundred nnd fifty. This would not have been u serious af fair lu addition to tho number that died from the plague Itoelf, ti very large uumber were mado ill hv tho vnceine adminlstoied. Of tliou the repotted deaths are, up to date, (11), iniiMiigthe total deaths 1172. Hut this does not state the whole of the calamity. It is, perhaps, safe to say that one thousand more have been in various stages of danger from the vaccine lu their terns. There is jrrouud far i hope the Doisou'wht eventually work out'of their blood: The fact that 'bdrses, as general ruTe?aMalutouui 'toblack leg.easy.eeaoie theHrto. Anally reject the ojawhjlesome, matter , from their aysteras. ., . f ... ' The Betereet los In ariylooaiyy wm , in .Walaat Creek where the tosum frbm the plague were forty-one, tironf eccl nation one hoodred and seventeen. The heaviest losers lu the county were: W. H. Shirley, W. Lee'scb, Carl Carmellous, John Brush, Alva Stoner, Ira Trueblood, Hert Stuukurd and Lea Wllmot. -llSilBHHPlKHIalJ , "BiSZ--Jiri'" ' 'ifcjjt-- ' ''l y "- ""'"!,,' ."' Zi; " m i' r lw flliss i isi if mi 'il aa aBBSBasal m P '' aw ""Hi- 'Mfi. ,1 gt -Ml " " ' fj flrBBBBaksl W E ' I'M i il "rdL i TH' I' ff ,i Fl ' ' M GLOCKS Proposed New Court House For Webster County jrs-ir Wt1f fltlce ti State Flrt CMialMkMcr Lincoln, Nkw., Oct. 8, 1012. Dear Editor: This is the time of the year that people are putting up heatlngstoves and using stove pipes and chlmnevs that have laid dormant since last spring. Rust bus been de teriorating the old stovepipe: the weather has been deteriorating and makins the chimney unsafe, and un less a careful Inspection Is made of the stove, stovepipe and chimney, there is liable to be a disastrous fire in a great many homes and business hoiuew. In a great-many instances buines9 men and people In their homes leave their heating stoves set up all summer These stoves are made a receptacle for waste paper and other rubbish un til they are completely tilled. The cool and frosty nights of the fall when a quick warm Are U desired this ac cumulation of rubbish is set on fire, 4fcawfclaa goes up Into the pipe and .chliBBey.-the rust take fall off of the j&- pipe that has been deteriorating all ' through the summer, sparks drop out BaAwiT -j I .."jffn flEMBH5SHESEaYSSaE33BBii33aV laBSi ssvaiaaiMBiM ,-m. p 1.. av '. u. . . j--- '-- le.'.-.'w,. - .c.. ill ' M -- ' " I III awBT ' , Dll I I I 1 I . mBBBBMaAiEBff HIbVV'IbibHPPHbI "" "D '" TsTMstasTaTal -Q- '-sF V ' , I ' I . I ,.fiM i 5Ti sfr?'il2 mM-m u '"; HAW-.VI ( ! A New Stock of Mantel and v Parlor Clocks. ,:l fjf rm tW I 1 V.., B..- t -'wtjij wr-i -- -- ,ftT" iAnw-v. ---- 3-r w nte)- !ir FLOOR PLAN OF THE NKW COURT HOUSE E. H. Newhouse JewBtor an af Optimmtrltt CB. 6c Q. Watch Inspector I through the holes that have been eaten by the rust, or if the pipe should hap pen not to be defective, the blaze pass es on up into the chimney which has become defective through tho summer by reason of the mortar becoming de teriorated and falling out from be tween the brtck, and tho building is destroyed by reason of a defective flue, or defective stovepipe, and that is the reason why we have more defective stove, stovepipe and flue flies during the early fall than in any other month In the year Yours truly, C. A, Randall Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner. Mules For Sile I have 40 head of good work Mules for sale. Prices reasonable. For further particulars Inquire of C M. Smith, Red Cloud, William Kirkpatmck, Guide Book. Franklin 21-Red Cloud 6 The Franklin Academy defeated the local high school foot ball team here last Friday by a score of 21 to 0 Red Gloud seemed to be off entirely and re peatedly fumbled and lost the ball on downs. In tho first quarter Frankliu attempted a forward