Wfl f I ! I I' I'Im. L fe 'w L1 h I (vVf1 i' '' ) I. K ff & to; R RS L"i- to The Red Cloud Chief Roi Clout', Nebraska. PUBLISH'. D l.VHO 'JIIVFFJ'AY Knli-rcit In the I'oMollW'u nt Itctl ( loud. Noli., i as Ku-oiul Claim Mutter. 0 II. UALH I'ntl.ialllin ritlJ ONLY UI'MOCKATIU TAPillt IN WKIRJTLU COUNTY Nut till! lollbt lllllllhlllg- spectacle 111 tills remarkable eainpnlnn Is thtil win rliitf republicans explaining just wlmt Imind of republicanism they wear Lull Moose, Htcam Hollor or Stuck Ticker Among the prominent "pio- gresslve" leaders are some ol tlio men who were the must expert machine operators under tliu old onlurof things. The governor lias tlio appointment, either in pet&oti or by proy, of about 00 servants of tliu stnto. Governor Aldtlch Is asking each one of them for .13 to assist in his campaign. ' 1 times 800 is 82,110. This, added to a IGo.OOO constitutional pie fund makes a sizeable campaign fund or S'il!,100. but even that is uot enough to cause tlio people to overlook the- uiibusiucss .record of tlio Aldrlcli udutinistrHtion. Tim Nebraska State t'ulr, Sept. 2-d, would not eep riq(Hf rJtlK.'ut the great Mbcrati Military Dun 1 and jUraud Opera Concert Company In ;z'i dally coUcerls. Tills band is without doubt tbe peer of any like organiza tion In tbe United States and music "lovers look forward with delight to the rendition of favorite nuts from II Trovotore, Lucia, Cavallerlu, Kustiuun. n, Klgoletto, Faust, Carmen and other popular operas. k TrltMlAcmt Street Locust Street is the eastern street of tbe city. It is one of tbe oldest in Its buildings, and, iu some features, the worst street iu the eity. Iu other matters it is one of the best. Its trees aro tbe largest ami with care could be made the most handsome, its ilowcrs arrive at perfection earlier In the season than oil I lie other streets, but they are not given such careful tillage. Its fruit trees, where talou care of, are the largest and finest. At the uorth end of the street Is the residence of Mr. Stauser. Were all tbe residents as enterprising as this geutlenau the street" woukLbe a fsuc.-' cession of del Mils. Mr. and Mis. Bt miser incline to tare and exception al plants, such as lemons, oranges, 5 .,;, t andJIgs, but tbvjnlo .not neglect tbe " ' more common, llowein. Mis. Warn n is tbe only one who gives much room and attention to lawn purposes, and tier coiner is a pleasant change from the rather puteli work character of the street. At Len Ailf's place we noticed a fine silver maple whloh would be an ornament to any luwu u lie blutu. In this neigh bpihood, also, there are two uingulfl ?cl( iipptC ,,eeh V'l'Mi "ill vt-piiy any. "' 6eIor ; exercise of a little walk. Kigbtb Avenue, bordered on tbe iioitb by tbe famous canal, strikes us as offering exceptional opportunities for beautiful development, lietueen tbu residences of Mr. McAitbur and Mrs. Walters tbe tiees are so large and exuberaut in their foliage, that they completely over arch the street. At present, the street is too high in the center or too narrow. If the lot own era would avail themselves of thejpriv- ilege to widen the sheet tour feet 'on each side and bolder it with a high teiruee, well clothed with grass on tliu slope, ibis could bo readily made the most attractive bit of avenue in the city. In fact, it seemed to us that tbe city ould do well to condemn tho block south of McArlliur's for puik purposes. While it Is not so central as might be dolled, tlio trees aie al ready there, and, with the stream at the rear and the ease with which grass and (lowers can be giowu iu that local ity, a beautiful pnrk could be obtained iu it very little while at less labor ,aud cost than auywlmre else iu the city. '- Locust strict shows lss regard for tbe appearance of the street as'a whole than auy street of tliu city. ICach iu (MykUwl lot owner vumv!tlV! his lot Without any regard for the gcuefal effect, or any effort to hurnionire with tlio oilier lot. Fotttto patches about upon tbe sidewalks. Old fences of vcry description, bushes and uutrim sled trees stop tbe view lu every di rection. Theie U no apparent thought on the part of any one to give up any tblng or do anything for tlio general attractiveness of tlio neighborhood. E-teh lesldcnt lives largely to himself, ao far as tbe cultivation of his premises Is concerned. This street contains tluco houses nearly as