kft.MIViM mjmwm ? r " r . -a- fe "H- BIDS HIS SENSES iMan Lost Memory by Accident; Stroke Restores It. tPlttsburgher, Conscious of Identity Gone Seven Years, Recovers It Through Attack of Paralysis Remembers Old Friends. , Pittsburg, Pa. Changed by an ao oldent so greatly that ho could not recognize family or friends or recall leventa of the GO years of his llfo, Samuel Edleman has now, after seven lyears of the now mental existence, 'been switched back to the first by a paralytic stroke, and tho seven year period is as greatly a blank as had been his first CO years. He has resumed at flfty-soven tho trend of events as ho know them at fifty, and kcops his family busy telling him what manner of man he was dur ing tno intervening years. Kdleman was n blacksmith's helper, when a piece of steel flow from under a ham- mor and penetrated hl3 brain, destroy ing his memory. As many fovor pa tients are obliged to learn to walk lanow after leaving hospitals, Kdle man was compelled to learn to use Ills brain a second tlmo. Edleman after the accident did not recognlzo his wife, his half grown children or his friends. Ho know nothing of tho blacksmith trado and nothing of tho city In which he was born. Hut his mind was ensily trained a second time, and his physi cal efllcionc aided. He was set up in ft shoo repairing business, earned fair sums, became a motorman, and during the last census was one of tho enumerators. Ho made new friends, among them those who had known him before his injury, but ho could not place their identities except as part of his now existence. It was ab solutely impossible for him to realize that tho woman and children who served him so devotedly wore his wifo nnd children. Then came n slight stroko of paralysis. He was in bed only a few days. It was warm weather. Kdle man, who had been hurt seven years before in tho winter time, sat up sud denly nnd demanded to know what had caused the change from such cx tremo cold to tho benutltul spring day. "And, Mary, how fat you are," ho exclaimed. Mrs. Edlemnn hnd grown very stout during tho seven years. Then Edlemnn's oldest daughter camo in. She was a young woman nnd hu did not recognize hor at first. Soon friends of his blacksmith days camo in, summoned by Mrs. Edlemnn. and ho recognized them instantly, but SEEKS GRAVE DEED Oeath Near to Aged New Yorker He Requests Lot. Tells Court 8oa Was Victim of Maine Disaster and Gave Document to Fiancee Now He Wants It Back. New York. John Kelly, bent over a cane by tho snows of eigbty-sixo win ters, pleaded in the Gates Avenue Po lice court, Brooklyn, for a summons that ho might force his son's sweet heart to give him the deed to his grave, so that when death' arrives he will not be burled in the potters field. lie lives near Tlllary and Johnson streets. Numbers ho cannot remem ber. Ho had eleven sons, ho said, ten of whom "went to tho bod." ! In 1S69 he purchased a deed to a gravo in Holy Cross cemetery, and jroany years after gave It to John, Jr., EGG'S SKIN AS LEG PATCH Hole In Broken Bone Filled With AI numinous Tissue by Physicians May Heal. New York. The skin of an egg has been used by tho surgeons In the Baby lon (L. I.) hospital to' All up a hole eft in the broken leg of a man. By he use of the egg it is belloved that the injured limb will heal and, after a short time, bo as serviceable as over. A few dayB ago Babylon residents Were surprised by nn advertisement appearing In a local paper, stating that the Babylon hospital was in need or an egg roady for hatching. Inquiry as to the uso to which tho egg wns to too put rovealed a curtouB operation in reconstructive surgery porformod upon Patrick Padlan, a patient In the hospital. A tolephono polo fell on Padlan's leg. fracturing It. In healing, a small hole was left In tho bono. Tho skin oT tho egg was placed In the hole, and the development of tho cells formed lew bone tlssuo, which has complete; y filled the opening. Falling Window Hangs Boy. rimrinttestown. P. E. 1. Harry Arblng. an ll-ycnr-old boy. was killed hero bv a strango accident. Ho went to his school to light tho fire, and, not having a key, stood a Jjoard against tno siao 01 um uuim.,. and climbed to the winuow. u.o uuu.u 'slipped and tho window camo down on his neck, leaving him suspended there. A neighbor noticed the noy (tang ing from the window and hastened to his rescue, but found he was dead. QUEEN ALEXANDRIA OF DENMARK f I if m'z&UwMM ill MwSSwa i V.'vAKflWiSBBBBB?JMr',r v. t VM'WHsiU T I y'i Bfwlil l rh ' i ) ? mM?aM. i i - .yM'&&'&um n i wk MiH .mu -.em,--.