tWr&UilFi''V&q? i '. "" .... .. T,- .. -. a' !'".. . . . i ... - , , -, t , , ... " snreMrwfr' '' jiiiivM-TifiW'ifijiifft-"-'i'","M-"' ISSMW! I Mil l I - iwirm-.mt1ww.i I IU I i I l I i - L J 1 1 1 J If u 41 ( V I?, is Tti Red Clou.) Ciiiitf Re 1 Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY 4I1U118DA1 Entered In the Poilolllco at Hid timid, Net)., ns Second Claw Matter. 0 B. UALK 1'UIIMSIIKII TUB ONLY DKMOCUATIC PAPKIl WKDSTCIt COUNTY IN DEMOCRATIC TICKET Preslduiit Wood row Wilton. Vice-President Thus, tt. Marshall. U. S. Henator A.C. SUllenbergor. CoiiRrPM-R. D. Sutherlnnd. Oovernor John 11. Morel-cad. Lieut, Governor Herman Dleis. TreaMiur-Ueo. B. llca.ll. Atiilttur Henry C. lllohtnoiid. AUornuy-Oeneral A M. Morrlsey. Secretary of Stato-J. W. Kelley. CominUslnni'r W. H. Kaslman. Superintendent R. V. Clark. Riillwny Com. C. B. Harmon. State Senator Win. Wcesner. Uoiieseiitntlv-(U'n. W. Llndsf-y. County Attorney-Fitd 13. Usurer. County Assessor-Chris Fnsslur. County Commissioner: District No. 2-W. U. Hoffiuin. A number of tlio members of the Ilcpnblicnu central committee iu this county arc havluK tioubloi of their own. It is an open secret I hut many of them have pronounced "Bull Moose sentiments but when chilleuged Ah to their fitness to serve hs Republicans they immediately deny the Hull Moose " affiliation and state that they are'pro gresslve, just a little more progressive than the itgular Republicans "' The Argus of Inst week contained a good tempered criticism on the pleas ant words given by the Chief to u obickeii industry In the north pait. of the city. Hi-other Eilaon said nothing that the Chief docs not heartily en dorse. Neither chicken yards nor tuiy thing else should bo suffered to inter fere with the enjoyment of one's neighbors. But the Chief look parti cular palus to speak of the clenuly conditions in which tho chickens were kept iu the young man's care. It is easy enough to keep dilutions ho that they need uuuoy nobody, nnd wo will cheerfully help any effort tint the Argus may make to improve the clean liness of the city. Wo are also glad to accept any criticisms made by the Argus or any one else when made lu a spirit of candor and reasonableness. $ The county commissioners spent several days last week iu looking over court houses which Ihe sui rounding counties have erected. Tho county board Is seriously considering the problem that is confronting them nud the members of the board have eon eluded that it Is high time to act If the records of this couuty are to be pie served. Iu the opinion of the Chief they are taking the proper method of proccedure in that they intend to plan court houso suitable to the needs of Webster county, and then submit all the plaus and specifications to the rcoplo so everyouo cuu know just what the board will do. The taxpayers of this county have a right to know just what the board will do and we believe that this Is the ' only manner of proccedure that will meet, with the endorsement of our people. We do not know what mount the commissioners thluk will be necessary (or this couuty but we bellevc-that. seventy five thousaud dollar will build and equip a struct ure that will not only be a credit to the eoaaty but will also meet all our demands for all time to come. The day of expensive turrets, spires, domes and ginger bread has passed. What this couuty ne'eds is a building that can be used. Every dollar spent should be used for- efficiency aud not for display, From all that we could learn the couuty board has lu mind u building that will be usoful und will leave the ornamental to the trees aud shrubbery. If the commissioners will erect a building that,, Is sufficient for our seeds it will be forever do away with the peril of some extravagcttt taking It upon themselves te saddle this county with a debt of two or three hundred thousaud dollars as has been done In other counties, Last Weduesday this editor and his wife atteuded tho big reunion at Franklin. We were very much im pressed with tho elaborate decoratlous In that thriving burg aud the extreme cordiality of her citizens. The grounds were plentifully supplied with teuls Tnid ull conveniences for visitors. A happy wholesome air pervaded the grounds uud wo enjoyed the exorcises, the visits, the speaking, the popcorn aud the on tin entertainment. Th uuuugeuient deserves uustiuted praise for the uunaer iu which they conduct ed affairs eu the ground. Xot a single ujeutlonable attraction could be foaad aad the visitors showed by Mieirhappy wllea and their 6ke,rf ul faces that their every mement was one of joy, We are iadoetee te Geuirades Me Crecken and Blmpsonand Mia. Earner for t'.ioii" Mud hOiptUhlj ami i.if t.n carefuliifhs with which they looked after our comfort. 