The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1912, Image 5

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1. 6 Mi Time Table
No. 1 1 Through train, dcprtrts.......2.W n. in
No. to I.ocnl paMi'iigcr " Vn. m
No. 171 Accommodation North ex
cept Monday and Wed., departs.. 1:30 p. in.
No. lTO-Accommodatlon North
Monday nnd Wednesday departs 1130 a.m.
No. l.l-Thronli train, deptrts J:ffin. in.
No. 15 Local passenger " 8:30 p. in.
Bulletin of The Week's Dolnge
Sec )r. Cross over Stnto liauk.
S.N. Potter is homo from Seattle
C. N. Lovei check Is home from Oar
laud, Wyoming.
L. II. Blackledge and wife wont to
Omaha Tuesday.
Special chicken dlntier Sunday 3oc
nt the Pntitan Cafe.
Wm. Watsou of Ocllairc, Kaus,,
wns in town Monday.
.Tuck Waller of Cowles was a Red
Cloud visitor Sunday.
Miss Kdna Itanucy is visiting friends
in Campbell this week.
Verlln Taylor and Dow Kaley arc
home from Boulder, Colo.
W. R. Wiles of Hastings was in
town on business Tuesday.
Architect Way of Hastings was in
town on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Jas. Burden and son Bernard
arrived homo Sunday evening.
Morton Smith and wife spent Mon
day in Superior with relatives
Regular meals 25c and short orders
at all hours at the Puritan Cafe.
Mrs. E. M. Gard arrived home the
first of the week from California.
Miss Nora Springer is visiting
friends in Lebanon, Kas., this week.
Evertou Foe of Sterling, Colo , is In
the city visiting his parents this week.
Harry and Will Eldrege left Sunday
for Benton, Arkansas, where they will
Miss Constauco Iloubat and sisters
are home from visiting nt ltruno and
David City.
Miss Hazel Burden of Bluden is in
the city visiting her nnclo, Jas. Bur
den and family.
Miss Bertha Barlow of Central City
visited with her pareuts a few days the
first of the week.
Try our Ice Cream Sodas aud Sun
daes, positively the best in the !'
The Puritan Cnfe""v .f "L
Bert Weesncr of 'Akron, Colo l'Jn
the city visiting his brother, VT L.
Weesncr and fumily.
Barrel Burden and wifo urrlved
home Sunday evening from a visit in
Kansas aud Missouri.
Glen Ralph of Bciikeliuau was visit
lug his parents northeast of town a
few days the first of the week.
W. T. Perry of Harvard arrived in
the city Monday evening for a visit
with his sou, Frauk Perry and wife.
Mrs. Ruth Erfman, couuty superin
tendent of Franklin comity, spent
Friday t" this city visiting with
The Misees Bertha aud Jennie
White of Greenville, Tenn., are in the
city visiting their sister, Mrs. W. L.
Foil Sale Eight Shorthorn Bulls,
yearlings past. For further particu
lars inquire of John Oumstede, Guide
Rook, Nebraska.
Mrs. M. A. Albright and daughter
and her mother, Mrs. Day, were called
tJ Red Oak, Iowa, Tuesday by the
death of a relative.
Mrs. P. J. Carl, who has benn visit
ing with her brother. .1. A. MnArthur
and family, returned to her homo at
Long Island, Kansas Monday morning,
. hVPf aVftsfaw? ? BP? KeKP SeP?sP?ePE EAWm7'mF
MjJ 9b k ' ' "
Ready Cooked Foods
"! a nr in i
JSL 1 eslapl e&AeCafl "ESSaaT Mr
OWADAYS one can really
serve a meal without going to
the trouble of prcpating the food
and cooking it. There are many canned
foods in the way of soups, in fact mostly
everything even plum pudding. We
carry a full stock, priced right and wc
list the following:
Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham
Pork and Beans
B. E. McFarland
All thm PhoifB
The Red Cloud band will go to Nor
ton, Kas., nextTuesday morningwhere
they will furnish the musio for the
Norton county fair.
Miss Belle Hamilton of Guide Rock
arrived in the city Monday evening,
for a visit with her brother, Wilbur
Hamilton and family.
Mrs. Julia Warren and Mrs. Carl
Warren left Monday evening for
Oregon where they will make an ex
tended visit with Joe Warren and
Owinir to the band colue; to Norton
next Tuesday morning the band con
cert will be given on Monday evening.