pass, the pigskin was caught by lllackledge who ran about 3) yards for a touchkown, Tur nure fulling to kick goal. For Frank lin Shuck and Ilarwood were good ground gainers. Shuck racing about 85 yards for Franklin's second touob down and he also scored the third touch down. Ilarwood scored their I first touch down on a series of line smashes. Red Cloud's line was light and was not able to hold the heavy Academy boys who out weighed the locale about 15 pounds to the mtm. Line Vv hl4. T BE ON THE SAFE SIDE iti It it truo that you aro not likoly to lost your JJJ SJf savings il dtpoaitad in any good bank but you T jj ara ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to loaa them $ JJJ whan you deposit where you have the additional $ fa protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such 1) a'af nrotAction is offered vou here. 49 ii) Ui ft ii It is surely "good business" to deposit where you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- jji erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- ja tees nothing. (ft The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de- fft jjfr posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, fl? Uf you .are uin inbdAfb aiufc. t WEBSTER COUNTY BANK isV RED CLOVD, NEBRASKA m Franklin Red Cloud Robinson R. E. Pope Lindsey R.T. Wtlsou . Ellnder R. O. Atkins! Wolfe Desslens 0. Ratbjen ' Darrow h. O. McCord Worehann L. T Tennant Mouug L: E. Marshal MoLaln g, B. Taylor ; Shuck R. H. B. Blaokledge WalgaBmith L II, B. Turnure ilarwood F. B. A mack Touohdowc UlHckledge, Shuck (2), Ilarwood. Goals Robinson .1, Rcfer.ee U. II. Minor. Claims November 8th., Sale Date. II. U Miner, of Guide Rock, Nebr., claims NorcmberJ 8 as dato for his sale of 50 thurobred Duroo males and gilts. Mr. Miner has one of the best herds in Nebraska or Kansas, and the blood is known far and near. Ills herd this year is iu better condition than ever. If you want red hogs, you IUaU IIBTV IIICU3, UU UUU h UCQll W DU any other kind. Remember the date, November 8th. More particulars later. yuuwwvwwwwuwwvwuN 1 Correspondents jj ,COWLES R. Adamson and wife departed Mon day for a short visit at Dewcese, Neb. P. A. Qood returned home from Chicago Sunday where ho had been to locate his dauirhler Gertrude whe is going to school there. A quite a number of our people are golug Co Hastings this week to attend the Festival. Fred Gund of Blue Hill was iu town Tuesday with his aato. There is quite a strip of sidewalk be ing built in the "south addition 'which will saake a great improvement. fuller A Beanett shipped a carload of hogs to St. Joe Wednesday. Cbas. C, Bennett accompanied the same. O. A. Wells bought a new Ford car of the Chas. C. Benuett Auto Co. Lewis Fuller of Bethany, Nebr., was on our streets for a day or two this week. lived on the home place where be died for over thirty years. He leaves a widow and a large family of children. teal Matt IrtMftrs. Real Estate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, Oot. f , 1013. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bond ed Abstractors. Oscar J. Sattley and wife to Min nie J. Seaton, wd, lots 10, 11, 13, Blk. 1, Radoliff's Add to RedCloud MOO Magdalena Crouch and husband to Avy J, Cartwright, wd, lots 10, II, 12, Blk. 20, Blue Hill. . . 57.1.00 E. E. Larned and wife to E. E. Smith, qcd, pt nwX sw) 35-2- 13 W F. Frahm, Co. Treas , to A. Houchin, Tax Deed, lot 8, Blk. 3, Kaley and Jackson Add Red Cloud............ ,.t.. ,,.,.... U. U. Martin and wife to Samuel C. 8buek, wd, e)tf swK fl-340.4800.00 8. C Shuck to Lizzie A. Sbar she), wd, lots 4 to 6, lots S3 to 37, Shucks Sub-Division to Red Cloud 1500.00 Edward S. Oarber, Referee to George W. Shuck. Referee's Deed, setf sec33-2-0 1700.CO Mortgages tiled, SGG00.0O. Mortgages released, 90200.00. 