'I hose fiom this cltv who were In attendance in tents were: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilson, Mr. mi I Mm. N. R. Simpson nnd son Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ort Legged, Mr. and Mrs. West Throckmorton, Mr. Leggelt. Mr. Wolfe, Mr. llnrncs, S. R. lloyce, Mrs. Earner and Mrs. Bobbins, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCraeken. Unfortunately we were not on the grounds very long befoie we found that the good people of Finn Willi were nflllctod with a touch here nnd there of whut is commonly known as "knockeiH". Why anyone should see fit to run down any enterprise that U moral, wholesome nnd entertaining is beyond our comprehension, It is much worse when that etiterpilsc is conducted by one's own city No one cuii build up any community by knock ing, by negative action, by sulking or by pessimism, (live us the good old booster every time, the man who smiles and pushes, joins every laudable effort ami eheeis with vim. lu till Industrial the booster Ih'uii asset nud the knocker n dead weight, a total loss. Special Fair Train There will be a Special, Tiatu for tho Statu Fair at Lincoln, September -1 and nth. The train will leave Red Cloud at .1:10 u. in , and Uulde Rock at. G:30a. m. The train loturnlug leaves Lincoln at 0:10 p. m. R. E. Foe Agent, Red Cloud. Teachers' Institute a Grand Success The teachers of Webster county met in institute, iu the Washington build ing of the Red Cloud schools on Aug. 12, 1012. Tho greater part of tho fore noon having been spent in registering the regular work did not begin until 1:15 o'clock. From that time the regit lai schedule of classes was followed without u break. Throughout tho week Professor House of Peru Normal had cbni'KO of the clusses lu school management, arithmetic, methods, aud beginners round table. Iu all his work Mr. Rouse is very practical aud In some Hues mu'y well be called a reformer. In arithmetic Mr. House made a spec ial appeal for more practical problems, better presentation and advocated an absence of the subject fiom the first grades iu schools. Professor Brovvn, of Lincoln, had charge of the work iu hygiene, pri mary reading nful language, primary plans and domestic science and arts Miss Brown, like Mr. Rouse, wns very practical in her work giving out much valuable information tending to help tho rural teuclier cope with the trying problems that dully come up iu her work. Among other thlnus that wore advocated by Miss Drown wus the warm lunch at noon for those child ren, who by necessity, must eat their dinners iu the school room. She pointed out that this could quite easily be done, by suo'viug lu how simple a way it cuu be arranged for. Two lectures weie giveu during the Institute. The first was giveu at the M. B. church, on Wednesday evening by Mr. J. W. Gamble of Omaha. Mr. Gable had for his subject "Conserva tion". He confined his thought to the present loss by fire and the loss by preventable disease. The speaker pleased his audience with his quiet manner and impressed them with the thought of his discourse. Ou Friday evening Professor Rouse delivered his lecture "The Rewards of a Teacher". Professor Rouse's words were soul inspiring, 'directing the thought as they did to the higher, nobler things iu life. As loug an the teachers of this institute shall last they cauuot forget the klud worda of Mr. Rouse. Following the lecture of Mr. Gamble on Weduesday evening the teachers desceuded to the basement of the church for the annual institute recept ion nnd enjoyed themselves iu u gel "acquainted" process. Here they spent a delightful time and at a late hour left the church happier and more at home. The musical program of tho institute was as followt: Tuesday Morning PUbo solo Miss Gertrude Blaokledge Nebraska songs. , , .Teachers of tne In stitute Wednesday Piano solo Miss Vorntin