The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1912, Image 8

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    -a Hf
ImnPxs-Byn aBgFfflBsJa 114 ftEPPval
flggaBjarBBBSBBBssfl aaHBaavs bbsv A sHhnki33
BfBBBh BHBHlPS'yTrTagggffru i
Costs Yon Nothing When Idle
Almost Nothing When It Runs
WHEN wiIHC engine is at work, it is
the cheapest dependable power you
can use; when not working: it costs
you nothing. It will work just as hard at the
close of the day as at the start will work
overtime or all night just as readily. It is
ready to work whenever you need it; always
reliable and satisfactory. You can use an
I H C Oil and Gas Engine
to pump water, to run the wood saw, cream
separator, churn, grindstone, washing machine,
feed grinder,, corn husker and shredder, en
silage cutter, or any other farm machine to
which power can be applied.
I H C oil and gas engines are constructed of
the best materials; built by men who know
what a good engine must do; thoroughly tested
before leaving the factory.
They, are madeinall sizes from 1 to 50-horse
power;. in. allstyles vertical and horizontal,
air and' watercooled, portable, stationary and
mounted om skids, to operate on gas, gaso
line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate or alcohol.
Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-horse
Ask the' IHC local dealer to show you an
IHC engine and' explain each part, or write
for catalogue and full information.
Laternational Hamster Company of America
Lincoln. Neb.
IHC Service M
Mrs. Duvls left for Heatrlco Wednes
day for ft visit with her sinter.
The 13 A. M. K. H. Co., has the depot
moved on Main ntreet and are prepar
ing to put In walks across the right of
The Dasc Hall hoys went to Guide
Rock Tuesday to play the boys at that
place a game of ball. The Cowles boys
didn't eveu have n look lu. Tho tcore
whs four to nothing.
Richard Greenhalgh went to Super
ior Monday to meet his sister and
family of Wilson, Kits, She was ac
companied by sisters of Mrs. Green
halgh. They expect to remain a num
ber of weeks.
Mr. Dcakln is having cement walks
laid in front of III, ifddeiico.
We understand that Chas. licnnelt
will take possession of the M. 11.
Adnmsou Garage after this week and
will proceed to sell Chalmers aud Ford
The carpenters have commenced re
pairing the school house this week.
They are going to put in new window
frames aud windows.
Harry Waller is doing some grading
for the B. & M. R R. Co., this week
around the depot.
Harry Dedrlok of Red Cloud Is here
this week plastering a bouse for R. H.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Good, Miss
Georgia Good and Miss Clole Fuller
started west Wednesday in an auto
bouud for Denver and other points of
interest. They expect to take in Yel
low Stone park on their trip.
. The purpose of this Bureau Is to- f urnlih. free
of charge to all, the. best information obtainable
on oetter tarminr. if you have any worthy ques
ts i
tlom concerninit soils, crons. land drnlna. Irri.
Kk 1
SilfitWraJaAUS-. J-?.. i VJA. "r-xi.r -r--wv
& Tor IutPi'iMitional Harvester Company Goods or Supplied CSrUifri ,(l
WHITAKER & BUCKLES Agent?, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
" ?
1 wmmmmmmMmMmmmwmmMMmmmMmMMMmmMMMmMmmmmMmMMmwMmMMMMmwmmtmWWmmMmMmMmm
t ni t MmvAfMtMmmOmti ifmmmmi ifT TaVaaasaa mmw r
44 AmSMSSAiAwMMmSmimUmUMm3mMJSAM mmmmmmmmmmmmr r
Dealers in
All Kinds of
Builders' Hardware, Plumbing Goods,
Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies,
Agricultural Implements,
Paints, Oils, &C
August Bulletin of Summer Tours
' The special divers route tours Include the Cast's most beautiful and at-
J teae.ive louili lea. Also very low rates going and leturuing the same
aoutfs; SiimuiKt' I'miilst rules to the Lake regions, Cauada aud Atlantic
't, Senboafl: Thj A'luntlo SouaJmst during August, is at the height of its
k popularity. ,
D THK PACIFIC COASr Uesldea.the every day excursion rate of
. SfiO, via dlieut r.mUii, etill lower r.ttes are available Aug 2!Hh to Sept. 5th,
Inclusive, to Cnllfoi ula cities ami ou Oct. 12th, Uth ttud 15th to Poitland
aud Seattle. ' '
MOUNTAIN TOi--Speoial rates to Denver and Colorado Sprints:
ask uboui Estes I'.irU, one of Colorado's most beautiful regions. ColoraJo
la full of t ppng places and resorts. T.he Black Hills with their famous
' Hot Springs, 8. 1)., oau be reached very cheaply; Sheiidunaud itanchester,
, Wyo., are gateways to the resorts in tho beautiful lilg Horn Mountains.