old as tlioChief. The John Weesuer residence, nt the head of the stroot, JJwrs built by Samuel Oarber late in 18711, ami there was a bouse where Mr, McArthur lives built by Ira Sleeper in veiy early times. Mr, Sleeper had a beautiful box elder grove iu this part of the town, and he set Otlt the older trees on I In i-u-i .l'! of the stieot. The Mi. Wuircii ic-m-deuce was nrictcri by Ilev. .Maxwell, the (lit Con.nm;alluiiiil minister, ill 18TI, who planted tin' :o' ton wood lives now suirotiiidlun the i-raldeuoo in the following jear. The boue In which .la j 1'opo lives may have rrplneed u lo )nnie tliul stooil on lis iteln l87.'I. These are tlio homes on Hint stn'ot when the (.rnhlioppeiH niado their visit in 1 S7 1 mid Mopped Iho jjiowth of II io town. Bcqiiuts for lite Red Cloud Bant). Tliu Chlof hut received all kinds of pralsowoithy comment on our excell cut band from nil sources and from musicians who know good music when tlic.v bear It, ami lu illl fairness to tlio baud with dim ncrsomil nilile for rsolnaskaV best musical organization, wo take pleasure in publishing the following letters received last week from parties whose judgement is abso lutely beyond question. Ned Cloud, Neb., July SI, 1012. Mu. C D. Ham:, llEIt:t.Ot!ll N'kiiii. Di.'Ansiiit: I take great pleasure in c.s'picsslug my admiration for the Hud Cloud Hand, it is liv far the best band, outside of a professional organ ization, that we have heard this hfiisnn. and shows a masterly training. I was veiy much ple.ised wllli their interpretation of my composition Trl"'IWi lted Cloiui should be proud of such a baud. Yours truly U. K. lloi.MEs A pullo CoNi'i'tir Co Mn. C. II, llAt.Ji Hen li.oun, Neiir. I)i:.itSiit: A few words I wish to say regarding the Hed Cloud Concert Baud. I have been in the music business for tlrteeu yeais and iluriiig that time I have beard most all tliu bauds in this state and others, of which I was em ployed iu the same line, and with all duo credit and repect toother organ izations, such as I am speaking I wish to say to the best1 of my belief that Hed Cloud has the best band in the stutu of Nebraska. I am not altogether basing my opln-, ion on what few concerts I have heard them give, but when such musicians as belongs to the Apollo Quartet pius their opinion by saying that It Is the they have been allillated with on the Chautauqua cotiric makes mo be le"iuore sTroiigly that my statement Is true. I'rof. lletz Is to be congratulated on his sploudid efforts iu securing such excellent talent us now compose his ImnJ. Tho businessmen must have credit forseeingthis proposition to advertise their town properly. Ami in my travels over the state 1 hear Hed Cloud spoken of, as having a crack band. What fcneuJtg better for u town than this? Xulhmg. .1. A. F.WIIKIKLD, With Uttstou Music Co , Hasting, Neb. Baptist Church NtHws, The baptist church wishes to an nounce that there will be services Sabbath morning and eveulng thro tie hot weather. If your pastor away on bis vacation jouurc cordially invited to worship with' us. Tbe subject for uext Sabbath morning with be "The significance of the clothing." Subject for the even ing "lloobtlng or Kicking" Sunday School at lu a m. To all of these services there is a welcome W. b Cole, pastor. all 6ameMereUsTweek The luuvale base ball team played three gamos of ball here last week winning two and loosing one. Thurs day they were defeated by Cowles, score 8 to 7. Uatteiles: Cowles llcuiiett and Gregory; Inavale Sutton and Palmer Fiiilay, luuvale defeated Ouide Hock by a score ut U to .'1. Uittteiies: luu vale Coulsoiiund Palmer; tliiidu Hock M asters, Marsh and Worley. Saluidav, luavalu defeated Cowles by a score of 7 to ! iu 11 innings. Bat teries: Inavale Masteis and Palmer; Cowles-Sutton and Gregory. Inavale will play several games here next week and will undoubtedly draw lufge crowds, Inavale has tl good bull team ami wo like to see them use our local grounds a it gives us nil something to see. Stttl akli Rccffd Clareuce (Lefty) Mitchell is stll making records ut Providence both as a pitcher and utility llelder. Ills batt ing average up to July 22nd is; (lames .. . h. H. II. Average ill "2 4 17 aid. purccut 2 bae hits Mitchell 3, U baso hits Mitchell 1, Home run, Mitchell. Fielding aveiage: 0. I'.O. A. K. Avoraiiu to 8 13 a 1HI2. pcrcwit Pitching record: Won Ltt I'ercent 8 o mn. The Providence .loumul gives Mitch ell a great boost as loullug the pitch en an I also as he Is one of tliu most popular of the Providence player. 