Storey Vocal duet.. Mis, Halloy, Glenn Walker llaralouo solo Mr. llehcnsee Vocal solo Mr. Glenn Walker Piano duet Mrs. Bailey uud Miss Grace Coombs Thursday Plauo solo Raymond Turnuru Friday Piano solo Miss Inez Honor Voeal solo MUs Susie Cure? Vloliuaelo .... Miss Mataa Wendarly Plane aele Mlsa Marie Rosa TIms tsaebera of the Inetttitte were favored with talks by Deputy State Superintendent Robert I. liliett, lx Ooaaty 8aeerinteadct Mabel Bay-Albright, Ew-Cooaty Saparlutendeat SPECIAL OFFER Begining Saturday, August 24th Palm Olive Palm Olive Through special nirnngcuient Olive yonp wc urc able to make the limited time. 6 I Oc Cakes Palm Olive Soap 1 50c Jar Palm Olive Cream It Is hardly necessary for us to say anything about the merits of cither Pulin Olive Soap or Palm Olive Cream, as they are hoth standard nnd among the best selling items lu our toilet goods department. Doiit fall to take advantage of this offer during the period of the snlo The saving Is a tittle better than half that Is, you get double value. On sale .Saturday morning. Toilet Goods Section. CHAS. L. COTTING, ""The Druggist, p 'ffiyJfiP'S'iPu The HEW We handle only tho Best Grades of Flour, and Feed ol all kinds. Your inspection of my place is respectfully requested ""iJSXp.o. I fyyfkfS We Invite Your Careful attention to our stock when in the market for any thing in the Furniture, Car pets or Rug line .... Lady in attendance in our Undertaking Dept. ALL THK ED. AHACK THE HOME GROCERY aaai P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop, aaaa v We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain "A. B. C." CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 Independent Phone 44 vAvAvAvAaAvAvAvA AvvAvr Kellle West Custer 'und Superintend ent Ruth Erfman of Krnekllu County. Thcsu talks dealt with vital education al problems aud were espcclally'appre elated by the teachers. Throughout the eutlre nesslou the spirit of good feeling prevailed and tho 1012 institute is pronouuoed by the tvaehurs to be one of the Tery best ever held la Webster County. Petlewjag isaceeyef Uiereseluttons adapted ey tee teaehers la their leek oeeetiaf. a It BaseLvee: Thsa we tbe teaeh era ef Webstar Oeaaty extend ear heart fell thanks to ear oaatSaper lateadeut, Mlsi SartruaeCoon, for the $1.10 worth for 50c with tho mnnufnclurcs of Palm following extraordinary our for a 1 1 50c Feed Store GEO. W. TRINE t NyS PHOME vAnAvA i v able manner In which she is conduct ing the school affairs of Webster coun ty, and the excellent institute she has provided for our enjoytnout aud in struction Without hor enthusiastic aud tactful leadership we could have neue of that co operative organisation which we feel sure we shall have dur ing the coming year. To Professor Ifouee, who has so faithfully and ably oendeated his work la the Institute, we also wish to extend ear aisoerest taaaka. Nor shall we aooa forget the wholeseMe truths, the eaeeuraglag werea, aba eelryhig Ideals, eoataioad la Ma laatare "The Rewards ef a Teacher". To every teaeber In the teunty this message of "Love for Ssap Cream KfffSffl mMXhXX..X.Gm The Winer Bros Co. SS-' ' " Jif . I ..-... I1IM Dry Goods Women's Wear Carpets Rugs Lace Curtains Shoes Groceries Notions The Miner I A Mighty Safe MMMKK4-K WrtWMAnAWWAPWSVUWiSSViV."ArAV'.-A-.VW'.WWV 5 1 Buy Hot IWeather Garments At Cool Weather Prices Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. Shulsfcm I ri" xdgJEr ji WWWVWSMMAWWlSWmWWUV Mankind" will be nu inspiration of un told worth. The practical, ptilnstaking instruct Ion of If Isa Brown will be of utmost value te the teaehers whe sat in bar classes. Her work, characterized by its aced, aad praoeiaal In lis asotliod, will net be forgettea. We extead to Miss Ilrewa our heartiest appreciation of her efforteaad await her retura as aa iustltate lastruator. t Bros Co Place to Trade To those peoplo of Red Cloud whe so kindly and willingly assiated with tuasleand entertainment we wish to make knewa oar gratitude and trast that ear aaaociatioa together stay re salt in good te all. Da It FueTMicn XaeebVEe: Vhat a eopy of thee resekitioM he given te the eatgr Snserlateadsat aad te eaeh of the Cqmtp papera. Blgaed: Committke ex BaeoiVTiew. I t &&m&l!,' mi.)-&lAU. I-111 . 'Va.. W. . j.flN ' -h J&M-iV s Wi UiS??' '. ,Mufc. w