Tlievmopoltti In the Owl Creek Mountains i ouo of the coming sanitariums
ot the West, ,
'aMOKLSTS rRUn-"ltouml trip I.'astcound rare," "California llxrtm Inn V "Summer
Tours toVaclflc Coast," Yellow atono Park," "Cody Hoad Into Yellowstone," "Colo-
' radoYellowstono Tours," "Xorthwost Tours," "Colorado-Utah Handbook," "Eatca
Park," "lllg Horn Uosorts," "Hummer Tours Wettlound," "The Wack Htlli."
JT..C. FOK, TlekmtAgmnt.
L. W. WAKKLKY, GtniralffngT Agt.,
There Is a good prospect for a large
corn crop in this part of the country.
We had about three Inches of rain fall
in this month.
Dfll Ilrown has purchased a lumber
bill of Saunders Ilros , Rod Cloud, with
the intention of remodeling his house.
Roy Meyers has just received his
now motorcycle from Chicago.
Quite a number of the neighbors
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O.J. Prices; they have a new piano
and theeveuing wns pleasantly spent
In music.
Thrashing machines are busy, small
grain Is of good quality with a fair
yield to the acre.
F. M. lirown has completed his new
residence and they are ouce more at
home to their many friends.
Mrs. Dei t Payne has returned home
after a week's visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ilenth, down on Crystal
Plains. She reports they lmve the
best prospect for a largo corn crop
that they ever hud, In that part of the
country, owing to the fact they hud
good rains in July. '
Rev. Nelson of liealrlcc, Neb., de
livered a niost interesting scrmou to
the Paw neo people, Sunday, also talktd
for the Interest of the' U. It. hospital
at that place. ' '
Mrs; M. i.' Samples visited her
graudtfous Austin aud Slnior Spurrier
the passed week., She will bo eighty
one years old next inonlh aud has
good health for one of her age. How
one does enjoy a visit from Oratidma.
She has made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. T. Spurrier for the
passed year, but expects to go to
North Dakota soon.
Let us figure on your Hard
ware and Plumbing Jobs. We
believe it will be profitable for
both of us '
Red Cloud
Real Estate TraaaTera.
Real Estate Transfers for Week end
ing Tuesday, Aug. 0, 1912. f
.Compiled by M. W. Cuter, Uoitd
ed. Abstractors.
L. B. Spence and wife to Fred
Haker, wii, to lots 8, 0, Bile. 1,
Bpence's addition to Bladen . . .8 330 ,
LE Spence aud wife to Fred
.Halter, wd, to lots 12, 13, Blk. 2
Bpence's addition to Bladen. . . 400
Oley Iverson and wife to W. L.
Uhea, wd, to lots 8, 0, lilk. 4,
Spence's Addition to Bladen... GOO
SMpHragcs hied, 7,3l8.(0.
KMortgagee released,
r Real Estate Transfers for week end
ing August 13th, 1012.
Ollic Killgoro and wlfo to Mllo
. E.' Powell, wd, lots 21223,24; '
Bk. 9, Inavale '.?. 8
Mllo E. Powell and. wjfetp &lllc
ruugore, wu, pi nw,; hnjv.'