Let everybody turnout and hear the
concert. Miss May Hadell of Long Island,
Kansas, who has been visiting friends
ut Dawson, Nebr., arrived in the city
the first of the week for a visit with
Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear, uoso and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damerell's office in Red Cloud
Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Dr. J. W. Morauvlllo wishes" ,to" an
nounce that his uleco.Dr. Winifred
Vfers, has opened his ofjtau for general
practice.'and that ho' will nssist at
nnv time whon called upon.
Li A N We have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
Dan Gaiuikh & Company, Ciiikk Office.
Miss Valley Sorivner of Scrivner &
Barrett, returned home Monday from
Kansas City and Omaha, where she
purchased a fall stock of millinery.
The firm will occupy the building
formerly occupied by Mrs. Fannie
The A. S. Lewis Show Company,
which showed hero a couple of weeks
left Monday for Blue Hill where they
will show a week. It was a number
one show troupe, and made many
friends while here. The show played
here under the auspices of the Red
Cloud Band, and helped the band
treasury very much.
Last Saturday morning Ben Reed
who lives northwest of this city, had
tlm misfortune to have his big barn
burn to the ground, containing his
household furniture, which was stored
therein white he was having a new
frame house erected, and other con
tents. He carried some Insurance but
not enough to cover his loss.
Polk. Genung,
Polk System
i mi. m i!iL: jm
in ouuaing monouuuc w
Reinforced Concrete 5
Silos. We build Silos ft
anywhere in Nebraska W
or we sell the forms and JJ5
let you build them . . . fl
Write u$ ft Pmrtht
A W '.''
KiAtt frees m
fed Cloud, Neb. m
John Foster was In Hastings Mon
day. D. 11. Rich was n pas&euger to Nelson
Art Mendutsohn arrived home Tiles
day evening.
The county commissioners wero In
sossion this week.
Special chicken dinner Sunday 3Te
at the Puritan Cufo.
Ice Cream and Fountain drinks at
Warren's restaurant.
Frank Siuelser who has been on the
sic ( list Is out again.
John Polnlcky returned home from
Denver, Colo., Monday.
Apples no cents per bushel ut the
Lea orchard on Indian Creek.
Mr. Will Coon of Guide Rook Is
visiting In the city this week,
Foit Rent Ono furnished room,
close in. Phono Bell Red 10'.'.
Nice tomatoes for sate at ?Qc a hush
el At the Charles Rasser farm.
Rpgular meals 2.c ami short orders
at all hours at the Puritan Cafe.
Editor Halo and Harry Utlham wero
in Superior Wednesday on husluoss
Miss Luthia and Carrio Devvtttt were
In Bostwlck Sunday visiting relatives
Wantko A girl to do general houso
work. Small family. Inquire at this
Connie Starke was iu the western
part of the state last week buying
The best and purest Ico Cream nnd
Summer drinks iu the city at the Bon
Ton Care.
Dr. Ames' father and mother of
Boise, City, Idaho, are in the city vis
ing with him.
Try our Ice Cream Sodas and Sun
dacs,Positively the best in tho city.
The Puritan Cafe.
Rev. C. F. Rose and family returned
homo Saturday from a two weeks va
cation spent in Colorado.
Fred Youngren aud wife returned
from Fairbury Monday where they
had been visiting relatives.
Mrs. James Ryan and children re
turned homo Thursday from Yellow-
stouo Park aud Billings, Mont.
Sec Tho Chief office for up-to-date
job work. We have the best line of
job type aud paper iu the couuty.
The finest, line nnd best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Mohiiaht Bros.
Speoial attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Mrs. Fred Coon and children of
Guide Rock visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs A- W. Holingralu Wcdtjrt?
W. A. Patton, night cngiueerat the
city plant, who has been off duty on
account of sickness, is able to be out
The annex of the Washington school
house Is receiving a coat of paint to
conform with the balance of the
Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Crieder are the
proud pareuts of an eight pound boy
born Saturday. Mother and boy and
papa all doing well.
Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Pope returned
home Thursday from an extended
pleasure trip in New York City aud
other eastern points.
Frank Cowden and Harry Letson re
turned home from Chicago Tuesday
evening where they had been buying
goods for their stores.
Or. Winifred Viers located with Dr.
J, W. Moranville speoial attention
given to Obstetrics and particularly to
pUeases of women and children.
Dr. Winifred Viers has located with
Dr. J. W. Moranville the office is now
opened for general practice. Calls
answered promptly day or night,
"Both Phones."
A. C. Epperson the newly elected
Chairman of tho Republican state com
mittee has tendered the appointment
of vlos-chairroau for tho fth district
to Daniel Garber of this ally.