- i .--:. i . v KM,yw i' i bbmf-sbsk. . bhhhhiiih I" .:.,!: vT&&9 i;. .'A 11 KUViililHHBTfe II W 1TH tho accession of King Christian andria becomes tho new niieen of Mecklenburg-Schwerln and hns been her man Inge to the crown prince In when a man with whom ho had worked for two years for the street railroad entered Edlomun did not know him. Edlemnn Inquired for his brother, nnd although he had attended tho brother's funeral threo years ngo ho refused to bcllevo thnt brothor wbb dead. Finally he began to wonder how ho had conducted himself dur- the eleventh and only good son, to keep for him. They lived together until 1897, he said, when the Spanish American war broke out and his son Joined the navy. He was assigned to tho battleship Maine and was on board when that vessel was blown up. John never came back. His name was among the missing. Perhaps his bones were among those brought homo for burial recently. Before John left home he gave tho deed and other family papers to his sweetheart, Miss Lizzie McShean, who, tho old man said, lives at Franklin and Myrtle avenues. Feel ing that he is getting too old to stand many winters such as tho one he has Just gone through, Kelly said he went to the girl and asked her to give him tho deed. "She told mo that if I did not keep away from bothering her about deeds and such things sho would throw Ship's Cat Refuses to Sail Reuben, a Monster Yellow Tom, De serts Vessel and Crew Is Superstitious. Bangor. Something new in sea su perstition la Just now engaging the attention of the Grand Banks fish ermen who sail from Bucksport and Bangor. The facts are plain as day, but whether they mean good luck or bad no one has as yet been able to decide. I The sum and substance of it all is that Reuben, the monster wblte-and-yellow tomcat of tho Bangor Grand Banker 'Lizzie Griffin has deserted mutinied, in fact. Ho was born of a seafaring mother on board tho schoon er four years ago, and has sailed on her every season slnco, Including her ring trips to Newfoundland. But this spring, after a visit at tho warehouse of tho vessel's ownors in Bangor, ho manifested n strong aversion to Jhe sea nnd declined to go to Bucksport to Join tho vessel. Captain Anderson had no idea of losing his pot and mascot, and so Reuben was put Into a covered market basket and taken to Bucksport a prisoner. Onco on board tho vossel, however, ho glared snvngoly about, nlow and aloft, and then mndo a flying leap to tho pier. Again and again waS Rou ben brought back on board, fifteen times In all, but every tlmo he man aged to escape nnd got back to the pier. Finally they put him in a box and fastened the cover securely, as thoy thought. Then tho schooner's stern lines were cast off and she swung out Into the stream, but the X. to tho throne of Denmark Alex thnt country. She wns a prlnccsB of very popular with tho Danes over Blnce 1SDS. Ing the seven years. His wlfo as sured him he had been upright and honest, and hnd made moro money than over before In his llfo. That phuso of tho second existence ap pealed to Edleman, and he conceived tho idea of undergoing nn operntlon in an endeavor to restoro himself to that condition, but physicians con vlnced him of its impossibility. scalding water on me," lamented the innn to tho clerk. He was given a summons and tot tered out of court to regain his grave. CHOPS OFF HER FINGERS 8tep-Father Malms Girl Who Supports Him Because She Intended to Wed. New York. Sslvator Sptno was con tent to let his step-daughter sit up nights over shirtwaists brought home from the B.rcatshop, so long as the money she earned with her nimble fin gers went to him. Recently she brought a young man homo with hor, and told him they