Ysarl" j n't ctcttt
vy ffliSaHBII
V. H 'rmvfaBW 1'
there's none that may suddenly be
come more important than your
tiro Insurance policy. Fire (ls no
respecter of c.lther time or pe'rsocs
and it may be your turn next to
Mtffor f loin it.
belttt Imvu usatleuiltn the matter
ttt M)"c. I ho fact that you liavo
esuiiped llro so far doesn't for an
instant mean you will nhwiys bo
so fortunate.
' O. Om TEEImm
jRatlahlo Insurance.
D. D. Suderson, M. D.
Phyiiciaa and Surgeon
Offloe in Moon Block.
Bell, Blaok 4; Ind., 103
Residence, Royal Hotel.
Hell, 47; Ind.57
Calls Answered Day or Night
v. ;.
i racic them
' tu.b.' It V !?!" p-;i r;T7 harTaVOT;.,8 r; &';)
-.... i.uii 7 .wL.r tm;r l,tt ic-c. i cljle.. u , ,i. t...
t&ttf . IJthty, dttircy ilic i!; . 8tivc organs, i
Bcoiromy Stock Pbvdes
t ,..cti y.vcn
9 chance, will
Ecosoay Powder it
m - vv ""v ". wriri.
jih ci rugs ,0r 3 :iu. ,f.iwt.... ..... i ... .. .
wm. healthy aHnirS iJ:iXlU"fll.Lr?irui,
ImmrrannJ. ' ""r """frwscvr.nuoan I
... .H
viNratei-lXONZAI, OF TH008ANDS.
iritdir" """" naispran won by thtt l.g
A. C. AMES, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office with Dr. Raines
Ckicaio Baakcr ta Talk ta Nebraaka
Omaha, Neb., Aug. I2tb, D. R. For
gan of Chicago, C. W. Pugsley of tho
Nebraska Experiment Station and
William J. Burns, the famous detect
ive, have accepted invitations to ad
dress the bankers of the state when
they meet in annual convention In
Omaha on August 26 and 27.
Mr. Forgan, who la president of the
City National Bank of Chicago, will
speak on the National Reserve Asso
ciations of the United States. Mr.
Pugsley's address will be along co
operation lines, the theme being "How
best can the banker assist agriculture.''
Burns, who looks after the bauking
interests of the state, will speak on
protection to beakers and suggest
methods to safeguard banks.
The Publicity Bureau or the Com
mercial Club ta receiving acceptances
from bankers, in response to invita
tions sent out, which indicate one of
the largest crowds that ever graced a
meeting of tho Nebraska association.
Curtis Beal and wife to Km est.
F. Ellis, wd, lots 8, ,0, Blk.. 7,
Bowles. ... ...............
Gurtis Beal nud wife to N. V. i
Anderson, wd, lots 3, 4, 5, Blk. ,
9, Cowles " 200
Fuller & Bennett to Curtis Beal,
wd, lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. 13, Cowles 1400
F. A. IGood and wife to James
MoBrlde, wd, lots 12, 13, Blk.
16, Cowles 1200
Lincoln Land Co. to Tlenry B.
Boyd, qod, pt ne nej 18-4-11 1
Robert J. Wallace, et. ul , to
William E. Wallace, qcd, pt
ne nej, See. 18-4-11 1
William B. Wallace to Village of
Bladen, ptnej ne, 1H-4-11...
William B. Wallace to C. V.
, Morey, wd, pt ne ne& 1 4-1 1
Robt. F.Morgan, single to F. A.
Good, wd, lots 13, 13, Blk. 16,
, Cowlcs 800
Mary Garrison, single to George
. U. Topbam, wd, lots 7, 8, 0, 10,
' Blk. 8, Blue Hill 3300
Mortgages Filed, 820,865.
Mortgages Released, 81400.
Rea Cloud , Nebraska
Placing the Incense Plant.
For many centuries the incense
slant Uad been In Christian churches
before It really becarno Identified
botBiilcnlly. Sir George Blrdwell, a
distinguished English botanist, and for
many years Fpeclal tochnlcal adviser
to tho ludla ofllce, Is given eredlt for
tho Identity of tho plant Acting on
his enjrgcstlon men were sent oat
into South iinhla nnd the Somali
country, returning with specimens of
what Fir a;vrE& l'"dboon seeking.