11m . 0. D. Feed .Store We cany a lull lino of I Veil, liny, Klour, oils and G.i. Try our MucIiImu oil on jouinnwrr A pi(seul wo have omi chole( Cane and Millet seed, ootnu In and con- tract a I. at jnu need before its i lie. !'. li. iih.m:itsoN. V Will . Cnjltlr.r The Tailor and Piench Dry Cleaner, itpslalrovof Burden's grocery. Moon block. Best. Liiuudry service in the city. lloth phones. Go to Henderson's for cnni seed. We just got Iu mi extra choice lot to k'o at SI. 10 per bushel. I' K Hi:Ni)i:n.n.v. V,'"vNV,' Tbe HEW We handle only the C and Feed ol all kinds. my piace is respectlully requested Both Phones, Opposite P. 0. .mJ'msftmfS AvvyvyvvsvvNsNy C-vT'W'Vvh We Invite Your Careful attention to our stock when in the market for any- t h in gin the Furniture, Car pets or Rug line Lady in attendance in our Undertaking Dept. ALL THK D.!ANACK S THE HOME V V P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. ,7s(i- We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain t A. B. , CANNED Bell Phone 201 SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS GO SOMEWHERE tO THtC KABT. Hxoiii.ilon rates to New York unci Uontuu, via all routes .iliM o'ip-way, rut unhu ainther. A nnut attiunlivo tour of the Hast may In- niatle at iIiumi lutes. TO THKPAGIFIG COABT. Low exclusion rates uvory days .still lower intu tours on -pu.lal l itehj tilt grCati'st ratlmml journey In tlio world and at very low rales YKLLOWBTONK PARK. Special iato for any kind or tour desired; o in via Cody, tliu Kcunlo entrance, coim out via Gardiner; ihm son ally oon duetnl (.Mimplnv tours; tlio Wylle camp tours. Ask ajjent ror Park liter at u io. MOUNTAIN TOUtiB. Ask njjent for liaudliook of Coloiado ronoits Loolc up Hoi Sprinus, S. I)., anil ask Tor llluuk Hills booklet, You tuiglit like tin Hljr Horn Mountains at the Sheridan and llttnohester resorts; ask for lealtot. (lot iu tuuuli with us. AsU for rates and publlcatloiiB for any kind of a vacation tour. of I'criilftn tVil!. Notli'i'l lured) ittM'ii thai .1 pelltlou has tat'ii Hint I iy 1'iaiiK A.( ihiImiii In tin. l oaut) i;iiirtof WetmlCr i oiititv, NdifiiKn, piny- , imh tiuii mu in' ii uiiii'iii trn.'icM mi iireLiiii ii unit lllPil mriiiriinu lo lie a ropy of tliu will of Henry A. (Mdiltn. itirnihu.. laic of OrlcniiDi oiinly. Niw Ymk, ami u( the-pro- i I -iiiDiriiiistjiii i m ni iiiiu i inr iiii m (Jlhcrrttf duly (iniIiciiiU'iitcd ami prnMntt Illl Mrilil Inrfeniiiniil 1t tilliiii-i..! ! !!, in. I win aim u-iiametitils:ii(i deeeasiil, it ml tin copy llli-il hint reeonUilaiiit tin-will mlMiltlKl to iiiolmle lo have tlio aino furei- and uilioi as If orlyhally proved anil allowed In Oils i-iitirt. Wlu'reupoii f iti llxi-d ilic lOllt drtv of Auciitt luiirtt ten oi-lm-k a. iu. at wlili-li ilinn all ifTMiiiH lnteitnt shall appiar at Uio 1 County Cour In Kid fioud, Wclntei (iinnty, ' Nplirnika, and nltcnd Uio jiroluiu of mm will and show etittue If any exist, why Die , Fiihl liiKlriiiiirnt Hliunld uot Ih adtiilKid lo ' tllllldllL III i; tUMMl vu - imv I ii iiiaiu null in iiiii ii illivtll lur. It m further ordend that iiollri- l-elven hy tho publleatlnii of thU order for llirto weeks Nucecssh ply lu Ho IteiL Cliuul thti-t prior to said day of hearing. Hated July HI, IU I S. mi:.i A. I). HANNCY. ronniy Judge. f l. it. Kt.iinui:. Attorney for l'etltloucr. Feed Store Best Grades pf Flour. Your inanfictinn n? GEO. W. TRINE vysv v,Vyvvvsv PHONCB VvA. GROCERY S t - ? C. " GOODS Independent Phone 44 VrN kvkv . B. rot, Ticket Agent. LW. WAKKLCY, General fmfngar Agt., x''Xh:..:..:..:..:':--:'-:":' -.n t in Vfi. m. VM tivn . ss mmnm i 1! fMtW tj Good Women9 Wear Carpets Rugs Lace Curtains s X Shoes Groceries Notions 9 X The Miner X y A Mighty Safe $ X":xxX':xxxx Buy Hot Weathc ments At Cool Weather Prices Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. MWWWfA,ffJ'JWttffJWSffffJWVWffJJWWffrt PLEASE Remember thai our job depart ment has no eqifal in Webster County when it comers to turning out hiyh-class work. Try us. THE CHIEF OFFICE M ' " r ' rtKr -- i .-. t tVU t 'T 3 WO? m aiiw t- i -via rLiwtrnii,- HTf asQ t x Bros Co Place to Trade & A uy 9rS.W ft fa & A V w CiR- .... g'-H if.j.l.l.-Jw. ryy.T?''t?tV''iiw,yt,4 iiwawjMiitniftmii'jwoiW