1.00 5.50 Sttckkslfcrs AmhmI Htetlaft The Auuual Meeting of the Stock holders o? the Farmers Independent Telephone Co., will be held at the Court House in Red Cloud. Sttturdnv. ' Oct. 12. 1012 at 2 o'clock n. in., for tha I., -.-.. , purpose of Electing Officers and trans- GARFIELD The weather is still dry, Will Fisher who lias been oil the sick list for a week is some better. There is not mauy sluk hot-fees iu Uiirlkld now as it has about run out of hordes. Jeff Heauchatnp and family visiting at .Mrs. Ida Kent's on buinluy. nctlng Buy other business which mny Chris Hansen was taken suddenly properly eouio before' the meeting, sick on Sunday night but is a little' As there i? mmho disturbance In tho better at this writing. I telephone si I nil Ion h full nttendnnce L. O. King of Olbbon, Neb , was In . ,8 desired. Garfield the for nsrt of the weak with ' UBlu uol JU two teams of mules to sell. Tka fiinual tt lf Cunt Dmlll. n,Y.JL . muv.xi us '. v.nuB uuillli "liu a died last week was attended by a large Wantkd A Giul-To work lu a small number of friends and neighbors. He family no children! Inquire or pbore I was an old settler of Garfield and has the ChW Off! i ' The Siege of Pttentarf One of We nio.t sensaYlonal' paigns In the Civil War was the afege tiff eterspar. vlrgiula aad tW hla tbrieUelden of IHeJnlalng of 'tne Confetierste stronghbld is well known. For days the besieged Confederates dwelt on the brink of a veritable crat er. The Kalem Company spent nearly two years in securing accurate data re garding this campaign from historians and eye-witnesses with the view of making it the basis of a spectacular motion picture production. As a re sult "The Siege of Petersburg" was produced during the past season, the work extending over a period of six monthi. A strong dramatic story Is made co-incldeni with this stupendous military spectacle which is in two reels and will be shown at the Tepee Mon day and Tuesday, Oot. 14 and 15th. Ii tkt CtMty Ceert T Wrttler Cmty. rveMraajtsjt In the matter ol the eatate of Hlebert ti. Tuple en, deceased. NOTICE. ToJoiixYunu Adxinimtkatou or Said Khtatb, and Agneta Rllisbtta Helneke, Anna Amelia tiualne, Elbe Agneta Tspken, Johanna Henrietta Weldner, Madaleae Johnaan Heasman, .Henrietta Wllhetmlna Garmt, and Carl Anton Tspken. UREETINO. You and each ot .you are hereby notified that a motion baa this day been tiled la this office, asking that the final order heretofore, to wit, on the Kta day of May, MIVaere In this ease, be vacated and set asMe, aad that a new trial be granted wherein the ar plleants Kraas WUhslat Tapken, Caroline Hophle IfOutae Predsrlcka Sles, formerly Tap ken, aad itlma.Agaeta Kraes, swr make proof of their relationship to the deceased, Hlebert Q. TapKen, as hall brother and sister, and establlih their claims to 'equal shares, la tho distribution ot the property llt by the defeased. I have set the hearing on aald application for Thtiradsy, October 31st 1912, at ten o'clock, A. M. of aald day, Witness my hand and tho seal ot this roui t this 30th day ol September, A. I). 1012. A. I). HANNKY, (sbai.). County Judge. Farm Loans At Lowest Interest, best option, least i expense. Clin for me at Utato Hank, Red Cloijd. C F. Gather. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT OVER STA1I sUNM Rei CloHd ' ' ' Nebruka O. O. Trel, Secretary. A. C. AMES. M. D. Physician anil Surgeon R.ED CLOVD, - NEBRASKA Sawme Office an Teleehene num bera formet Jy js4 by Jit. Jlsxlnt WVi.- 9J Ai Js m s VIU 4 i fH 1 m "& "5 Ml& x. TfTA . "1 .) ! J?l : fi A I M m 1 ti t rfj m "l S Ti il 1 m m 1 ivAJ m w m kM 9a W ok " .4 - Jfo Am la?- i r .Irt;., -, . .May &. Mi n.VA-Cf' oJf'X r. y. w'txi .KfZP$Wi&s$T:f,' A'tf&Xife", '4nmStiif, f.'iU .a &Ui4t&'4JttiMi3Lfoi ' r:.W-1 M