Haii. to the Chief:
We are all In Salt Lake and none of
us Marmons as yet. L. P. Albright
will stay a few days so' we will make
no promises for him. All are well and
had a great trip thru tho park and
start thru tho rockies agaiirtonlte.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAlister's little,
gin, a year oiu, was scaiueu quue oau
ly Monday at noon. Mrs. McAlister
was putting ap plums and the tilt tie
girl grabbed tho pan that the boiling
plums were in aud upset thorn on her,
scalding the right side of her face
and also her right arm. She is getting
along as nice as could be expected at
this writing.
Mr. Fred Wallace, 'tho genial head
clerk iu the Miner Bros. Mercantile
Store, has severed his cdnnoction with
that ektablishmeut aud has accepted
the position of floor manager with
Wolbocu it Breob at Hastings. This
it a merited promotion for Frad and
the Chief extends engratulatlas.
During his two and a half years real
aeaee We lar. WaVfaee has saada
aun-y frieada aad he will he always
iesaesaberd In thi eity ferhlsgeatU-
ntanaeaa awl afBabHtty, We wish him
anboaadod eaecess la hie new posl-tloa.
Rev.'Dayno nrrlvcd home Wednesday
from his vacation trip.
, A very enthusiastic Democratic
meeting was hold at tho court house
last Friday evening, at which time a
Wilson-Marshall club was organized.
Short cuthuMastlc speeches was made
by thoso present. The following offi
cers were elected: l)r, numeral, prcsl
den' j 10. W. Coplen, seeiotary; (too.
Hutchison, treasurer; W. A Smith,
M L. Fiukcublndcrmid K. U. Caldwell,
executive conunltteo to net with tho
secretary. Tho club will meet Satur
tny evening and all royal Democrats
aru urged to attend.
The C. D, Feed Store
Wo carry a full line of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils aud Gas.
Try our Machine Oil on your mower
At. present wo have some choice
Cane utid Millet seed, come iu and con
tract what you need beforo Its gone.
A Good Stove Is Rated A
Poor One
. When The Failure
To Produce The Heat
Is Entirely The Fault Of
It Will Cause
tMost Any Stove Or Heating
1 Plant To Throw Out
Saunders Bros.
liBmJlFaaBV aaaLv U a? !
Aug. 16th
OUR SHELVES have to be rebuilt as they are not strong enough, and all
goods will be sold at a big discount to avoid handling. Dress Goods,
Toweling, Embroideries, Ginghams, Calicos, Outings, Corsets, Hose, Muslins,
Flaxons, Lawns, Gauze and Muslin Underwear. Don't miss this opportunity.
This Sale For Cash Only.
Agents for Hole Proof Hose for Men
Women and Children
' Agents for
Butttiick Patterns
Wants and for Sale
A good sewing machino for sale. In
quire at this otfico.
Hot Hamburger and Short Orders
at all hours at Warren's restaurant.
Call rural phone 205 If you hnvo
cream or poultry to sell.
J. (). CAt.mvr.i.t,.
Tho Diamond Klectrlc Vacum clean
er demonstrated In your home free.
Call Phono Red 07.
All kinds of KIcctrliMil work done by
Morhart Bros
Buy Your Suits
-During Our
Special Sale
Our Special Sale is Still On
Men's and young men's odd auita 61A CA
worth $18 918, and $20 at ... V 1 V.UV
Men's and young men's odd auita $ C ff
worth $22.80 and $28.00 at . . V .VU
Some Extra Choice Suits
at 20 per ct. discount
Special prices on Oxfords
and Straw Hats
Clothing Company
Flrat Door North ot
Post Olfioa
Store Open 8:30 a. m.
If you are interested in lav
ing from 20 to 50 per cent on
seasonable merchandise you are
interested in this sale. Each item
priced with a view of making it
worth while to come to this sale.
The First Ten Ladies Buy
ing $1.00 Worth of Goods Will
Geta 10-Yard Dress Pattern Free.
Barbara Phares, Prop.
Dr. Cross the dentist Is located over
tho State Bank.
Go to P. L, Hansen for your Harness
and Machine Otis.
Go to tho Bon Ton Cafe for tho beet
lec Cream aud Soda Water In town.
A Baiio.wN! My residence property
on Webster St., near ithavonuo. First
good olTcr takes it. Don't be back
ward make mo an ofiVr. Addross.
Geo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon.
Widow's Pension.
'Hie recent act of April 10th, 100S--Klvcs
to all Holdicrs' widows a pension.
$12 per mouth. Fred Maui or, tho at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Aug. 24
See Large Bills.
J. '
, j7
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