fP-.. -1 vwv-r,",- t y i.twuli'i'iiH ! "Tijat.:" -SSfrtsSe? wrwTOfnw' ? i, iMiiM-MMaifiMffirtiiifMW I rc ht l' (' t. r ip rs Itfs rti vl UI' lis in HI' IN if. t ?' 1 ! r c ! (L j :s ib ,f It $$& ii i 51 I Wit ifW 1 i ir? sB'A f v klj,. fl iy? Rfli IV SP. ?. R. HI Uff to f f s JV 0nhr;504; jrou.Say? Customer! often ask this con cerning our line of more than 400 great novels at this price. In GROSSET & DUN LAP'S list of copyrighted fiction you will find the very best works of the greatest writers of the day. we offer such books as "The Master's Violin" "A Girl of the Limb crlost," "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," at a cost easily within the means of all. Here is a ii.it of new arrivals, just look them over and re member that there are more man 400 others just as good. Tka Trail al Ik Uhmm Piaa... Joka Pai, Jr. A Wmub af tat WarM. .Ella Whttkr Wikai TkaMaiaat .Haary C lawttaa' Malta VaMar AmllaB.Birr tin CaMaaa al CaaaUM...MarrU I. Will Tka Bich aa'....... Jtcati Patrtlla TalawaaaNitata...,.Htratrt Qalck Tka Ukt Ikat Una Percr Brtkacr Tka tcmi Wilt .Tkaawaaa Backaaia Tka Ihn al BaaJaft-BtiiaaM W. Kiafaua A Catkriral Cearttkla. . Rata Daalt WIf fia TkaGaUTratl.. HaraU MaJlaM Tka Maat al ika Sarrawkawk.BaraatM Orttr Call, write or phone for a complete list v CHAS. L. COHING The Druggist. M C lllnl liun f lie n tt.ll imtpll.U lur fruit ihInImk and just H8 soon us wo arc compelled to take tip Intensive farm Inu tlie fruit crop will lie one of the big staple crops. The Itetl Cloud Tennis Club went to HasttngH Inst Thursday nnd (tlttyed a seilt'H of guinea with tlie Hustings players. Our boys made mi excellent allowing notvitli6t.unliiig tlie fact that none of them ever played In n tourna melit Twelve tots were played and the lied Cloud team took seven of tliein and the Hustings teuinllvo. The following is the result of the sett play ud: Fulton and Albiigtit won' from Cook and Flynn, 0-2, 0-il Morltz and Over, log won from Tuft nnd Winkler 6-1, 0-0, 0-1. Urleo and lilaekledge with Pierce nnd Herman 1-0, C-.1, 0 4. Ful ton and Ovcriug lost to Snyder and Allyu 0-1,0-2. The Hastings player Fierco who played against ,(.rice nnd lilaekledge played Luff of Harvard winning one outoftliieo 80ts. Luff is n former stato champion which shows the class of pluyets our boys were up against. This week our boys are playing a city tournament and it is expected that the winners will cuter the western Ne braska tournament which will be held in Hastings the Sfith and 27th of this month. m ySsff ,$'"M4" We handle only the Best Grades of Flour, and Feed of all kinds. Your inspection of my place is respectfully requested Both Phones, Opposite P. O. GEO. W. TRINE vav The Red Clou- Chief Re J Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY 1IIUKSDAY Entered In the I'oatnlllcc nt Hid Cloud, Neb., ns Second Claim M niter. S.B.OIArJE., l'UUMIUKlt . 1t mil ONLY DKMOCHATIU I'AJ'KU IN WEItSTKK COUNTY 1 The constitutional amendment pie biters over tho state are about all the supporters our four-Hush governor has. Stuto printing patronage to the amount or 150,000 will buy quite a lot of iuflueuce, such as it is, but It will cut very little Ice when the people un derstand how it is purchased. Aud when you Bee rin alleged democrat, a reformed drunkard tooting the four flusher's bom for a little printing pic, what do you think of it. Lincoln Herald. Friday of Inst week we very much enjoyed a trip over the county which took in Cowles, lilue Hill and Hladeu. We had it very much ImprenRed on our mind that Hed Cloud was not the only place in Webster nouuty that was erecting dwellings and buslnesshouses. Cowles is very much taken up with her new addition. This thriving place is not making much noise but it 1b getting there just the same. Several new residences have been built and moro are contemplated. The road from Cowles to Blue Hill is being made one of the best in the c unity. Six or eight substantial con crete bridges have been built on this road, the hills me being leveled nnd when completed this ruad will be a joy forever, lilue 11111 is erecting tlueo new business bouses, their new depot is praclicully completed and we noticed the sound of the hummer and saw could be heard in diiTerout parts of this city. At Hladen Von Hull Is building a handsome bank and storo rooms. When he moves in to this new bunk he will have one of the best uppolutedf and convenient banking houses to be found in the state. Ernest Spcuce bad just let the contract for threo new bouses to be built in his new addition and soverul houses were under way. At all three of these cities we were very much impressed with the general thrift nnd enterprise. People have faith in Webster county and ure show ing it by their every act and deed. And why not? We saw' corn fields .that rival the products of the tropics, ouions that would make Burmuda blush and cattle that would grace the show rooms of any country on earth. 