were going to wed. The girl's fiance, who had picked a home for Antoin ette, told Splno that he had better get a Job, as in the future he would not live from a woman's earnings. "You'll never sew for a worthless husband," cried the enraged man, and he struck her hand with a hatchet, chopping off all her Angers. He is held without bail for felonious assault bow hawser was still out, and before it could be cast off Reuben managed in some mysterious way to get out of his prison box and In an instant was over the bows, treading the hawser like a tight rope performer and reaching the pier safely. So they had to let him go, and now he is back In Bangor, at the Jones fish house, where he spends the nights in chas ing wharf rats and gossiping with the dissipated Toms and Tabs of Broad street. Now, when rats desert a vessol, tho crew all want to quit, for that is a sign of bad luck. To bring a black cat on board is also bad luck. Tho question is, "What sort of luck fol lows desertion and mutiny by a whlto and yellow cat a regular sailor cat that can go aloft as quickly ns any mnn?" Fish Interests Sclentlsto. Berkeley, Cnl. Tho garplke, a pred atory flBh of the Mississippi valley, one of tho most remarkable creatures known to science for various reasons, has been discovered to possess anotV or element of tho unusual in a stranjo gland In tho head, which exists in iio other organism of tho animal king dom and which has no known uso. It Is something lIKo the vermiform nppendix In human beings. Not so much In structure Is this so, but In that it is apparently a vestige of evo lution. The garplke is one of the fow rem nants of a class of Ashes which were abundant in prehlstorlo ages. SCIENCE INVENTION MEASURE FEET CORRECTLY Device, Invented by Massachusetts Man, Equipped with Tape, Fits Closely Around Foot Custom-mado shoes nrop likely to bo moro comfortable through tho Inven tion of a Massachusetts man. Whoro forinorly tho cordwnlnor was obliged to rely largely on his own Judgment To Measure Feet. land on Ruch mrasurcmonts as ho 'could obtain with n rlght-anglo rulo land a tnpo measure, ho now has a device by which tho correct moasuro- 'nicnts of all Important parts of tho foot can bo ptocurcd In n fow nun- jutes. There is a hcol-plcco nnd solo of Hoft leather, tho former running !up woll above tho nnklc. Smnll tape (measures run through slots In both pieces of leather and wnen tne rooi 1b ndjustcd In tho device tho tapes nro drawn over nnd around It nnd tho neasuromonts noted. Tho advantage of this contrlvnnco is thnt instead of each measurement being taken sepa rately, nil are taken in proper rela tion to each other and when tho foot ds in the natural position It should occupy In tho bIioo. Tho result should lio that tho shoo Is moro comfortable. IS A PUZZLE TO SCIENTISTS Theory of Atomic Disintegration of Radium Suggests Large Number of Unanswered Problems. "Tho greatest of our scientists know llttlo about radium," remarked Prof. JH. D. Blacklo. of tho University of California. "Tno tneory or us atomic disintegration has suggested a largo number of problems, some of which re main unanswered. For Instance, there Js a mystery concerning the nature of the ultimate product or products of the atoms of tho two primary elements of radium uranium and thorium. There is some ground, but no positive proof that lead is the ultimate product jof one, but as to thorium there Is no solution. I "Even the origin of radium Is un known. We know that it is an ele ment of intense activity and of great rapidity of disintegration, resembling ;lts short-lived and active constituents. jThe period of the average life of radium is not accurately known, but It can not be more than a few thou sand years, some say 2,600 years. Thus la a few centuries all the radium In existence today will be gone. What there was of It in the world, say at the time of tho building of the Pyramids, must have largely vanished by this time through disintegration." Human Skull Elastic Fortunately the human skull, al though composed of bones, is elastic jmuch more so than one would think. The average male adult skull, In