H'.rimi.rteiri'c, Rl.. Oct. ,ipil. r.
, ' " .'?""' c". .Pw Co.. Ih.n.
A. m ."-".-";"- .w... mu .... w.r. cBaiil.n
. ndmi stock Fowstai tni m 14 Cktatkw 4
Iff t!x latcinMlMkl LI.. Stock O.oililon. D.utt rk.
.v..t.4B, Youn Itvlr. H. I BSOWNIMCk
Epert Advice Frj Write our Special
mivisury uepnnmeiuatxjut yoni
mvciiock irouoics. uur Kiperti
'vill icll you what to do or call
fp our local ai;ent He has had
ra great deal of experience and
For Sle by H. F. COOPER, Guide Rock, Nbnuilui.
At the Nebraska State Fair, SeptemJ
ber2dtoGth is presented an oppor
tunity for family camping unique in
contrast with any other out door tent
ing. Season tickets for the week are
IS each with little folks thrown in free.
A tent with cots, table, ohairs, blankets
1 don't want a million dollars, I don't want
to own a trust;
l don't want to take a plungo and see the
other fellow buit;
1 don't want to corner food stuffs till the
werld xrowa weak and gaunt
llutl wouldllketogonthtnK, and have all
the time 1 want.
I den't want a nomination, I don't want to
own a state;
I don't want to bo a boss, I have no plat forma
to dictate:
I don't want to run a party, nor to havo rial
power tottuiint
Hut I would like to go (ldhlnv, and have all
' thetlmo I want.
for there' aomethliic else In life lasldca the
grctd to ot It all,
And anibltkm's Juxt a tlrcn who will lend
you to a fall;
4'"oi I know a lake ol crystal w liiclt tho
' speckled beauties haunt
Audi would Uko to go (ltmiiitf, and hacall
tho time I wiiu t. i:, I,, Ahljc.
and pillows can be rented on the ina h. uerlsth, Deceased.
arounas. xneenmpingpiaceisiocatea
within the fenced State Fair Grounds
aud is ideal for a week of out door
life. Camping has been a feature ot
some of the State Fairs for years and
we are glad Nebraaka people now have
the same opportunity. Go in your
auto or wagon, yon will be welcome.
A week at the fair is a better educa
tion than can be secured in two
months elbewhsre.
friar Ta Maw
iLTbe County Court
State of Nebraska, I
Webster County. 1
At a County Court held at the County
Court room In and tor said county Aagust
13th, A. P. 191X ,
In the matter of the estate of Kerdlk
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict-
ur Framing, Pictures
anf artist Material.
On reading and filing the petition of the
executors and widow filed on this day
pray lag for the .lamination and allowaace
ot tho final account of the same date, a
decree ot assignment of the lands belonglig
to said estate to the persona entitled to the
aame, an order dlstrlbuUng tho residue at
personal estate and there upon an order
discharging the executors from further
burden and service In said ofllce except as
may be expedient In the sale or distribution
of the real estate.
OBBSUuen, That Saturday, tho 31st day ot
August A. P., 1912, at one o'clock p, .,
Isauaxned for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a County'court to bo held In and for said
county and show cauve why prayer of peti
tioner should nut lHi granted; and that notice
pf tiib pendency ol said pctltloa and the hoar
ln thereof e glveu to all persons Interested
lu said matter, by publlblilne a copy of this
order in the Ucd Cloud Chief, a weokly uews-
paper printed In said county, for threo con
secutvo ceks prior to snld day of hearing.
lSKU,t, A. V. It A.N NT. V,
County .In due.
The Only Exclusive Store.
Farm Loans
At Lowest intorcst, tiht option, kuit
expense. Call for me at Btato Itutik,
UtuCloi.d. C. V. Catiier.
M.-1i "Jt .1. I
lW f ''t
,'f a!'1'
j r'.i
. . . w!t " , s. . jkh'e-nA, -.
,.!,. .