$ I k The GREAT MOVE ON u ft g awarjeaBsnasTCTtwr.'.Tjrtawg stoawaHccruaiJMw DTJBKJKJEn armrra.T -ias tccycawxMKfciiJvwiyiaacaigtJiorgw Sacrificing all Summer Lines in Every t Department will Begin Friday, July 12 SA E ' ;. I If. r 1 t 'I " & fa" A Fifteen Days Clean-Up For Cash, with Unrivalled Bar gains, Will be Offered for Your Profitable Shopping. Nothing to Equal This Big Sale Ever Before Offered in Red Cloud JV1 t r;n Begins, Remember, Friday, the 12th Make This Store Your Headquarters During Chautauqua. This is Going to be a Genuine Clearing Sale of Summer Goods, and You will Find we have Lots of Bargains For You All Through the Store Closes Saturday Evening The 27th Highest Market Price Paid for Produce THE MINER BROTHERS CO. A Mighty Safe Place to Trade GENERAL MERCHANTS The Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERY 'J HURSDAY Knlirtil In tin- I'oMiink'o ill Kril ritual. Nil. an Swniul Cliit. Mutter. 0 II. HALE l'lIllt.lSllKll THE ONLY DKMUCItATIU I'Al'KK IN KHBTKH COUNTY According to the Chicago Tribune's report of the Foiuth of July fatalities, only twenty were killed on that day This is far below the previous year, when lifty-seven lives were lost by explosive. compelled to subtract anything from their fume. We realiz, of eourse, that nil men arc huinnn, that there aio spots oven 011 the sun; hut wc tlo not like to empliasi.e the frailties which nre the eoiumou lot of humanity, nor shall we take Wss pluasuru In the sun shine bcetusi; of tlio clouds Unit some times obscure it or the spots telescopic scrutiny may rt voal. the time of Lincoln Hut. the senator , things mid a durned sight more s.ttls fails to note the peculiar character of ' factory in the long run. this convention. President Tuft en- Ol course not every wheat Mold is joy-thu uniipte distinction of being turning out a bumper yield. Some ' 3j the nominee essentially of democratic! sect ions haven't got veiy good wheat " status and territories, mid had but a , Hut thenver.igo for the year is equal , small minoilty of thcivpublicau voteis , to average for the ton-year period, the represented in the convention, lie price Is (food and Mm ucicagu greatly J which had the machines of New York, lndl- Increased. Nebraska' i 11)12 whwatoi op -'ana, Connecticut and Michigan. Ilu Is going to put tllt.v mil inn- of dollars " j liad Hhode Island, Vtii'innut and N'".v into the pockets of NVhiu-ku runner-. ' J I rt.. - , m,. . , . ... t. ...lit .. . . .1 I. ...til . Asummaiyof the semi-unuiliU re- "ninpsnin '. iiuw -an-- nave in u win inn s a.v mere i n-rr. u wim poitsof stuteinstitiitlous, complied by1 votes ,llu elw'.oiul college. If he. -p.-nt wi'h Nebia U i u,urchuuts J. H. Preston of the governor'-- olllce, j could get them, which is liaidly to bo and we hope fiddly ftp Ncbia-kii made . shows that ft costs on an a veraco SliiO-M'Uted, that, would be the utmost of goods Aiiyhiw. w.'ve got n wheat to support u stnte ward six months. ''" strcngui, nic oiuir slates whose .crop. uu mw coin is moiling migiiiy j votes lie received In Mir conveutlon ' good, even II a olt late, liie gentle ji will give their electoral votes to tlio rains are coming and the corn outlook "J democrat-, except Wellington, which . i- us pleasing to tlio eye as a sweet-V is indignant over the fraud by which faced maiden of sixteen, in short, ij it was put Into the Tuft column alter, this i- going to be a mighty good year VV.V.V.V.-.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.VAV." Buy Hot iWeather Mrs. tidith Smith Davis, A. M Lilt D., whs one of the principal speakers at the Kentucky Educational Associa tion held in Louisville, June a.v::" The '28th she gave tin uddiess at a dis trict W. C. T. U. meeting. A reporter nays "there, was but one regret that the audience, which was delighted and instructed by her masterly di-couisp and uniinsweiable arguments, should not have uumbeied thousands. He Mire to hear Mrs. Duvl at Red Cloud Chiuitauipni, Tuesday tif lei noon, July 23d Thl- cost include maintenance only, and does nnt include the cost of Im provements r new buildings. Main tenance items include t-ulurlcs of of llcers, provisions .mil clothing for statu muds. The to ate 1,201 inmates in the. font teen Institutions supported by it had given its vote for Roosevelt. In Nebraska. .lust how good depends The Republican states of l'eiin-. u whole lot on you and the rest of us - i . . ... . .i ... . .. i .. . . i ... . the state Of the larger hutituti ms syivunia, Illinois, unio, .Mafsacliusetlf, e can inane u niaier ny Keeping where the Inmates tire ailulU. the Liu- Maine, .ew .Jersey, low.i, U Iseoiisln, Garments Failures for tin hist, week In the United Status totaled 'J;t7, as compared to 11)7 the corresponding week jmib year ago. Of these failures, III were in the wests i n states, as against 41 in the western states one year ago, show ing that the West mis particularly fortuiHte In the low nutnlferof fallnri s this year when compared with the rest of the country. Of the SM failures, 2IU were of concerns having a capital of ffi.OOO or less; l per cent of the total failures were concerns having caplhil of tr,i)nn or lens, inaldiig the liabilities in