8peaking of rains did you ever see uoh out of the ordinary rains in Ne braska as wo are having at the present time? Toe violent thunder storms with the four Inch rain has been en tirely missing this year and iu its place has come those gently east rains which penetrate the soil aud do Dot run away. Every morning the gentle drops fall making crops and grass the greatest ever. All of the Webster ceuuty crops alreudy harvested are far above tho nvorage nnd corn will uu questionable be the largest in tho his tory of the eouuty. The NEW Feed Store Thejjlner Bros Go. Dry Goods Women's Wear Carpets Rugs Lace Curtains Shoes Groceries Notions I 4 We Invite Your Careful attention to our stock when in the market for any- thingintheFurniture,Car pets or Rug line .... Lady in attendance in our Undertaking Dept. ALL THE PHONKB ED. ANACK VAvAvAvAWA v Aa THE HOME GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. We Carry a Complete Line o! Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE . If It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain "A. b. c. With Gov. Morehend in the execu tive office everybody who ealU will be treated couiteoasly, irlveii n warm haad and a kindly welcome. There will be "no cuihlug ami raving, no snubbing or snobbery, no bombast or Kraud stand. Mr. Morcheud isa plain, practical iiiuu, unable, geuarous nnd kind, much the opposite of his oppon ent, Aldrich, In mowt of the ehuntcUr Hjtles that make up a first class man. When elscted governor Mr. Moreliead will-not be Mulcted with the swell head but will be the same earaobt, plain, approachable man he is now, be fore electien. la not Hilt the klud ef a man you want for governor? Lin cela Herald. m Tery few of us renlizu thM the state of Keernslta i rapidly bwcomliig u fruit statu. Nebraska produous uioie apple tlnm all tho const states uoiu blued. As far baelc ns 187G Nebraska KppUt took the (JoIm medal at tkt cuu teniul exposition. Shortly nftorwurds they captured tho prize at Kew Or leans, Our apples aru iu duuinud for tile roason that they keep better and loaser thaa do tjie apples froai Wash iugten, aregeu . er Colorado. TMs year's apple crop is estimated at tew millieu dollars and tl)o crop has not been less than live mlMlou dollars fer the pusl tweuty years. Taking all trtfit together the Nebraska erop will average f ftecu million' dollars. So we Where Is He At? Representative Gardner of Massa chusetts, said iu the house, Thursday, of Roosevelt and his platform, "He be lieves in the Sherman anti-trust law and In the recognition of trusts. He is riding two horses CoIdr in opposite directions." "Have you read the colonel's speech?" asked Mr. Lafferty. f j. "Yes and it is entirely different from the views he expressed in No vember. He does not make himself clear on anything. He is not clear on Immigrations, the tariff, or anythiug else." The grcot "reformer," the self ap pointed savior of the world doesn't know where he is ut. I'retty much fnkir, doiungogue and crook. Lincoln Herald. People Hill Talk Vou nisy got through tha orld, but 'twill lie ery alow, I f you UMeu to nil Hint la mlil ah you ro; Tou'll 1j wornlnl una" (rittvuaml kpt In a nieT for iMCiUHraeaie tengsix muit liara heme- thlngtadt. ' AadiuplH will talk, It quiet nstl moaewt, yos'll have It iiremmiad Tlmt your httiualo patltlon Uonly ntnuintil Vou're a w ol I Iu xliLt's alothliiK, or else you're n fool; Wuliloa'lgtt axeltwl-kcep perfectly cool Tor peoaUo will talk. And then If yoa thow tha Unit lieldnesH ol ert, Or a Kllght luclliifttliin to tnko yourown part, They will call an mi Mptrurt, aoitcIUd and alu; nut ftceiiitrnlghta)uaa-l(ui't Mop to ex pints, P'arpeoalo will talk. t Now, tha beat ay to dn U to do as you pleate, far yaur ailnil, If you ha o os, will then ha nt eu.e; O. vari.i, ou will meet with all aorta of ala.t) Rnt iAiit think to txp tlicn-u Uof ao uae, for peaplo will talk, -Tho 1.1111c Traveler. CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 - j- Independent Phone 44 vyycAAAKvyxv Believe Me, You Will Have the Time of Your Life atBlueHill, Neb. on Aug. 22-23-24 Digestive Powers of Ineeots. Somo msec.ts digest their foed flrqt aid eat it afterward. Tbey mre so bsHt bb to be nblo .to' take only liquid food 'and tboy Inject a dlRestlve' tluld Into their prey and tnvs. gradually (Ms. solve It, sucking In 'tie liquid so formed until nothing remains but oe dry skin. (w . - OC.BO!KeWf!SgKvR $1500 IN FREE ATTRACTIONS Happy Hooligan, Gloomy Gus and their auto ii amusing stunts. Acrobats, Jugglers, Wire Walker, Comedy Negro MiKstrek, the best in the country. Vaudeville Artists that will please you. Two fuiny Rubes, the fuuitet ever. Parades, Water Fights, Sports, Faratrs Parade, Music by Blu Hill Band, Merry-Gt-Rtind. Somothing doing all the time. X The Miner Bros Co A M, I . m -- - V r . j mifrnrv r mart tn Tfari V 't ! W.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.- Buy Hot Weather 1 yr- J J "a " """ , "" a ' a ' a a ' ' Garments ! i a ' ' ! ' ' ' 1 At Cool Weather I Prices ! ' a !i Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. 5 . S : , "rag.-'dgafea, Zy i W.V.V.V."AVV.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.W.V.W.W-'.V PLEASE Remember tkat our job depart ment has no equal in Webster County when it comes lo taming ' out high-class work. Try us. ' THE CHIEF OFFICE A $ x y Z V A ik1 .1w.iMi. iffi .i...i - - -! mi nam mmiiumaumtmmmnmmmtmmtimmmitamataaaa flai