fact, Js so elastic that it may be com pressed lateraly In diameter by a blow or pressure applied at the center of area at right angles to tho surface at ithat point by li centimeters, or about six-tenths of an Inch, recovering Its original diameter and form without breaking. Diseases Cured by Cold Air. Diseases cured or improved by cold air are specified In American Medicine 'as malaria, tuberculosis, digestive dis turbances, yellow fever, tetanuB and iorgnnlc troubles affecting the blood 'pressure. Face Immersed In Water. To enable a person to koep his face immersed In wator for several mln jutes, as for facial massage, a Wash ington man has Invented a clip to close the nostrils and a rubber tube to 'admit air through tho mouth. Test for 8mokeless Powder. Ultra-violet rays from a qunrtz mor cury vapor lamp have been found to accolorato tho spontaneous decomposi tion of smokeless powders, and aro purposed as a test of tho stability of such powders. Many Languages Taught. French, German nnd English are taught in the schools of Holland, and pupils are required to pass an exam ination in those languages beforo grad uation. Highest Scientific Station. Tho highest scientific station In the world is on the summit of Mount Mlstl, an oxtlnct volcano in soutborn Peru. It is 19,000 feet above sea level. - ' III MAKE STUDY OF ATMOSPHERE Kites and Balloons Used to Lift Self Recording Instruments to Obtain Air Conditions. M. A. I.awronco llourh, at tho Ditto Hill observatory, nonr Uonton, In 1S94, wns tho first to employ kites, attached to ntool wires, to lift self-recording in struments and so obtain records of tho various conditions In tho ntmosphore. Slnco that year tlioy havo boon used extensively In this country, in Europe, nnd from the decks of steamships, fre quently ascending three and four mllod Into tho air, writes Paul Fostor in the American Itovlow of Rovlows. About the samo time the small bullous-sondes, or sounding balloons, woro porfectod In France, and began to be employed to carry Instruments far higher, some reaching tho extraordinary height of 15 miles. Thcso discoveries and Improved methods of rescaroh led to the organ lzatton of an international commission for scientific noronautisn, under the ai spices of which measurements are mndo simultaneously nt an Increasing number of stations throughout the world. Started 'as a privato enter prise the work Is now nn International undertaking, nnd balloons and! kites hnvo been employed monthly for some ) ears nt many stations In Europe, and within very recent years at one or two Btntlona In tho United States. ADVANTAGES OF NEW CLOCK Twenty-Four Hours on Dial Prevents Serious Mistake In Arranging Appointments by Wire. Beginning June 1 tho hours of the day will bo numborod from 1 to 24, from midnight to midnight, on all Present Clock. French railways and In tho postal and telegraph service Tho new arrangement is intended to roplnce tho awkward "a. m." and "p. m." designations. A partial teat; in tho telegraph sorvioo has given satis factory results. New tlmo tables for all the lines will bo printed and instead of 4 p. m., for instance, the simple number IS The New Idea. will be used, and Instead of 11 p. m the hour will be designated as 23, and so on. Postmarks will be similarly registered. NOTES OF .. SCIENCE AND NVENTI ir' London is the banking center of the world. Radium emits three streams of mi nute particles. Palmistry was practiced by the an cient Greeks. Cinnamon is a species of laurel that thrives in Ceylon. In point of instinct ants rank above all animals except man. The sand dunes of the Sahara dosert move about 60 feet each year. A chair in aeronautics has been es tablished at a Vienna college. Men of sclenco have not yet decided whether microbes are plants or .ani mals. English mortality figures indicate that farmers are the healthlost class of men except clergymen. For drying stockings a Now Yorker has patented a wire frame to stretch them, adjustable to any size. Asbestos recently was discovered in Sardinia in quantities that are ex pected to make mining profitable. Tho ntnount of starlight reaching