the failures of tlio past week very low, lower in fact than they were ono year ago, notwithstanding the fuet that the tot til number of fail ures showod au increase this year. eoln asylum Tor tlio Insane, which 1ms, Mis-otul, Minnesota, 000 inmates, makes th best showing Kans.is, Nebraska, Cull with a cost, of $8.1,72 for each inmato for six monUik. The Hasting-asylum, with 1,07(5 inmates, sliow an ureriigu of SlOIl'J'i, whllu the Norfolk asylum wilhjIS:! Inmates reports a I'ost of 81(1,12(1. The penitentiary prlsonoisis more Man the cost ol minutes oi the Lincoln asylum, being J0.8l per cap it a. f Tout Wood iow Wilson Is the best qualified candidate for piosidcut that the democratic party has put forward for the chief.execullvo olllce in ninny years uiuy not he generally accepted. But theic are some rcsprots In which It is dilllcult to llud his match. As a profound polltie.it scholur, It would be dilllcult to name his superior in mu ltistory. Webster, Franklin, and one or two others might be mentioned. In his private life ho Is Irreproachable As the chief executive oulcer of a gre.it institution of learning for a long period, as the governor of a stute which was at one time the symbol of governmental corruption but under his leadership now ranks witli Wis consin and Kansas for its advanced tlio Da'sotn-, fornia and Ore gon, in all ol which the people voted and expressed their oppo-iton to Taft, have 1120 votes in the uleutoial college. No icpubl'uMii cataliduto has been nominated hei'etofoie by an tiling lcs than a majority of the republican states. Allhnuifli the southern states and territories have been represented in foiiner conventions, they li.ive never before dictated the nomination against the will of the states which gave the republican votes mid majorities. A I though the southern states and terii torius have been represented on the national committee heretofore, they huvo never assumed to make up a tem- porary roll of delegates which should give them the control of the convent ion agahibt tlio will of the republican states. Every Republican vandidtito hethurto has come front the uutlonal convention backed by the Republican st'Ues. Mr. Taft u the only candidate who runs with out such au endorsement. clieurltil and boosting all the titue.ja ls,. Or wo can decriMsu its benollts whiniiiir and knocking Nature doing her share to make the state prosperous. It's up to us to do our share. Come on. Maupln's Weekly The Democratic Electois of Red Cloud 2nd ward will hold a caucus on Friday July l'.l at 8 p. in., at the Chief olllce, for the purpose of electing I') delegiles to thu county convention to be held at Dluu Hill, July ird, and transact any other business which may pioperly come befoie the caucus. C. 11. Ham:, Committeeman. At Cool Weather Prices progrcs'stvlsiii, as a nominee whose an entangling alliance, without ucoriupt lug solicitation, anil in defiance I eveiy utteuip'ed mode of iullucueo he, is exceptionally fortunate. It 1. 1..1 t iwli i ft llkll il ftllit ill 1 1 tflll(w .' ., 1 ,,, .,.,., i nomination was obtained without Ol iSOl limn iiuhu' " "'0 v..ni,o Weekly. We Iiuvj in mind just now the last issue of that paper, in which tbe distinguished editor gives hearty and eloquent commendation to Roo-c volt, Wilson mid lJrvan. That papei has not boon wanting in the past in discriminating praise of LiiKollette It is a pleasure to us to believe in the goodnebs and greatuess of our fore moat men. It is always a pain to feel We Told You So Notlct The Democratic Electors of Red Cloud 1st ward wlllijold a caucus on Friday July It) at 8 p. m., at Geo. Trlne'b store for the purpose of elect ing 13 delegates to the county convent ion to be held at lilue Hill, July :.'.'lrd, and transact any other business which may properly come before the caucus, Chuu. Uksi:, Committeeman. Notice The Democratic Electors of Ilatln P'ecinct will hold a caucus on Mon- We told you Nebraska was going to J day, July sand at 8 p. m., in school harvest a bntmur wheat crop. Wo luuse Dlst. No, SO, called Ilohemlan . kept right on telling you when u lot of school house, for the purpose of elect- the county conveni Itluc Hill, July S.1d faces on 'em long enough to ent nut of and transact hut other business which ''other people were croaking like frogs, lug 6 delegates to I so all-tlrcd pessimist io that they had Iju to be held at II a churn. We said so because we know the wouderfully recuperative powers Senator Ilrowu, In a recent com- of Nebraska soil. We maintained It niunication, announces his loyalty to because we keep In touch with Ne President Taft, and says that ho was braska conditions. Wekeptonsayinjr 'lomintited under the rules that have it because it is just as easy to say what has been said it's the best pro .ud'iin-u iiuiuiiiui isjihuiihuiis DiuvN uiicl'iiui 1111111 i v n iu piij (luuuuy grmu lien viioun nun vur iito may properly come before the caucus. Jas. Huiiatka, ComtnltteeDian. If you will carefully read the Char. tauqua program you will agree with Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. Our Special Sale will continue through July. S hidJI fM THK CQ75gs y -d W.'AVJ'AV.'AVVV.VV.VVA-A-VVVJVWWV