tho earth is equal to that of three thousand stars of the first magnitude. More thau 1,100 women students are enrolled at Berlin university this yonr, of whom CO are from tho United States, Because it has more phosphoric acid in easily dlgostcd shapo than any other fruit, the apple is ono or the best brain foods. Tho queen of Bulgaria has a medical degree, and the young queen of Del glum is said to bo tho only oculist of royal blood in tho world. An attachment for a gas Jet that will cook almost anything as well as a gas rango would do it has been in vented by an Englishman, Ira o O Ml MNLOT i BED FUMES She Says That Burglars, on Fail ing to Intimidate Her, Started the Fire. QUENCHES THE BLAZE Victim of Outrage Had Been III and Was Lying In Bed Whflo Husband Wns Absent Intruders 8earched the Premises. Chicago. Bound hand nnd foot, gagged nnd loft to meet hor death on n blazing bed by robbers who had en tered her homo, Mrs. W. II. Starr of fiOOl Prnlrio nvcnuo saved her llfo by hor presence of mind. As the Itnmcs, which hnd been start ed by tho burglars, mounted higher she rolled over upon tho burning bed ding. Tho pressure of her body quenched tho (lames, but not until her hands had been sovorcly burned nnd her nightgown ignited. Sho was found, hysterical from fright and suf fering, by her husband, Dr. W. H, Sturr, upon his return from n call up on u patient half an hour after her harrowing oxpcrlcnco. Police of tho Fiftieth strcot police station sturtcd a search for two men who were described to them by Mrs. Starr. One of tho men resembled a mnn who had boon employed by a manufacturer of window ecrecnH to mensuro the window In tho Starr lint. He was short and stocky, while tho olhcr robber wbb 0 foot tall. Mrs. Starr had been ill and was ly ing in bed while her husband was ab sent. At 7:30 o'clock tho burglars en tered tho flat. First camo tho tall man, who got in through a window, seized Mrs. Starr, bound hor and gagged hor, nnd then admitted tho shorter robber. After tho second mnn had entered the two removed tho gag and do- Set Fire tenths led. tnanded that Mrs. Starr tell them whore she kept her money. They ac complished the demand with threats of torturing her, but in vain. She in sisted that she did not have any money of her own and that she did not know whore her husband's was kept. The Intruders then made a search, on their own account, replacing tho gag and leaving her helpless on the bed. They succeeded in finding a pocketbook which contained between $5 and $6 and jewelry valued at $100.' Then the men returned to the room in which Mrs. Starr was lying and re nowed their threats, but without suc cess in intimidating her. They finally abandoned their effort and left, one of them Betting fire to tho bed upon which Mrs. Starr lay as he went out. Mrs. Starr's successful struggle to quench tho flames and tho return of hor husband followed. Wants to Dress as Woman. Atlanta, Qa. From a prominent South Georgian, who lives in Waro county, Controller General William A. Wright has Just received a letter ex pressing a desire to wear woman's at tire, nnd asking permission to do so. "I havo vory much tho appoaranco of a woman, and when dressed as Bucb nnd wearing long hair I look a perfect figure of a female and would not be noticed as being a man. I wish to adopt this attire becauso it is moro suitable for mo than mayo nttlrc." "It's tho queerest letter I ever ro eelved," snld General Wright. Ho with holds the namo out of deference to tho man's family. Ujri j -IIS Tiny Fish Tie Up Steel Mills. Gary, Ind. Thousands of tiny fish drlvon by tho heavy sea on Lake ' Michigan choked the intnko pipes sup plying the steel mills with wnter the other day nnd forced the shut-down of three blast furnaces until tho water pipes could be cleared. When the . mains were opened they were packed . like sardines in a box with a wrig gling mass of fresh water herring. , Men with shovels were required to re move the fish before the blast fur ace could bn started again. t-i?- iri m m I. ii l.tl i1 '), 'I ii u l Ml HA t $-, . v - "ti -.,.,,, , A- .viwfJI J? fXk inJX.$lJ&Vt!kL - - ' --v